Scarlet Falls

Chapter 266 I choose the garbage mountain

"Your scepter?"

The rickety man across the long table looked at Wei Wei who was pointing a gun at him, with a vague expression of fear on his blurred facial features.

At this moment, he felt fear.

When Wei Wei held the gun in his hand, the influence of the bloody abyss on him began to recede like a tide, and his will became firm again, or to use another way to describe it, that was when he When he held the gun in his hand, he remembered who he was and what he should do in the illusion brought about by the superposition of memories.

His will took over again, and the bloody abyss could no longer affect him.

But this is unreasonable. This should be the ability he will have after he gets the scepter. The scepter represents control over everything.

He couldn't just pick up something and point to it and say it was a scepter.

Of course, these countless questions flooded into his mind, but he had no time to think about it. Only the fear caused by the black gun pointed at him made him shout loudly:

"I am Scarlet's most loyal servant, and I am your abyss guard..."


He didn't realize why he suddenly shouted such a sentence at this time. Maybe it was because he felt fear and used it to remind Wei Wei not to hurt him?

But it was obvious that Wei Wei just smiled and shook his head slowly: "But it's not mine."

The rickets felt panic under his smile, and he wanted to ask: "Do you know what shooting at me means?"

It's a pity that Wei Wei didn't give him this chance and directly pulled the trigger.


The blood burst from the muzzle of the gun, instantly tearing the rickety man's body apart, and then bombarded the curtain behind him.

The next moment, the endless bloody abyss was also torn open by this shot. Just like the Red Sea gave way to both sides, the huge red abyss actually gave way to a narrow passage.

Another Wei Wei appeared at the end of the passage. He walked out with Sensen on his back and gave Wei Wei a friendly smile.

The next moment, his figure disappeared, and only Ye Feifei, Wei Wei, and the unconscious Sensen were left in the huge red palace.

"what on earth is it?"

Ye Feifei was dizzy by the scene in front of him. He could realize that the crisis had been resolved, but he had no idea what type of crisis it was and how it was resolved.

"It's just little things that are annoying."

Wei Wei smiled and knelt down, picked up Sensen, and said to Ye Feifei: "Leave!"

"We still have things to do."

At this moment, he knew very well that what he encountered here was just a small episode, and there were more interesting things behind it.

Whether it is the bloody abyss, the people who keep the abyss, or even the scarlet palace located in the deep space, they are actually scarlet things. In other words, they are things that you should contact and understand step by step, and then deal with them, but , the bishop of the Church of Order seems to be a very courageous person, he actually sent these things to himself in advance, trying to fundamentally change himself.

What can be said about him?

Of course, it's amazing.

Regarding the Church of Order, I had been avoiding it before, or in other words, trying not to come into contact with it.

Because I don't know how to face them.

I don't even understand Scarlet, and I don't want to get in touch with these people or things that Scarlet left behind from the old era, and I don't know how to face them.

What if they kneel down and hug their thighs to ask for their allegiance?

But now, first of all, the previous incident of the New God of Order's attack on Scrap Iron City, coupled with the arrangement made by the Bishop of Order, made me know how to face them.

There is no scarlet legacy, these are just criminals.

There is no essential difference from those mysterious organizations and fanatical believers in the wilderness.

Holding Sensen in his arms, before leaving, Wei Wei turned around and saw that the bloody abyss behind the curtain was like a flat red mirror. In the mirror, several Wei Wei's shadows were faintly reflected, as if they were following him. Wei Wei's shadows overlapped, and it seemed as if he was just standing in the mirror and looking at him quietly. Their eyes intertwined, it was their first meeting, but they had the feeling of saying goodbye.

Ye Feifei didn't know why, but stood beside Wei Wei, watching him look at the blood-colored mirror, feeling that he was very lonely at this time.

"He broke away..."

At the same time, in Scrap Iron City, the Bishop of Order and the new Bishop of the Wandering Church had just met.

They sat down in the hall of the manor where Sensen's grandfather had stayed. Even a cup of tea had just been served. The heat had not subsided before they noticed a strange change.

The Bishop of the Wandering Church looked at the Archbishop of the Church of Order, with a smile on his face, as if questioning.

"He is indeed different from the scarlet before."

