Scarlet Falls

Chapter 261 The most serious situation (five thousand five)

"Go and bring people here!"

They said they wanted to see if this devil's paradise was suitable, but the Spider Queen took Wei Wei's arm and walked in front. The seniors of the White Ghost Knights suddenly looked embarrassed and subconsciously lagged a little behind. They really felt that this was in front of them. It doesn't look right for people like me to be around. Xiao Lin's eyes were indeed shining and he wanted to follow him to take a look, but Sister Lucky grabbed his shoulders and made a slap in the face.

From a distance, Captain Ouyang felt uncomfortable watching the two of them talking and laughing inside.

Occasionally I glanced inside and saw Wei Wei gently holding the Spider Queen's shoulders and talking into her ear with a smile on his face, which made him feel even worse.

"Oh, it's all about us..."

He shook his head and sighed: "Xiao Wei's sacrifice is really too great..."

"It's okay, Xiao Wei seems to be quite good at this."

Xiao Lin couldn't help but said: "When the special investigator named Shu from the foundation came here before, he sacrificed once..."

After Captain Ouyang heard this, his expression became even more sympathetic: "I really feel a little sorry for Xiao Wei..."

"team leader……"

But the more Uncle Qian looked at you, the less serious it was. He whispered, "Why do you look like you envy him the more you look at me?"

"What envy?"

Captain Ouyang stared: "I just feel sorry for Xiao Wei's sacrifice, and I can't wait to take his place!"

"Captain, stop taking the place."

Brother Xiao Lin couldn't help but said: "I was listening to their chat on the way to pick them up. It seems that this intelligence agent already has a fiancée..."


Captain Ouyang's eyes widened a little: "Are they all playing so wildly?"

"After finishing what I'm doing, I really need to have a serious talk with Xiao Wei. We don't allow such morally corrupt things to happen in our team."


As he spoke sternly, his eyes seemed a little more envious.


Everyone sneered and couldn't help rolling their eyes.

Sister Lucky, the calmest sister, frowned, as if in deep thought: "It seems like an old relationship has rekindled..."

"Feifei won't be so unlucky in this aspect, right?"


Fortunately, Wei Wei and the Spider Queen did not let them think about it for too long. The two of them were talking and laughing. It really looked like they were former lovers who were once sweet and now not so clean. Visiting a park is like reminiscing about old times. Of course, there are just a little more sneaky things and distorted monsters in this park, but it fits their temperament quite well.

Although everyone was suffering a little, time passed quickly. The Spider Queen came back with rosy cheeks and seemed to be in a good mood.

He said to Captain Ouyang: "This place is very suitable. It is also close to the spiritual barrier. It is very suitable for my transformation."

"You can go and bring her here now. I can successfully transform her in about three hours. Then I can help her access the shared memory pool."


Seeing that she was serious about what she said, the White Ghost Knights also became serious. After all, this was their business.

Although in the original plan, there was no idea of ​​starting this ritual in such a hurry, but now all hopes are on the Spider Queen, so naturally we have to do as she says.

Captain Ouyang immediately made a decision. He would pick up Mangmang and Piggy, who was steaming buns in the base, while the others stayed here to help the Spider Queen deploy the formation.

"Why don't you go back for midnight snack first?"

Seeing that his ex-girlfriend was so serious about helping his current teammates handle things, Wei Wei also felt bright in his face.

I'm just a little embarrassed because I just got off the plane and haven't even eaten a meal yet.

"Then Xiao Wei, come back with me."

Captain Ouyang heard this and immediately made a decision: "We can't let our distinguished guest go hungry, so we'll bring her the buns later."

Wei Wei felt a little strange, but he still agreed. As a team member, he must subconsciously obey every order of the captain.


After Captain Ouyang made his decision, he didn't waste any time. His expression was dignified, even serious. He took a few steps outside and immediately shouted into the dark night sky in a deep voice.

The night wind surged, but no one responded.

Captain Ouyang blushed, took another small step forward, and said softly: "Little Noah?"


