Scarlet Falls

Chapter 44 The Extraordinary Team (Second Update)

When Captain Ouyang issued the order, everyone in the chaotic fifth block was taking action.

On the surrounding walls, on the ground, and even in the reflection of the glass, there are images of little girls holding little jack-o-lanterns and with two little pigtails on their heads.

They stared directly at Uncle Gun, and stretched out their delicate little hands towards Uncle Gun from all directions.

At first glance, it looked like delicate white mushrooms were sprouting from all directions, criss-crossing and grabbing at his bare head.

Uncle Gun's somewhat fat figure moved and rolled from square to inch.

Almost no one can jump freely between these fine shadows, but he did it incredibly.

Believe in the law of golden ratio.

If there's only one way out of the mess, that's the first thing they see.

The power of the Soul-Eating Banshee fell in the form of a projection, like a heavy rain.

The coverage is wide, but it is still very difficult to threaten the extraordinary beings of the law system.

In a flash, Uncle Gun heard the captain's order from the communicator.

"Try your best to prevent the demonic force field from corroding the neighborhood and prevent the demonic projection from attacking civilians..."


Just as he was about to leave in style, he suddenly stopped. He did a backflip with a steady figure and stood on the street light bar on the roadside. When he turned around, he saw countless twisted and crowded little girls. Superimposed and stretched towards his body.

Uncle Gun took a deep breath, and his pupils suddenly changed into strange shapes.

It seems to reflect a triangle-shaped pattern, and inside the triangle, there is a complete circle.

The next moment, a strange temperament appeared in Uncle Gun's body.

It was as if he was just standing loosely on the street light bar, but his stance had gone through countless fine-tunings.

The standards are to the extreme and it looks extremely comfortable.

It gives people a feeling: If this kind of stance needs a standard, then it should be like him.

This is like a trainee trained in the most severe studio. Even just a smile has been strictly managed.

If you are just protecting yourself, then leave.

Anyway, the power of the Soul-eating Banshee is difficult to deal with, but it is almost impossible to harm the law system.

But since the captain said he would stop the demonic projection from destroying the city, he wanted to hurt her in turn.

"My little granddaughter..."

Uncle Gun used his standard to perfect stance, squatted down on the street lamp, and slowly aimed the shotgun in his hand forward.

When he sets his sights on one of the girls, he sets his sights on all the other girls.

Then he frowned, his eyes full of disgust: "Why aren't your braids on both sides as long as they should be?"

At this moment, he was not teasing, but really annoying.

It seems that this girl hates the fact that the braids on both sides are not combed to the same length and aligned left and right.

It's as uncomfortable as seeing the left and right shoes of different colors.

The next moment, he fired fiercely.

A bullet shot out of the shotgun, and with a snap, the fire, sound, and flying bullets formed an attack.

This attack does not refer to a bullet, but some kind of conceptual power.

The power does not fly towards a certain place like a bullet, but spreads out within a certain range, dispersing the power, like countless arrows, towards every "mistake" that he thinks is uncomfortable and inconsistent with the rules in Uncle Gun's field of vision. "Rush away.

And with the determination to erase it.


The shadow cast by the scattered demonic power was shattered into a mess by this shot, unable to take shape.

One bullet cleared it all.

Even the radiated demonic energy field was swept away.

Like falling dominoes.

The demonic projection, which even Wei Wei could not effectively kill, was vulnerable to Uncle Gun.

"Teammates, I am Uncle Gun."

"Now I will wander around the seventh block and destroy all the projections of the Soul-Eating Banshee in my field of vision!"

"Please cooperate with your teammates at your convenience."

Uncle Gun took back his shotgun and spoke into the communicator. Even his voice seemed to be very regular and rigorous.

He twisted his body, ran to the building next to him, and disappeared.

"Asking for directions?"

Leng Buding met a little girl asking for directions on the street late at night.

Don't know what others will do.

But the warm-hearted Ye Feifei not only agreed, he almost sent her there directly.

But she still couldn't answer, because before the little girl could stop speaking, she suddenly saw another little girl carrying a jack-o'-lantern coming to her side, using the same tone, the same tone. With an expression on her face, she asked this question.

"Sister, can I ask you for directions?"


Her heart skipped a beat, and then she saw the third, fourth, and fifth...

In the distance, little girls holding jack-o'-lanterns appeared one after another, and surrounded her, forming a circle.

The projection of demonic power will only randomly appear in a certain area.

Unless specially arranged, every projection will subconsciously look for a spiritual body.

Unless some people possess a powerful demonic energy field, they will be taken care of by the demonic force field immediately.

It's like in a torrent, the object with a wider area will be hit by a stronger impact...

Ye Feifei's energy field is not strong, but there seems to be an invisible vortex around her.

He just attracted all these projections that should have been scattered to his side.

Facing a dozen identical little girls around him, Ye Feifei couldn't answer her anyway.

She blinked her eyes, then suddenly threw the popsicle and rushed back screaming: "Ghost..."

The girl's shadow surrounded him in front of him, and the dark alley behind him was the only way to escape.

But as soon as Ye Feifei turned around, he tripped and fell on the curb.

There were many slender arms stretching out behind her, reaching towards her brain. However, her grasp was empty.

