Scattered Immortal

Chapter 237: Kill a temple halfway!

Hey yo! Hey yo!

Thirty-two lifted the octagonal limousine quietly floating in the void, Shen Zhen stood in front of him, looking sternly at Tang Qing, who was sitting cross-legged in the distant forest. M

"His Highness, you have helped him control the killing. Why is he still sitting there? Now that the next nine cases are almost all here, isn't he really afraid?"

Although she was not a clever person, she was not stupid, but in the face of Tang Qing, she was very confused.

"Oh, do you know?" His Highness heard a strange voice in the octagonal coupe, saying, "Since ancient times, after ancient times, the world knows how many geniuses have achieved the body of the earth. Without exception, all die in the state of qi. , And now his appearance completely breaks this imprisonment. The value contained in it is too great. For example, what secrets are there in the body of the earth, why ca n’t both the ancient and the ancient people break through, but why did he break through? What's the secret, and what's the secret? "

"Since then, how can the nine ancestors in the world give up the opportunity to understand these secrets? If you can fully understand the secrets of the body of the earth, and someone will succeed in the body of the earth in the future, you may not need to be subject to imprisonment restrictions. It is the most needed thing for the bulk. It is no exaggeration to say that the secret of the earth body alone is enough to protect Tang Qing from death. "

"And this is just one. According to the information in this palace, Tang Qing joined the Sapphire Gate seven months ago. At the beginning, he had very poor qualifications. However, in just seven months, he started from building the base. , Not only broke through the imprisonment of the body of the earth, but also stepped into the realm of the Yuan. He also repaired the Yuan Ying, seven months! Crossing three realms, these speeds of cultivation, since the ancient times, the whole world, in addition to A wicked lord Tang is supreme, and now there is another Tang Qing. "

"The exaggerated and perverted cultivation speed alone is enough to keep him immortal. This is only the second, and the third, he uses the body of the earth. Breaking the imprisonment and becoming the first person in Sangu, the value of this name is far greater than that of Wuji Faction, Jinyang faction, and even the torch rune tower. Is there such a big title that you don't want to own it? "

"So, Tang Qing will not die this time, even if it is the Taixu Zong who is sent by Promise, the secret of the earth body, the exaggerated speed of cultivation, the title of the first person in Sangu, and he In itself, it has created Tianqi's arrogance, which is an outstanding and rare wizard in the world. Even if the Xu Zong wants to kill, other majors will not allow it. "

"That's the way it is ..." Hearing His Royal Highness said this, Shen Zhen seemed to understand a little, nodded, and said. "Now it seems that the guy with the surname Tang today will be fine regardless of whether he joins any major."

"It's true. I have to think about this guy, killing people and destroying the faction. Destroyed the tower, not only could the other party not help him, but he also had to move over to lower his attitude and accept it. This is really ... ... "

"But ..." Shen Yun groaned for a moment, and then said, "What if he refuses to join these big cases today?"

"Reject? Why should he refuse? If he refuses, we can be sure that these big blocks will never kill him on the spot at all costs. Tang Qing is dazzling, too dazzling, too unknown, and his future achievements are limitless. If it cannot be used for its own sake, these large blocks will never allow such a potential enemy to grow up. "

Silence, whether it is His Royal Highness or Shen Yun.

Then His Highness suddenly asked, "Shen Yun, why did you ask this suddenly?"

"What's the matter? Your Highness, I just asked casually." Shen Yun was puzzled. She had extremities, simple and straightforward thinking, and said whatever she wanted.

"Ask casually ..." There was a sense of anxiety in Her Highness's voice. She seemed to be uncertain about something, and then murmured, "Impossible! In this case, no one will refuse, even if you really don't want to If you join any sect, you dare not say it ... "

"His Royal Highness, what are you talking about?"

"No ... maybe it's just that this palace is thinking too much, no one will do this, absolutely not ..." His Highness's voice came, "It seems that someone is here, Shen Yun, you should hide first." When it fell down, when the white light of the octagonal car flickered, Shen Zhen disappeared, and the thirty-two elves also disappeared, leaving only such a large car to float quietly in the void.


In Tianqi County, in a wild forest in a barren mountain, Tang Qing still sat cross-legged and never moved. He put his hands on his knees and made a strange gesture. His face looked a little pale, his eyes closed slightly, and his eyebrows Lock it up.

He sat like this, like a statue.

Suddenly, seven rainbows flashed in the void, and they came instantly.

Hongmang disappeared and seven practitioners appeared. Standing in front were an old man and a woman, not others, but the two elders of Jiufeng, Xuan Songzi and Xun Zizi from Taixuzong, and others. Three elders who were too fictitious, and the other two were the two foreign elders of the Promise. When they saw Tang Qing sitting cross-legged there, they suddenly changed their expressions, stretched out their fingers and shouted, "It's him, he's Tang Qing!"

