Scarlet Falls

Chapter 250 The Terrifying White Ghost (6,000 words)


"The confrontation in the black abyss is over?"

When a small riot broke out in an unknown shadow of Haicheng, a large super-metropolitan city in the mountains, which was also located on the defense line of the second city, was already filled with gods and ghosts.

All the residents in this city didn't know what was happening secretly, but they felt something strange.

For example, I looked at the night sky outside the window. The weather forecast said that it would be clear tonight, suitable for stargazing, but I found that the night sky was now covered with dark clouds, and the top of the building was shrouded in darkness.

This makes people curse: the weather forecast can only be understood in reverse.

For another example, some people who usually like to make wishes when they have nothing to do are sitting in the subway station and thinking about it. The woman with a perfect back in front of me turns to look at me and says she has been quitting sex for three years.

Then, the beautiful woman suddenly turned her head around in a daze.

The body below the neck was walking forward normally, but his head suddenly turned 180 degrees, and even made a clicking sound.

It was as if it had been forcibly twisted by a hand.

There are also some people who secretly like to worship gods and pray to some totems and mysterious beings. They have just offered their sacrifices, but when they turn around, they find that the sacrifices are gone.

This immediately made the devout believers yell: "Which turtle grandson stole the chicken I paid tribute to?"

I don’t know if the person who stole the sacrifice can be found. Anyway, he has secretly worshiped the totem for seven or eight years and will never respond to him again.

"Life, law, death, plague, knowledge..."

In another place, in a tall building, in a private high-end club with a very high threshold, there were several figures sitting or standing.

Each of them looks a little different from ordinary people. Facing this city that has become eerie and weird with countless mysterious auras, they have a relaxed expression on their faces.

Everyone has a team that exists throughout the city, dedicated to serving them, providing intelligence, support, assistance and other work.

Now, there is a mature woman with a slender figure but a soft temperament that is not like the human body. She stands quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a cup in her hand that has been collected in the club for many years. It is used to calm the scene far more than The red wine was worth drinking, but on the small table next to her was her drink, which was a plate of salt-and-pepper peanuts and half a cut salted duck egg. How should I put it, the temperament matched them perfectly.

She looked at the city outside the window and sighed softly: "I didn't expect that there would be so many totems coming here in the form of real projections."

"The last time there were so many totem projections was when the god Death Knell appeared in Scrap Iron City."

"And that time, there were only projections, and each had its own purpose. Now this time, it seems that we have to really fight."

"What is this? The Third Secret War?"


There was a boy next to him who looked like a high school student. His fingers kept swiping the patterns on the screen, and the veins on his forehead were exposed while playing such a relaxing game.

Suddenly he put down the game and sneered: "I can't help it. Who allowed one of us to be so generous as to punch the death knell of the god into the arms of the Wandering Church?"

"Perhaps if we had successfully recovered the God's Death Knell from the beginning, there wouldn't have been so much trouble, right?"


Upon hearing this, the whole room was quiet for a while, and then there was an unbearable "Pants pants pants" sound.

In the corner, a girl with tall black leather boots was holding a huge ham, cutting it off piece by piece and throwing it into her mouth to play with. She immediately raised the ham angrily and looked at him hatefully:

"Say it again, say it again!"


"Okay, don't mention this again."

In the room, a handsome man wearing a sexy red suit and even eye shadow, who was also the number one person in the team, spoke calmly to stop everyone:

"Jade Bird didn't mean it. This kind of thing has only happened two or three times in her career."


There was a "pants pants" sound all around. Miss Qingniao was a little happy when she saw the captain helping her to save herself, but after thinking about it carefully, she stared again.

"The most important thing is this operation."

The man in the red suit suddenly became serious and looked at the girl with black high boots seriously: "Don't hit the scarlet scepter into her arms this time!"

The girl with high boots stared in anger.

"To be on the safe side..."

The man in the red suit pondered for a moment and said: "Just stay on the periphery and don't get close to the scepter..."


"If it's safer, you might as well stay here and eat ham. It might be safer if you don't take action..."



The pantsers finally couldn't help it and burst out laughing.

The dead Miss Bluebird angrily waved the ham in her hand and started to chase down her teammates with tears in her eyes.

