Scarlet Falls

Chapter 281 The Weakest Scarlet (6,000 words)

Facing the young priest who had revealed his last claws and didn't even look at him with the most basic respect in his eyes.

The spear on the chest has become more and more real, piercing the heart and traversing the chest, and blood drips down.

He just tried it for a while and then gave up the idea of ​​pulling out the spear. He looked at the young priest with gentle eyes and smiled softly:

"This stab of yours hurts my heart so much..."


This reaction made the young priest on the opposite side take a step back as if facing a powerful enemy.

He didn't dare to have the slightest contempt, lest he capsize in the gutter, but after taking a step back, he looked carefully to make sure that what he did was okay. The Spear of Truth has indeed penetrated Scarlet's chest. It can even be said that it has penetrated long before Scarlet entered the city. Now, it's just letting the effect show, it's just exercising the inherent power of the Spear of Truth.

Scarlet has lost.

Even if those people had such artifacts in their hands, they would not dare to provoke Scarlet.

After all, the Spear of Truth did kill Scarlet once, but because each generation of Scarlet would renew itself, they were worried that the Spear of Truth would lose its power.

I am also afraid of the backlash from bearing the spear of truth.

But he has carefully studied every case of Scarlet, and he has already been very confident, knowing that the Spear of Truth is Scarlet's nemesis, and will be its only nemesis.

Of course, no matter how confident I was, I still felt scared, so I took a gamble.

But now, the bet has been won.

The trump card has been revealed, the facts have been determined, and there is nothing to worry about anymore...

Looking at the leader of the Red Priests, who was facing a formidable enemy, Wei Wei just smiled plainly, even very relaxed.

Even if his own life, or the life energy of this body, has been rapidly drained by the existence of this spear, even if he has the power of cell activation, under the penetration of such a spear, his life has gradually... Lost activity. The scarlet power has never been so confused for a moment. The blood threads seem to have lost their power, pulling away one by one, and quickly withering.

"Damn, damn!"

In the hotel, the head pendants and hair exploded, shouting angrily: "I told you, I told you!"

"How hard it was for you to find yourself, how hard it was for you to live like a lunatic until now, how could you die here?"

"I have already bet on you, how can you die just because you say you will?"


Amidst its roar, it suddenly flew up, with blood strands oozing out of its hair, and its head swelling, quickly rushing out of the window, expanding without limit.

The pupils have become empty at this moment, and the invisible spiritual power flows rapidly, rolling towards Wei Wei like a waterfall.


And the ghost lady who was locked up in a can to prevent others from scaring others had already felt some kind of fear. Her body was suddenly covered with bloodshot eyes, and the can was hit with cracks everywhere, and then It was like a piece of translucent blood seeped out, the body became ferocious, and the nails became sharp. With an endless scream, it instantly crossed the city and rushed to the corner of the city.


The head pendant fell from the sky with great force, its mouth opened wide, and it looked like it was about to give Wei Wei a strong kiss.

However, its mouth bit the Spear of Truth, and invisible spiritual power wrapped around it, trying to pull the Spear of Truth out of his chest.

But it's no use.

The power of the dense lines on the Spear of Truth keeps flowing, but its spiritual power is quickly consumed.

The demon of knowledge and the demon of truth have always been mortal enemies. The demon of knowledge often has the ability to analyze the demon of truth, but it also has a limit.

The ability of the human head pendant obviously cannot pose a real threat to the Spear of Truth.


A cold wind filled with the smell of blood swept over and knocked the head pendant aside in an instant. The ghost lady grabbed the Spear of Truth as if she didn't want her life, and stepped on Wei Wei's chest with her feet, like uprooting a weeping willow. He continued to exert all his strength and pulled Wei Wei's chest until it made a rattling sound. His two feet even penetrated into Wei Wei's chest due to the excessive force.

But the spear of truth just penetrated Wei Wei's chest, without any change at all.

The ghost lady was as anxious as a ghost at this moment, howling miserably, suddenly turning back angrily and rushing towards the leader of the red-robed priesthood.

The leader of the red priests just looked at Wei Wei, without even blinking at the ghost lady who rushed towards him.


