Scattered Immortal

Chapter 328: Taoist, please stay

Chapter 328 Dao You, please stay away

Now Tang Qing not only jumps out of nature, but at the same time, his Tai Chi body also belongs to a nature. The monk practices, breathes and absorbs, and breathes in the heaven and earth aura, and the aura is also in nature. But Tang Qing, he does n’t Need to absorb, because he is a nature itself, with countless auras. . mc. m

Therefore, although the injury of 10,000 yuan was severe, after he healed, it quickly took effect, and the physical injury healed in a short time. He looked at Cai Cheng next to him and couldn't believe his eyes. It is really amazing, especially 10,000 yuan. As a party, he can clearly feel that his originally weak Yuan Shen is full of vitality at this moment, as if he is glowing.

"Why are you two here? Are the brethren Shuiyun okay?"

Since leaving Tianqi County, Tang Qing has never seen the brothers of the Shuiyun faction. Ten years have passed since he never thought about this.

"Shui Yun faction? It should be okay. Our brothers have been retreating since they joined the Shang Qingzong. They just went out not long ago."

"You also joined Shang Qingzong? When did it happen?" Since coming to Shang Qingzong, Tang Qing knelt for three years and practiced in retreat for five years, so he was not very clear about the outside affairs.

It turned out that four months after the Qing Dynasty was unsealed, Cai Cheng, Wan Wan, and other mentors from the Shuiyun School all joined the Qing Dynasty. When the Qing dynasty was unsealed, Tang Qing singled out many geniuses and more than 30 monks in the state, and sincerely worshiped the Qing dynasty. This incident was very provocative at the time. Naturally, they also heard that they originally joined the Qing The posthumous queen wanted to see Tang Qing, but he never saw him.

"Did Ning Shuang also join the Shang Qingzong?"

This time after joining the WTO, Ning Shuang was the only woman who had a relationship with him. For Ning Shuang, in Tang Qing's impression, she was a somewhat cold woman, but also a woman who looked at emotions very lightly. To be honest, Tang Qing likes a woman of this character, not because she doesn't need to be responsible after a relationship, but simply likes Ningshuang.

"Sister Ningshuang didn't join us. Not long after Shang Qingzong was unsealed, the elders were sent over to take over the Shuiyun pie. At that time, Ningshuang disappeared. Until now, she hasn't fallen. where."

"This way ..." Tang Qing nodded thoughtfully. He had always doubted whether Ningshuang was the legendary heir to the world. During Tianqi County, all signs seemed a bit similar.

She didn't join Shang Qingzong. Where would she go?

The three chatted for a while, mostly about what happened after Tang Qing left Tianqi County. After a while, Tang Qing seemed to remember something again, and said, "You two are really right now. Why did you come out alone? "

Cai Cheng and Wan Wan looked at each other, but also a little bit ashamed and regretful, and said with a bitter smile, "This was a large-scale exercise. The brothers almost went out with Master. We both planned to do this ... I think it ’s probably not dangerous to follow the Master ’s practice, but with the blessing of the Master, is that still a practice? So, we both decided to go out and practice alone. ”

Wan Wan also scratched his head and said, "We thought that the monks outside would surely pass by those innate lights, so we were going to go through the neighborhood and not provoke the innate light, but we didn't expect ... this There are so many monks who go out to practice, we are telling ourselves to be cautious again and again, but I did n’t expect to provoke them, alas ... It's also blame that the two of us do n’t know what to do, and this time, if it ’s not Brother Tang you, we Both are afraid ... "

Cai Cheng and Wan Wan really regretted it. They did not overestimate themselves, but underestimated the impact of this natural change.

"You do n’t need to regret it, it ’s a matter of training yourself. As Cai Cheng said, if you follow the Master, there is no danger, but such training is not meaningful." Tang Qing comforted the two. , Smiled, "How about? Where are you two going to practice?"

"This ... After this incident, I think that my brother and I should go back and practice hard. Our practice is really ..." Neither Cai Cheng nor Wanyuan are timid people. This natural change has made the outside world messy. One is not good, and you may not even know how to die.

"Since it's out, play for a few more days."


Cai Cheng and Wan Wan said in their hearts that Tang Qing is not a person of the world. I am afraid that only people like Tang Qing dare to play in such a chaotic world? The two knew very well that Tang Qing was absolutely unable to play, but he was not qualified to play.

"See the blue light ahead? Let's go and see what's going on."

Cai Cheng and Wan Wan looked around. Not far away, it really is the source of a blue light. To be honest, they were also curious about what this blue light was hiding. I wanted to see it, but I also know that such a thing Blu-ray is so dazzling that it has certainly attracted many experts. Even if you do n’t grab it, if you just stand, you may catch fire.

