Scarlet Falls

Chapter 38 Fallen Monster



Countless nightmares flooded into my mind, bringing with them bloody images and whispers. Wei Wei sometimes felt like he was on the execution platform, receiving painful punishment over and over again that even the fear in his nightmares could not bring about. Sometimes I felt like I was sitting on my knees in front of the boundless sea of ​​blood, looking at the world that had no color except scarlet, beating myself powerlessly and crying bitterly.

He traveled through one bright red dream after another without knowing the end.

I saw scenes of bizarre scenes, as if I was actually in them, but also as if I was just watching them from a distance.

There seems to be a thick fog all around.

The bright red mist seemed like it would never dissipate for ten thousand years, and the smell of blood kept entering the nostrils.

There were countless pairs of eyes around him looking at him, making him feel uncomfortable in every pore of his body. But when he suddenly turned around and looked towards those eyes, he only saw broken bodies, slumped on both sides. Occasionally, he saw a pair of eyes, which had long been dimmed, only the ones that had lost their vitality. The facial muscles pulled out an upturned corner of his mouth.

Wei Wei was walking here, feeling very tired, but he couldn't see the end.

Something seemed to be accumulating in his chest, more and more, more and more, almost bursting.

"tick" "tick" "tick" "tick"

Until, there was a clear but seemingly very distant sound of a clock turning. It came from the depths of the mist, as if it was out of reach, but the sound happened to ring in my ears again, occupying all my hearing and suppressing the endless theft. Whisper.

Wei Wei's mood suddenly became strangely stable. He slowly escaped from the endless nightmare, felt the breath of the real world, and felt the solidity of having something real to support him. Then, everything in the dream began to disappear quickly. It faded, leaving only some faint and almost invisible traces. When I slowly opened my eyes, I saw only bright walls and dim light bulbs.

I slept with the light on again all night.

Wei Wei was dazed for a while, rubbed his temples and sat up from the sofa, tapping his head lightly.

Too drunk.

I never expected that such a delicate and beautiful woman as Sister Lucky would have the attributes of a wine barrel.

No, it's Sakai.

He originally wanted to get her drunk, but he didn't expect that he would be the one who got drunk in the end.

Sure enough, you can’t underestimate any strong woman in the workplace, especially the one who shows no mercy to her boss...

Carefully recalling what happened yesterday, Wei Wei even forgot many details.

Vaguely, I remember feeling that good luck was bound to come, and then I drove a sports car around the city. I seemed quite impatient. After a while, I drove around the entire city, but found nothing. After seeing it, I came back very disappointed in the end. I remember that I was a little angry at the end and wanted to take off my underwear and give it back to Sister Lucky, this big liar...

Thank you!

I am usually a very sensible person.

Even when drunk, he is very sensible.

So I didn't do anything so rude, I just came back to sleep.

While blaming himself for not underestimating Sister Lucky's drinking capacity yesterday, he quickly stood up.

Looking at the time, it's more than an hour late.

This will lead to a serious consequence of not being able to catch up with the team's breakfast!

In the process of changing clothes and washing up, he seemed to have some thoughts in his mind, and glanced towards the door.

He moved to the window again and looked down at the road where people were passing by.

I felt slightly disappointed.

The door showed no signs of being broken in.

Outside the window, no one was looking at him furtively or aiming a sniper rifle at him.

It seems that these lucky underwear are nothing more than that...

Groaning in his heart, Wei Wei entered the bathroom, took a quick shower, and threw Spongebob aside. He still took his neatly folded underwear and put them on, and then he put them on comfortably. After putting on my clothes, I wiped my hair and walked back to the living room. I disliked the pattern and shape and so on. The main reason was that the underwear bought at this kind of stall was afraid of fading.

While I was thinking about it, suddenly, a ghostly howl suddenly sounded in the room. It was extremely shocking in the silent space. It was shrill, miserable, gloomy, and evil. If it were a timid person, it would probably frighten him in an instant. The heart shrank into a ball.

The shrill screams sounded one after another, as if the bright red room suddenly turned into hell.

Wei Wei suddenly turned his head and walked a few steps quickly.

Picked up the phone: "Crooked?"

The moment the shrill howling stopped, the next thing that sounded was Uncle Gun's somewhat anxious voice: "Xiao Wei, why didn't you come to the team?"


Wei Wei was a little panicked.

In the month since I came here, the only time I was late in the morning was that the seniors in the team called me to remind me?

"Okay, don't go to the hospital today, come directly to the mental sanatorium in Block 7..."

"If it's an emergency, we'll wait for you here."


