Scarlet Falls

Chapter 60 The Second Secret War

The world has continued to develop within this contradiction.

Today, it is generally possible to distinguish two different camps based on their attitudes towards this matter.

The extraordinary organization headed by the Foundation does not believe in the existence of "gods" at all.

Even if it is a force that they denounce as "demonic", it is not because they really believe in the existence of "demons".

It's just a nickname.

They are willing to regard this extraordinary power as a virus and an unknown force, but they do not believe in God.

But the wandering cult in the wilderness, as well as the group of fanatical believers that emerge from time to time, are convinced of the existence of God.

They do not believe in powerful supernatural beings, nor do they believe in those superior totems, or agents of gods. They truly believe that there is a supreme "god" with unimaginable status, existing somewhere in the world, looking down on reality. world.

And outside the spiritual barrier, there are countless crazy believers who spend their whole lives just to prove the existence of God.

Wei Wei came from a foundation training camp, so of course he doesn’t believe in the existence of God...

But I didn't expect that a death sect priest like Yuan Guaizi would ask such a question.

These original church members only started living as ordinary people again after being educated and transformed.

It seems that he has transformed well?

"Some people believe in the existence of God and believe that the big explosion seventy years ago is evidence of the appearance of God."

Yuan Guaizi gently rubbed his sore legs and said in a low voice: "But some people don't believe it. After all, if God really exists and cares for his believers, then in that secret war thirty years ago, the twelve gods The church will not fail..."

"Thirty years ago, the Second Secret War?"

Wei Wei was startled for a moment and looked up at Yuan Guaizi opposite.

As someone who came from a training camp affiliated with the Foundation, Wei Wei is naturally no stranger to the rise of the Foundation.

Thirty years ago, the Church of the Twelve Gods still had hundreds of millions of believers and controlled a huge voice in the world. However, the Foundation rose up at that time and destroyed the power center of the church. From then on, it came to the stage and changed the world. The pattern of the entire world.

Because that war was so unknown and even unknown to many people, it was called the Secret War.

But the outcome of that war was obvious.

Twelve gods who once had hundreds of millions of believers have since become demons.

Their idols were destroyed and expelled from the church, and their church members were scattered. Some were recruited by the Foundation, and some wandered into the wilderness. The Foundation and the extraordinary became the mainstream of the world and the will to protect the world. .

But why did Yuan Guaizi mention something so long ago?

"It is said that thirty years ago, the foundation led the war to outlaw the gods..."

Yuan Guaizi sighed in a low voice and looked up at Wei Wei: "Essentially, it is a war about whether God exists."

"And originally, the Foundation would not win..."

He seemed to have drank too much from the glass of wine just now, causing a blush on his face:

"Because in this world, there are always rumors that there are things that can prove the existence of gods, and that is..."

"God's legacy."

"And the church at that time controlled one of them:"

"Level 0 forbidden object: the death knell of the gods."


Wei Wei also stopped holding the meat and motioned for him to continue speaking.

Yuan Guaizi seemed a little hesitant, as if saying the following sentence was a big burden on his psychology:

"This devil's forbidden item is quite special."

"Because according to the legend within the church, it is an item that once killed gods..."



Wei Wei's expression also became a little more exciting.

No wonder Yuan Guaizi seemed to have some mental disorder when he said these words.

As former church members, they only believed that the God they believed in was omnipotent and eternal.

But now, it does sound a bit contradictory to have to say in person that something once killed the gods.

"I don't know if it's true or not..."

Yuan Guaizi seemed to be looking for something to make up for. He said something and then looked up at Wei Wei:

"But items that have killed gods can definitely prove the existence of gods, right?"


Wei Wei suddenly felt that he had learned something again.

...That makes sense. The murder weapon proves that the dead person actually exists?


Yuan Guaizi couldn't help but lower his voice a lot, shook his head, and said: "Whether you want to use the powerful power of this devil's taboo item, or use it as some kind of confirmation, the Twelve Gods Church already has it We are fully prepared for the battle.”


He sighed: "At the critical moment of that secret war, the church suffered the most terrible betrayal."

"One of the three chief priests of the United Church stole the zero-level demon forbidden item, which led to the church's defeat."


Wei Wei slowly stuffed the meat slices in the bowl into his mouth, feeling the delicious aroma of the fat exploding.

After hearing the matter here, it is already difficult to judge whether it is true or false.

After all, there are many similar rumors.

The defeated church fled into the wilderness, always looking for reasons for its failure, including even more outrageous ones.

