Scarlet Falls

Chapter 18 Friendly consultation

Yuan Guaizi's body was strong enough, his head was dazed for two or three seconds, and then he suddenly came to his senses.

He couldn't even believe that this happened, but his whole face was pressed against the wall, his body was locked tightly, he couldn't touch anything, he couldn't use any strength, and his shame and anger made his neck The veins on his body burst out, and he gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Son of a bitch, are you looking for death?"


"Why do you always say this in the first sentence?"

Wei Wei smiled, still pointing the gun at Yuan Guaizi's head.

She stretched out her hand and pulled his right arm, spinning him around in a circle while he was pressed against the wall, and then he fell heavily into the sofa.

Then the muzzle of the gun was placed at his forehead and he said with a smile: "I don't like to be long-winded. Just say whatever I ask you."

"I call you Uncle Sheng to save your face. Aren't you just a small-time information dealer?"


"Why would Ouyang send such a stupid young man like you here?"

Yuan Guaizi gritted his teeth.

I don't know whether it was because of the collision or because of anger, but blood was almost oozing out of his dark red eyes.

He stared at Wei Wei and said:

"You are cruel and fierce enough, but do you really think that I can be manipulated by you in such a threatening way?"

"Oh, you pointed the gun at my head, but do you know that as long as I shout, you and that girl will..."


Wei Wei frowned, and suddenly the gun pointed downwards at his still intact leg.

Hook trigger.


The blood exploded, bones and bones splashed in all directions along with blood, and Yuan Guaizi let out a muffled groan.

The reason for the groan was because Wei Wei covered his mouth in time.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Wei Wei looked directly at the extremely twisted muscles on Yuan Guaizi's face and his bloodshot eyes due to severe pain.

He kept staring like this until Yuan Guaizi got used to the intense pain caused by the sudden severe pain and could no longer control his screams. Then he slowly squatted down and turned to the man next to him who was still smoking. The bullet casings were picked up.

The bullet casing burned his fingers red almost instantly, but he seemed to be completely unaware. He gently waved it in front of Yuan Guaizi and said:

"Do you know this kind of bullet?"

"Demon hunting series special high-energy bullet model 1."

"A coagulant is added to the warhead, which can effectively restrain the ability of the demon infected body."

"Codenamed Green Goblin, we all call it Green Bean Fly."

"But as the cheapest bullet, the effect is actually average. What I value more is its other function."

"The privilege of killing!"

"If this kind of bullet appears at the murder scene, even the security department will not investigate it. It will only be transferred to our foundation."

"So, I am accompanying you in this play, not because I am afraid of those people outside, but because I am kind-hearted and don't want to kill them all in one go for such a trivial matter. Of course, if you don't cooperate, you have to It’s not impossible to kill them all…”


"But not before I go on a killing spree."

He moved the muzzle of the gun down, pointed at Yuan Guaizi's crotch, and said: "I want to ask you for some clues. In the apartment building on the side of Stinky Water Street in the west of the city, an infected person of the Death Demon appeared. Junior, infected It shouldn’t be long, have you heard?”


Yuan Guaizi's heart, which was almost in chaos, once again felt inexplicable horror, but suddenly he woke up.

He felt the still-hot barrel pointing at an important position on him.

But now, his originally fine leg was exuding severe pain that almost made him dizzy. This made him almost crazy. He was even afraid of whether this leg would be like the other leg. The same end, but this extremely strong fear and anger, but when he realized that the other party was pointing his second shot, he was forced to wake up by the stronger fear.

He couldn't imagine why Ouyang suddenly had such a crazy guy under his command.

But looking at the smile on the face of the guy in front of him, he found that when this person spoke, he seemed to be very...sincere!

It is an intuition, an intuition of walking in the world of demons.

He noticed a certain temperament in Wei Wei.

In this world, there are all kinds of people and all kinds of unexpected competitions.

But often, whoever is crazier wins.

Now Yuan Guaizi's heart was suddenly captured by the cold and crazy aura on the other party's body.

He is still not sure whether the guy in front of him is serious when he says he will kill everyone, and he is not sure whether he really has such strong confidence or is bluffing, but he can see from this guy's bright smile and his absolute calmness. The eyes can confirm:

At least he doesn't care if he kills himself or shoots himself in the crotch.

"That's what I..."

Yuan Guaizi took a few deep breaths and suddenly spoke.


But Wei Wei suddenly interrupted him with a smile, and then pinched his thumb on a vein at the back of his neck.