Before something like this happened, no one would have imagined that there would be so many high-level totems appearing in a city on the second defensive line at the same time.

Correspondingly, the foundation's most powerful Xingtian team also completed its assembly here.

Blue Bird, Leviathan, Goliath, Shiva, Behemoth, Kraken, Bahamut, every serving member of the Xingtian Team and its auxiliary team are ready for battle.

The reason is the secret church located in this city.

The headquarters of the Church of Order.

The attack by the mysterious organization in Scrap Iron City exposed the Church of Order's ambitions, but it also exposed the fact that the Scarlet Scepter was in their hands.

Without the Scarlet Scepter, they could not create a new god.

Although their new god was executed by Ling Chi in Scrap Iron City, it did not affect the fight for the scarlet scepter among these totems at all.

The Foundation could not sit back and watch the Scarlet Scepter be taken away. Before that, the Foundation secretly contacted the Church of Order and asked them to hand over the Scarlet Scepter but was rejected. The situation quickly became out of control.

Totems will not give up, and in the face of so many totems who are eyeing them eagerly, it is only natural for the foundation to send out its highest combat power.

Nowadays, these high-level powers that are rarely seen in ordinary times have been compressed into this city.

The war is about to break out.

No one knew how much casualties this secret war would cause, which did not allow much preparation time, and even the residents of the city did not have time to evacuate, and there was no chance to consider it.

Now the powder keg is already brewing crazily, waiting for an opportunity to explode.

However, even in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where they were talking about Miss Blue Bird's outstanding performance, in my tense mind, suddenly, a piece of news came.

This made the Xingtian team, as well as the totems hidden throughout the city, become sluggish at the same time.

"The Black Abyss Lord has admitted defeat..."

"The secret confrontation in Haicheng is over?"

"How the hell is this possible?"


No matter who it was, it was obvious that they could not accept this result. The two forces that were secretly squeezing each other and colliding at any time suddenly became chaotic.

"It's Ouyang!"

Their respective communication channels used affirmative tones to bring them news that sounded a bit bizarre:

"The terrifying White Ghost Knights actually rushed into the Black Abyss head-on, and took back their team member who had been sacrificed from the hands of the Black Abyss Lord..."

"The total time is less than twenty minutes..."


"This is nonsense!"

In a high-end club, a slender and lithe woman dropped her red wine glass on the ground, picked up half a salted duck egg, stuffed it into her mouth with the shell, and shouted angrily:

"That is one of the most powerful totems in the death demon system."

"You said it was pressured face to face by a wild team of ability users and the sacrifice was taken away?"

"...You don't want to lose face when you become a totem?"


"But it is."

In the high-end club, from the communicator placed on the table, a somewhat bizarre reply came from the monitor: "We need to re-evaluate the strength of the White Ghost Knights."

"Before, all the focus was on the training camp student."

"But the monitoring results show that although this student played a certain role, he did not directly confront the Black Abyss Lord."

"The unexpected thing is the White Ghost Knights."

"This team of ability users, whose danger level has been raised to Level 3 within the foundation, showed an astonishing high profile during their secret mission."

"From the moment they rushed to Haicheng, they seemed to have no intention of hiding anything from anyone. They took planes when they should, took high-speed trains when they should, and some people even used the power of demons to sneak over openly..."


The monitor spoke faster and faster, and even he himself could not understand the results of the monitoring, so he simply spoke out to let others doubt his outlook on life:

"Of course we have tracked and monitored each of them, but the result is that it has no effect at all."

"Not to mention Ouyang Jian, who is a member of the White Ghost Knights, and his veteran team members who each have rich experience, the most bizarre thing is actually the new team member named Ye."

"We originally regarded her as a breakthrough and arranged for the most experienced intelligence agents to follow her. Her every move is under our surveillance."

"The intelligence officer even thought that she was the most unprofessional at first. After all, he was sitting in her back seat on the plane and monitoring all her actions. However, he did not expect that just when he thought he had completely mastered every step of this team member When he did this, just after getting off the plane, this person disappeared in front of him, and he swore that his eyes never left her for more than a complete second..."

"But she actually disappeared directly from his eyes, and it was confirmed afterwards that she had entered the black abyss unknowingly..."

"Not to mention Noah, there is also the training camp student..."

