Scarlet Falls

Chapter 255 The Strongest Intelligence Agent (5,000 words)

"Ex... ex-girlfriend?"

Listening to Wei Wei's words, everyone present was suddenly stunned and looked at Wei Wei with wonderful expressions.

Especially Ye Feifei's pupils suddenly felt an earthquake.

After a while, Captain Ouyang was the first to react. This was probably because he had a relatively high immunity to such words. He immediately changed his serious expression and lowered his voice:

"From the Foundation?"



Wei Wei nodded and said: "She is a student at the same time as me. She is now working in the intelligence department of the foundation. It is said that she has a pretty good future."


Captain Ouyang was a little hesitant: "It seems that the Foundation does not have high-level extraordinary people, right?"

Wei Wei nodded and said: "That's what I say, but as far as I know, when they need high-level abilities, there are always various ways."

"At least I know that she can use some high-level knowledge demon power."

"When we carried out secret missions... and carried out some special training projects in the training camp, she was responsible for reconnaissance and intelligence analysis, just like Brother Xiao Lin."


Everyone glanced at Brother Xiao Lin subconsciously.

Since the type of work he is responsible for is the same as Xiaolin's, perhaps Xiaolin is more aware of some specific judgment criteria.

Brother Xiao Lin's expression immediately became solemn. After pondering for a while, he asked the question he was most concerned about: "How did you two break up?"


The expressions of everyone at the table became very strange, and they glared at him fiercely.

Brother Xiao Lin acted as if nothing had happened, but the question he asked was very critical. If we are not sure about their relationship, how can we guarantee that they will help us?

Wei Wei was also a little embarrassed by his question and said: "It's nothing, it's just graduation. Everyone has to go their separate ways, and then they break up naturally."


Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Sister Lucky suddenly patted Ye Feifei's shoulder thoughtfully and whispered: "That's okay, this kind of thing is not true love."

Ye Feifei almost couldn't hold it back and cried: "I wasn't so embarrassed, lucky sister. Your comfort makes me want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it."

"If that's the case, then maybe we really need to ask her for help..."

Captain Ouyang pondered and made a quick analysis in his mind: "Of course, it may be risky to ask people from the foundation for help, but there seems to be no other way."

"team leader……"

Wei Wei cut off the last piece of meat from the elbow in front of him and stuffed it into his mouth. He was also a little curious about this matter: "Why are you so anxious?"

When Brother Piggy next to him saw that he had finished eating, he immediately took the piece that had just been served to Captain Ouyang and placed it in front of Wei Wei's eyes while looking at him eagerly.

Captain Ouyang just raised his chopsticks and put them down helplessly.

She sighed softly and said, "Firstly, because Mangmang can't wait any longer. She can't stay in this state forever. Otherwise, what's the difference between staying in the dark abyss?"

"And if we want to change her condition, we can only start to help her after communicating with her about many things."

"in addition……"


He seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying: "In addition, we do have some important things we want to ask her, and that is about our mentor."

The White Ghost Knights also have mentors?

Wei Wei became a little curious.

But thinking about it again, I think this is normal. Those who have undergone special training in the circle of extraordinary people and have not degenerated often have their own mentors to provide guidance.

The same goes for myself.

"Then I'll try to contact her after dinner!"

Wei Wei had no choice but to agree, but he was a little worried and did not give Captain Ouyang a direct guarantee.

If there is anything more embarrassing than asking your ex-girlfriend for help, it would be that she refuses to help you, right?

When everyone saw this, they felt somewhat hopeful.

In fact, I still wanted to ask Wei Wei to contact him as soon as possible, but I didn't dare to rush him. After all, everyone knew that eating was still very important in Wei Wei's heart, so he just contributed his part silently.

After breakfast, Wei Wei drank a cup of tea.

There is no way, I have to relieve my tiredness.

It's all because the team members were too kind to me, and they all gave me a few big elbows.

Whose breakfast is so greasy...

After the team members finished eating, everyone was busy with their own tasks, but their eyes couldn't help but glance here.

You can tell they all care.

Captain Ouyang is concerned about the results of the invitation, Brother Xiao Lin is concerned about the process of the invitation, Sister Lucky is more concerned about Wei Wei's mood swings, and Uncle Gun is concerned about the follow-up after the matter is resolved.

Ye Feifei showed that he didn't care about anything.

Piggy, on the other hand, is concerned about what to cook for lunch.

After drinking a cup of tea, Wei Wei carefully thought about what he wanted to say for a while, then lay down on the wicker chair, silently took out the communicator, and opened a dialog box.

Send content: 呲呲/呲呲/呲呲

It took a while to reply to the message whose avatar was a woman wearing a crown: Don’t look for me, I can’t help you. I will go to your grave and burn paper later.

Wei Wei: 痗/痗/痗

Crown Woman: The matter is too big. This is the first time I have seen the foundation’s senior management working overtime overnight. The matter is so big that it is beyond our ability to do anything.

Crowned Woman: Besides, we have nothing to do with each other. I’m not your wife. I’m not even your girlfriend.