But just when the ghost lady's sharp fingers were about to catch his face, he was naturally counterattacked by invisible ripples and instantly bounced into the building across the street.

The expression on his face kept changing, ignoring the head pendant and the ghost lady.

Just looking at Wei Wei, watching him do nothing after being pierced by the Spear of Truth, his expression gradually became indifferent, and in his indifference, a bit of cynicism slowly brewed:

"You are indeed... the weakest Scarlet..."



"Feifei, what's wrong with you?"

Spiritual barrier, second city defense line, in a manor that has become a bit gloomy due to its age. Among the luxurious and exquisite interiors, Ye Feifei's family is waiting for the small door leading to the innermost study room. Opening it, inside, Ye Feifei saw his clan master for the second time after he was born, that is, the old man who had lived for more than 160 years and still held countless powers.

Beside her, her cousin Ye Qin, her younger brother Ye Tongtong, and her father and mother Ye were all nervously waiting for the notification from the housekeeper.

Ye Feifei didn't notice that his father and mother were increasingly worried, but for some reason, a layer of sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead and he reached out to hold his chest.

"What's wrong?"

Father Ye suddenly became nervous and hurriedly asked his daughter.

Not only him, but also several family relatives not far away and the housekeeper guarding the small door also hurriedly looked over.


Ye Feifei waited for a while, then waved his hand, and said with a slightly unfocused look: "I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a severe pain in my chest..."

On the first line of defense, in an inconspicuous small bar, several young people who were having a party put down the wine in their glasses. For some reason, everyone suddenly became less interested in talking.

"He has received the Hymn of Hell and taken it with him into the sacred realm..."

A young man wearing a white suit with unusual-looking pupils sighed softly and broke the silence: "Do you think... nothing will happen to him, right?"

"Something happened?"

A man who was obviously the same age as them, but obviously older than the others in terms of hair and face, snorted coldly and said: "He is Scarlet, a lunatic who can destroy the foundation's most powerful weapon with just one denial. He What could happen? Apart from the Twelve Demons taking action personally, or him hanging himself out of his mind, who else in the world can make anything happen to him?"

"It's the biggest joke that we people would actually worry that something might happen to him."



Someone hesitated for a moment and suddenly said: "What if he really killed himself?"

"...How can he be so stupid?"

This rhetorical question made everyone present fall silent for a moment, and then a woman with a cold expression said softly: "Or maybe something happened to him, and it's a good thing anyway."

"At least he died there, and we will pretend that we never had this classmate. We should get married, get promoted, and no longer have to worry about whether to betray the foundation because of him."


The atmosphere became more silent. Even though the most relaxed words were said, everyone became more and more silent.


In the sacred realm at this time, looking at this young priest with a mocking face, Wei Wei suddenly sighed and walked a few steps slowly, with the spear always running through his body.

His movements made the young priest frown slightly, secretly preparing to defend.

But he found that Wei Wei just tried to take two steps, then looked back at him and chuckled: "If things are really like what you said, then I don't mind dying like this."


The young priest's expression couldn't help but become a little surprised.

Then he saw that Wei Wei seemed to ignore the Spear of Truth on his body and just walked slowly towards other directions in the city.

The young priest's expression changed slightly. Although he knew that the overall situation had been decided, seeing Wei Wei's behavior still made him a little troubled and curious. He couldn't help but say:

"where you go?"


"Of course I'm going to see if things are really what you said..."

Wei Wei answered easily and took some weak steps, looking like a real traveler.

The young priest was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he began to doubt his own views.

He has imagined this confrontation between himself and Scarlet countless times, and even in most of these scenarios, he lost.

But he never expected that even though he had already won, such a scene would happen that he didn't expect even if he broke his head.

Scarlet, the Scarlet who had been pierced by the Spear of Truth, actually walked to other parts of the city with the spear that pierced his heart. His steps even seemed easy.

Soon, the whole city saw this horrifying scene.

A man with a pale face and a spear pierced through his chest was walking slowly on the street.

After that, there were footprints full of blood.

And he even had a polite smile on his face. He had seen the city's buildings, shops, customs and customs, and even shook hands and chatted with the old people on the street in a friendly manner.