"Psychiatric sanatorium?"

Wei Wei was startled for a moment. His true evaluation of the training camp was exposed so quickly?

I quickly put on my coat and went downstairs, got into Sister Lucky's sports car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight towards Block 7.

Block 11 is located in the north direction of the city. The terrain here is undulating and there are several low hills. The mental sanatorium is built on the mountainside. There are not many buildings around and there are lots of greenery. The environment is very good. Wei Wei drove up along the path and saw it from a distance. When I saw a police car parked at the entrance of the nursing home and people in police uniforms guarding the door, I was immediately sure that something had happened and it was not to send me in.

If you want to send yourself in, you have to mobilize an action team.

This is what the instructor did back then...

"Mr. Wei from the Environmental Protection Office? Please come with me."

When we arrived at the door, there was already a young lady wearing a white nurse uniform waiting for her.

Seeing Wei Wei driving such a naughty car, his pupils flickered slightly, but he professionally hid the surprise on his face. After confirming his identity, he stepped forward to shake hands with him, and then immediately took him with him. Came to a building inside.

Going straight to the corridor on the second floor, I saw Captain Ouyang, Uncle Gun, a group of people in white coats, and someone wearing a senior police officer's armband standing in front of a room with extremely expressions on their faces. Dignified, with a trace of confusion. Realizing that the problem was serious, he hurriedly walked up to Captain Ouyang with a guilty look on his face and stood at attention to salute.

"team leader……"


But before he could raise his hand, Captain Ouyang grabbed him and said anxiously: "Little place, what are you saluting..."

"Come over quickly and take a look. Have you ever seen something like this before?"



Wei Wei was brought to the steel door at the entrance of the ward and looked into the ward through the small glass window.

Looking at it, he was slightly surprised.

It is said to be a ward, but it is actually a converted warehouse, and the surrounding walls are covered with thick plastic film.

But in this large warehouse, it seemed a bit crowded. There were dozens of people sitting or standing inside. Some of them had changed into hospital gowns, and some were still wearing casual clothes. They seemed to be sent in an emergency. I came over before I could change my clothes.

At first glance, there are men and women, old and young.

Regardless of their temperament or appearance, they all look completely different. What is the same is their performance.

Everyone's eyes were blurred and their movements were slow, as if they had no soul. They walked slowly in the warehouse. When they took a step, they would tilt their heads as if they were thinking about something, but they immediately forgot what they were thinking and continued. After walking, they walked to the wall and knocked their heads gently against the wall. Occasionally, some very short words would come out of their mouths: "Make a lot of money..."

"look after baby……"

"Falled again..."

"Big dog owner..."


"How is this going?"

Wei Wei was a little surprised. It looked like a room full of mental patients with the same symptoms.

"Xiao Wei, have you seen similar symptoms?"

Captain Ouyang looked solemn and asked Wei Wei in a low voice.


Wei Wei immediately shook his head: How could he have seen this thing before? It's not the same kind of person.

"Don't jump to conclusions yet..."

Captain Ouyang slowly shook his head, walked slowly to Wei Wei's side, and pressed his palm on the wall of the door.

"Abstract essence..."

He spoke in a low voice, and under the toad-colored mirror, streaks like data flashed through his pupils.

The next moment, Wei Wei felt that the vague murmurs dispersed, and the invisible power spread to the entire ward. When he looked inside through the small window, he couldn't help but feel a little startled, and felt happy for a moment. , disappear quickly on the face.

The ward has changed. The patients are still wearing the same clothes and walking blankly in the ward. However, it can be seen that a large piece of the back of each of their heads has been missing, revealing bright red blood stains and stains. The pale brain was dripping and messy, and the wounds were missing branches. It looked... as if it had been bitten hard by some kind of wild beast.

It was as if some hand had been inserted into it and stirred hard.


Wei Wei's eyes suddenly shone slightly. He leaned close to the window and looked carefully at the wounds on the backs of the people's heads.

He looked at it very carefully, and his Adam's apple couldn't help but move.

"Xiao Wei, you have been in the training camp for a long time. Have you ever seen the demonic power that can make people like this?"

Captain Ouyang looked calm and looked at Wei Wei expectantly.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, stared at the backs of those people's heads carefully, watching them hold up their heads, which were almost empty of brains, but they were still sluggish, walking around like living people, like walking corpses. , wandering in this ward.

After a long time, he subconsciously looked at his crotch.

Turning to look at Captain Ouyang, he nodded slightly and said: "Demon system of knowledge, fallen monster, soul-eating banshee."

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