Scarlet Falls

Chapter 80 The lamb can’t be the only one who’s afraid (second update)

"Xiao Wei is here."

When Wei Wei and Captain Ouyang walked into the base, they saw Brother Piggy bringing the last pot of stew to the table. All the team members were busy with something. Their eyes fell on Wei Wei's face and stopped at the same time. After stopping the movement of his hand, his expression was a little strange.

"Hello Uncle Gun, hello Sister Lucky, hello Brother Xiaolin, Brother Piggy..."

Wei Wei walked into the courtyard and immediately smiled warmly and greeted everyone: "Hello..."

All the team members smiled and nodded: "It looks like everything went well."

In the distance, Ye Feifei jumped out of the office happily: "Brother Xiao Wei, are you here?"

Wei Wei could clearly feel that these team members seemed to look at him a little strangely.

It's really a very familiar feeling. When Wei Wei was in the training camp before, he always experienced this process. First, everyone felt very opportunistic, and then they happily performed the task together, and then for such an outstanding person like him, In the process of performing tasks, he gradually showed his outstanding personality charm, so everyone looked at him with a lot more respect.

...or rather, awe.

But Ye Feifei was different, her eyes were shining when she looked at her.

She is indeed not very professional.

"Forget it, don't say anything else, just sit down and eat."

Captain Ouyang patted Wei Wei on the shoulder, and then handed his pocket bag to Uncle Gun.

Uncle Gun took it over and took a look, and saw that the three stable injections he had prepared were all in the bag, and he looked surprised.

He glanced at Wei Wei quietly and felt that the people from the training camp were really mysterious.

Captain Ouyang deliberately took out a bottle of wine from his wine cabinet, and took a cup to pour wine for Wei Wei.

The discerning Wei Wei immediately took the cup and poured wine for Captain Ouyang, and then poured wine for the other team members one by one.

The team members looked slightly surprised and looked at Wei Wei with much more complicated expressions.

After learning that Wei Wei actually followed him all the way and turned the small secret sacrificial site into a Shura field, and even left such a visually impactful "artwork" in the middle of the Shura field, I felt... It's fake to have no fear.

Now that I saw how sensible Wei Wei was, my mood suddenly became complicated.

Killing is killing. At most, it feels a little more radical, but on the basis of killing, it is also processed...

...Yaoshou, is this kid a little perverted?

"Give me some too..."

Ye Feifei smiled and handed the cup over.

Wei Wei was surprised: "Don't you drink Coke?"

Ye Feifei immediately drank some of the Coke in the cup, still holding the cup.

Now, she is the happiest person in the entire team.

Yesterday, she found the stronghold of the love demon and rescued seven young girls. It was a touching thing for her. However, when the people in the team followed Wei Wei to the sacrificial site, they worried that they would scare her and put her back again. Arranged to wait outside.

As a result, until now, she only knew that Wei Wei was alone and destroyed a sacrificial site for fanatics.

What's this?

He almost has the demeanor of a lone hero.

At this moment, the eyes that looked at Wei Wei couldn't help but sparkle with stars.

"Then I'll just give you a sip to save you from another stomachache..."

Wei Wei smiled and ordered some for her, and Ye Feifei immediately beamed happily.

Sister Lucky suddenly looked at Captain Ouyang worriedly: "It's broken, a chemical reaction is about to occur..."

"At that time, shouldn't Ye Feifei have a look at the scene..."

"But that's not okay. It will scare her and be detrimental to the unity of the team."


"Come on, come on..."

Captain Ouyang glanced at the two people worriedly, but still raised the cup: "Come on, let's put aside those things that we can't talk about now, Xiao Wei has only been in the team for a few months, and first he broke something The Death Demon Sacrifice Incident, once again made great contributions to the Knowledge Demon Attack Incident... Hey, great contribution... This time, he followed the clues and destroyed the Life Demon Sacrifice Site alone..."

Ye Feifei's eyes widened slightly when he heard this, and he felt a little sad: "Obviously I helped a lot..."

The surrounding team members also raised their glasses, but their expressions were a bit unhappy.

At this moment, I really want to hug Wei Wei sincerely and persuade him: "That's it, don't work so hard anymore..."

Wei Wei also clinked glasses with everyone with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "No, no..."

"It's all the wise command of the leaders and the guidance of the seniors..."


All the team members around us acted like we should do what we do and don't slander us.

After a few glasses of wine, everyone started to grab some food.