But then, the little girls leaned over again and grabbed the back of her head.


At this moment, Sister Lucky's blue sports car roared forward and shot out a dazzling light.

She was still in the car, so she drifted around, turned the car around, and looked down through the window. She happened to see Ye Feifei looking like he was being surrounded and kicked by a group of little girls carrying jack-o-lanterns, and couldn't help but feel slightly Shaking his head and sighing:

"At the level of captain, he only attracted three projections for the first time, but you attracted more than a dozen..."

"As expected of a born unlucky guy..."


Ye Feifei has been surrounded, and I am afraid that even if Uncle Gun comes, he will not be able to save him.

But Sister Lucky just narrowed her eyes slightly. Before the car stopped, her palm had already poked out from the lowered car window, holding a short and powerful gun that could only hold one bullet. It looked more A small pistol that looks like a decoration.

White mist appeared in her pupils, and she chanted in a low voice: "Lucky Bullet."


When she fired the bullet, she didn't look accurately, and she didn't even look where the bullet was going.

The car hadn't even stopped when the shot was fired, so the bullet could have drifted anywhere.

To take a step back, even if it hits, the bullet will not be able to cause damage to the demon projection, but it may kill Ye Feifei with one shot.

But Sister Lucky still didn't look at it and shot the bullet without hesitation.

Then the bullet, which had gained freedom from the moment it exited the muzzle, flew out with a sense of freedom and willfulness. With the propulsion of gunpowder, he flew to the marble base of a building dozens of meters away from Ye Feifei, even in the opposite position. It bounced up again on the tough marble base, changed its orientation by 180 degrees, and landed on the nearby power pole transformer.

The next moment, the transformer exploded violently.

Three or four wires, sparkling with sparks, flew down like fireworks and intertwined.

Like a ball of electric sparks, it swept right in front of Ye Feifei's body.


The row of little girls' figures blocking Ye Feifei's body became uncertain.

The high-voltage electric current destroyed the stability of the devil's force field, causing a brief vacancy in the encirclement.

The direction of the vacancy is facing Sister Lucky's sports car.

Sister Lucky didn't even look at it. She calmly withdrew the pistol, parked the sports car casually, and pushed open the door on the other side.



When Ye Feifei stumbled into the sports car, Sister Lucky stepped on the accelerator and started the car before countless little girls chased her. She picked up the communicator and said, "I have already picked up Feifei and am going to take her around this neighborhood." Take a ride.”

"Uncle Gun, you can give me a seat and I'll bring you some more gifts."

Sister Lucky is really amazing...

From the other direction, Wei Weizheng was sighing sincerely.

He believed that Sister Lucky's lucky underwear must have played a role in making his plan go so smoothly.

He lifted the envelope of the aura of death and rushed forward facing endless illusions.

The interference from the surrounding Soul-Eating Banshee projections made it almost impossible for him to distinguish the path. So I just kept stepping on the accelerator, charging forward fiercely along the unclear road. In a way, it's no different than driving with your eyes closed. But after rushing from the seventh block to the ninth block in one breath, the car's body was still intact, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for the magical underwear.

The jeep roared and swerved, rushing into another street in the shadow of the demons snarling their claws around them.

Ahead, the distorted shadow has become lighter and lighter, almost disappearing.

Like a storm at sea, the closer you get to the core, the calmer you can feel.

A smile slowly appeared on Wei Wei's lips. He was holding the steering wheel with one hand and already touching the handle of the gun on his lower back with the other hand.

The jeep was getting closer and closer to the hospital, but it showed no intention of slowing down.

The engine roared, and we were ready to rush in.


But at the same moment, suddenly the sound of a motorcycle rang out, and a sidecar rushed down from the third floor of a building nearby. Captain Ouyang, who was wearing a silver windbreaker, was surrounded by reflections from countless glass fragments, like Falling from the sky...

...Then it hit the door of the hospital with a bang.

Because the diving speed was so fast, the sidecar next to it was almost thrown away.


Wei Wei was greatly surprised and hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

He almost crashed the captain's motorcycle into the hospital with his head.

The madness on his face immediately disappeared. He grabbed the gun and jumped out of the car, rushing to the captain to salute.

"team leader……"


Captain Ouyang took a deep breath, wiped his hair, and then turned his head sharply, looking at the honest Wei Wei in front of him with a surprised look on his face.

Even after experiencing such a violent impact, my hair, which was heavily smeared with hair wax, was not messy at all.

It's just that there seems to be a little bit of inferior lipstick marks on my face.

"Why did you come here?"

His expression was somewhat annoyed: "Didn't I tell you not to change the mission objectives midway?"



Wei Wei looked a little embarrassed and said hurriedly: "You didn't give me a task just now, so I just came over."

"Didn't I give you any arrangements?"

Captain Ouyang thought about it carefully. He seemed to be in a hurry just now, so he only assigned tasks to the old team members.

"Then you, a newcomer, can't enter such a dangerous place..."

"What should I do if something goes wrong?"


"team leader……"

Wei Wei accompanied the smiling face and simply took out the gun hidden behind his back and said: "Let's work first!"

"Look, I'm here even though I'm here..."

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