Scarlet Falls

Chapter 10 The tragedy of annihilation

Wei Wei didn't understand, why did this trainee team member, who had not been seen in the institute during the day, suddenly appear in the room he had just rented? And he came up with a gun. This girl also looks a bit strange. She is quite beautiful. The cloth and a few inconspicuous small jewelry on her body look valuable, but they look dirty.

It even smells like the auntie feeding pigs in a training camp?

How strange.

However, Wei Wei had doubts in his mind, but he didn't delay any longer. He picked up the phone and called Captain Ouyang.

The phone was connected and he briefly explained the situation.

On the other end of Captain Ouyang's phone, the sound of playing mahjong was ringing, mixed with a few vague curses:

"Whoever is the bastard is the bastard..."

"Eight tubes..."

"What a fool..."

"Hey, you just scolded..."

"Hey, that's right, I'm just a bastard who would rather win money..."


Feeling impressed by the quality of the captain's brand, Wei Wei knew that this was not a good time to disturb the leader, so he hurriedly spoke in the shortest possible tone.

Listening to Wei Wei's report, Captain Ouyang first said "hmm" and "hmm" several times, and then suddenly raised his voice: "Huh?"

Wei Wei continued his report and described the girl's condition.

Captain Ouyang suddenly became nervous: "What the hell?"




Finally, he said "I'll be there right away" and hung up the phone in a hurry.

"This leader is capable and really cares about his subordinates..."

Wei Wei sighed and hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, I carried this intern to the sofa to lie down, and continued to paint my own wall.

After a while, Wei Wei heard the sound of a sidecar scooting to an emergency stop downstairs, followed by the thumping sound of someone climbing up the stairs.

Captain Ouyang appeared at the door of Wei Wei's house with sweat all over his head. On his elegant and handsome face, there was a bright lipstick mark that he didn't know where he brought from. He first glanced nervously at Ye Feifei, who had fainted from fright, and said anxiously : "What's going on? What is this?"


Faced with this inquiry, Wei Wei was a little embarrassed. He pointed to the wall and said, "I am painting the wall."

"She suddenly broke in..."

"Then, before I had a chance to ask her what she did, she fainted..."



Captain Ouyang was obviously a little surprised by this answer, but after looking at the small house that was being painted and Wei Wei, who had a little paint on his face, he gradually understood the answer, and at the same time, a new thought arose in his heart. Confuse……

" like such bright colors?"

Captain Ouyang looked at the half-painted wall a little embarrassed and asked with a strange expression.


Wei Wei looked at the bright red paint, feeling a little proud and said, "How festive."

"It feels like home, doesn't it?"


Captain Ouyang's expression suddenly became a little strange.

This is a haunted house, and a murder that shocked the entire Scrap Iron City once occurred.

Because of its reputation as a sinister building, this small apartment building is still a sinister building that others dare not look at until now.

The former party involved in the case returned to Scrap Iron City and insisted on renting this apartment. Then on such a rainy night, with dim lights, he painted the walls of this apartment bit by bit. Bright and eye-catching blood red...

...Well, that makes sense.

Not only did Captain Ouyang feel it was reasonable, but so did Sister Lucky and the bearded Uncle Gun who came over quickly.

The two people checked Ye Feifei and made sure that she had just fainted from fright, and that the armed belt around her waist was buckled very firmly. Then they felt a little relieved and immediately arranged for someone to take her back to the shelter to rest and prepare to wait for her. Wake up and do some psychological counseling.

You're so young, you can't leave any sequelae.

"Is this the trainee team member you were talking about who was at the same time as me?"

Captain Ouyang was not in a hurry to leave, so Wei Wei stopped painting the wall, politely poured a glass of water for the leader, and sat down.

"Oh, it's different."

Captain Ouyang scratched his neck irritably and said, "You are from a serious training camp, and she..."

He didn't make it clear for a while, but Wei Wei could understand.

At a young age, he entered the mysterious foundation branch as an intern. He was specially equipped with a gun, but he was still so timid...

He knew enough not to inquire further.

Captain Ouyang, on the other hand, shook his head slightly, took out a pack of cigarettes and gave it to Wei Wei, and explained with a wry smile: "We are all our own, and we can't hide it from you. The origin of this little girl is not simple. You have to pay attention to it in the future. , don’t offend her..."

