Scarlet Falls

Chapter 217 The Wrath of the Lamb

This rustling and turbulent village is becoming chaotic due to Wei Wei's approach.

When Wei Wei came in before, there were some weird shadows that tried to get close to him, but they all gave in. Only a few brats had the courage to hit him, and then they were hit in the same way and cried, cowering. Shrink and never dare to show your head again.

But at this time, Wei Wei took the initiative to come to the door.

He kicked open a door with a bang and saw a trembling woman inside, half of her body hanging on vines.

Smile, then shoot.


With this gunshot, the woman's body was exploded.

Invisible blood was scattered all over the ground, and miserable screams instantly spread throughout the village, even outside the village.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

Wei Wei kept shooting bullets with a smile on his face.

He felt real pleasure in this not-so-real world.

The fool is indeed a fool, but he also has his own understanding of this village.

As the weakest person in the village, he can often feel fear in the village:

For example, those men who are silent and fierce, and possess absolute power in this village, only need to look at them from a distance to scare fools, and they can only dare to hide where they can't see them, waiting for them. Walk through and come out again.

For example, women who are sometimes gentle and sometimes fierce.

Sometimes they take something from themselves and then say nice words, making the fool full of expectations.

But when the anticipation was about to arrive, a fierce face suddenly changed.

For example, those children who sometimes play with themselves and sometimes tease them.

For example, the scary vicious dog...

Wei Wei is the person in the village who can understand the fool best, so at this time, he decided to take a breath for the fool.

Of course, he didn't care what impact this would have.

And when Wei Wei shot at the first monster, there was already a certain will that couldn't bear it.

It was supposed to watch this experiment proceed without anyone interfering, but at this time, it was worried about being completely destroyed.

So, he put mysterious instructions into the minds of these people.

Those people outside, who had been affected by the rich sacrifices and powerful power, and were about to lose their minds, finally reacted, looked up from the countless desperate souls, and looked into the village, where they were greeting everyone with guns. guy.

Mysterious instructions whispered in everyone's ears:

"Kill him, kill him, kill him..."



"here we go."

It seems that not far from this place, an old man wearing a red hat is sitting at the desk.

A red-covered book was spread out in front of him, seemingly ready to be read.

"Will it succeed?"

A voice asked softly, coming from an old phone.


The old man wearing a little red hat smiled and said softly: "Noah has been carrying out the mission given to him by scarlet, bringing desperate souls from reality around the world. Over the years, he has accumulated too much despair. This is a power that it cannot bear, but it is also greedy. It hopes to turn all power into something that it can control..."

"So, it finally couldn't help but want to choose an agent, or in other words, a puppet."

"It selects its own people from different demonic systems and tries to find ways to control the scarlet power from them."


Today, he is not in the competition field, but he seems to know everything that happens in the competition field: "Those extraordinary people who have been carefully selected by Noah and belong to different systems, some are born in spiritual barriers, and some are born in spiritual barriers. They were born in the wilderness, their systems are different, their situations are different, their knowledge and experience are different, and their control and understanding of scarlet are of course also different..."

"Noah believes that one of them will make the most correct interpretation."

"And the person who can control the scarlet power most effectively is of course Noah's agent and its answer."

“Noah gave not a gift, but a question.”

"When Noah finds a way to control these things, it will immediately become a true superior totem..."

"...or, in other words, a higher level of existence."


"The shadow in the village is..."

The person on the old phone seemed to be deeply puzzled: "They were almost killed by that crazy guy..."

"He can't kill them all."

The old man wearing a red hat smiled: "Because those are just a few concepts."

"A village is a world."

"Especially when it was completely tainted by the power of Noah, these concepts were reinforced and materialized."

"He has the power to suppress and dominate, the power to compromise and obey, the power to imitate and grow..."

"Noah believes that among these forces, there must be an optimal solution."

"When those competitors deepen their understanding of scarlet power and form their own system, their thinking will gradually move closer to these concepts. When one of them reaches the highest understanding of scarlet, the shadow around him becomes God…”

"This was originally an experiment for Noah to help him find the answer."


