Scarlet Falls

Chapter 40 Mysterious Bullet

Almost a month after joining the Scrap Iron City Paranormal Investigation Team, Wei Wei ushered in his first official operation.

Action Category: Type 1 Danger Investigation - Suspected Fallen Monster Injury Incident

Grade: C grade

Action description: A corrupted monster suspected to be a knowledge demon infiltrated, causing the brains of many people to be stolen...

Operation codename: Find a brain plan

Although everyone complained about Captain Ouyang's ability to name operations, and it was hard to see how much respect these team members had for him, after the operation mission was officially released, everyone immediately started to carry it out in an orderly manner and collectively agreed. After "understanding", they immediately went downstairs and came to a modified assault vehicle that Sister Lucky had just driven over.

Uncle Gun got on the assault vehicle and quickly picked up a flat, sturdy black weapon box from above.

"Xiao Wei is also participating in the operation today. This is what the captain asked me to give you. Remember to change it before the operation."

Uncle Gun smiled and handed an armed box to Wei Wei.

Opening the weapon box, you can see a neatly stored four-piece suit inside.

Black special armed suit, signal enhancement communicator, emergency stabilizing injection, pop-up powerful electromagnetic gun.

"This is an armed suit woven from super-sensitive magnetic fiber materials studied by the Foundation's research institute."

"It's soft and flexible, doesn't affect movement, and most importantly, it's close-fitting and breathable without leakage."

"The toughness can withstand cuts by ordinary daggers, and the strength can withstand ordinary pistol bullets."

"Of course, don't charge into the hail of bullets while wearing it. Even if you don't die, it will still hurt."

"By the way, you have to wash it by hand after wearing it, otherwise it will shrink."

"The purpose of the signal-strengthened communicator is to enable timely communication when entering a demonic force field. The signal is several levels higher than that of ordinary communication equipment, but be careful. If you enter a place with strong demonic power, you may be affected. "

"Emergency stabilizing injections are for our self-protection."

"After using demonic power to fight, the demonic power usually becomes abnormally active."

"Remember, once the demon's activity level reaches more than 75%, or if you hear suspected demon whispers, inject immediately."


Uncle Gun explained everything clearly to Wei Wei one by one, and finally put a special small box into Wei Wei's hands solemnly.

"What's this?"

Wei Wei felt Uncle Gun's attention and asked slightly excitedly.

"This is our most lethal weapon."

Uncle Gun said in a deep voice: "Model 1 of the special high-energy bullet of the Demon Hunting Series, specially designed for hunting demons."

"It contains a coagulant that can effectively weaken the power of demon-infected people. It is a privileged professional bullet."

"You are a newcomer. I couldn't give it to you originally, but today's situation is special..."


When Uncle Gun was only halfway through his words, Wei Wei looked disappointed and opened the box.

Well, green bean flies.

There are only three...


Captain Ouyang sat majestically on his beloved sidecar motorcycle, wearing a huge black toad mirror on his face, a handsome silver windbreaker on his body, and a pistol on his waist. Under the windbreaker, There is also a looming handle of a submachine gun. The soles of heavy riding boots are so thick that they can crush someone to death. His hair is neatly trimmed with hair wax, and his beard is neatly trimmed.

"Go out as a group tonight to find the Soul-Eating Banshee."

Captain Ouyang looked majestic, his eyes swept over everyone one by one, and said solemnly: "However, the mission is dangerous, so safety is the first priority."

"Once you find a clue, inform it first, and then take action after getting my order."

"It is very important to eliminate or expel this corrupted monster and protect the safety of the residents of Scrap Iron City."


His expression became extremely serious, and he glanced at everyone's faces, especially Wei Wei's face, and paused for a moment:

"Protecting your own lives is also important, do you understand?"



Everyone agreed at the same time, and the loudest voice was from Wei Wei.

"Very well, let's start assigning tasks now."

Captain Ouyang glanced at Wei Wei with satisfaction and said in a deep voice: "At the beginning of the operation, we separated and deployed defenses with Feifei as the center. Each person was in a team and occupied a position. They were required to be no farther than two blocks away from her. Starting from the fifth Block patrols started.”

"Once something goes wrong, support Feifei immediately."

"You are not allowed to change the mission objectives without my order midway."



Everyone answered in unison again, and Wei Wei shouted equally loudly.

Captain Ouyang couldn't help but glance at the other listless people, sighed deeply, and waved to the team members: "Okay, let's break up the meeting. Everyone has three hours to prepare. We will arrive at the designated place on time before four o'clock in the afternoon. Control."


Everyone dispersed, and Wei Wei prepared to go back to the base and bring his jeep.

"I'll take you back."