Bishop Order did not seem to be surprised. He just sighed softly and said, "I think the scarlet self must be full of frustration."

"Only Scarlet, full of frustration, will keep renewing itself, killing itself again and again, until it completely gives up on the past, and even makes fatal cuts."


The Iris Knight next to him already felt a little panicked.

When she realized that the Bishop of Order had chosen to cooperate with the Wandering Church, she felt that the problem this time was serious beyond her imagination.

The Church of Order has always been a partner of the Foundation. Even if the Church of Order’s move to create a new god was exposed, the Foundation did not immediately attack the Church of Order. Although there are many other reasons for this, at least on the surface, the Foundation They were tolerant, as if they were giving the Church of Order a last chance to consider whether they could find another way out...

But the decision made by the Bishop of Order was too scary. His final decision was to choose the most terrifying Wandering Church.

Now, their first step seems to have failed, but why don't they look worried at all?

"I have long said that the demon is different from what we have seen before, and it is different from what is mentioned in our church records."

The Bishop of the Wandering Church chuckled and nodded: "So now, should you agree to my plan?"


The bishop of the Church of Order nodded in agreement, and immediately took out a black box from behind him. It had a copper-green lock and was tightly fastened, but there seemed to be a miserable scream echoing inside.

"You want to hand it over to him?"

Knight Iris suddenly looked frightened and asked the Bishop of Order in a low voice.


The Bishop of Order nodded slightly and said: "This opportunity is very rare, and we cannot risk it all, so we have made two preparations from the beginning. If he is willing to be tied to that chain, we will give him the scepter." Even if he is a wandering church, he will recognize his existence. Of course the foundation will not recognize it, but with our support, the attitude of the foundation is no longer important."

"But if he doesn't want to, we will naturally have to make another choice."

"He may not want to be chained, but there are many people who are willing to be chained."

"He thinks that he is completely separated from the past and that he has abandoned the past. From this perspective, doesn't it mean that the past has abandoned him?"


When the Bishop of Order explained all this expressionlessly, the nun beside the Archbishop of the Wandering Church also moved forward with a smile.

She looked ordinary, but her pupils gradually dimmed at this moment, and something terrifying could be vaguely seen, howling crazily in her eyes.

As for the nun whose pupils had changed, her expression instantly became distorted and ferocious. She stretched out her hand stiffly and slowly, tentatively touching the box.

Knight Iris's expression had become extremely panicked.

The archbishop of the Wandering Church sighed softly: "There are too few devout people in this world, and we can no longer see pure faith."

"We were expelled to the wilderness and have been waiting for the arrival of the gods for thirty years."

"After waiting for a long time, we finally realized the most critical problem."

"There is no point in placing your hopes on a god that no one has ever seen. Instead of waiting, it is better to create one yourself."

"People's greatest hobby is not to believe in gods, but to create gods for themselves."


Listening to these words that were like mumbling to himself, Iris Knight's heart shrank violently as if it had fallen into an ice kiln.

The Wandering Church has been suppressed by the Foundation for nearly thirty years and has been trapped in the wilderness. They obviously have a large number of totems loyal to them, but they have not done much, which sometimes makes people feel Incredibly, until then, she finally understood what the Wandering Church had been doing in the past few years... They carefully selected the gods they recognized in their own pasture.

"This is……"

She was shaking inside.

Countless people had been panicking before, thinking that when Scarlet made his choice, the third secret war would begin.

Only now did she understand that the third secret war had actually begun.

"Brother Xiaowei, where are we going now?"

Following Wei Wei, An Ping returned to reality from that weird and even unreal world, but Ye Feifei still felt extremely confused.

After experiencing the previous scene, and now returning to reality, she actually felt that reality had an unreal feeling. She looked at the lights in the scrap iron city with some confusion, turned her head carefully, and saw Wei Wei at this moment He also lowered his head, as if thinking. It wasn't until Ye Feifei's eyes came over that he smiled deliberately and said, "Do you still need to ask? Shouldn't we continue our mission?"


Ye Feifei didn't understand. Didn't Sensen get it back?

"Sensen was lured there by something."

Wei Wei patiently explained, looking at the scarecrow that was still standing on the edge of the scrap iron city with a strange expression, he smiled and said: "This thing has killed a lot of people."