The familiar shadow of the ship and the sound of the shaking of the iron chain sounded. The night sky above the head was broken layer by layer, and two iron chains hung down from the mid-air.

Captain Ouyang coughed lightly, reached out and grabbed the chain, and said to Wei Wei: "Let's go!"

Wei Wei stretched out his hand as instructed and used the power of the iron chain to enter the deep space in an orderly manner.

I can feel that after I dealt with this inconspicuous little devil paradise, Noah's attitude towards me seems to have changed a little bit. Ever since it signed a love contract with Captain Ouyang, its attitude has been annoying. It's hard to touch, but one thing is certain. It's hard to say whether it is willing to stand on its side now, but at least, it doesn't want to stand on its opposite side.

You can tell from the fact that it never killed Captain Ouyang.

Of course, it did not gain freedom by killing Captain Ouyang, which probably has something to do with Captain Ouyang's personal charm.

In any case, I haven't reached that stage yet, so I will follow its rules.

For example, in front of Captain Ouyang, I really should keep a certain distance from him.

At least give the captain some face, right?

After all, the captain who has gone through that kind of rigorous training also has an old heart that has been injured and needs to be cared for...

"Piggy, pack your things, it's time for us to go."

After returning to the base, Captain Ouyang didn't hesitate and immediately spoke in a deep voice.

Piggy, who was grinning and picking up buns outside, was startled. He pinched his earlobe and said, "Is this the beginning?"


Captain Ouyang nodded and said: "It is better to deal with it as soon as possible without further delay."

Brother Piggy suddenly became very serious. He got up and entered the office with Captain Ouyang, and moved out the fish tank covered with black cloth. Captain Ouyang was more cautious. After sighing lowly, he moved the fish tank in the drawer again. Below, a silver suitcase was taken out. It looked ordinary on the outside, but through this suitcase, one could vaguely hear a slight beating sound inside.

"This is……"

Wei Wei looked a little curious, but Captain Ouyang pondered for a moment before opening the box in front of Wei Wei.

Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, and found that there was actually a black-purple, almost rotten heart inside, still beating gently like a living thing.

"Xiaobai's heart."

Captain Ouyang whispered: "Since we are going to really bring Mangmang back, and we must be prepared to put an end to the past, then none of the former members of the White Ghost Knights must be missing."

Looking at the heart in the box, his eyes seemed a little gloomy: "Xiaobai sent himself back specifically for this purpose, probably!"

"Is this some kind of ritual, or a key condition of some contract?"

Wei Wei also didn't know that although Captain Ouyang personally dealt with the leader of the Banshee Knights, he still kept his heart.

I vaguely feel that this seems to be related to the key experience of the White Ghost Knights before.

Perhaps, with his current ability, he could discover this secret if he dissected it carefully, but since the captain didn't take the initiative to tell it, he didn't take the initiative to investigate.

He just nodded and went to take it.

But Captain Ouyang looked clearly hesitant. He was silent for a moment and then suddenly said: "Xiao Wei, you stay at the base."


Wei Wei was a little surprised and looked up at Captain Ouyang.

"After all, we are also serious Sheriffs of Scrap Iron City, so no one can stay here."

Captain Ouyang smiled quickly and explained: "We all need to go over and witness. Feifei just asked for leave, so..."

"So I stay on duty?"

Wei Wei smiled, nodded and said, "No problem."

Captain Ouyang was hesitant to speak. He originally wanted to explain subconsciously, but seeing Wei Wei agreeing so happily, he couldn't deliberately say anything anymore.

"We will come back as soon as possible, you..."

Before leaving, he thought about it and could only add: "Just don't cause trouble."

"Captain, don't worry, what trouble could I cause in such a short time?"

Wei Wei immediately answered with a smile. At the same time, he took four or five of the steamed buns that Brother Piggy had just steamed and put them into bags, and also got some garlic.

My ex-girlfriend hasn’t eaten yet, so I can’t do it without bringing her steamed buns.

