Scarlet Falls

Chapter 122 After the Mission (4,000 words)

There is nothing more satisfying than a hot pot meal after a tiring mission.

If so, add a bottle of 52-degree Niubanshan.

The Scrap Iron City security team, which had just experienced a life-and-death crisis, were enjoying themselves under Brother Piggy's caring care.

When the empty stomach began to fill up, the nerves collapsed and the fatigue from the battles arose. Everyone looked a little tired. Captain Ouyang stood up at the right time and waved his hand: everyone went back to rest. Immediately, immediately.

Once again, I reiterate the principle of the Scrap Iron City Security Team: Never let work affect your health.

Especially the two interns must remember this.

The team members all agreed loudly, especially Wei Wei and Ye Feifei, who were extremely obedient.

But before going back, Captain Ouyang carefully asked Wei Wei if he needed a stabilizing injection.

In fact, after finishing the task, getting together to have a hot pot meal or holding a meeting immediately is all for observation.

After many people experience a strong confrontation, the demonic power will lose control to a certain extent.

Especially this time, among the people fighting, there were battle sisters from the Seventh Order of Priests, and even a war demon.

Uncle Gun, Sister Lucky, Brother Xiao Lin and others all used the stable injection directly this time.

Unlike last time, I would take the risk to observe and see if I could digest it on my own.

But what surprised Captain Ouyang was that Wei Wei actually didn't need stabilizing injections like last time. Moreover, after eating this hot pot, he found that he really had no problem at all and his appetite was very good. Piggy had prepared it. After boiling all kinds of meat and vegetables, he specially cooked a large pot of hand-breaded noodles for Wei Wei, with six poached eggs in it...

...ate them all.

Captain Ouyang couldn't help but sigh, the standard of food must be improved in the future!

Of course, he was not surprised by Wei Wei's abnormality. It was his responsibility as captain to observe it and see if there was no problem.

After all, this is someone that even the Blue Bird of Xingtian Team would directly invite...

Safety first.

Curiosity killed the cat, and Captain Ouyang was not curious at all.

In fact, Wei Wei has never quite understood, what is the use of injecting stabilizers?

I have long been accustomed to the active state of demonic power.

Of course, he got used to it because at the beginning, when he imitated others in the training camp and injected stabilizer, he found that the dosage of stabilizer needed was much larger than that of others. He had to apply for extra every time, so he simply didn't use it. That's it.

I haven't noticed any side effects, but I feel that my work and life are becoming more and more exciting.

Holding on to his sleepy eyes, he wanted to help Brother Piggy clean up the mess, but Brother Piggy stopped him and asked Wei Wei to go back and rest quickly.

Wei Wei stopped being polite and followed Ye Feifei out of the base.

After eating, he did feel tired, a deep tiredness.

This time, he did not have a strong desire in his heart after using the scarlet power like before, but this time the fatigue was stronger than ever before. It seemed that because of the continuous battles, his body had been Due to overloaded actions, even the "cell activity" experienced a process of being nearly exhausted, and then slowly growing new life energy.

The external reaction is that I am tired, very tired, especially after eating.

His car was damaged and was still lying there. Wei Wei didn't want to pick it up, so he took Ye Feifei's electric car back.

Along the way, it could be seen that Ye Feifei seemed to be a little worried and hesitated to speak.

But when she saw that Wei Wei seemed really tired and his head was resting on her back, she couldn't bear to ask.

He just rode the small electric bike quietly, letting Wei Wei rest his head on his back and take a nap.

After seeing Wei Wei downstairs, the two waved goodbye.

Watching Ye Feifei disappear into the night on his small electric car, Wei Wei also tried his best to wake up and subconsciously thought:

"Isn't there any danger?"


He immediately reacted and gave himself a mouthful.

Nowadays, the entire Scrap Iron City is still in extreme chaos. I don’t know how many people are homeless. The Scrap Iron City Security Office and the city patrol team also need to patrol all night, so the current Scrap Iron City looks like The most chaotic time is actually the safest time.

