Scarlet Falls

Chapter 82 The Shadow of Scrap Iron City

The dissemination of "artwork" is a very simple matter.

Usually, in the small base of Scrap Iron City, we have always blocked the news and carried out forced "science popularization" work, but now this is the first time that we have to take the initiative to send out the news. However, it was easier for Brother Xiao Lin to handle it. After all, when they were cleaning the small hidden monastery in the morning, he had already taken photos from all angles and prepared them for research.

He selected some with good angles, edited them, wrote the press releases himself, and released them collectively.

He even told the security office in advance that they should be allowed to report on this matter and not block it.

The tabloid news station in Scrap Iron City suddenly celebrates the New Year.

Even now, in a place like Scrap Iron City, which is on the edge of a spiritual barrier, the public is still unfamiliar with demons and supernatural powers. At most, they only increasingly believe in the fortune-telling spirits next door and the rumors of certain gods and ghosts. But From a mainstream perspective, this is still a scientific and logical world, and even the Big Bang seventy years ago has almost been forgotten.

But if there is anyone who has a keener sense of smell, then apart from some people in the Security Bureau, it is the reporters.

Too many times, they have felt that certain things are too weird and difficult to understand, but they have to pinch their noses to publish reports and popular science that seem to be nonsense... For this reason, Brother Xiao Lin didn't know that he was being punished behind his back. How much do these people curse?

But this time, there was such a shocking murder?

No, massacre?

Even in the midst of the carnage, there was a piece of art that could add the finishing touch?

It's exciting.

After all, the case of the murder of a boy in Block 15 three years ago was worthy of their urgent reporting.

Therefore, the matter about the hidden monastery in this villa, which was forcibly blocked for an entire day, suddenly appeared in various media at lightning speed, and spread throughout the country with extremely impactful power. The whole scrap iron city.

Everyone is talking about this hidden monastery where everyone died overnight.

Everyone is talking about the unknown skeleton in that monastery.

Everyone was also mysteriously discussing the body that was kneeling in front of the altar with its head in its hands.

It was named "The Sacrifice of the Lamb."

In addition, I don’t know if various news reports quickly went out of shape during the spread. It was obvious that the victim was wearing a black robe, and it did not actually rain that night, but there were still various names of Anga. On the head of this mysterious murderer.

For example, "The Butcher in Black Robe".

Such as "Rainy Night".

There is even a media who calls it "the delicate flower from hell"...

Brother Xiao Lin firmly denied that the last title was chosen by himself.

However, the name "Lamb's Sacrifice" was indeed determined by him personally after discussing with Wei Wei.

As a result of this discussion, the people in Scrap Iron City suddenly had a great topic to discuss after dinner.

Furthermore, there were suddenly fewer people going out at night.

Everyone talked, cursed, and shared the gossip they had heard or made up, but they also felt a shadow falling on their hearts. Every time I walked on the street, I always felt like there was something in the shadow. Stare at yourself...

It has to be said that this effectively increases the difficulty of the work of those peripheral hunters, which is an unexpected gain.

"The newspapers will write nonsense..."

In the scrap iron city base, Ye Feifei threw away the newspaper angrily.

After she got the newspaper, she was immediately shocked. The bloody corpses all over the monastery, the rows of heavy-fire machine guns and bullets, and the mottled traces of firepower on the walls all hinted at that scene. The dangers of battle.

Brother Xiao Wei broke into such a place alone and eliminated these...lawless elements?

The feeling inside was one of shock and even admiration.

Although the work of art called "Sacrifice of the Lamb" is indeed a bit scary.

But because she had seen the girls rescued from the love demon supernatural being and saw their pitiful appearance, she had already planted the idea in her heart that Wei Wei was saving people, and now she saw it in the newspaper Various reports made this incident more and more terrifying and terrifying, and even almost described this person as a pervert, which suddenly aroused a strong rebellious psychology.

She had not seen the "artwork" from the beginning. Before the news report, she heard Brother Xiao Lin say that in order to make the report achieve the desired effect, she tried her best to deal with it. It's artistic processing, so I don't take it seriously.

As for artistic processing, of course the more horrifying the better.

Anyway, the picture was made by Brother Xiao Lin on the computer, not by Brother Xiao Wei.

...Of course she didn’t know that Brother Xiao Lin was retouching the pictures with a frown on his face at that time, not for styling, but for coding.

"It's obviously a matter of a responsible extraordinary police officer sneaking into the bad guys' den and achieving great success..."

Although he knew that the captain and others deliberately published such a report in order to frighten some criminals who were unable to find them for the time being, Ye Feifei was still a little angry for Wei Wei: "In the end, he was slandered like this by the people he protected... "

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Wei Wei not far away, only to see him smiling while holding a newspaper.

Gentle, calm, soothing, as if he would never get angry.

I couldn't help but feel some sympathy and admiration in my heart: "Brother Xiao Wei has paid a lot for this job."

"And he was slandered like this, yet he wasn't even angry at all..."

"I have to learn more from him..."


