Scattered Immortal

Chapter 319: Reincarnation

Chapter 319: Reincarnation Drunk

Every time you come, Tang Qing is invading in cultivation and comprehension. His cultivation has not increased much, but he knows more about the body of the earth and the immovable King Fudozu than before. This is himself. It is understood, but the opportunity is created by Lu Tianya. If there is no such opportunity, it may be understood by Tang Qing ’s enlightenment, but it will not be known how long it will take and how many hardships it will experience. It is a rare and horrible existence whether it is the body of the earth or the immovable king. m

Although Tang Qing is a fairy, it is impossible to intuitively touch these gadgets. Moreover, in the world, there are very few records of the existence of these two types, and there are almost no records.

As for why Lu Tianya knows this and how to create these opportunities, no one knows, but since he is known as the Wushuang bachelor, he claims to be omnipotent, and it is by no means unfounded.

What exactly is Lu Tianya?

Tang Qing also did not know that there were three people in the entire Shang Qing dynasty that he could not see through. One was the grandfather, the other was the old suzerain, and the third was his master. The three of them usually looked like mortals. You don't even see a trace of repair, do you want to talk about fairy? It's also not possible. Tang Qing has also contacted many immortals, and they have also beheaded them. It is certain that these three are not immortals. As for what they are, they still don't understand.

But are these important?

It's not important. At least it's not important to Tang Qing who they are. What's important is that these three people care about themselves. That's enough.

A half year later, Tang Qing is still encroaching on the comprehension, comprehending the jīng marrow which belongs to the Supreme Earth, and comprehending the jīng Hua who belongs to the Fudo King.

This night, the moonlight is soft and the stars are bright.

Tang Qing, who was in meditation, felt uncomfortable. He sometimes sat down and stood up. He yawned for a while, stretched his waist for a while, he couldn't calm down, and couldn't be quiet. Since worshiping Lu Tianya as a teacher, he has been full. I have not left Tianya Island for half a year, and I have not communicated with other people for half a year. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that Tang Qing has not tasted a drop of wine for half a year.

He was very shy, very shy, and his heart was as uncomfortable as a cat scratch.

He thought he was not addicted to alcohol, but he was wrong. He realized this serious mistake the first month after he came to the island, but because of respect for Master, he dared not drink, so he could only endure it. This endured for half a year, and now I can't bear it.

It's not restlessness, it's all wine.

As the grandfather said before, Tang Qing was not a regular person. Now he has been half an honest person for a long time, and he can't hold it anymore.

After thinking about it, biting his teeth and stomping his feet, Tang Qing flew directly to the beach without saying a word. He jumped into the sea with a leap. About a breath of effort, Tang Qing came out again, but there were many hands A jade belt was stored. This jade belt was deliberately still in the sea on the first day he came to the island. The purpose was to prove that he would cleanse his heart and practice hard.

However, today, half a year later, he picked it up again and looked at the wet jade belt in his hands. Tang Qing couldn't help whispering, "Fortunately, it wasn't destroyed at the beginning ..." All the fine wines collected in China were taken out, and there were dozens of altars.

With a bang, open an altar, hold the jug, raise your head, pour straight into your mouth, grunt, without even breathing, sip it with a single slam, open the altar again, bang bang !! After drinking ten altars in one breath, Tang Qing shook his head and took a sigh of relief. He only realized that the sea was vast, his mind was agitated, his senses were surging, and his thoughts were good.


Spit out without stopping, continue drinking.

At the same time, in a manor house in Shangqingzong, the grandfather was playing chess with the grandfather. The grandfather bent down and sat on the stone bench, tilted Erlang's legs, clasped his feet, and his nose suddenly sniffed. , Suddenly snorted, said with extreme contempt, "cāo, hungry knew this kid is a knotless cāo guy, with a green onion in the pig's nose, and also an elephant in front of the ancestor, you little sāo young lady You need to set up a small torii, you already know that you can't support it for half a year. Why? Festival cāo is broken? Is the torii ruined? "

The old suzerain naturally knew who his grandfather despised, and he reluctantly shook his head and smiled.

"You laughed, hurry up, you lost, take the thing out." The grandfather said proudly.

The old lord sighed and was a little helpless. He took out a white jade bottle from the sleeve, and was reluctant to say, "Old grandpa, look at this ..."

"Less nonsense! I am willing to gamble and lose!" The grandfather snatched the white jade bottle and opened the bottle directly. A strong aroma slammed towards him, looking up, drank at the bottle mouth, and the whole person was one of them. Zhen, took another deep breath, snorted, and said a word, cool!

The old grandfather was cool, but the old suzerain was depressed. The reason is that the old grandfather opened a gambling game six months ago and took Tang Qing for half a year. He must drink alcohol to make a bet. Yudai still went into the sea and saw Tang Qing vowed to practice hard. He thought that Tang Qing would never drink alcohol again, so he took a gamble with his grandfather. The bet put out by the grandfather was a fragment of the ancient times, and the old The bet placed by the suzerain is that he has kept the big rìjīng hua for thousands of years.

