Scarlet Falls

Chapter 286 Father An’s Question

When Wei Wei changed his expression and walked towards the spiritual barrier, the entire precarious sacred realm felt unexpected joy at this moment.

It was a feeling of despair being drawn away.

They originally had the happiest and quietest life, with a large number of believers who were never too demanding, and obedient slaves, but no one thought that their stable life could be destroyed in an instant, that scarlet demon Coming to the sacred realm, all the things that could represent beauty were easily destroyed in front of his eyes and in the horrific hymn he brought.

What a terrifying devil this is...

A demon with only killing in its eyes, a demon who only wants to destroy something precious...

But they didn't expect that such a demon would suddenly show kindness and pull away at such a critical moment.

Of course, it was already almost destroyed, and the relocation of the Sacred Realm was already inevitable, but according to everyone's thinking, they thought that he would completely crush the Sacred Realm and add a few more things.

But the other party's timely withdrawal brought a huge surprise.

No matter what the circumstances were, and no matter how the sacred realm was destroyed, it was always gratifying to see the demons stay away.

At least this shows that the devil is not that evil yet...

Compared to the joy of the remaining members of the Sacred Realm, Wei Wei's footsteps became increasingly heavy.

When he felt the anger, he took back the gun in his hand, looked deep into the spiritual barrier, then strode out and walked down the garbage mountain.

But when he started to turn his head, those people venting their anger in the sacred realm, those desperate faces seen through the power of scarlet, were left behind by him. The originally angry Wei Wei, He didn't even notice that there was anything wrong with it. After all, the matter in the sacred realm had been solved, he had found the answer to his problem, and his promotion had been completed very smoothly.

But when he started to move away step by step, his footsteps suddenly became calm.

There was a palpitation in his heart that he had not considered before. At this moment, it suddenly arose in his heart and affected his thinking.

He suddenly felt that what was behind him was not behind him in the physical sense, but the people or things he had left behind, which were the things that attracted him the most.

That kind of attraction has reached the level of responsibility.

He walked down the garbage mountain step by step and walked towards the inside of the spiritual barrier, because he saw some bad things and wanted to stop them.

Even angry, angry that someone would actually take advantage of Ye Feifei.

However, when I started to walk down the garbage mountain, it seemed that my thoughts suddenly became uncontrollable, and too many distracting thoughts flooded into my heart.

This is almost rare for Wei Wei, or it has never happened before.

Because he has always been a very responsible, or in other words, very pure person.

He never gave up persuading anyone to do good, and even kept the back door locked for this reason.

Not sparing any damned person, and always trying to find those damned people, because this is my responsibility.

Responsibility is greater than everything else, even greater than yourself.

After joining the Extraordinary Sheriff Team of Scrap Iron City, he has always liked Ye Feifei more than Sister Lucky. It is also because by following Ye Feifei, he can find more things he wants to do.

Simply put, you can find the responsibilities you most want to bear.

Whether it's saving a desperate person or cleaning up some people who bring despair to others.

Even then, he always had a strong desire. It would be great if he could find these people all the time so that he could always work.

After all, this desire to take responsibility is engraved in his instinct.

I have to say that now that I have reached the seventh level, my wish has come true.

Transforming into the scarlet symbol means that he has decided to stand by the desperate lamb.

What Wei Wei saw in his eyes was no longer just these desperate people in the sacred realm, but could even spread endlessly to see more desperate people, until he had enough power to bring awe to the entire world and see Those desperate lambs can have the last courage to resist while being numb, or in other words, they can have the possibility of showing a lucky smile on their lips...

This is like a person who wants to drink and sees an endless vat of wine.

Hungry people saw a street of restaurants that didn't charge money.

Those who want women, see...

...In short, that is what Wei Wei has been longing for, and is even willing to sacrifice his life to execute it.

However, Ye Feifei...

No matter from any angle, it seemed that he should help Ye Feifei, immediately, immediately, without hesitation, directly return to the mental barrier without delaying a second.

However, I just saw those desperate faces, do I want to push away those desperate people?