Not far away, Wei Weizheng, who was reading the newspaper, was thinking happily:

"The first piece of art has been published in the newspaper. It is really memorable..."

"Should I take the newspaper home and frame it?"



"The matter was very big. The fermentation speed was so fast that even the superiors noticed it immediately."

At the same time, inside the base, Sister Lucky was looking at Captain Ouyang, frowning and asking: "You only liked to make things smaller before, but this time, you deliberately pushed the incident forward. What exactly are you planning?"

"What does it say above?"

Captain Ouyang did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"very angry."

Sister Lucky said: "I think it was our work error that caused the news to leak out, and they also said that we violated the regulations."

"Then you can make it clear to them."

Captain Ouyang said: "We have not violated the regulations. Our responsibility is to block the news when special events related to demonic power occur, so as not to cause panic among the public, which will shake the will of the public and lead to the power of spiritual barriers. weakened, but now, what is reported is just a simple massacre. Although it is shocking, it is still consistent with scientific logic..."

"...After all, we didn't report how he was killed."



Sister Lucky knew about Captain Ouyang and pondered slightly: "Do you want to make the matter bigger and force people from above to come down to investigate?"

Captain Ouyang suddenly said: "What do you think of this sacrifice?"

"It is indeed a very serious incident that we have encountered in the past three years, but it is not that we have not dealt with more serious incidents secretly."

Sister Lucky said: "In terms of scale and order, this is actually not as good as the last knowledge demon attack."

"But this sacrifice is too weird."

Captain Ouyang raised his head and glanced at her, and said: "If someone could really plant this root of this disaster three years ago with a mysterious command, he could quietly subdue all the life demons around the Scrap Iron City. , then why does he have to hold such a sacrifice in Scrap Iron City? With such strength, he can hold a larger sacrifice casually in the wilderness."

"And looking at his performance, it's not like he doesn't take the power of mental barriers into consideration."

"He deliberately split up this sacrifice and had countless low-level transcendent beings capture the prey on the periphery, which shows his caution."


Listening to Captain Ouyang's words, Sister Lucky's expression suddenly became slightly horrified.

She thought of something but didn't say it directly. It seemed that every time she said that name, she needed courage.

"That's right."

Captain Ouyang nodded: "Whoever can plan this sacrifice must be a very powerful person."

"And in a shabby place like Scrap Iron City, the only thing worth a person like this is the legendary one..."

"Devil's Forbidden Object 003: God's Death Knell!"


Sister Lucky's breathing suddenly became heavier, and her chest rose and fell slightly.

The death knell of the gods has been speculated by many people. In Scrap Iron City, even the Wandering Church has launched an operation.

So, where exactly is it?

"Why does a demonic forbidden object of this level stay in the Scrap Iron City, dormant for three years?"

Captain Ouyang spoke in a low voice: "We have always ignored a possibility before."

"We always subconsciously feel that this level of demonic forbidden objects represents terror and danger."

"But don't forget, this forbidden demonic object was contained by the church from the beginning."

"This means that its power is not at the top of the system."

"So, is it possible that it didn't stay in Scrap Iron City voluntarily, but..."

"...Where is the one who was forcibly sealed here?"


Listening to Captain Ouyang's unceremonious statement of this guess, Sister Lucky suddenly became a little nervous: "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure yet."

Captain Ouyang shook his head and said: "But it's not difficult to confirm this. Just go to the Demon Trading Market. The most important thing is that the Demonic Forbidden Object 003 is there. No one can be sure whether it is there." Scrap Iron City, let alone the specific location, but if it is really sealed, then it will not be difficult to find it."

"We only need to determine the nature of this sacrifice and then find the locations of several other sacrifice sites."

"We can find the devil's forbidden object 003 and the god's death knell!"


Sister Lucky even became nervous when she heard this: "Then let's..."

She couldn't help but panic.

They all entered Scrap Iron City with such a goal in mind, but they had already agreed to give up that goal.

But who would have thought that this target would suddenly appear in front of them at this moment?

She was suddenly worried and didn't know what Captain Ouyang decided.

"Once we determined that this thing is indeed in Scrap Iron City, we even got its specific location..."

Captain Ouyang spoke slowly and firmly: "Then I will submit a report to the superiors immediately."


Sister Lucky was caught off guard.

"What I said before is true. I gave up the idea of ​​fighting for it long ago."

Captain Ouyang sighed and said: "But if this guess is true, Scrap Iron City is about to become the center of the whirlpool. I don't want me, you, or even the two young people Wei Wei and Feifei to... I was involved in this whirlpool that was too much higher than ours, so I wasn’t worried about it from the beginning. I just needed to determine the nature of the matter and formally submit a report to the superiors.”

"This report represents our responsibility."

"After handing in this report, no matter what the higher-ups say, I will take you to evacuate temporarily."


"But, we..."

"I am the one who is afraid of death. You are just team members who must obey my orders."

Captain Ouyang waved his hand and said: "Go prepare a helicopter that can take off at any time!"

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