The old man was fulfilled and satisfied with his life, but he was almost fainted by this young man.

The young priest followed him all the time. The confusion on his face became more and more serious, and the uncontrollable worry in his heart became more and more intense.

He watched helplessly as Wei Wei walked from one end of the city to the other. In the bright night, like a wounded ghost, in the city, the Holy Knights, police officers affiliated with the Administration Department, and the garrison The troops all saw this horrifying scene, but he stopped these people with his eyes, and just remained silent, following the man who was pierced by the spear, all over the city.

At first, he felt a little panic because of Wei Wei's unexpected behavior.

But soon, he became more calm.

"You can watch it if you want..."

He followed Wei Wei quietly, keeping a certain distance, and whispered: "No matter what you want to see, I will accompany you."

"Just think that I am saying goodbye to this scarlet, and perhaps the last one!"

"I don't know what you plan to find here at this last moment when your defeat is certain, but I allow you to find it."


He was very generous about his actions that he couldn't stop.

The Spear of Truth has already taken action and pierced Scarlet, but at this delicate moment, he did not dare to do anything. Even if he had a gun in his hand, he did not dare to shoot at Scarlet because he was worried about the bullets he shot. , will break the delicate balance between the Spear of Truth and Scarlet, causing the situation to change unexpectedly, so I would rather hold on to this advantage until Scarlet truly falls to the ground.

He just whispered about his advantages: "There are too many actions that slander the Holy Church among outsiders."

"Some say we are evil, some say we are chaotic, and some describe the sacred realm as a place more terrifying than the devil's paradise."

"But you can see it for yourself now."

“How can the realm of God be filled with evil?”

"Everyone living here is rich and happy, their hearts are holy and clean, and their beliefs are kind and simple. Here, we are not like the cursed spiritual barrier where sin is rampant and chaos is everywhere. The Borderlands is full of monsters. Here, there are only peaceful and happy people. It is difficult to see even a small theft, let alone killing..."

"They are the best people in the world and the happiest people. You want to find..."

"...What else can we find?"


This is actually true.

Wei Wei had to admit that he actually saw the cleanest city in the world.

Not to mention the Scrap Iron City on the edge of the mental barrier, even the first city defense line where I had been, could not see this clean temperament at all.

He really saw a group of happy and contented people, and saw their happy and peaceful life.

However, he was not in a hurry, and still walked slowly. Looking at it, there was no sadness or pain on his face due to his imminent death, but he looked very happy.

After he looked at this city, he looked at other cities in the sacred realm. It seemed that the limitations of space were far away from him at this time. He was just a ghost with a spear pierced through his chest. In a very short period of time, he traveled almost all the cities. Throughout the Holy Realm, I have seen countless big cities, and there are some dirty and dirty things among them, such as the priest who likes little boys, the nun who has an affair, and the superintendent who wields power.

The young priests' hearts were beating wildly because of the occurrence of these things, but Wei Wei did not make a fuss about these trivial matters.

He even showed surprising generosity.

In such a clean city, even a little bit of dirt cannot erase its brightness.

This magnanimity made the young leader of the Red Priests begin to wonder if Scarlet had completely given up and was just wasting the last of his life senselessly.

At least the head pendant and the ghost lady seemed to be really desperate, and they were just following behind them absentmindedly.

Will Scarlet, the last Scarlet, become the first Scarlet to die?

Then, amid their despair and the increasingly confident smile of the young priest in red, Wei Wei gently stood down.

"It's really nice here. It's simply the best place I've ever seen..."


Listening to these words, the young leader of the Red Priests' heart trembled, and he was even moved to tears.

But at this moment, Wei Wei suddenly said softly: "But what about other places?"

The leader of the Red Priests almost roared: "You have visited almost all the cities. Where are there other places?"

And when he was thinking this, Wei Wei, who was standing still, suddenly raised his hand gently and pointed towards the night sky in the distance, as if he had lifted something off.

Scenes of strange scenes began to appear one after another, and the expression of the young leader of the red priests suddenly became solemn.

What Wei Wei uncovered was another layer of the world in the sacred realm.

