Scarlet Falls

Chapter 290 The most vicious assassination in history

As the scarlet train moved forward, deep fear also spread in the wilderness.

The destruction of the sacred realm and the group of believers closest to God, or the devil, triggered a huge chain reaction. After all, the Wandering Church once represented the faith in the wilderness. With the destruction of the Wandering Church, what followed one after another The impact is inevitable, but in reality, this chain reaction does not occur so quickly, but in the deeper space, this impact is as unstoppable as dominoes.

Originally, there were a large number of holy legions and totems everywhere in the wilderness, with the holy church as the core, spreading all over the world.

Now that the sacred realm has been destroyed, they themselves are in a state of panic as they have suddenly lost their backbone. The sudden appearance of the scarlet train has plunged them into deep despair.

Conscious bodies that don’t understand the inside story don’t even understand how this happened, and they think that Scarlet is reining in the remnants of the Wandering Church.

Everyone understands the idea of ​​defeating the opponent's core and then gathering the opponent's strength for one's own use.


...That’s not how the remnant forces are collected, boss!

You can ask everyone to sign the most stringent and excessive contract in history. I believe that after everyone complains and suffers losses, they will sign it honestly.

After all, the twelve demons are not in reality, so there is no shame in everyone choosing to follow Scarlet.

However, the reality is that the Scarlet Train wanders in the wilderness and has harvested countless depraved creatures and evil demons in an instant.

You didn't even give me a chance to kneel down! !

This unreasonable, almost violent behavior made a large number of evil demons in the wilderness, as well as the totems sitting in one area, deeply uneasy and howling in despair.

"Oh my God, is this all true?"

In this endless panic, only the head pendant understood what was happening. It followed Wei Wei, often feeling frightened and rarely feeling surprise.

But this time, what it originally felt was a surprise.

But because the surprise came so suddenly and so fiercely, it actually turned into a shock.

The kind of fright that makes you cry...

What are you doing?

The demonic power, or surreal logic contained in these depraved creatures, demonic inferiors, and even some totems is what it dreams of.

Scarlet has the ability to harvest these surreal logics, and it has been looking forward to this day.

But this time, too much was harvested, because now Wei Wei has stored all the scattered logic harvested in his head, so it can most clearly feel the chaotic and majestic super power. Realistic knowledge, for the knowledge demon who is naturally greedy for all kinds of knowledge, this is simply an indescribable treasure. This in itself is the sacrifice it needs when advancing to the next level...

Of course, Wei Wei's reason was just that he wanted to complete the investigation report and temporarily use his head to store it, as if he was using it as a mail tray.

But it doesn't matter!

Not to mention the mail tray, it doesn't matter if you use it as a hard drive.

The head pendant only felt scary at this time. I didn't know what kind of qualitative changes this huge amount of demonic knowledge would cause after it accumulated to a certain extent.

At the same time, I am a little worried because I don't seem to have enough memory.

"What is certain is that Scarlet will definitely come, leaving us little time to prepare."

"But fortunately, we have been preparing for it for many years before this day actually comes."

Within the spiritual barrier, the order issued by the consortium has caused an uproar. Due to the emergence of the foundation and fanatical believers, few people in this world have a true understanding of the power of the consortium. Until this moment, then, Only after the consortium's reaction came out did these people see the real corner of the consortium's terrifying power beneath the prosperity on the surface of the spiritual barrier.

The first batch of people who received the secret order were a group of specially trained killers who began to gather towards the outside of the spiritual barrier.

The second group includes some important newspapers, media, and even well-known figures within the spiritual barrier.

Then, there are a group of construction companies that have been gathering at the spiritual barrier for many years and seem to have been wasting manpower and material resources without creating effective profits. They are all mobilized by a secret order and quickly He rushed to the outer edge of the spiritual barrier, and at a coordinate point provided by the Ye family inside, in the vast wilderness, he smashed the first nail of this terrorist plan.

Immediately, countless materials and resources were transported to the coordinate point by convoys across the wilderness.

How long does it take to build a city?

The power of the consortium gave out a shocking news at this time. Perhaps, it only takes two days?

Countless buildings were erected from the ground, business connections were interconnected, water and electricity were available, neat and long roads were paved, and continuous lights began to be erected on the roadside.

After that, countless people of all kinds began to settle in the city according to the contract with the consortium.

And inside the spiritual barrier, for some unknown reason, there suddenly appeared something called the "Red Devil", which began to trigger discussions among the people. Various information about this kind of devil was revealed, and some of them were wandering churches that had been expelled. Some of the internal documents are provided by mysterious people, and some are told by people who have seen the red devil. That terrible devil...

During this process, some seemingly trivial things began to be discussed.

Some people worship the red devil. After all, the members of the Church of Order were banned not long ago. For example, there is a jobless young man in Scrap Iron City who believes in killing.