Wei Wei immediately sent a message nervously: But you are my ex-girlfriend...

The Crowned Woman: Knife/Wrath/Chop Knife

Wei Wei was also a little helpless: Oh, that's right, after all, we have been separated for so long.

Crown Woman: Haha

After a while, when she saw that there was no message, she sent another one:?

After a while, he sent a sentence with a sneer: Why don't you speak?

Crown Woman: Do you want to get back together?

Crown Woman: Haha, I won’t agree.

After a while: But if you show sincerity, it is not without negotiation.

Crowned Woman: In the past, you didn’t know how to care for others at all.

After a long while, another message came in from the communicator: Oh, forget it, I won’t embarrass you anymore. I admit that I made mistakes in the past.

Crowned Woman: Okay, okay, I promise you.

Crowned Woman: Don't be angry.

Crown Woman: Information started coming in non-stop: You said, after getting back together, will you go back to live in the First City Defense Line, or will I go there?

Crown Woman: Scrap Iron City is too remote and life is not convenient.

Crown Woman: However, I am quite adaptable. How much is the house price there?

Crown Woman: I have saved some money myself, but I don’t know if it is enough. After all, if I get back together with you, I will definitely have to break up with my family, and I can’t count on them anymore.

Crowned Woman: I have done this for you, how can you not be nice to me in the future?

Crown Woman: By the way, I gave Bai Bat a red envelope during his wedding, and I heard you gave one too. So when we get married, do we have to ask him for two pieces of money?

Crowned Woman: Stop crowing old crow. He scolds you in the group every day, which makes me angry.

Crown Woman: Why don’t you reply to messages? Waiting for you/be good

Wei Wei, who had just returned from the bathroom, was thinking about how to persuade his ex-girlfriend to come over and do him a favor again. When he picked up the communicator, his expression suddenly became confused.

Why so much information?

He hurriedly shook his hand twice, picked up the communicator and replied: It's not that complicated, I just want to ask you to come over and help me.

Crowned Woman: Oh, a man’s mouth

Crown Woman: I understand your tangled mood of wanting to say something but being embarrassed, but don’t worry, I won’t be able to spare the time next month.

Wei Wei: Very anxious/smile

Crown Woman: Oh, you were so good to me before, how can I still break up with you?

Wei Wei: smile/smile

Crown Woman: Forget it, I forgive you, men can only become mature after breaking up with the woman they love most.

Crowned Woman: I’ll go to the boss to ask for leave

Crown Woman: Help me book a ticket for tomorrow, I want first class

"Is this done?"

Wei Wei was a little overjoyed. He hadn't read the message she sent earlier, but seeing that she had agreed, there was no need to read it.

He walked out happily and saw that the members of the White Ghost Knights were looking at him anxiously.

He smiled reservedly: "She agreed and will fly over tomorrow."

The people in the White Ghost Knights were suddenly surprised. Those who came from the training camp were different. Such a high-end transcendent was invited here just because they were invited?

Brother Xiao Lin was even more excited. He especially wanted to apply for him to follow him to greet him. He also wanted to call Ye Feifei up.

Sister Lucky glanced at Ye Feifei worriedly.

Ye Feifei whistled deliberately and pointed at a fairway: "Uncle Gun, I scored, should I hit the next shot?"

Uncle Gun glanced at it and said, "That's Black 8!"

Ye Feifei's mood suddenly became very bad, and his mouth almost deflated: "Black 8 bullied me..."

Wei Wei thought about it carefully and felt that the White Ghost Knights did not seem to understand the seriousness of the matter. He hesitated and said to Captain Ouyang:

"But there are some important issues, like, she's going to fly first class."


"What kind of problem is this?"

Captain Ouyang waved his hand and said: "Book a ticket for her, the best first class."

Wei Wei struggled for a moment and said, "Not only does she have to fly first class, but from what I know about her, she also has to stay in the best hotel and eat the best steaks."

"Even when it comes to drinking water, she has designated that she only drinks a certain big brand from the First City Defense Line."

"When it comes to wearing clothes, I never wear the same thing twice. If my underwear is stained with just a little bit of blood, I throw it away..."


"Life is a bit delicate..."

The people of the White Ghost Knights couldn't help but sigh when they heard this.

Ye Feifei took out the black 8 in hatred and slammed it on the table.

"Oh, underwear..."

Uncle Gun felt heartbroken when he saw it: "This black 8 has not offended you..."

Regarding what Wei Wei said, Captain Ouyang was very heroic at this moment: "What is this?"

"If you ask someone to come all the way to help, then you can't take care of them properly?"

"Promise her everything."

At this time, his tone was even a little proud: "Our scrap iron city security team has a lot of money."

Wei Wei was so excited when he heard this, he took this opportunity and said: "That's great, captain, look at my salary..."


Before he could finish his words, Captain Ouyang suddenly coughed heavily, looked at Xiao Wei seriously and said, "Xiao Wei, you have to think about the overall situation!"

"I have always been very optimistic about you, and you did a great job this time. Now, the most important thing is how to receive this distinguished guest from the first city's defense line."