In addition to these clean and peaceful cities, there is another kind of life going on. Wei Wei saw a large number of slaves farming under the night, saw the factories belonging to the church, working day and night, and saw a Another group of knights were scattered into the wilderness. With their sacred destiny and ambition, they harvested waves of rich sacrifices for the Holy Church.

"Could it be..."

After Wei Wei uncovered this layer, the head pendant also raised its head, as if seeing unspeakable hope.

I didn't expect that this madman would have such a rational side.

He could actually see this layer.

Indeed, the cities in the sacred realm are rich and beautiful. Their beliefs and the laws of demons have given them unprecedented satisfaction and simplicity.

However, demonic power can twist logic and twist all kinds of logic.

But it can only distort the underlying logic of this world.

As the most loyal believers of the Holy Church, you pray with peace of mind and enjoy the gifts of God. You can be pure and civilized in your heart, but things in this world are inherently balanced. Even the demonic power is based on the lowest level of logic. To maintain a balance, these people who can gain happiness without having to work hard because of their loyalty, where do the resources that you rely on for your happiness come from?

The best cities are often built on the dirtiest foundations.

"Those are all refugees..."

Similarly, when Wei Wei turned his attention to these people, who were so large that they were ten times or a hundred times more than the residents of the sacred realm, the head of the Red Priests could not help but shout: "They are all obsessed with God." Many of those who doubt or believe in demons have committed serious crimes. For them to accept such suffering is originally God's punishment. This... this is also the most fair thing!"

Listening to his almost roaring voice, Wei Wei remained silent for a long time, acting completely opposite to him.

He just asked softly: "So, who gave you the power to think that you are qualified to determine who should be happy and who should be punished?"


This question made the young head of the clergy at a loss for words. He had ten thousand reasons to answer when facing others.

But now, he was facing Scarlet, who had been hit by the Spear of Truth. This made him dare not answer casually, lest he shake his advantage.

Only after being silent for a long time, he suddenly answered with a ferocious expression: "What about you?"

"You can question me at will, and then can you give me an answer?"

"Just like Miss Lily, you have seen her. I specially let you see her. I just want to ask you. You can say that she who has become the idol of the whole city is a devil, but what about before that?"

"How can you change her miserable life?"

"If she lives like this and loses even her last faith, how can you save her?"


With these words, the Spear of Truth seemed to become more real.

The wounds on Wei Wei's body were expanding, his flesh and blood were being torn apart bit by bit, and blood was flowing out of his body.

"See, you don't have an answer either."

The young head of the priesthood had a ferocious expression on his face, and his eyes were cold as he looked at Wei Wei, who was extremely weak.

"So it's useless even if you use this to question me."

"Is your goal to eliminate all demonic power and return the world to its original state?"

"That's a joke!"

"Don't forget that the Mysterious Big Bang was born from the original environment. Those unfair things still exist and will never disappear."

"So, you are destined to despair and die under the spear of truth."

"Even Miss Lily can't save you. You shouldn't step into the sacred realm at all. You should stay in the spiritual barrier and enjoy the small privileges that your identity brings you!"


His words were very serious, and every word seemed to form a heavy mental pressure, impacting Wei Wei's will.

Behind Wei Wei, the head pendant also wanted to cry without tears.

He just wanted to say that he had advised Wei Wei a long time ago not to get into such a trap, it would kill him.

But in the end, everything that worried me happened.

In the last attack, Scarlet, who turned the Foundation, the Church of Order, and the Wandering Church into fools, quickly turned himself into a fool too.

But also facing the sharp questioning from the head of the clergy, Wei Wei's expression remained calm.

He waited until all the man's questions stopped, then suddenly spoke, as if the answer had already existed in his heart:

"Everything you said is right."



While he asked softly, he slowly raised the black gun in his waist pouch behind him, or rather, his scepter. He slowly pulled it out, raised it, and pointed forward:

"Who says I can't save Miss Lily?"

"I've been looking at her..."


At this moment, the young leader of the Red Priests saw Wei Wei's smile and suddenly became very bright.

I'm quite satisfied with this chapter, hehe

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