Especially Wei Wei, who had been hungry for a long time. It was not easy to hide his appetite in front of his teammates for the first time. He tried his best to devour the food with chopsticks without losing his composure, and finished it in a short while. Four bowls of rice and half a table of vegetables.

The piggy guy opposite him was so excited that he was the first to forgive Wei Wei for his enthusiasm at work.

Although his hobbies are a bit unique, what's the matter?

...He has a good appetite!

While everyone was chatting, Wei Wei also learned the outcome of the incident.

Captain Ouyang and the others had already found the life demon sacrificial site early in the morning, and immediately notified the security hall to seal it. The bodies were recovered one by one, in preparation for further careful inspection and identity investigation, and the seven victims found from the love demon were Moreover, the demonic taboo items brought back by Ye Feifei will also be properly arranged, and Brother Xiao Lin will give a decent explanation:

"Corpse hunters use drugs to control their victims. Female friends must improve their own safety awareness!"


"Perhaps this matter is not over yet."

Wei Wei ate half full in one breath, and when he understood all the situation, he suddenly smiled and expressed his opinion.


The atmosphere around the entire table suddenly became suppressed, and countless faces turned to look at him.

Wei Wei resisted the urge to let Ye Feifei help him fill a bowl of rice, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said: "It's my fault. I haven't had time to tell everyone the results of the previous interrogation of the love demon. According to what he took the initiative to confess, , he is one of the people who received the mysterious order three years ago and stayed in Scrap Iron City to wait for the opportunity. He waited for three years just to take action during this period."

"There is reason to believe that there is a bigger black hand behind this incident."

"And this black hand has been planning for three years. The plot must not be just a small sacrificial site like this, nor will it just find this love demon to hunt. Therefore, I suspect that there are several similar sacrificial sites. In the Scrap Iron City..."

"And there are also many low-level transcendent beings hunting everywhere like this love demon."

"Someone started planning as early as three years ago..."



Everyone suddenly became quiet after listening to Wei Wei's serious words.

After Wei Wei finished telling the secrets he knew, he also adhered to his position as a newcomer and watched the reactions of the team members.

Flesh Rose, in his heart, originally had a strong possessive desire.

It's like, this is your own thing, only you can enjoy it, and you don't like sharing it with others.

However, from this sacrificial point, he realized that there might be some terrible details hidden behind this matter, and he could no longer continue to be so selfish. He had to tell the seriousness of this matter. After all, it might be before them. While I was sitting in the Sheriff's Base of Scrap Iron City happily eating braised pork and white rice, there were still people in the city being hunted by demons...

He set his sights on Captain Ouyang who was in front.

I actually like the atmosphere in this team, but I also want to know what Captain Ouyang and others will do.

This sacrificial point is already a rare and terrifying incident in Scrap Iron City.

If there are still a few sacrificial sites and countless guys hunting around like that love demon...

Is this scrap iron city going to be turned upside down?

Captain Ouyang slowly put down the wine glass in his hand, his face was unusually solemn, and he whispered:

"Xiao Wei, do you have any concrete evidence for what you said?"

"Or a confession?"


Wei Wei shook his head.

He did not report the strange will and confrontation he heard while persuading the hidden monastery, because he himself did not understand it, and, in his opinion, those unnecessary words had nothing to do with the things he wanted to prepare and deal with now. .

Therefore, he just said sincerely: "This is all my guess, but I am inclined to believe that these people exist."

After a pause, he added: "I even feel like I can hear their heartbeats."


The surroundings suddenly became quiet. If it was just a guess, it couldn't be used as evidence.

At this time, Wei Wei was not anxious to wait.

He had encountered this kind of thing before, and he might have a strong intuition, but the captain didn't believe what he said.

That's normal, and trusting the evidence isn't a bad habit.

If no one in the team believes in him, he will have other ways to deal with it, but now, he must speak out.

The eyes of others gradually focused on Captain Ouyang.

There has always been something strange about this team. It seems that everyone doesn't respect the captain very much.

But when it comes to the critical moment, it always feels like they believe in him unconditionally.

Captain Ouyang, with a sullen face, took a deep look at Wei Wei, unable to tell whether he believed Wei Wei's judgment or not.

I saw him suddenly nod his head and asked a strange question:

"Xiao Wei, you just kept that thing because you believed in the existence of these people..."



After hearing this question, Wei Wei was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Captain, you can't be the only one who is afraid of the lamb, right?"

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