The old man smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't know, this is destined to be in vain."

"No matter how hard it searches, it can't compare to that child who understood what scarlet is very early."

"That child is the master of Scarlet."


"Just a traitor who guards the treasure house for the emperor..."



"Wake up, wake up..."

In the competition arena, the head pendant no longer cared about disguise and was shouting desperately.

It could feel the unreality of the monsters in the village, so looking at Wei Wei at this moment, it was like fighting against the air, which made it have to shout loudly, trying to wake Wei Wei up from this excited state, Let him look around carefully...

"You are already disgusted by Noah, and you are becoming everyone's enemy..."



Wei Wei looked up and could indeed see tall and twisted figures walking towards the village in the distance.

In his vision, which was covered with a layer of blood, he could even see the changed blood shadows around each of them.

It was these shadows that vaguely divided them into several different camps. Some were tall monsters with the strongest control over the village, some were women on the vines, some were cruel and innocent children, and some were evil spirits who only knew how to bark. dog.

"Is this your understanding of scarlet?"

The scarlet power in his body was boiling like boiling water.

Even at this moment, he intuitively felt that there was a special will in those shadows.

It is this will that controls everything and tries to find the answer.

So, he just thought it was very funny.

They all want to find the optimal solution to Scarlet, and find the best method and will to control Scarlet.


At this moment, Wei Wei felt that everything around him was surrounded by a rising sea of ​​blood, as if everything had lost its reality.

Only the little bit of thinking in my heart was extracted from the nothingness.

What is scarlet?

He is a fool who has had everything taken away, but still regards everyone as family, and has never known how to be selfish.

He is a young man who can continue to live even if he finds a younger brother or sister and continues to escape with him.

With a bright smile on Wei Wei's face, he remembered the very, very weak version of himself back then.

When I was a child, I always had an angry look on my face, and many people were afraid of me.

But in fact, it is just weakness. I am always afraid, so I have to act very angry.

But I am too timid...

He was so timid that he dared to lead them to escape when facing the fat cook who showed his greedy expression to Xiao Qiqi.

So timid that when my brothers and sisters disappeared one after another, I just wanted to find them.

Even if he finds one, he will continue to be timid and run away with her.

It's just fate that made a joke to itself.

Even the last Xiao Qiqi, when he found her, was already wearing a white skirt and was hanging on the dining table...

It was also at that moment that I was no longer angry.

Anger was just to cover up his cowardice, but there was no need to hide it at that time.

I just want to kill you and destroy you, even if I destroy myself at the same time.

"You can't find scarlet..."

Wei Wei smiled brightly as he thought about it.

He looked at the twisted and changing shadows, and at the people under the control of those shadows, with only ridicule on his face:

"Because you only know how to look from above."

"You will only see those who have control, but you will not see the lambs at the bottom."

"In your eyes, this is the weakest thing, because a weak person cannot resist any malice and has no power."

"But occasionally, the weak will burst out with the most terrifying power..."

"Just like you can pollute all the people in the village, but you can't pollute a fool."



The essence of scarlet is the anger of the weakest lamb when its last limit is broken...

It is a force that would rather destroy myself than drag you to death.

Even if only one of the ten thousand lambs bursts out with such power, it will turn into a demon.

As if because he was in such a strange environment, Wei Wei was calmer than ever before. The scarlet power in his body seemed to have been dormant. Wei Wei could clearly see his own heart and remembered the feeling when he awakened from the scarlet:

“I am born of a lamb, and I will guard the flock.”

"I am unable to protect their lives, but I will rush towards you with a sickle stained red by their blood."

"I am always ready to destroy myself, just because there is nothing more important in my world than destroying you."

"Including myself!"


Wei Wei couldn't help but smile, looked at the competition fields that were pouring into the village, and slowly raised his gun:

"How can you think of such a simple question in such a complicated way..."

"I think you really need an operation to check your brain..."

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