"Since we are in Scrap Iron City, how can we allow them to do this?"

"They're breaking the law, so we're going to catch them."


Ye Feifei felt that what Wei Wei said made sense, but it just felt very weird.

I'm not a fool.

Even when things like the strange space just happened, Wei Wei wanted to pursue the case of a group of city patrols who were killed by strange things. It always seemed a bit unreasonable.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

But Wei Wei didn't explain in detail. He just put Sensen on the jeep. Before he started the car, he heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching.

Wei Wei immediately stopped all his movements, quietly rolled down the window and waited.

Outside, on the grassy road, there was indeed a motorcycle driving over. It was a very old motorcycle with jingling parts. The passenger on the motorcycle was a strange-looking person. It was still a cool day, and he was wearing a pair of white trousers, with his upper body and feet bare, and his face seemed to have a kind of peace and quiet that would never get angry.

He drove to the jeep quietly, smiled at Wei Wei in the driver's seat, and said, "I've heard of you before."

"For a while, we even thought that we were about to welcome the eighth member of the Xingtian team, but we didn't expect that you would choose to come to this remote place."


"Xingtian Team?"

Ye Feifei suddenly cheered up and looked at the man in front of him in horror.

On the first day she became a full-time member, she knew about the Xingtian Team.

This team represents the most powerful team in the world except for madmen, and is the foundation's highest power.

Now, a person of this level actually appeared in front of him on a broken motorcycle?

Wei Wei, on the other hand, acted very relaxed at this moment. He just turned to look at his peaceful expression, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So, the foundation actually knew about it a long time ago?"

Shiva did not answer, but showed a curious expression: "It was actually a good opportunity just now."

"For scarlets before, accepting the legacy of the past was a big deal and a test. Some scarlets were even killed while accepting the legacy."

"You clearly have an opportunity at your fingertips, but why would you give up?"


He sighed: "That's a scarlet scepter..."

"Why would someone refuse when someone else hands them the scepter?"


"I have my reasons."

Wei Wei answered softly, then looked at Shiva intently, his expression becoming serious.

This was the first time Ye Feifei saw the serious expression on Wei Wei's face. There was no smile, but a clean and magnanimous look.

"And I'm here to tell you, the Foundation was wrong this time."

He looked at Shiva seriously, and seemed to have the feeling of saying: "No matter what your decision is, no matter who made this decision, you are wrong."

"Not only is it wrong, it's fucking stupid!"


Ye Feifei was nearby, too scared to move. This was the first time he saw Wei Wei getting angry.

He was even more worried that Wei Wei would take action against the person in front of him.

But Wei Wei didn't. After getting angry, he turned the key and the modified jeep was started. The anger on his face had completely disappeared, and instead he smiled helplessly:

"To be honest, I thought it was them who would anger me..."


Before these words were finished, the jeep had already started and headed in one direction of Scrap Iron City.

Shiva, on the other hand, looked at the taillights helplessly, regretting why he had been persuaded to come and take care of this mess.

When he had this helpless emotion in his heart, an almost terrifying spiritual power appeared in the northwest corner of Scrap Iron City, like a seed containing infinite power that instantly grew into a towering tree. , in the entire scrap iron city, no matter what they were doing, everyone was suddenly shocked in their hearts, as if they were sitting upright and were pushed by an invisible big hand.

The next moment, they heard faint laughter at the same time. It was very hollow, as scary as a nightmare.

Someone who was walking on the street looked up blankly and saw a bouncing scarecrow, appearing somewhat comically at the intersection.

And in this scarecrow's hands...are real hands.

It was clearly a scarecrow, but there was a hand inserted into it, a hand that looked like it should belong to a dead person, but could hold something like a living person.

In this hand, he was holding a scepter with twisted veins like bloodshot veins.

It jumped up and down, waving the scepter in its hand, and swung it towards the sky fiercely. In an instant, a terrifyingly sharp force splashed upward. The spiritual barrier above the Scrap Iron City was blasted away by this terrifying force at this moment. The shadow became distorted and unstable. In the next moment, this power directly tore a hole in the spiritual barrier, and then the crack began to expand to both sides.

