Scarlet Falls

Chapter 299 It’s interesting to be a human being

Some things cannot be thought deeply, otherwise the more you think about them, the more depressed they will become.

Wei Wei didn't know whether it was because he experienced such a danger and found out that the captain, old classmates, instructors, etc. all chose to avoid it, which caused his inner loss, or because the words "disaster" seemed to pay The words he passed on to himself at great cost made him feel uneasy and worried at a higher level. His mood was never very good.

The biggest problem for people is that they like to study too much.

No matter how interesting something is, it seems that if you study it to a certain extent, you will find that it is just a boring concept and an empty theory.

For example, Wei Wei felt very strange about himself at this time. In the past, he had no clear direction, only anger concealed by a smile, and he did everything he wanted to do with a smile.

However, Scarlet's promotion has been going on, and he is even very diligent.

As a result, I gradually understood the deeper nature of Scarlet, and also understood the direction of my mission.

But at this time, I was not so happy, but felt sad.

All this is really something I never thought of before...

Sitting in the empty courtyard of the base, Wei Wei thought about all this, and a self-deprecating smile seemed to appear on his lips.

At this time, after struggling with the head pendant for a long time, he suddenly said cautiously: "Are you feeling confused?"

When Wei Wei heard it talking, his movements did not change, but a smile subconsciously appeared on his face, and he asked slowly: "Did you discover something?"

The head pendant suddenly became a little cautious, and a little regretful for inserting this mouth.

But having reached this point, I had no choice but to bravely say: "I only know that when you smile on your face, you are hiding the confusion or anxiety in your heart."

Wei Wei was a little surprised, and a question mark appeared on his head.

The head pendant hurriedly explained: "When action encounters danger, he will not hesitate to prepare for intimidation or attack. People are more advanced. For example, some people are obviously very nervous when they sense danger. But he would subconsciously smile to cover up his malice. The smile was originally used to show pleasure or convey his friendliness, but at this time, it turned into an aggressive and protective color."

Wei Wei was surprised: "There are actually such people?"

The head pendant was a little speechless and said: "You are the most typical person like this..."

"You like to have a smile on your face because you are always confused and can't trust everyone you meet."

It plucked up the courage and said it out: "In this case, why do you feel so lost because others can't trust you?"

Wei Wei was actually asked by it for a moment.

After a long time, he smiled reluctantly and said: "I just realized that I am also such a hypocritical person."


When the head pendant said this, he obviously paused and seemed to be struggling.

I was lamenting in my heart that I originally planned to be a favorite, the kind that makes the leaders above me happy and gets as many benefits as possible for myself.

But it also found that it often needed to say something unpleasant.

Did you get the wrong script? This kind of character usually doesn't get rewarded even though he has made great contributions, and will be liquidated in the end for unwarranted reasons...


...It sighed deeply, there was no other choice!

The blame lies solely on the person he chose. He was so unsatisfied. Even though fate had given him a chance to ascend to the throne of God, he insisted on squatting under a mountain of garbage and watching children laugh and play...

Coupled with everything it had done to sense the disaster before, and the abnormality shown by Scarlet in this incident, it finally sighed and said:

"You have made progress, because hypocritical people are also human beings..."


"Only people will resolutely turn back for another person who is insignificant in the system when faced with high-level power."

"Only people can show such a childish and selfish side. It is obvious that they have chosen not to trust others, but when they see signs of others abandoning them, they still feel lost and sad. Only People try hard to find answers when they can't find them, but after they find the answers, they begin to regret from the bottom of their hearts that they have found these answers..."


It said a lot in one breath, saying: "These are all human problems, but they are also human characteristics."

Wei Wei was actually stunned by his words. The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was in line with his inner thoughts.

But he felt a little unbelievable. When did he get involved in so many problems and become so...


But for this reason, the head pendant obviously couldn't give him an answer, and he could only analyze it carefully. Maybe it was when he felt more and more comfortable while staying in this small base that was not doing his job properly? Maybe it was because he and Captain Ouyang had been acting for too long, and he had also fallen into the drama without knowing it? Or maybe it's because that's the kind of person he is?

Looking back this time, he successfully saw Disaster and brought Ye Feifei back to Scrap Iron City. Wei Wei had no regrets.

Not only do I not regret it, I am also very happy.

But Wei Wei also understood that this was actually something that changed him a lot.

If, when he was in the sacred realm, he had not looked back, but resolutely transformed into a symbol, then his status should be much higher now.

By now, it is very likely that he is no longer the life form he is now, but a red shadow that will incarnate into millions and appear behind every desperate person.

That should be the true face of the Scarlet Seventh Person, instead of sitting in the courtyard of the base and feeling the loss in his heart like now.

"So you know so much..."

With countless thoughts swirling in his heart, Wei Wei couldn't help but sigh at the head pendant: "But why didn't you remind me of these things before?"

"You have to let me say it..."

The head pendant was somewhat speechless and muttered in a low voice: "It is said that a tiger is like a tiger under an umbrella. I am not very afraid of tigers, but I am indeed a little scared when I am with you..."

Wei Wei suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "How could I? I've always been very reasonable."

"The way you reason is to make people all over the world follow your principles."

The head pendant unceremoniously revealed: "Otherwise, you will either ignore them or persuade them to be good."


Wei Wei opened his mouth, trying to explain something but couldn't.

"Do you know what kind of person is the hardest to persuade in the world?"

