Scarlet Falls

Chapter 294 Scarlet’s Answer

When the calamity stood up, the scarlet coming from the deep space on the bloody carpet met through the last layer of blurred and trembling space.

The whole world seemed to have become much quieter, as if the entire reality had held its breath and waited quietly.

Whether it is a fight between gods or a unilateral suppression, this is a scene that is enough to make the world suffocate.

However, contrary to many people's expectations, their meeting seemed too peaceful.

Wei Wei saw Ye Feifei and seemed to have a faint smile on his face.

But whether it was because he had something to do or because he recognized that Ye Feifei was not Ye Feifei, his expression softened again.

He just frowned and looked at Ye Feifei carefully, but it didn't seem like he was looking at her face, but like he was looking deep inside, looking at something deep in her spirit.

Through her eyes, he looked into her heart, and then slowly frowned:



Calamity also looked at him and took a deep breath, which seemed to be a bit emotional: "Scarlet."

Wei Wei put the exaggerated sickle in his hand, which was nearly half taller than him and looked a bit big, on the ground, as if he had to think hard about something.

He rushed over because he heard Ye Feifei's cry for help, and was angry because he encountered too many obstacles on the way. Now, he finally reached the depths of the spiritual barrier through this sickle, and finally saw Ye Feifei, and also saw Ye Feifei. This one has covered Ye Feifei's thoughts and memories, as if turning her into another calamity demon completely, but she is not as angry as she imagined.

Instead, there was a buzz in my mind, and there seemed to be some specious pictures, turning over endless fragments.

He looked at Ye Feifei's face. This face still made him feel kind and gentle, but the strange thing was that it was obvious that behind this face, it was not Ye Feifei anymore.

But Wei Wei still has this kind and gentle feeling.

"Can you stop him?"

When Wei Wei and Calamity were almost talking face to face, the heads of the consortium had already hid behind Calamity and hid in various locations in the manor.

I hold deep expectations in my heart.

There is still hope for success, right?

After all, the first demon to come to reality was Disaster.

Although Scarlet is recognized by everyone as powerful, after all, it has been killed many times. Apart from the Spear of Truth, only Calamity has killed Scarlet in a one-on-one situation.

Although today's disaster is not the most powerful complete form, Scarlet has also not grown up.

No, not only has he not grown up, but because of his betrayal of Scarlet's essence, he is now even inferior to some totems in terms of hierarchy.

So, there is still a chance of winning, right?

Of course, even if the disaster wins at this time, it is estimated that the surrounding people will also suffer. And because he did not die by his own hands, he does not know whether the immortal contract will be fulfilled as promised.

"So, you arranged all this?"

Wei Wei shook his head slightly. He couldn't tell where this sense of intimacy came from.

He was very sure that the will in front of him was not the will of the real world, nor was it the real Ye Feifei. Since he came here, he still had to wake up Ye Feifei.

Therefore, the one in front of me is the enemy.

When he asked this question, his tone was already subconsciously cold.

But he didn't seem to be aware of the disaster in front of him at all. He even pursed his lips and smiled, and suddenly asked mischievously: "Is it fun?"


Wei Wei stared at her deeply for a long time, then shook his head and replied seriously: "It's not fun."

After pondering for a moment, he whispered: "I don't know why you did this, and I don't know what happened, but I know that the devil is not allowed to come to reality."

He said these words naturally, without seeming to need to think deeply.

The disaster seemed to dim slightly, and soon, a faint smile seemed to bloom on her face, and she whispered softly: "It doesn't matter."

"You don't know, then let me tell you."

"This world has always had its own logic of development. No matter before the mysterious Big Bang or after the Mysterious Big Bang, in fact, everything is neither more nor less."

"It's just that when the mysterious big explosion happened, something changed its form of existence."

"I know that many people are asking whether God really exists."

"Isn't this the biggest joke?"


Calamity actually laughed and said: "Of course God exists. In the short history of human civilization, God has been defined by too many different concepts. Some people think that mountains are majestic and invincible, so they worship mountain gods. "Some people believe that the sun is high in the sky and shines on all things, so they worship the sun god. Some people believe that everything that happens in fate is irreversible, so there is the god of fate."

"Anything that is invincible and makes people willing to surrender is God."

"The same goes for the gods who appeared after the mysterious big explosion, but they changed from the mountains and the sun to life, laws, war, and death..."

"We were born at this time. Although our birth was accidental, it seems that everything is destined, because no matter life or rules, war or plague, they have always existed and been paid attention to. Our bodies have long been Born in the development of human civilization, the awakening of our will from these forces is also an unexpected but inevitable thing..."

"It's a pity. We could have always been the object of worship, but among every similar group, there is always one person who thinks differently from others."

"Such as you."


She sighed softly, raised her head and looked at Wei Wei seriously, and said: "You are originally the same as us, but you are too contaminated by human nature..."

"The pollution of human nature..."

Wei Wei frowned, feeling like he wanted to refute Calamity's words, but he didn't know where to start.

He has obviously abandoned the Bloody Abyss, but for some reason, the words of disaster still make him have the urge to think of something.

"You ask me why I do this, it's actually very simple..."

At this moment, Calamity sighed softly and spoke: "Because everyone doesn't like you."

"They originally wanted you to join and become the thirteenth god, but you refused and decided to become the only devil. They didn't want you to become a devil, so they made you disappear forever. But, you disappeared again and again. Returning again and again gives us a headache, so since we can't prevent you from coming back, we will completely destroy your will and leave only the purest scarlet..."