At this moment, the scrap iron city suddenly became an isolated city without the protection of spiritual barriers.

However, as the spiritual barrier cracked, traces of blood appeared in every corner of the city.

They seemed like plant roots that had been pulled out, unwilling to appear, ferocious and squirming.

But the scepter in the scarecrow's hand bloomed with a bloody light at this moment. Under this light, all the blood threads were entangled and curled like ants that had lost their sense of direction.

tick tick tick

The sound of a clock sounded very pleasant, even pleasant.

A large amount of blood emerged somewhere in the Scrap Iron City, and an ancient but exquisite clock floated out of it.

Everyone began to panic and tremble, as if all their coats had been stripped away in the cold winter.

"how so?"

The frightened will almost cried out. It was the head pendant that was still at the peak of its life just now. It looked at the changes in front of it in disbelief.

No, everything is obviously developing for the best.

Obviously Scarlet already has his foundation, and the whole world is patiently waiting for his answer.

But why did it suddenly become like this?

At this moment, he was suddenly worried. At this point, he should surrender, but he had just scolded those totems, would they spare him?

"The foundation's decision was indeed wrong."

Shiva, who was standing on the edge of the scrap iron city, frowned, gently held his earphones, and said softly: "The cooperation between the Church of Order and the Wandering Church is not just about taking the scepter and scarlet. The idea that the Foundation wants to reap profits by making deals has become a joke. You have completely underestimated the ambitions of these people. They... want to completely take away everything from Xinsheng Scarlet..."

"Don't explain to me..."

Hearing the voice saying something in the earphones, he just shook his head and interrupted simply, saying: "I just want to know what to do now."

"For the first time in thirty years, the spiritual barrier has been torn apart. Scrap Iron City no longer has the protection of the spiritual barrier."

"What are you planning to do?"



He shook his head: "Haha, I don't know what his answer is. I don't even understand why he refused so simply when faced with the scarlet legacy of the past..."

"I only know that he was completely angered, and your Rose Plan has completely failed!"

"Don't even think about remedying it. You understand, without the support of mental barriers, I would not choose to fight against a monster of this level."



"Brother Xiaowei, what kind of monster is here again?"

Ye Feifei, who was in Wei Wei's jeep, also felt the frightening changes outside and asked with a cry.

She felt numb.

Why did Scrap Iron City encounter such a horrific incident again, and how should it end this time?

"This time the monster is special."

Wei Wei, who had just been angry with Shiva from the Xingtian team, was now very patient when facing Ye Feifei and explained with a smile: "It's different from before. Some of the previous monsters came from some crazy believers, and some came from In the wilderness, some also come from some unruly totems, and this time, it is very simple, it comes from the increasingly crazy desires of those people..."

"Those people created this monster."


"so what should I do now?"

Ye Feifei didn't seem to understand, but looked worriedly towards the northwest of Scrap Iron City. She didn't understand. It was obvious that the greatest pressure came from there, but Wei Wei had no intention of going there.

Brother Xiaowei has always been in danger before, and he got over it as soon as possible...

"Of course we are going to do what we should do..."

Wei Wei smiled patiently and kept stepping on the accelerator. The jeep quickly drove towards the west of Scrap Iron City, where there were large slums and garbage.

He took Ye Feifei to the vicinity of the garbage mountain in Scrap Iron City.

In Ye Feifei's incomprehensible eyes, Wei Wei stopped the car and strode down, stepping on rusty steel and large pieces of garbage to the top of the garbage mountain.

"It's time for us to talk..."

He spoke loudly into the air, looking a little mentally disturbed.

But his voice was sincere and even a little touching: "I used to dare not accept your sacrifice because I was still somewhat affected by the past."

"I dare not make a decision because I am choosing between you and the scarlet of the past."

"Between a child on a mountain of garbage and those high-flying scarlets, anyone would choose the latter, right?"

"But now I've made a decision."


He smiled, stretched out his hand into the dark night sky, and said: "I am the child on the garbage mountain, and this will never change."


In Ye Feifei's field of vision, a horrifying scene suddenly appeared. Above the garbage mountain, the deep sky suddenly split open, revealing a scarlet eye.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, was walking towards that eye with a relaxed pace, without any hesitation.

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