As soon as Captain Ouyang and the others saw that they had something in their hands, they looked it over and put the bag containing the buns into the suitcase, putting it together with the purple heart.

"Tell her to eat it while it's hot!"


Captain Ouyang glanced at the bag of buns that was already stained with some brown liquid, hesitated to speak, and finally gave up.

For someone who graduated from a formal training camp, it’s normal to have a little different habits...

What else do you say?

But when he and Piggy walked out of the base together and coaxed Noah to let down his chain again, Piggy asked quietly: "Captain, why don't you take Xiao Wei with you?"

"I usually spend too much time with Chiyu, and I am also a little sensitive to the power of the knowledge demon."

Captain Ouyang's face darkened slightly, and he whispered: "So in the devil's paradise, I actually heard part of the conversation between him and Ms. Spider."


Brother Piggy blinked. He had been steaming buns in the base and didn't know what happened.

"Xiao Wei's current situation is very special, and we have to start contacting that again..."

He paused for a moment before saying vaguely: "...something."

"There is often some mysterious connection between such high-level powers. I don't want our affairs to affect Xiao Wei."

"We don't even want to cause that kind of bloody drama because of us..."


With a low sigh, he said in a deep voice: "So, if we can really find out about this matter, then we will solve it ourselves."

Piggy blinked in confusion, as if he didn't understand.

Captain Ouyang didn't try to explain to him. He just sighed and said, "I'm afraid the third secret war is really coming..."

"We have to solve our own troubles before this happens!"



"Captain Ouyang has obviously become more careful..."

Wei Wei, who stayed at the base, slowly sat down against the pool table, holding a ball in his hand and playing with it.

Spider came here specifically to remind him of some things, and he had no intention of hiding these things from Captain Ouyang and the others, or in other words, he didn't understand the point of hiding them.

There are probably a lot of things that are secretly watching me...

The so-called one or zero answer...

Wei Wei found that it was difficult for him to accurately describe his mood at this time.

The confusion he had after experiencing the Black Abyss incident still existed. At a certain moment, when he thought about it carefully, he actually felt that this matter was a bit unbelievable. Why did it suddenly need to be his turn to deal with such an important issue? Have you decided? One, or zero, could it be said that I really have the ability to choose to give birth to the ultimate god in this world, or to eliminate all demons?

But this thought only passed by for a moment, and he felt ridiculous, vaguely aware that he seemed to be born to decide this issue.

But, as before, he didn't like thinking about these things.

I need to talk to the eye on the garbage mountain...

But now, he seems not ready to talk to himself.


Wei Wei sat down quietly. Unknowingly, the night around him seemed to be getting quieter and quieter.

An interesting scene occurs when too many people in the world are paying attention to the answer to a question, but they don't want to give the answer yet.

For example, Wei Wei at this time was suddenly very interested in another question.

They are so eager for answers that, as Spider said, some people will do whatever it takes to give themselves the answers they want...

So what will they do?

The more he thought about it, the more interesting the question became, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart.

This night will probably be very lively...

Maybe it doesn't matter if you have a little contact, as long as you remember the captain's words and don't cause any trouble...

And when this thought arose in his heart, he also felt that his ears and eyes, or in other words, a kind of perception beyond vision and hearing, were slowly opening, like strands of thread, swinging here. The night sky of the city, then, countless sneaks, countless strange thoughts, and some secretive things that seemed greedy but cautious began to grow like weeds...

"Jingle Bell……"

Suddenly, a phone call sounded, which seemed a bit harsh, and came from Captain Ouyang's office.

Wei Wei had no intention of getting up to answer the phone, but just sat quietly.

And the phone was shaking constantly, as if he was very patient and insisted on picking it up with his own hands.

Wei Wei waited quietly for a while, then suddenly turned his head and looked over. When his eyes focused on the phone, the hands-free button of the phone automatically fell down.

An anxious voice sounded inside: "Ouyang, something happened, come quickly!"

Wei Wei was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Who are you? Captain Ouyang has gone out, I am Xiao Wei who stays at the base and is on duty."

"Ah? Are you the newcomer Xiao Wei?"