"Just from this little girl, you can see how terrifying the power level of the White Ghost Knights is..."


In the high-end club, everyone who was the representative of the foundation's highest combat power listened blankly to the monitor's report, with expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

So powerful?

Ask yourself, if it were you, it would be easy to enter the Black Abyss, but to do it so easily and mysteriously would probably be a huge challenge...

When did the White Ghost Knights recruit such a terrifying guy?

Such people are obviously talents that our foundation wants to find every day, but it is hard to find them...

In the unbelievable silence, a "hehe" laughter suddenly sounded. Everyone turned their heads blankly and saw the blue bird.

Her eyes were shining brightly, and she was quite proud: "Why is the White Ghost Knights so powerful?"

"That's my eldest brother's team!"

"It seems that I am more powerful. I sensed their strength in advance and established a good emotional relationship with them by being given gifts..."


At this time, the pants pants were full of stomachs, but they couldn't spit it out.

The White Ghost Knights are really a bit mysterious...

Not only the Xingtian team was sluggish, but also the totems hidden in various dark corners.

Naturally, they also learned about what happened in Haicheng through various methods. Each one of them was shocked by this shocking news, and their will was almost unstable, and they fell into disgrace on the spot.

If there is a problem in Haicheng, there will be no prerequisites for the fight for the Scarlet Scepter.

No one wants to have the scarlet scepter come to their door again, and then its owner pinches their neck and asks where the thing is.

The atmosphere had fermented to the point where a confrontation on the scale of destroying a city could break out at any time. The moment after the news appeared, it suddenly began to decline. Some mysterious forces chose power.

And this kind of power triggered a huge reaction. More totems assessed the situation and immediately chose to give in.

"Have we passed this level?"

In the center of the city, the Cathedral of the Church of Order, whose exterior was decorated as a folklore museum, was already filled with silent believers.

At the front of the believers was an old man with gray hair. He sat quietly on the altar. There were piles of dry firewood sprinkled with tung oil around his body.

He was just sitting here quietly, quietly waiting for his fate to be pronounced.

But no one expected that just when they felt that the judgment of fate was coming, and even wanted to tell the believers to throw the torches in front of them in advance, they felt the situation outside the church change. Today's Church of Order, there is no He had enough information to inquire into the progress of things in Haicheng, but he could clearly feel that the mysterious totems spying on the church were disappearing one by one.

The old man didn't know what happened, but he felt extremely shocked because of the change in situation.

"There is only one reason why these ambitious totems suddenly gave up their thoughts."

Next to the old man, the woman holding a torch in her hand whispered: "Over there in Haicheng, the new Scarlet has shown his power."

"Only the true Scarlet divinity can threaten these totems. After all, no one dares to snatch the scepter of the true Scarlet after it is born."


The old man could only agree with this.

They don't have enough intelligence to analyze these, but this is the only reasonable guess.


Such a truth made the old man's face look more painful than if he had been tortured by fire: "So, it's us who are really wrong?"

"Even Noah made the right choice earlier than us..."


"Teacher, you can come down from above..."

The woman holding the torch, after waiting for a long time, put the torch away and whispered: "There is still a chance."

"It's just that we need to go to Scrap Iron City as soon as possible."



"The world has become interesting."

Wei Wei is now in Haicheng, far away from the place where the Church of Order and the totems gather. He cannot see everything happening there.

But he seemed to have vaguely guessed what would happen, and his expression couldn't help but become happy.

Captain Ouyang and the others were already a little concerned and nervous at this time. They went to the girl in the fish tank. A group of people gathered around the fish tank. Some of them were caught off guard like children. They didn't even know what level of life their team member belonged to. I don't know if I should fish her out directly, or if I need to prepare some special container to ensure her safety at this time.

Captain Ouyang was the one who made the decision. He gritted his teeth and said, "Raise the fish tank too."

So Uncle Gun immediately rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward. He glanced at the weak Xiao Lin next to him and Brother Piggy with a sinister look on his face. He turned to Sister Lucky and said:

"Come here and help me."


So Sister Lucky took matters into her own hands and carefully moved the fish tank.

Captain Ouyang glanced at the Lord of the Black Abyss who had huddled in the corner, as if they didn't mind even if they evacuated the entire Black Abyss, and hesitated for a moment.