"You put the money down first, and then you can ask Lucky to reimburse you later."


Wei Wei understood and nodded seriously.

I felt deep self-blame in my heart. The captain was right. Did I come to work just for this salary?

Anyway, there are still more than two million in the card, which should be enough to entertain her, right?

The problem is that these two million yuan were borrowed. The good thing is that Ye Qin didn't ask him to write an IOU when he borrowed it...

His mood improved, and he walked to the pool table with a smile. He glanced at Ye Feifei, who was dazed next to him with a stick, and said with a smile, "I'll play with you."

"Do not hit!"

Ye Feifei glared at him, threw down the pole and walked away.

Wei Wei stood there blankly, thinking why Ye Feifei was angry too.

There is no smell of blood, this is not like her days...

On the other hand, Uncle Gun next to him picked up the pole dropped by Ye Feifei with some distress, and polished it carefully: "I didn't offend you with this pole..."

"This issue needs to be thought through."

At the same time, there was also a heated discussion within the Foundation: "Is it really necessary to dispatch the Scarlet Unit-1 to eliminate him?"

"The final result of what happened in Haicheng has been concluded. The Black Abyss Lord has not been eliminated. It can be confirmed that there was no problem with our initial intelligence and information. His current strength has not reached the level of the Black Abyss Lord. , but, for some reason, the Black Abyss Lord gave up resistance and even took the initiative to return the members of the White Ghost Knights to them, and, so far, has refused our communication."

"After analysis, we believe that the reason why the Black Abyss Lord gave up the confrontation is very complicated."

"First, that girl belongs to the core of another secret plan. It is possible that it was deliberately returned to the White Ghost Knights in order to lure out a mysterious figure."

"Secondly, the Black Abyss Lord is not a fool. He should not be willing to be instigated by other totems to provoke some beings that may be dangerous in the future."

"Third, the Black Abyss Lord discovered some core keys and believed that even if he succeeded, it would only put him in an extremely embarrassing situation, so he chose to lie dormant."


After saying this, the man in black armed uniform looked up at the participants and said solemnly: "In this case, if we are really sure to use scarlet weapons to eliminate him, it is very likely to trigger some of our We don’t want to see the consequences. After all, the direction left to us by the three great teachers is to study and control these surreal logics, rather than to eliminate them immediately when they find it dangerous.”


"But this is something we can't handle..."

"If we don't eliminate him now, we will be watching the fire spread. Our fire trucks are just watching from the side. No one knows whether the fire trucks will still be effective once the fire starts."

"Scarlet resolves the contradiction between divinity and humanity in a way that we cannot understand. We don't even know his current state."

"According to past experience, once he starts to reach a high level, it will cause everything to get out of control, just like the Twelve Gods Church before..."

Others spoke one after another, each holding their own opinions, making the conference room look like a chaotic vegetable market.

"There's something you need to remember."

At this time, an old man in a white coat who looked like a scientific researcher stood up and said in a deep voice: "The scarlet weapons are prepared for the Wandering Church."

"We all know that the Wandering Church has been preparing for a counterattack, and the scarlet weapon is our greatest protection."

"Using scarlet weapons to deal with him now will expose our biggest trump card at an inappropriate time, arousing the vigilance of the Wandering Church."

"Besides, even if we use it, we don't have much certainty of success."

"It's not because the Scarlet Weapon is not powerful enough, but because the Rose Sect is still dormant. Any big move we make may give them a chance..."


After a series of tangled discussions, the man in the armed uniform found the right moment and spoke again: "I agree with Professor Ma's opinion. I think now is not the best time to use scarlet weapons. We should send the best intelligence agents to his side to find out the most critical issues. Only by determining his rank and the core of his will can we make the next plan."

Someone next to him suddenly sneered: "He is very dangerous now. What kind of intelligence personnel do you have who can guarantee that he will find out his secret?"

"Don't forget, he has already given us a warning in Haicheng. Anything we do that offends him may trigger his strongest revenge."


"I have selected ten of the best intelligence agents, and they are all ready to sacrifice themselves for this mission."

The man in armed uniform said coldly: "And I am going to recommend the eleventh to you. I believe she will complete this mission."

"who is it?"

Everyone was startled when they heard his decisive tone and asked in a deep voice.

"The thirteenth batch of students of Soaring Snake Training Camp, a high-level modified body of the Knowledge Demon System, codenamed Spider."

The man in black armed uniform said calmly: "I have complete trust in her, because she has completed the preparations to lurk before our meeting."

"Soaring Snake training camp? Thirteenth period?"

Someone listened and suddenly realized something: "Isn't that his classmate?"

"This group of students is not worthy of trust."

Someone stood up seriously and said loudly: "They have indeed made great contributions during the training camp, and most of them have already accepted the second level of transformation, but they..."

"... He's too unruly. He beats up his boss, forms gangs, makes random claims, and has all kinds of problems."

"...It's all the fault of that notorious Soaring Snake."

"I don't agree with you asking them to carry out such a mission. I even think that they are very untrustworthy now."


"I believe."

The man in black armed uniform said: "Because I know her, she is my fiancée."

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