Scarlet Falls

Chapter 220 Some people always need to sacrifice


In mid-air, the looming Noah seemed to have seen Wei Wei's power.

It felt the feeling of being able to do whatever it wanted, the state where it seemed like it could control the scarlet power at will without any stagnation, and it shivered with envy.

But at the same time, it is also mixed with endless anger and helplessness.

It seems that he has realized that such a huge plan of his is only part of someone else's plan.

And I looked at an ant with envy, that it could easily do things that I couldn't do.

The huge hull trembled in mid-air, as if it had a desire to rush down, but it did not dare. It always kept its distance from the village that was the same competition ground.

Therefore, it could only move the iron chains to pass down all the mysterious will.

"kill him!"

"Kill... Him!"



This will has also affected the three most powerful people among all the contenders, the white-haired young man, the head of the First Order of Priests with countless bloodshot threads on his right hand, and the knights of the Church of Order. They originally had different personalities. Now that the purpose is over, the awe of Noah is not that serious, and when faced with Noah's will, he can control his inner impulses more easily.

But now, they all opened their eyes in unison.

Listening to Noah's whispers in his ears, different reactions appeared on his faces.

Some are pensive, some are hesitant, and some are excited.

The competitors were fighting each other just now, and Noah issued that charming command to all the competitors for the first time, but they completely ignored it.

He also devoured the sacrifices given by Noah, and also thought about how to make better use of these sacrifices and control this power.

But they obviously did not obey Noah's words.

No matter how much trouble others make, they are always understanding the power of Scarlet and trying their best to gain an advantage in this competitive field.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this mentality and will that they are the most powerful.

"The devil doctor, he is the devil doctor..."

In this battle full of curiosity, or on the huge operating table, Wei Wei's excitement was beyond words.

He had just caught another betrayer, waving the sharp scalpel in his hand and conducting friendly treatment and dissection on him.


This man's strange blood shadow, which was born under the influence of scarlet, has been peeled off by himself.

The scarlet power in this man's body was also stripped away.

This person's own demonic power has also been stripped away.

The "sweet whispering handcuffs" this man was wearing, made by Captain Ouyang himself, were also cut off.

"He must be very moved, right?"

Wei Wei thought to himself: "I helped him remove Captain Ouyang's restrictions."

"It also helped him stay away from the devil..."

"Now he has become a normal person..."

"...If you have incontinence of urine and feces, half of your body is paralyzed, and your saliva keeps flowing, you can still be considered a normal person!"


However, when Wei Wei was so proud that he couldn't help but start to feel proud, the ordinary competitors finally reacted.

When they looked at the shadow, they felt as if they were facing a devil, and their bodies and minds were frightened by the cold breath.

Especially those alliance of betrayers who came in with Wei Wei were almost completely desperate at this moment and shouted hoarsely:

"This guy is not trying to be cruel..."

"He is really crazy..."

"You just deal with others. Do you even want to stab one of your own people if you catch them?"



Wei Wei did not hear their wailing at this time.

How can people with great pursuits care about these gossips at this time?

His "blood sea domain" continued to expand during this fight, and now covered almost a hundred meters in diameter. In the entire village, those who had scared the "idiot" also made him hate extremely at this time. "Malice" has also been almost completely eliminated by him, with only a few traces left, still hiding in the corner, shivering.

As long as the competitors are still there, as long as the research on scarlet is still there, these malicious intentions will not disappear.

Wei Wei was not ready to stop.

There was actually a vague emotion in his heart that even he couldn't explain clearly, as if these people used this way to explain scarlet, which in itself made him angry.

In other words, he felt "blasphemy"!

This made the smile on his face brighter. He raised the scalpel and looked for the next patient.

"Noah, I can agree to your request."

At the same time, above Noah's deck, in a corner surrounded by blood mist, a man who was taller than before, almost four or five meters tall, spoke in a deep voice.

His right fist was covered with endless bloodshot threads.

Now these bloodshot threads seemed to be more active, burrowing around in his skin like earthworms.