If he had to send people like himself out in person, he wouldn't be able to save face.

But now I am in the dark abyss, with long nights and many dreams...

So he decided to give it a try boldly, strode to the edge of the dilapidated room, and shouted in a deep voice: "Noah, come out!"


In the sky above the black abyss, there was a sudden sound of thunder like air squeezing and the sound of glass breaking. Then, the looming shadow of a ship appeared in the sky, and countless iron chains hung down from mid-air.

The team members immediately looked at Captain Ouyang with surprise and admiration.

Captain Ouyang was also a little confused: "What's going on?"

"Noah only promised to help me once before, but now I see that he is suddenly much more well-behaved..."



While the team members were busy moving the fish tank, Wei Wei walked out of the dilapidated building. Before leaving, he just took a deep look at the Black Abyss Lord in the corner.

His expression was half-smiling, and he even blinked.

After confirming that Lord Black Abyss was really well-behaved, Wei Wei walked down from the dilapidated building with a smile.

He walked slowly along the straight and clean Heiyuan Street. He could see a handsome man with a pair of white pupils walking across the street.

Wei Wei walked straight towards him. The closer the distance, the clearer the smile on his face disappeared.

By the end, there was total indifference.

The man with white pupils gradually became filled with endless anger, distortion, and even a kind of spiteful hatred.

"Parasites are parasites..."

As he walked toward Wei Wei, his eyes with white pupils had already been closed, and when he closed his eyes, layers of scrutinizing eyes poured towards Wei Wei.

Wei Wei allowed him to look at himself and observe himself, which allowed him to see more truth.

The man with white pupils confirmed his suspicions and saw a level that was enough to scare anyone on an instinctive level.

This made his anger reach the extreme. He also knew what the consequences would be if he offended such a being at this time, but he could not control his anger and just shouted:

"Parasites in the body are parasites, and parasites in the mind are also parasites!"

"You shouldn't replace it..."

"Do you really think that if a monster like you appears in the world, no one can control you?"

"Do you really think that since he voluntarily sacrificed himself, we will let you take away his body and life?"


Feeling the murderous intention coming from him and the surging power like a substance, Wei Wei's eyes became even more indifferent, and he suddenly said: "You just got married."

"There is also a wife waiting for you. She is a good girl who doesn't mind that you are blind."

"You want to provoke me now, even if you know that after provoking me, the only way out is to die here?"


The man with white pupils listened, with veins on his forehead clearly visible. He suddenly raised the gun in his hand, pointed it straight at Wei Wei, and shouted in a low voice:

"It doesn't matter, someone will help me take revenge!"

"Like, I'll help him get revenge!"


Seeing that the other party's finger was already hooked on the trigger and about to be pulled off, Wei Wei looked cold and said calmly: "Then I only have one question."

He looked deeply at the man with white pupils, and a gentle smile suddenly appeared on his indifferent face:

"Why didn't you call me when you got married?"


The man with white pupils felt the familiar and unsettling smile on his face, and suddenly he froze on the spot.

I saw a complete divinity, there is no doubt about it.

But a being with complete divinity would not ask himself such a boring question...


"Is it because I didn't find a good job that my relationship faded?"

Wei Wei finally couldn't help but asked. As revenge for not inviting him to the wedding, he felt that it was fun to play tricks on him, but he still had to ask:

"Are you worried that I can't give you a red envelope?"


As he spoke, he touched his body. He really wanted to throw tens of thousands of dollars in his face immediately, but he did realize that he seemed to have no money in his pocket, so he turned around calmly and looked at this huge The black abyss, with an expression of disdain and arrogance on his face, the way a rich man looks at a poor man, is the way Ye Feifei looks at Captain Ouyang occasionally, and proudly stretches out his finger and points around:

"Is it enough for me to give you this black abyss as a red envelope?"

"Don't you particularly like to pry into all kinds of secrets? I'll give you all the secrets in the dark abyss. Is that enough?"


Looking at Bai Bat, who was so shocked that he couldn't even speak, Wei Wei felt that he was in a particularly happy mood.

I just like the feeling of throwing money at people, even though we have no money.

Just kidding, it’s ridiculous to talk about how you can still drink for free.

I drank beer.

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