The voice on the phone was startled and said nervously: "My surname is Zhang, and I am the security director of Scrap Iron City..."

"What are Ouyang doing out there? Why didn't he even say hello..."


Wei Wei smiled and said, "He won't be back for a while. Is there anything important?"

"It's important, it's extremely important."

The voice on the phone was nervous: "Someone called the police just now. A dead body was seen crawling out of the coffin village in the cemetery in the south of the city..."

"Damn it, I told these people that I wanted to be cremated..."


Listening to this anxious voice, Wei Wei waited for him to finish speaking in one breath, then said: "Then don't be nervous, just let them lie back down."

The voice on the phone was confused: "What the hell?"

"Just say I said it."

Wei Wei replied seriously: "Let them lie back and they will be fine."

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

He knew that the content of the phone call was true, that the director of security was also true, and that what he said was also true.

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang again, as anxiously as before.

Wei Wei signaled the phone to press the hands-free button and heard a familiar voice coming from inside: "Captain Ouyang, help..."

Wei Wei couldn't help but have a smile on his face: "Uncle Yuan, I am Wei Wei, the captain is not here."


There seemed to be a falling sound on the other end of the phone, but immediately Yuan Guaizi shouted in horror: "Wei...Mr. Wei, help me, I just saw the pig I killed came to take revenge on me..."

"Don't panic."

Wei Wei smiled patiently and said, "No matter what you see, just put a pig's head at the door of the factory and it will be fine."


Yuan Guaizi was obviously panicked: "What kind of ceremony is this?"

"This is not a ceremony."

Wei Wei smiled and said, "Just because I said so, it will work."

After that, he hung up the phone again.

It’s getting more and more interesting. Has even Uncle Yuan, who has been honest and honest lately, begun to be taken advantage of by something?

But it's all trivial.

There are probably a lot of twisted and strange things looking at Scrap Iron City right now, right?

Although Scrap Iron City is now very clean both inside and outside, the mysterious organizations have all moved away or changed their ways.

But when these twisted and strange things set their sights on Scrap Iron City, some strange things will naturally happen throughout the city.

Some are intentional, some are unintentional, but they should all be easily resolved.

It happens accidentally, and if you hear yourself say it, you will naturally do it.

Those who are intentional will be more honest.

He knew that something would happen that would test him, and he also knew that as long as he investigated all of these things carefully, he would definitely find some strange shadows behind the events.

From these shadows, we can also see certain existential temptations and expressions of ourselves.

It's just that he is not interested in such small things. He just wants to warn them not to do such things again.

I really want to see other people's attitudes, but to this extent...


Therefore, whether a dead man climbed out of the grave or a dead pig came back to seek revenge, it was all a trivial matter, and he didn't even bother to deal with it.

At this time, he felt that his mentality was a little strange.

It's like adults watching children perform clumsy performances. No matter how clever their arrangements are, they can't even make themselves nervous...

After all, this is Scrap Iron City. After all, I have a different situation now. What else can alarm me?

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang again, and Wei Wei frowned.

Just as he was thinking about it, the phone in the office stopped ringing, and the phone in his hand suddenly rang again.

"This is a bit ignorant..."

Wei Wei frowned, took out the phone in his pocket, and lazily pressed the answer button: "Wai?"

The next moment, he suddenly stood up: "Feifei, what's the matter?"

On the phone, Ye Feifei's voice sounded very anxious: "It's not me, it's Sensen..."

"Brother Xiao Wei, I know you are dating now. I really didn't mean to disturb you, but I just saw some terrible things..."


"You don't actually need to explain..."

Wei Wei hurriedly said: "What happened, tell me quickly."

"I just saw Sensen...she was actually riding that motorcycle with a bright red heart, running wildly on the street..."

Ye Feifei said out of breath: "I didn't cover up at all. I just ran wildly on the street in front of so many people. I even ran two red lights..."


When Wei Wei heard this, he couldn't help but become serious: "Is it so serious?"

"I'll be there right away!"

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