"I don't even have to force you to let me be your agent, but I hope you can agree to meet with the bishop."

The leader of the Wandering Cult whispered his request.

Deep in the thick blood mist, a certain will was silent, seeming to hate him for taking advantage of him, but in the end, this will still chose to agree.

Then, the leader of the First Religion stood up with a tall figure, his face seemed to have some kind of divine light.

But this divine expression and light formed a very impactful contrast with the bloodshot threads wrapped around his right fist.

Because he didn't obey Noah's instructions from the beginning, he was the furthest away from that village.

But when he stood up, he took a deep breath. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on the village in the distance, especially in that village, Wei Wei, whose body was full of blood and energy, almost making people tremble. His pupils shrank. , the body suddenly scattered around, turning into a bunch of wriggling and twisting tentacles, rolling in front of the village, and transformed into a human form again.

"Are you the person arranged by the foundation?"

He looked inside the village and saw an excited Wei Wei standing in a sea of ​​blood, his brows furrowed.

"Sure enough, the Foundation has been secretly studying the power of scarlet, and even created an abominable monster like you..."

"It's just, don't you know, the death knell of the gods has fallen into our hands."

"Can the Foundation's research on scarlet be declared a failure?"


While drinking in a low voice, he suddenly raised his fist and hit him.

As the leader of the current seven religious sects of the Wandering Church, he is mysterious.

But no one expected that his attack method would be to directly punch.

Or he directly waved his fist wrapped with countless scarlet bloodshot threads.


This punch was swung forward, as if it ignored the distance, and expanded and changed, rolling forward and hitting hard forward.

At the same time, the blood threads wrapped around the fist began to dance ferociously at this moment.

Between him and Wei Wei, there were many competitors who were frightened and did not dare to approach and were reluctant to leave the village. This punch passed through them.

The red blood streaks instantly penetrated their bodies, draining their bodies instantly.

And every time a person's flesh and blood is drained, the power of this punch seems to become stronger, and it vaguely turns into a bloody python.

Everywhere the blood python is, all the life force will be completely extracted, leaving not even a cent left.

Knight of life.

This is a powerful transcendent who has reached the fifth state of the life demon system, and is even about to be promoted to the sixth state.

He already had an absolute control over his life.

Under his will, all life energy must be returned to his body instantly.

"Noah, of course I can agree to your request..."

On the other side, the white-haired young man screamed excitedly: "But you will agree to my request, right?"

"I don't really need to be your agent, but our plan still goes ahead..."

"Shall we blow up the entire defense line of the third city?"

"Can you imagine the fireworks as they explode in their sleep?"


Ghost Ship Noah's will seemed to tremble at this moment, as if he was cursing something fiercely.


But it still agreed.

So the white-haired young man became even more excited. He looked towards the village, his body almost trembling in disbelief:

"Wei Wei, twenty years old, graduated from Soaring Snake training camp..."

"What qualifications do you have to replace me and gain the recognition of the team members?"


His voice became more and more excited as he spoke, and in the end he even laughed crazily. However, he did not rush directly to the village, but suddenly opened his clothes.

Under the white shirt, there is a thin chest full of scars, with rough knife marks on it.

He reached out and grabbed a dagger, and then cut it hard towards his heart.

With both hands, he opened the muscles and blood vessels of the chest, as well as the neatly severed ribs, and took out his heart.

It was a black, rotten heart, and there seemed to be a face on it.

"Killing him is too easy..."

"After killing him, I will still be the sixth member of the White Ghost Knights..."


"Do you really want to kill him?"

The one who finally made the decision was the young woman from the Church of Order, who was wearing blood-colored armor.

"The doctrine of order does not allow me to do this..."

She spoke calmly to herself, as if she was having a conversation with something invisible: "Besides, the Foundation cannot be considered our enemy, and neither is the White Ghost Knights!"

There were some divine whispers in the air, reaching her ears.

Finally, she compromised and whispered: "Maybe you are right, for the ultimate goal, some people always need to sacrifice..."

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