The smile on his face became gentler and he said, "Say it!"

Yuan Guaizi's words were suddenly blocked in his throat as he was about to speak out.

Having been in the circle for so long, he is not the most powerful, let alone the most mysterious, but his knowledge has always been profound.

Wei Wei just made such a simple action and said nothing.

But he was reminded of a secret polygraph technique, a little interrogation technique that only certain professionals learn.

This silently dispelled a lie he had just been holding in his heart.

Breathing heavily, he whispered: "I have never heard of this person you are talking about..."

"As far as I know, there is only one thing related to the God of Death recently, or that is suspected to be related."


Wei Wei smiled and said, "Tell me."

Yuan Guaizi frowned and said, "If you are really Ouyang's subordinate, how come you don't know about this?"

Wei Wei's face was gentle and patient, but his fingers moved to the trigger a little disobediently.

Yuan Guaizi glanced at Wei Wei's finger that moved to the trigger.

Seeing that finger seeming to be contracting intentionally or unintentionally, his breathing seemed a little heavier.

But he tried his best to control his emotions and said: "I said."

"Someone stole a body."

"The person who was stolen was the daughter of an official from the Executive Office and Finance Department who passed away not long ago."

"It was the perfect age. She had just graduated from college and was said to be engaged. However, on the way back from trying on a wedding dress, she died unexpectedly. Her family was very sad. In order to fulfill her dying wish, they made an exception and let her wear the dress she chose personally. The wedding dress was buried.”


Yuan Guaizi took a few breaths and added, "It's just that no one expected that the body would be stolen shortly after it was buried."

"The grave goods and jewelry in the tomb were completely untouched, only the body was stolen."

"This incident was reported by several media outlets and attracted the attention of many people, including you."

"Because there are not that many organizations and sects that need fresh corpses, and this is the only one that was stolen, some people suspect that this is related to something in the death sect. If in normal times, there is only such a corpse, maybe It won’t attract your attention at all, but because of the special identity of the deceased, I think your people have started investigating this matter now..."


"Stolen bodies?"

Wei Wei frowned, thinking of what Sister Lucky was busy with now.

I heard at the previous dinner party that she was busy with an incident that needed to be investigated, but she was not sure whether it was really related to demonic power. As a result, the idle scrap iron city did not have enough manpower, so it was her turn. Take action with Ye Feifei.

Could it be this one?

It's just that one is the daughter of an official and the other is a mine worker.

A dead body, a stolen baby...

The two don't seem to have much to do with each other...

Yuan Guaizi looked at Wei Wei's eyes and said immediately, "That's all I know."

"I don't know if there is any relationship between the two."

"I can only tell you that I haven't preached for a long time, I haven't contacted former members of the sect, and I haven't prayed in secret. I haven't even heard the whispers of God in my sleep for a long time. I just want to live my life as an ordinary person. Live your life well..."


"Is it?"

After hearing what Yuan Guaizi said, Wei Wei showed an understanding smile on his face.

Then the muzzle of the gun, still emitting residual heat, was directly inserted into Yuan Guaizi's wound, and he said gently: "Think again!"

"Uncle Yuan..."


Wei Wei's laughter was gentle and his screams were friendly, but in Yuan Guaizi's ears it was more terrifying than the devil's murmurs.

He was already sweating profusely in pain, and he gritted his teeth to prevent his voice from trembling.

But the smell of the gun that had just been fired in the wound still made his body tremble uncontrollably:

"I really don't know any more clues..."

"Think again……"


"Actually, you shouldn't look for me. I have left the church, but in this world, there are many people who worship surreal power. Scrap Iron City heard that a new group of death worshipers have been born. I heard that they The name seems to be: "

"Black...Black Goat Family."

"But I have never seen them. They rarely interact with us old people, and no one has seen their true faces."

"So, I'm not sure whether they are true believers or just a bunch of idiots who don't know what the heavens and the earth are."


Wei Wei wrote down the name, looked at Yuan Guaizi with a smile, and said with a smile: "That's it?"

"There really aren't any more."

"Think again……"

As Wei Wei spoke, he moved the muzzle of his gun twice.

Yuan Guaizi snorted, veins appeared on his neck, and he gritted his teeth slightly:

"I really haven't dealt with them, but I know that they recently passed through several connections and bought a jar of formalin liquid from the black market and sent it to the farm in the east of the city. I... I can Tell you the name of this farm..."

"Think again..."

"...It's really gone. You won't torture me anymore."

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