"Of course, what just happened shows that even that is difficult."

"But in this way, our appeal has actually become very simple. At the very least, don't let you become a stubborn child..."

"Because, that's too scary..."


Seeing her seemingly teasing words, Wei Wei frowned and looked up at her: "Why?"

"Because it's unreasonable..."

Calamity smiled and said: "This world has never lacked careerists, consortiums, or even foundations who are smart enough to conduct cross-dimensional research, understand deep logic and laws, and exploit them."

"The only thing that is missing the most is the child who came down from the garbage mountain, because he never knows how to compromise."


When Calamity said this, he looked deeply at Wei Wei, and his expression seemed to become very serious: "And this is also your problem."

"You never know how to compromise."

"Obviously our existence is reasonable, inevitable, and is believed by the entire human civilization, but you are unwilling to enjoy this."

"All the existing orders cannot satisfy you, so what do you want?"


After seeing the disaster, there were too many words she said that Wei Wei couldn't understand.

It wasn't until this moment, when he heard Calamity's last words, that he suddenly felt a sudden realization. It was as if the things that had long been rooted in his heart, and that had made him painful and confused from the moment he was born, were finally revealed. When the disaster pointed out the last point, he suddenly paid attention to the key point. In fact, all complex situations only need the simplest reason to answer in the end.

"What do you want?"


He couldn't help but laugh: "This is the only question I can answer."

In the process of answering seriously, he slowly raised the bloody sickle in his hand and pointed it at the reality that was only slightly separated from him.

As if to announce that when I step into reality again, this will be my only and eternal pursuit:

"I want everyone to learn to be afraid."


When he said these words, he was actually smiling. He walked out of the deep world with a smile. It looked like a grand magic show. In front of Ye Feifei, on the empty ground, there was a bright red sickle. The tip of the knife entered reality, and soon one of Wei Wei's feet, then his body, his bright smile, and finally, his whole person, completely appeared in the real world.

He did not put down the sickle in his hand, but answered the disaster seriously: "I also know that everything, since it exists, is reasonable."

"The existence of consortia is reasonable, the existence of officials is reasonable, the existence of criminals is reasonable, the existence of war is also reasonable, good and evil are both reasonable."

"Since their existence is reasonable, then the existence of the twelve gods is also reasonable."

"After all, it's just some power to control weak things. What does it matter in what form it appears?"


Even Calamity seemed a little surprised that he could say such words. He opened his mouth slightly and looked at Wei Wei's bright smiling face with some confusion.

"But I don't allow them to learn not to be afraid."

Wei Wei strode forward and said seriously, with bloodshot eyes: "Because they can't learn to be afraid, they will indulge their desires until they become monsters that devour the world."

At this moment, Calamity's pupils seemed to shrink violently, and he suddenly spoke in a low voice: "It seems like you have really found the answer this time..."

"But, even if you have such arrogant ideas, what will you do?"


"too easy……"

Wei Wei was holding a bloody sickle in his hand. On it, the faces and eyeballs of different people, either degenerated monsters or demonic bastards, kept rolling, and squirming blood threads appeared on them. Tangled and rolled like earthworms, all the logic and laws in the real world began to collapse when they got close to the sickle, as fragile as strands of fantasy, vulnerable to a blow.

This is the most powerful weapon created since Scarlet was born.

Because it has condensed too much surreal logic, this scythe has even reached the level of ignoring logic.

Even if Wei Wei loses the power to travel through space due to his betrayal of the seventh person, he can still use this sickle to pass through the spiritual barrier and come here. This is the reason.

At this moment, Wei Wei raised the sickle and said with a smile: "Just kill them until they are scared."

"Since they are hiding in the deep space and refuse to come out, then I will kill all their believers and all their totems. Every time I kill one, my knife will be sharper."

"If they don't come out, they will see the most powerful scarlet weapon ever created."

"If they come, then this sickle will teach them what the fear of the lamb is!"


Calamity looked at Wei Wei who was walking towards him, the smile on his face was no longer there at the beginning, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Is this your answer to one or zero?"

"I never cared about that answer."

Wei Wei strode over, the bloody sickle had begun to gather strength, and the blood illuminated Ye Feifei's cheek.

"That's just their perspective."

"And what I want has always been so simple. It's just that they refuse to agree. Now..."


The bloody sickle was swung into the air, releasing an astonishing terrifying aura. No matter whether it was the God of Disaster or some weird existence in front of him, when this handle had condensed too much surreal logic, it had massacred too many people. The scythes of the fallen creatures and evil demons began to wave above her head, and the powerful power of the disaster seemed to have little reaction at this moment.

"He didn't betray..."

When the head pendant on Wei Wei's belt heard these words, he suddenly opened his eyes with an expression of unspeakable surprise: "He almost made a mistake before."

"The assassinations of these people reminded him and made him understand..."

" this Scarlet, who has been unlucky for nine lifetimes, finally getting lucky?"



Also in its confusion, the sickle swung into the air and was about to fall towards the disaster.

But instead of avoiding it, Calamity raised her head and looked at Wei Wei. She faced the most terrifying murderous intention, but suddenly, she walked towards Wei Wei.

As her body changed, she ignored the rules and logic of the world, came to Wei Wei's side lightly, and hugged his waist with both hands.

Then, he raised his head, gently stood on tiptoes, and kissed Wei Wei on the lips.

"It turns out that this time, you finally found the answer..."


"This time, you really completely forgot about me!"

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