Obviously returning to the spiritual barrier is a very simple matter. For Wei Wei now, it can be done easily.

But such a simple thought actually made Wei Wei feel a huge sense of division, as if a deep crack had spread in his heart.

how so?

He thought with some pain, was he still qualified to carry these things?

"Having abandoned the Bloody Abyss, you are obviously not familiar with how to be a high-level individual..."

And when Wei Wei turned his head to face the spiritual barrier and walked forward step by step, but his steps became slower and slower, as if he was entangled in invisible pain, a gentle voice rang out.

Under the scarlet rubbish mountain, a person suddenly appeared.

Even Wei Wei didn't know when he appeared, but this person suddenly made his pupils shrink violently, as if he had been hit hard.

It was an old man wearing a priest's uniform and a little red hat on his head. In his hand, he held a strange book with a red cover, with a gentle and calm smile on his face.

The huge rose pattern was clearly reflected on the cover of the book, and it seemed as if it had just appeared.

Father An?

Bloody rose?

The moment he saw the old man, Wei Wei's hair suddenly broke out all over his body, and many of the desperate faces that appeared alternately in front of him disappeared in an instant.

No matter what, he never expected that this old man would appear in front of him.

The initiator of everything, the old man who is never absent at every critical moment in his memory and can always play a key role.

The incarnation of the Bloody Rose that I hate the most is also the leader who I should have killed but could not really kill during the revenge killing operation many years ago.

In my own home, I have been waiting for guests.

When Wei Wei discovered the rose symbol in the orphanage, he always wanted to find him, but he couldn't, even though he had used the foundation's connections to check it, and even though his status was constantly improving. But this person is so mysterious. He can find him anytime he wants. But when he wants to find him, he hides in the cracks of the world and never enters his field of vision.

But now, he actually appeared under his own rubbish mountain so arrogantly?

There were no suitable words to describe Wei Wei's inner joy at this moment. Almost by instinct, he opened his palms and wanted to grab it hard.


Father An, facing Wei Wei at this time, grabbed him full of anger, but just sighed softly.

The moment Wei Wei raised his hand, the garbage mountain was sensed, and there seemed to be an endless sea of ​​blood around him. The strands of blood almost dyed the dark clouds in the sky red.

If I had to describe it, it would be overwhelming, with half of the sky trying to capture Father An.

But Father An actually turned a blind eye, and calmly looked up at Wei Wei on the garbage mountain, seeming to reprimand him like an elder:

"When will you grow up?"


Wei Wei was looked at by his eyes, and suddenly he felt panic in his heart. It was a panic that had no reason and could not affect him in the first place.

I have always known what I want and what I should do.

But now, when he has reached his most powerful moment, he feels a certain imbalance under these eyes.

"A mature person should know what he wants."


When facing the astonished Wei Wei, Father An seemed to have prepared this speech a long time ago, or in other words, he came just for this speech.

Going even further, he even waited for many years just for this speech.

"the same as you."

"So, whether Scarlet should be the guardian of the lamb or become your will, is the most important question now."

"Choose to be one or choose to be zero. This question I asked you to answer a long time ago is not to set a trap for you, but to help you."

"If you avoid this question, you will inevitably fall into this moment of confusion."


His words were obviously very simple and seemed to be meaningless, but Wei Wei didn't know why, but he felt unusually painful.

He looked at Father An in front of him, and felt that his old face seemed to be constantly blurring, overlapping with a shadow deep in his mind, becoming extremely familiar.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to have said this before.

"Why are you telling me this?"

He heard himself answering, but because the power of the seventh person was too heavy and blocked his own perception, the voice sounded like someone else was asking:

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"


"Even if you kill me, I will come."

Father An looked at him with an unprecedented seriousness: "Because this is what I promised you..."

"Before we worked together to formulate the final logic birth plan, I personally promised you..."


When he said this, he actually laughed calmly and easily, but Wei Wei's eyes became frightened, and he finally thought of when he had seen this familiar face before.

Every time you look in the mirror!

Let’s update a chapter first, and also, squint for two hours. The lack of sleep is so terrible that my heart feels uncomfortable.

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