But the head pendant suddenly became interested and said: "It's not the kind of person who will try to bully you no matter what you say. That's just a fool. The hardest thing to convince is the kind..."

"Whatever you say, he answers well, but he always does what he wants without compromise!"

"And you..."

When it said this, it suddenly stopped talking. The slightly raised corners of its mouth and the "you know" look in its eyes undoubtedly made it clear.


Wei Wei was a little embarrassed by what it said, and after a long while he said: "Does this mean that everyone will ignore me? Is this an inevitable thing?"


It was a rare occasion for the head pendant to see Wei Wei admitting his own problems frankly, and it felt excited. However, at such a meaningful moment, it loudly rejected Wei Wei's words.

To the point: “Are you afraid that they will ignore you now?”

When it said the most critical words, it even had a sneer: "What you are afraid of is that when you implement the next plan, they will stand against you!"

"Are you afraid..."

When it said this, it was a little unconfident: "One day, you have to deal with them personally?"

Like a thunderbolt exploding, Wei Wei's head was dizzy. Faced with these horrifying words, he could only admit that the human head pendant was quite to the point.

When did you start to feel this vague worry?

Is it when your status becomes higher and higher, and the influence and damage you can cause become more and more serious?

Was it when Captain Ouyang reminded himself several times that he could accept it, but he could only solve the problem in his own way?

So, if what you are doing now has reached the point where either the captain, or those classmates, or the instructors who took good care of you at the beginning, even they can only choose to stay out of it, then when you next When something needs to be done begins to advance, will they have to choose to stand against themselves, and in the end, even have to... kill them in order to achieve their goals?

After all, the Church of Order has been banned, the Wandering Church has collectively withdrawn from reality, and even the totems in the wilderness have been almost cleared away.

In the case where the Twelve Gods do not come to reality, there is only one enemy:


Thinking about these questions, Wei Wei was silent for a long time, nodded slightly, and admitted the problem frankly.

"I actually...really admitted it..."

The head pendant's heart suddenly jumped a little.

Although it has no heart, it can clearly feel the frightening heartbeat, and after this beat, it cannot stop the feeling of sinking rapidly.

It will talk to Wei Wei about this, firstly because Wei Wei needs it. As a knowledge demon, and blessed by the scarlet power, its spiritual power and perception ability have already exceeded common sense. If it is usually with Wei Wei, if Wei Wei If you deliberately hide it or don't want it to perceive it, it will not be able to feel Wei Wei's inner emotions, but if Wei Wei is in a confused state and does not deliberately control it, it can clearly see it.

Just like a psychiatrist, sometimes he knows the patient better than he knows himself.

However, the second important point is that it also wants to test whether Wei Wei really intends to do this...

Ever since it discovered that Wei Wei's goal was not to be the only one on the throne, it had already had similar worries in its heart.

Now I have a chance to test it out, and I actually got an accurate answer.

Now we are in big trouble!

"It turns out that you really plan to use the foundation for surgery..."

Its voice was a little hesitant, with a hint of guilt: "Is it still the kind that cannot be persuaded?"

Wei Wei asked without confidence about the head pendant. After a while, he said softly: "If it wasn't for this, why would Calamity sacrifice himself like that?"

"Mom is about to wake up..."

"I still haven't figured out some things, but I understand why Calamity told me this..."

"Because my mother is about to wake up and I don't have time, so I must make everyone in this world learn to be afraid in the shortest possible time..."


He spoke very calmly and frankly: "This is a choice that Calamity made after hearing my goal. It is also something that I must do and that can make me feel meaningful."

"I can't let this kind of weak, bad human nature affect me..."


"Even if..."

The head pendant was flustered: "Are you really going to stand against those people because of this, even if you need to clean them up?"

Wei Wei felt a little upset for a moment and didn't want to answer this question.

Besides, Captain Ouyang and his classmates have already made their own choices on these issues, right?

"Brother Xiaowei..."

At this moment, Ye Feifei's voice of surprise interrupted his thoughts.

Because of a certain depressing atmosphere, Wei Wei, who felt lonely and deeply powerless in his heart, was awakened by this voice as if from the bottom of the sea, and turned around violently.

Ye Feifei was standing at the door of the kitchen with some surprise at this time. Just now, she also felt Wei Wei's depression, so she took out the good tea she had left, then went to the kitchen clumsily to boil water, and even considered whether to Make something for Wei Wei to eat. After all, she also knows that Wei Wei's appetite has always been very good after every mission. Only a professional person like Brother Piggy can feed him.

But after all, I am not professional enough and I am under a lot of pressure.

But just when she was about to try something, she suddenly discovered something.

So she ran over happily, even a little excitedly, towards Wei Wei, waving her hand hard.

Wei Wei didn't know what she had discovered. He could only feel the pure happiness from her body. Although he also felt that this pure happiness might not be able to solve his current problems, he still subconsciously stood up. Wei Wei walked towards Ye Feifei, and when he saw what she was holding, Wei Wei felt his whole body tremble slightly, as if fresh air was pouring into his lungs at this moment.

That was a note.

Captain Ouyang and the others all left without even saying hello.

The empty yard seemed to speak of their indifference.

However, this cold and sad mood suddenly disappeared when he saw the note in Ye Feifei's hand:

"We have something to go out for, and the food is in the pot."


Just a few simple words, but Wei Wei suddenly felt a certain kind of excitement and relaxation, and the pores all over his body seemed to be opened.

He had never known before that people's happiness and relaxation could be obtained in such a simple way.

"Being a human being is actually quite interesting..."

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