"After all, she is a young lady from the Ye family, a prestigious third-level consortium..."


"The daughter of a consortium?"

Wei Wei was suddenly surprised.

Countless large conglomerates and alliances have long appeared in this world. They are huge in size and compete for various forces and resources. Some countries are even under their control. The appointment and removal of the president is nothing more than the consortium behind the scenes. A word from the mastermind.

However, there is no distinction between them.

The consortium levels Captain Ouyang mentioned are actually divided within the foundation based on the amount of sponsorship they give.

Whoever sponsors more foundations will have a higher level.

The reason for the division...

... Wei Wei believes what the instructor once said, this is definitely not to provide special care at certain key points!

...and triggering consortiums to become involved and scramble for sponsorship!

In short, the third-level consortium is already an extremely high level within the city defense line, so it cannot help but be ignored.

In particular, these consortiums do not just sponsor the foundation headquarters.

It is also very friendly to the garrison teams in surrounding cities.

Of course, Wei Wei was not surprised by the girl's identity, but by:

Since she has such a special identity, it is still a secret. Why did the captain say it directly?

"It's better to be clear, so that you don't cause any trouble because of your youth and energy."

Captain Ouyang sighed, remembered something again, and quickly reminded Wei Wei: "But don't let it slip in front of her."

"Now in our institute, everyone pretends not to know her identity."


"Okay, I understand..."

Wei Wei smiled and nodded, following the good advice.

But Captain Ouyang suddenly looked up at him and said:

"Do you think we are flattering her and playing games with a little girl like her?"



Wei Wei hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question better.

Is not it?

As if he could see what Wei Wei was thinking, Captain Ouyang shook his head helplessly and said: "The little girl has a dream, and she can only live a good life. If she insists on coming, the research institute in this small place of ours is also in a difficult position. Now she is pretending. Tsukuru doesn't know her identity. If she wants to become a regular employee or investigate a major incident, I can clearly refuse. If she makes other requests, I can also pretend to ignore them."

"But once it's revealed, how can I refuse if she proposes anything in the future?"


Wei Wei couldn't help but be startled for a moment, and suddenly realized when he looked at the fox-like handsome middle-aged and elderly man in front of him.

"That makes sense..."

Then he became slightly interested and said with a smile: "But Captain, can such a young lady do the job?"

"You work hard."

Captain Ouyang looked in admiration and said seriously: "I will patrol the streets every day when the time comes."

"Do we still need to patrol the streets?"

"No need, but I have to arrange something for her to do to make it look official..."


"She is a good girl..."

Captain Ouyang praised: "I patrol the streets as I am told, and I must finish my patrol before I get off work."

"After get off work, I take the subway for two stops and then drive the sports car back to the villa to rest."

"I try to choose the cheapest lunch boxes when I eat, and live frugally and pretend to be poor, for fear that we will know her true identity..."


Wei Wei suddenly became curious: "Then how did you guess her identity?"

"On the first day she came to report, her father's secretary called me directly..."

Captain Ouyang said: "We are specifically told not to let her see that we are taking care of her, but to take good care of her..."


Wei Wei was speechless: "It's hard for you."

"No no……"

Captain Ouyang suddenly became interested, waved his hands and said: "Her father is very generous in sponsoring us. Our subsidies all depend on her..."

It turns out that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure...

Wei Wei was amazed in his heart, and a sighing smile appeared on his face.

When I came back, I knew that this small scrap metal city was very lively, but I didn't expect it to be more interesting than I imagined.

While Wei Wei was thinking about it, Captain Ouyang, who had revealed Miss Ye's identity, suddenly turned around and looked at Wei Wei. He smiled peacefully, but seemed to have a different meaning, and said: "However, this eldest lady usually wants to do something big, and she has turned over all the files in Scrap Iron City, so...she should have recognized you just now, right?"

Wei Wei nodded slightly and said, "It should be."

Captain Ouyang's pupils shrank, and he suddenly said: "So, are you really him?"

"Three years ago, the tragedy that destroyed the entire family..."

He paused slightly and looked firmly at Wei Wei's face: "...the murderer?"

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