Sister Lucky turned the car key with her finger and glanced at Wei Wei's crotch, her expression seemed dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, sister lucky, I'll open the door for you."

Wei Wei hurriedly opened the car door for Sister Lucky and then went around to the other side to get in the car.

"You don't seem worried at all about Captain's plan?"

Sister Lucky smiled, glanced at Wei Wei who was behind the wheel, and started the car.

"What's there to worry about?"

Wei Wei was a little surprised, but he suddenly reacted and nodded immediately.

In fact, I was actually a little surprised just now, but the excitement of my first official mission washed away this doubt:

He agreed to pull Ye Feifei, who had always been blessed with good luck, as the core of this operation.

However, Captain Ouyang obviously valued Ye Feifei so much, but he was actually willing to let her be the bait for the Soul-Eating Banshee?

Even if several other people set up defenses with Ye Feifei as the center, wouldn't they be afraid that something unexpected might happen and the rescue would not be timely?

"Are you worried about Feifei?"

Sister Lucky, who seemed to have a bad look just now, is no longer as unhappy as she was when she rolled her eyes just now.

"It's not that I'm worried..."

Wei Wei smiled and said: "However, the captain seems to believe in this young lady's strength?"

"Whatever strength she has, she is just an unlucky person."

Sister Lucky smiled and said: "If there is a hole in the road, and a hundred people can avoid it, she will definitely fall into it."


"But she is protected by special powers."

Sister Lucky explained with a smile, "Feifei is the only one in the team to whom I didn't give her any underwear."

"It's not because my number is too big for her, it's because I can't interfere with her abilities."

"In other words, she is actually not a transcendent person now and has no abilities."

"She has only received the attention of the disaster demon since she was born. She is a natural disaster demon infected person."

"Especially those days of the month are the most serious."


"Disaster Demon?"

Wei Wei was not surprised, he had already guessed it.

"in addition……"

Sister Lucky narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't you wonder why we have been opposed to being with her?"

Wei Wei suddenly felt guilty.

But Sister Lucky suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, we are worried about your safety."

"Feifei's extraordinary strength means that no matter where she goes, she may cause bad accidents. This is why her father sent her to us. But she is not just unlucky; No matter how unlucky she is, she will never die due to the bad luck she caused. Unless the sudden danger she encounters exceeds the limit of her extraordinary power."

"So, as an infected person of the disaster demon system, her extraordinary characteristics do not lie in her bad luck."

"It's bad luck, but not dead."

"That kind of bad luck will cause bad things to happen around her and save her life."

"So, she is very suitable for tonight's operation, and she will not encounter anything fatal."

"In other words, nothing will happen to her until something happens to us all!"


"Do you still have this kind of power?"

Wei Wei was stunned for a moment: "Professional in cheating teammates?"

Sister Lucky couldn't help laughing when she heard this: "Learn, there are still many things you don't know about the team!"

During the conversation, Sister Lucky sent Wei Wei back to the base, and Wei Wei immediately boarded his jeep parked at the door. He saw that his first mission to the Scrap Iron City was about to be carried out. As an intern who had not yet become a full-time employee, He was also very excited. While there was still time before the action, he quickly rushed towards his "home" and made serious preparations for the action.

The first thing he did was to get into the bathroom and put on the uniform issued by the team.

...Before changing, put SpongeBob on first.

Before setting off, he thought about it again, took off the head pendant hanging on the wall, and stuffed it into his pocket.

I originally planned to go downstairs, but I realized that this was my first mission and I needed to be well prepared.

He sat down on the sofa again and pulled out the box under the sofa.

When he came back, he brought back three boxes, two large and one small. One box contained money and a change of clothes.

The second box contains small devil injection processing equipment.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally opened the third box, and then appeared in front of him...

...are neat rows of demon-hunting bullets.

At the top, there are three bullets in a row, with red bullets and thumb-sized bullets from the Demon Hunt series of special high-energy bullets.

Red Angel.

In the second row, there are twelve bullets in total, Demon Hunting Bullet 2 model: Green-headed Ghost.

At the bottom, there are so many Demon Hunter 1 bullets piled up in the entire box that it is almost impossible to count them.

Green Goblin.

Also known as: Mung Bean Fly.

"There really isn't much left, and I don't know when the instructor's support will arrive..."

Wei Wei muttered, grabbed two of them and stuffed them into his gun bag: "But let's put the mission first!"

Thinking about it, I felt uneasy and grabbed it hard again.

It seems that I got the bullet model wrong due to carelessness before. I will change it later.

In addition, a new book has been uploaded. Please support me. It is obviously very impressive to continue reading, but why don't you vote for me? Is it because I am not handsome anymore?

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