"Let's go and see."

Before the two responded, Tang Qing forced them to gallop away.


This side of the world is called a sanctuary because it is holy, and all sacred places are blessed by sacredness. Because there is a sacred place, there is a sacred hall. . Of course, this world is huge, and there are some places that cannot be shrouded, such as this Chiyan Desert.

The Chiyan Desert is extremely vast, even larger than the two counties combined, because it is naturally harsh and has no aura, so there are no sects here, and few disciples come here to practice, because the air here is full of evil The chaotic atmosphere, once infected, will affect spiritual practice.

But with the change of nature this time, when a blue light appeared here, the Chiyan Desert became lively.

Good guy!

At a glance, there were people everywhere, some were flying with flying swords in the void, some were riding spirit beasts, some were gathered on the desert, densely packed, and there were tens of thousands of them. They were all surrounded by a depression, and the depression was about one hundred The width of the meter is not so much a concave ground as a deep abyss. It is bottomless. It is dark inside, and there is a layer of blue shimmer on the periphery, which directly reflects the sky.

After Tang Qing came here, he stood in the void, opened the gourd around his waist, drank two sips of wine, and narrowed his eyes to look at it. He could see that the blue Guanghua was a formation method, probably due to nature's retrogression. So the matrix formation became so chaotic that Tang Qing could not tell what kind of matrix formation it was for a while, but it is certain that this matrix formation is very strong and strong, and it can be felt from the fluctuation of the blue brilliance alone. Unbearable, facing a collapse, it seems that it won't take long before it will completely collapse.

Tang Qing sacrifice to explore the past carefully, the more exploration, the more dazed, the array is really too chaotic, the various breaths are intertwined and mixed together, there is a natural breath, a restrained breath, a celestial breath and so on. The resulting inexplicable breath, but one kind of breath caught his attention, this kind of breath is very strong, so strong that the other breath cannot be intertwined with it.

This is the breath of heaven and earth!

Qiankun's breath is extinct in this era, only in ancient times, and in ancient times, Qiankun's breath represents a kind of supreme breath, just like the sacred breath of modern times.

If the sacred breath is the sign of this era, then the breath of Qiankun is the sign of the ancient times.

There are no vicissitudes in ancient times, and there is no sacredness in ancient times. Both of these breaths belong to their own times.

Since the formation method contains the atmosphere of Qiankun, it can be determined that the things in it must be related to ancient times, and it is likely to be a holy place for spiritual practice in ancient times.

Cai Cheng and Wan Wan were also standing in the void next to them. They did not understand the formation method, and they did not dare to sacrifice insight to investigate. Therefore, they could only take the scene in front of them as a lively look.

"I don't know who the three Taoist teachers are."

The men who were not tall and handsome did not come to say hello to the three, Cai Cheng responded politely, and said, "Under the monk Qingzong, I don't know what you ... Do you have anything to do with Taoist friends?"

Cai Cheng is still not used to the word Daoyou, and he ca n’t get used to it, because he rarely hears people call themselves like this. Nowadays, every monk either joins the Buddhism or joins the alliance, and then pays tribute to the Dongfu. Those who belong do not call each other's Taoist friends, because most of the people they know are friends, and now there are only one kind of Taoist friends, and that is casual training.

Only when this kind of orphaned and solitary person talks casually, they will call each other a Taoist friend, which means like-minded fellow members.

Sure enough, the man introduced himself, "It turned out to be a monk from the Shang Qingzong, disrespectful and disrespectful, and repaired in the next Jiyun, Hou house."

Hou house?

Why is the name so strange.

"I wonder what happened to Hou Daoyou?"

"Oh, ~ It's nothing, but it's just a chat." Hou House carefully observed the three Cai Cheng, jumping over the two, and stared at Tang Qing for a while, as if wondering something, said "The three Taoists seem to be out of luck. I have observed here for four days. It is a pity that there should be no monks from the Qing Dynasty here."

Cai Cheng didn't respond because he didn't know if there were any monks from the Qing Dynasty. There were many disciples in the Qing Dynasty. He had only been in the school for a few years and was mostly retreat. He couldn't recognize it.

"At this moment, the formation is chaotic, and if there are signs of collapse, it is not too far from the birth of the baby. Every time I encounter such scenes, I will feel sad."

"How to say?"

"Hehe ... In the face of such congenital treasures, others are all in groups, guarded by a teacher, accompanied by elders, and lonely below, even if they have courage, desire and contention, but the reality is cruel, only As a hilarity, I've had an eye addiction, can you say that you can't be sore in the future? ".


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