Everything is just for the cohesion of wandering believers, thinking about returning to the empty church again...

He slowly picked up the wine glass and put the piece of meat into his stomach. Then he smiled and said:

"Then what?"


"Then, it's really just a guess..."

Yuan Guaizi's slightly excited mood slowly subsided, and he sighed and said, "There were rumors that:"

"The reason why Scrap Iron City suddenly became lively for a while three years ago is because..."

"The artifact left behind by the gods that was taken away by the defecting chief priest happened to appear in Scrap Iron City during that time."

"It was precisely because of that thing that the Foundation sent so many people down to investigate."

"In the wilderness, there would be such a powerful person entering the Scrap Iron City."

"It's just that I don't know how it is."

"All I know is that since then, Scrap Iron City has had extraordinary police officers, and outside the city, there has also been the shadow of the Wandering Cult."



When Wei Wei heard what Yuan Guaizi said, his brows only slowly wrinkled.

No wonder Yuan Guaizi looked uncertain when talking about these things. After all, such things are indeed outrageous.

However, thinking of the information the head pendant told me before, maybe this matter is indeed not simple.

"these people……"

He frowned and said, "Why do you think this thing is in Scrap Iron City?"


Yuan Guaizi was suddenly speechless. He glanced at Wei Wei silently and sighed:

"Do you think, if I had the energy to learn such a core secret, would I still be in a wheelchair now?"


Wei Wei was startled when he heard this and said with a smile: "Uncle Yuan, I really think it's good for you to sit in a wheelchair."

"He has more of a boss temperament..."

"I just don't know when you will be lying on a stretcher..."


Yuan Guaizi's breathing was obviously heavier and he looked at Wei Wei silently.

"Ahem, just kidding..."

Wei Wei hurriedly smiled and said: "Uncle Yuan, you are good at everything, but you just lack a sense of humor..."

Yuan Guaizi's silent eyes seemed to say: You are so silent, uncle!

"What about fifteen blocks?"

Wei Wei smiled and changed the subject, saying, "Having said so much, could this matter also be related to the case in Block 15?"

As he spoke, he looked vaguely expectant.

"Fifteen blocks?"

Yuan Guaizi was startled for a moment, but then shook his head: "Although the time is not far away, I think it has nothing to do with it. Maybe the above are using this matter as a reason to come down to investigate. After all, they can't come down to find something in a big way. "

"However, the level difference between the two is too big..."


"Alright alright!"

Wei Wei heard this and felt a little regretful, but he was also sure that Yuan Guaizi didn't have much to hide at this time.

He breathed softly, picked up a towel and wiped his hands, stood up with satisfaction and said, "Uncle Yuan, you are a very good person."

"Really, don't show that expression. I really think you are a trustworthy person."

He smiled and put on his coat, turned to Yuan Guaizi and smiled:

"So next time I come over, don't let your men look at me like that again."

"Otherwise, I will dig out his eyes and feed them to you."


Yuan Guaizi's expression suddenly changed, and he firmly grasped the armrest of the wheelchair.

"No digging today."

Wei Wei hurriedly smiled and explained: "I'll give you some time to educate your subordinates, right?"

"But anyway, thank you for today."

As he spoke, he took out his wallet and pulled out two ten-yuan notes.

Put one on the table and said with a smile: "I understand the rules, this is the reward."

He put down the other one and said, "Food money!"

Seeing that Wei Wei was really about to turn around and leave, Yuan Guaizi's chest couldn't help but rise and fall violently.

This time he didn't get shot, maybe because he didn't have the legs to get shot again, and the other party was indeed a lot more polite on the surface.

But he still had fear in his heart that was no less than the last time, or even stronger.

Seeing that Wei Wei really left the two banknotes that were worse than the curse and was about to leave, he suddenly spoke:

"These were all unconfirmed things. According to the rules of the road, I shouldn't accept your money."

"But since you paid the money, I will give you more reliable news."


Wei Wei was a little surprised. He turned to look at him and saw Yuan Guaizi narrowing his eyes and whispering:

"I don't know if those people back then really have any evidence to confirm that the death knell of the god is in Scrap Iron City, and I don't even know who actually came, but I have received information that confirms that there are high-level transcendent people who have carried out activities in Scrap Iron City. It was a fierce confrontation.”

"The location is the Faceless Man Church in the west of the city."

"Perhaps if you go there now, you can still find traces of their fight."

"This can prove the authenticity of this matter to a certain extent!"


"Church of the Faceless Men?"

Wei Wei was startled, then a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Thank you, Uncle Yuan."

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