This seems to be an earthquake at the bottom of the world, or in other words, in the spiritual world, brewing energy, but it has not yet caused a real disaster.

However, the most important handwritten contracts of the consortium have begun to be delivered to some special people through various channels.

On the first line of defense of the spiritual barrier, a well-known surgeon.

After he completed an operation, he saw the polite butler in a tuxedo waiting outside his operating room. The other person respectfully presented the envelope containing the contract.

"Is it time?"

The surgeon didn't even open it, just smiled and asked.

"Yes, dear Mr. Agent."

The smile on the butler's face was very professional, but there was also a hint of panic about the unknown, because he knew that this person was one of the most terrifying individuals in the world.

"I originally thought you would wait until he grows up a bit before taking action."

The surgeon smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to be so impatient. I believe you are already prepared, but I want to know, besides me, who else did you invite?"

"War, plague, and luck..."

With a humble smile on his face, the butler said, "I'm just a messenger, and I don't know much about the inside story."

"But I believe that you have long been dissatisfied with the current hibernation. Now, everyone must be very happy to see certain elements disappear in the world."


The surgeon gently lifted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile, "Indeed."

"Everyone has had a very unhappy life these past few years."



"What on earth is this?"

The actions of the consortium are so great that even if many people don't want to care about such things, they can't ignore the information that is crowded in front of them.

Especially some training camp students who had learned a lot of inside information from the last meeting could not help but raise their own questions about these appearances.

What is even more surprising are some people who seemed to have distanced themselves from Wei Wei for a long time.

"Quite simply, the most vicious assassination ever committed."

The person who answered this question was one of the students of the three major mentors of the foundation and Shu Yaqian's superior. She even looked through the information in her hand very easily, but from time to time she would raise her head and glance at the TV. There were pictures inside. The expansion pack contains some information about a murder case in Scrap Iron City many years ago, or some candid photos of the goat-faced demon statue in Scrap Iron City.

This is one of the most popular programs, discussing the growth of evil cults within the spiritual barrier.

"This is an assassination that has been prepared for a long time and has been started a long time ago. Even the dormant demon agents in recent years are related to this."

"In fact, a question that is bothering many people now, whether the devil exists, is also related to this."


Listening to the instructor's narration, Shu Yaqian, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses, looked up expressionlessly: "Why?"

"Because the twelve demons don't dare to really exist."

"Since Scarlet could awaken them through a mysterious explosion many years ago, who can guarantee that Scarlet will not erase them through another mysterious explosion?"

"So, of course, the devil doesn't exist."

"As long as the scarlet color does not disappear for a day, the devil will not dare to appear in reality."



With Shu Yaqian's character, it stands to reason that she would not be nervous, but when she asked, she did pause: "What if the scarlet really disappears?"

"Then the world will really become something else."

"Maybe the twelve demons will return to their churches, and maybe the immortal contract in the hands of the consortium will become the sacred code of the new world."



Shu Yaqian couldn't help but speak again: "I don't want to change anything, it's just..."

"If these things really happen, it will definitely lead to the third secret war, right? Doesn't the Foundation have its own actions?"


"The Third Secret War?"

The instructor suddenly couldn't help laughing and said: "Silly boy, the third secret war has already started, and now, they are all rushing to their own battlefield."

"By the way, according to the latest news, the young man named Wei Wei has reached the edge of the town."



"Before, it seemed that there was no one from this city here, right?"

The scarlet train has never slowed down. Even though it has traversed many places in the wilderness and harvested a lot of demonic knowledge, it still traversed Wei Wei at the fastest speed. The space that cannot be directly crossed through the scarlet power, with endless blood color, and the wailing souls of injustice behind it, rises from the wilderness and approaches the spiritual barrier that he has survived for many years before.

When he approached the spiritual barrier, Wei Wei got off the scarlet train.

He has lived in the spiritual barrier for many years and has always abided by the rules here, so he has no intention of borrowing the scarlet train and rushing in directly.

Just looking at the city, he felt a little curious.

In his memory, the city on the edge of the spiritual barrier was probably Scrap Iron City.

But now this city is obviously not a scrap iron city. It is newer and bigger than the scrap iron city, and the tall buildings look brighter.

Even standing on the edge of the city, he could see many people in the city, all well-dressed and with friendly smiles on their faces, doing their own things.

If there is one thing they have in common, it is that they all seem to be waiting for someone.

"Let's go!"

Wei Wei noticed the head pendant and his eyes widened, looking at the city continuously. He also heard the ghost lady patting the wall of the bottle as if she sensed something.

But he acted very calmly, even as if he was relieved.

He just gently held his backpack, like a returning traveler, and slowly walked into the city.

His steps were steady and firm, just like the way he walked up the steps of the apartment building.

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