Besides, even if Ye Feifei does encounter some problems, he should be worried about those gangsters, right?

I wandered upstairs, but almost stepped on someone in the corridor.

Wei Wei was startled, and so was the other party.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that there were a few dusty people huddled in the corridor with sleepy eyes. After asking, I found out that it was because a large number of buildings in the center of the city had collapsed, and many of the buildings that had not collapsed had become dilapidated buildings. , which resulted in a large number of people becoming homeless. They were temporarily placed in this building by the administrative department, and they are still waiting for administrative personnel to come and allocate accommodation.

"This is a haunted house..."

Wei Wei thought to himself: Even the haunted house has become a hot commodity now...

It can be seen that what is more terrifying than living in a haunted house is being homeless...

After greeting these people with a smile, Wei Wei returned to his home and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lazy slumped on the sofa. After a while, he took off the head pendant tied to his waist and hung it on the hook at the door. Then he took the raincoat, sickle, and broken mask in his backpack, and Once it was placed, the bottle was opened and the ghost lady was released.

A gust of cold wind swirled, and the ghost lady appeared in the room, with a fierce expression and a scratching gesture.

But when I turned around and saw that I was back in this warm and comfortable home, I slowly regained my grace and dignity.

Like a hostess, slowly patrolling her territory.

Wei Wei let her patrol the room. He had already taken a shower and changed clothes in the base. At this time, he also skipped a lot of steps. He just took off the gun pouch on his waist and used it as a pillow. , retracted his legs, curled up on the sofa, glanced at the bright red wall and dim lights, sighed contentedly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The ghost lady saw that he refused to go to bed, and she suddenly became angry.

A gust of wind floated over, but when he saw Wei Wei curled up on the sofa, his movements suddenly became gentle again.

The eyes that didn't have much intelligence seemed to be a little confused.

After a while, she floated into the bedroom and began to stretch her neck hard to blow the quilt on the bed.

At the same time, in the east of the city, there was a manor where Wei Wei had attended the funeral.

Sensen walked alone into a room that was larger than other people's bedrooms, and took off his heavy armor piece by piece.

She was naked, took a shower with cold water, sat in front of a huge half-length mirror, and took out a professional emergency surgery box from the drawer. Inside, she could see needle-nose pliers, bent needles, and medical suture catgut. , gauze, bandages, etc.

Sensen turned half of his body and could see the bloody wounds on his white back.

War demons like to wear heavy armor so that no one can see their injuries and weaknesses.

She skillfully picked up the needle and thread and sutured the wounds on her body bit by bit without using anesthesia.

The severe pain and the feeling of loneliness that she was alone in such a large manor formed a torrent that hit her heart.

Sensen pursed his lips and stitched the wound neatly.

I just don’t know why, but my eyes that I tried to keep open seemed a little blurry.

She felt so hungry and wanted to eat a bowl of instant noodles with eggs.

But my grandfather has passed away, and now I am so tired that I don’t even have the strength to boil water.

She couldn't help but think of the new member of the security team, who still had the remnants of her grandfather's spiritual power.

A strong desire arose in my heart to find him.

Ye Feifei rode his small electric car straight back to the villa.

In fact, her villa is very close to the life sacrificial site that Wei Wei first discovered, but no one in the team knew about it.

She usually does a good job of keeping secrets. In the past, she parked her sports car near the subway station, took two subway stops and then drove the sports car back. Until now, no one in the team knew that she actually lived in In this villa area...

...Thinking of this, Ye Feifei couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Of course, now I am doing a better job of keeping secrets. This little electric car has opened up a new world for me.

Now she always parks her sports car in the garage and rides her electric bike between two blocks every day.

Dududu rode into the yard and locked the battery carefully.

The electric car is still brand new, but the battery has been replaced three times.

There was no one in the villa. After such a chaos, the nanny didn't know where she ran.