The two seemed to be as if they saw Li Gui, they were not only scared, but even unnaturally stepped back, and the elders who were too virtual were shocked when they heard that this man was Tang Qing, staring at them. The youth looks ordinary, and the breath is a little weak, and even the vitality is much weaker than ordinary people. Xuan Songzi and others can't connect the person in front of him with the lawless and fierce guy in the rumor.

Without thinking too much, Xuan Songzi immediately instructed people to do something, because he knew very well that other majors had already arrived. If Tang Qing was not taken advantage of this occasion, it would be difficult to wait for other majors to find the place and then try to do it.

At the same time, the next to Miaozi Xing's face was quite complex, her eyes were cold as frost. To be honest, although she had heard the name Tang Qing for a long time, she saw it for the first time and decided before she arrived. It is natural that Tang Miaozi will not hesitate to kill Tang Qing on the spot. Although the suzerain has his life, it is better to bring Tang Qing alive, but Miao Xing is not ready to do so.

Xuan Songzi's voice dropped, and Xun Miaozi first summoned her magic weapon one step at a time. She wanted to use a powerful method to kill Tang Qing in one fell swoop. Then, a low intimidation came suddenly.


The sound of this sound is very powerful, such as a thunder and a bang, the sound falls, and the sound of the breaking wind comes. In the void, a dark shooting star seems to cut through the void, and it comes instantly. The black light flashes and a person suddenly appears. Stop Xunzi Xunzi.

Xuan Songzi and Xun Miaozi were too late to be surprised, and then more than twenty honghong flashed, and twenty-three people appeared. These people were all dressed in black robes and wrapped in strictness, showing only one face, all over their bodies. Through a mystery, the breath is cold like a sword, and it is very fierce, killing in the air, and whistling like a wind. These people appear, but somehow they even change the surrounding natural environment and become cold and gloomy.

The headed man is an old man with a serious expression, squinting his eyes slightly, and the strange eyes flashed with strange light. He looked at Tang Qing, and then looked at the octagonal limousine floating there in the distant void. Finally I looked at Xun Miaozi and others.

"Two, don't come here!"

The old man's voice was erratic, as misty as the wind but full of gloom.

Looking at this old man, both Xuan Songzi and Xun Miaozi looked different, because they recognized the identity of these black robe monks, but they were temple monks.

The temple, which is a legendary privileged department, is a sharp dagger in the sanctuary. The temple rarely appears in public view, because they have been walking in the dark to execute kills. What is the temple? What kind of existence I am afraid nobody can tell clearly.

Violates the order of heaven and earth, and comes to trial from heaven punishment.

The sanctuary rule was violated, and the sanctuary came to judge.

Violation of moral law, people in the world to judge.

However, if this person neither violates the order of heaven and earth, nor violates the rules of the sanctuary, nor violates the moral laws, but has a rebellious heart, then the temple will be judged at this time.

The existence of the temple is alarming, because they are holding a butcher knife.

Xunzi Zi and Xuan Songzi recognized these temple monks, and the old man, who was also headed by them, was a great judge, Zhanhua, who had the power to kill and kill in the temple.

Tai Xuzong's Xunzi Zi and Xuan Songzi did not expect that they hurried and hurried ahead of other ancestors. They could win Tang Qing by sight, but did not expect to kill a temple halfway.

Why does the temple appear here? Xun Miaozi didn't think they were here to carry out the assassination, it should be also for that Tang Qing, remembering that, Miao Xun was a little nervous, because the appearance of the temple prevented her from doing anything, but she must kill Tang Qing have to! So she frantically pondered how to deal with it ~ ~ Standing next to Judge Zhanhua, a middle-aged man looked at Tang Qing there, and then opened a scroll with a portrait on it. It seems that if there is something similar to Tang Qing, he looks at the portrait, stares at Tang Qing, nodded, and said to Zhan Hua, "Master, it is him."

Zhan Hua nodded, and the middle-aged man waved with a big hand next to him, saying, "Take it down!"

The words fell, and more than twenty monks in the black robes were about to move. Miaozi Xunzi, Xuan Songzi and others all strode forward and yelled, "Master Zhanhua, I'm really sorry, this man killed me Wuji and sent more than a hundred saints and elders. I waited for the Lord's orders, and must be arrested today. "

Although the existence of the temple is extremely special, the existence of the Buddhism is not vegetarian, not to mention that this time the Xuongzong took people, it is reasonable and legal, and naturally it is not afraid. China is also aggressive.

"I don't know why the adults in the temple stopped me waiting."

"I do things in the temple without telling anyone." RQ

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