Fragment of the ancient times is what the old suzerain dreamed of. In order to win the old grandfather, he has bet five times, this time for the sixth time, but all of them have been lost. The price is painful. He has kept it for thousands of years. I did n’t even want to drink a drop, but I lost six drops to my grandfather.

Watching the grandfather sip the big rìjīng Hua drunk, the old lord's heart is bleeding, only a bit of pain, can't bear to look again, close his eyes, lament, and secretly swear that he will definitely never reconnect with him Grandpa bet, absolutely not. This is not the first time the old lord swears. As for the first few times, he can't remember.

"It's good! Da rìjīng Hua's stuff is good enough, good enough! Good and good!" The grandfather nodded contentedly, as if he was still a little bit interested, put out his tongue and added a white jade bottle, stood up and patted The wounded old lord, comforted, "lady, don't be discouraged, don't you still have four drops there, do you want to play one more? Hungry wondering if it is time for the kid to achieve the Dharma, what kind of Dharma will you accomplish I still crush the big fragments of the ancient times, how about you? "

I heard that the old lord shivered and cried without tears, "Grandpa, don't forget about my four drops of big rìjīng hua, I have not even been willing to drink a drop. All of these years have been won by you ... "

"Nothing fun!" Said Grandpa with a look of scorn, humming, "Hungry has always wanted to give you the big fragments of the ancient times, but who do you want to win, every time you lose It's boring, as if the ancestor bullied you. "

The old suzerain almost cried.

"It's really nothing!" The old grandfather was about to leave without leaving a word. At this moment, the words of the old master came.

"Grandpa, and wait."

"What!" Said Grandpa grandmother, saying, "Has it been figured out? Still betting? Hey! Come on ..."

"No! No!" Where did the old lord dare to gamble? This loss was inexplicable and very dissatisfied. He immediately asked, "Grandpa, how can you be so sure Tang Xiaozi will drink alcohol within half a year?" "In the impression of the old monarch, Tang Qing is definitely not a person who is addicted to alcohol, even if he has an alcohol addiction, he can absolutely suppress it with his ability, not to mention how this kid respects Lu Tianya so much ...

"How do you know if you are hungry?" The grandfather smiled very proudly. "The kid learnt to drink or was taught by his grandfather. How can he not know how hungry, and the first drink he drank was his reincarnation drunk?" After the entrance of this hungry wine, Dan Tian took root, invaded the spirits, learned the sea, and entered the reincarnation. He said that his grandmother was a practitioner, and even the immortal could not carry it, even if you were a reincarnation of Da Luo Jinxian, even if you were reincarnated. , Reincarnation and rebuilding, I can't hold back the alcohol addiction. I did n’t give up all my life after being hungry. The kid was able to fight for half a year, and he was already starving. ”

"Reincarnation drunk ... how can you make him drunk in reincarnation."

What reincarnation drunk is, naturally the old sovereign also knows, as the name suggests, this thing is called reincarnation drunk, that is to say, falling into reincarnation, you can't get rid of it.

"What made the ancestor hungry for him? Was the kid willing to drink it, right? The kid was addicted to it, no matter what the hunger was hungry?"

"Old grandfather, you ... hmm ..." In the face of old grandfather, the old lord had nothing to do.

"Hungry, do you still gamble?"

"No gambling!" This time the old lord ruled that he would definitely not gamble with his grandfather.

"Are you going to be hungry for the big fragments of the ancient times?"

The existence of the big fragment in the ancient times was so valuable that it made the old lord covet for a long time, struggling for a moment, and said, "I want it."

"Then bet then?"

"Don't bet!"

"Don't bet you still want a hungry baby? Damn? Want white wolves with empty gloves? It's beautiful!"

"Old grandfather, juniors don't need it, okay?" The old sovereign was angry ~ ~ turned around!

"Really?" The old grandfather asked again.

"No more!" The old master knew that the grandfather was teasing himself again.

"Never give it away for free?"


The grandfather flipped his palm, and a shimmering shard appeared on the palm of his hand. The old master took a closer look, and God was quite excited. This is the shard of the ancient times he dreamed of, which contains the secret of the ancient times !!

"If you want, take it down." The grandfather still puts large fragments from the ancient times on the stone table like garbage.

The old suzerain was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes, "Grandpa, are you really ... really going to give it to the juniors?"

"Hungry just to see you lose so many times, look at your poor child, and want you to open your eyes to you, send you? What a joke? Is Grandpa such a generous person?" Say, Grandpa Reaching out a hand, and collecting the large fragments of the ancient times back, people disappeared, leaving only the old lord with convulsions in his face. (To be continued.

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