Ye Feifei entered the villa alone, turned on all the lights, and then went upstairs to change into pajamas. However, he lay on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. Whenever he was about to fall asleep, some sounds seemed to suddenly ring in his ears. It made her wake up again.

"What exactly has changed?"

Ye Feifei thought to himself.

You can feel something changing, but it's not so clear.

This change seems to have started when he returned to Scrap Iron City. Although his father did not say it clearly at that time, Ye Feifei also guessed that something terrible must be happening in Scrap Iron City. It can even be seen from his father's expression. To the faint fear.

But she still decided to come back, even though she knew that something dangerous was definitely happening in Scrap Iron City at this time.

She has been very unlucky since she was a child, and she usually avoids things.

This is the first time. I know that bad things are happening in Scrap Iron City, but I must come back.

She did this behavior naturally, but she seemed to have touched something somewhere...

Thinking silently in her heart, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

It seems that I am not in trouble...

Although after every bad incident, there would always be a few days where he would not be unlucky, but this time it seemed different.

This time, I have actually had no bad luck since I returned to Scrap Iron City... bad things have been happening around me, but they have not happened directly to me. It is as if my bad luck has unknowingly entered the world. to another level...

I tossed and turned, but finally couldn't fall asleep.

Ye Feifei suddenly opened the quilt, put on fluffy slippers, and walked into the bathroom.

Looking at the little beauty who had taken off her makeup in the mirror, she frowned and suddenly took aim with a gun.

"Hey, idiot..."

After completing this action, she smiled again.

Standing in the bathroom, I didn't know what I was doing in there.

After being confused for a long time, she subconsciously raised her hand and unscrewed the water pipe. It was coming anyway, so she should wash her hands before leaving.

But she didn't expect that when she unscrewed the water pipe, there was a whirring sound inside, but no water came out.

She subconsciously patted it twice, and suddenly a fierce flow of water rushed out of the water pipe. She found that the water pressure was too high, and hurriedly turned on the water faucet, but on the other side, water suddenly flowed out of the pipe, and she hurriedly took it. I put a towel to cover it, and there was a messy clicking sound above my head. The water pipe actually burst, and water spurted out from seven or eight gaps. It was like raining.

Ye Feifei was furious, covering up something here and missing something, and hurriedly ran out to get the phone to find someone to fix it, but the call couldn't be connected again.

With all the chaos in the city, where can you find a plumber?

So half an hour later, Ye Feifei could only sit in the flooded bathroom like a drowned rat.

The sound of running water all around formed a symphony, sounding like the laughter of a devil.

And she could only sit blankly in the bathroom, looking at her palms, thinking silently:

"I seem to know where the changes are..."


But the more serious problem is that the city is in such a mess now, who should we find to help repair it?

Once exposed, won't your personality be ruined?

In the base, Captain Ouyang sat at the door of the office smoking a cigar and watching Piggy clearing away the dishes in the yard.

"Thank you for your hard work, Piggy."

Captain Ouyang slowly exhaled a large puff of smoke and whispered to Piggy.

"team leader……"

Piggy trembled and said, "You don't blame me, do you?"

"Blame you?"

Captain Ouyang was startled for a moment before he laughed and said: "During the whole incident, you never left the Scrap Iron City. You looked at this and that, for fear that something would happen to everyone. I even knew that when the Cross of Destruction came, You are also trapped in the ivory tower, that is, you. It is impossible for anyone else to survive. But, you have to think more about yourself..."

"You can't take action again, otherwise, the consequences will be too serious..."


"I always feel that I feel sorry for you..."

Brother Hunter was silent for a while, then sat down with the half-washed bowl, a little dejected.

"Don't say that..."

Captain Ouyang whispered: "Our entire team owes you."

"team leader……"

Piggy hesitated for a long time before saying, "I know you've always wanted to hide like this."

"But, we are all targeted by the devil. You have always wanted to stay out of it and avoid all troubles."

"But will the devil agree?"

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