Scattered Immortal

Chapter 348: Violent

---------------------- 嗖 ——

The nine-meter-tall Donghua swordsman and Tang Qing appeared in the sky, and they all moved like statues after they appeared, but the actions of the two were different each time, sometimes Donghua swordsman stabbed with a sword Tang Qing, sometimes Tang Qing hit with fists, the two of them appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, appearing momentarily to freeze, and then disappearing instantly, so repeatedly.

Yi Wan'er and others looked terrified. They knew that the speed of the two men who were fighting at this moment was unparalleled. With their ability, they couldn't watch this thrilling fight. They could only see the freeze when they met. Scene.

boom! Rumble-Click!

Every time the two of them appear, a huge wave will swell. This wave spreads and spreads like a tsunami. It crushes and crushes everything around it. One wave and one continuous wave, and it appears twice each time. The law of surrounding nature It ’s getting worse and worse!

While surprised by the horror of Donghua Swordmaster, they were deeply convinced by Tang Qing's strange and strong strength.

On the other side, Tong Dong, Li Zhengxin, and others gathered together, weak and helpless by Ding Shan who was emptied of energy and spirit. Dong Dong was weak and helpless. He looked at the fight in the field, and he couldn't understand and felt difficult. Believe it.

"Don't you say that our guardian is linked to the fairy's fear? Why is Tang Qing not dead?"

Ding Shan has not been given a guardian's appearance for a long time. This is also the first time he has been called. The next side Dong Dong frowned and watched. Although he is not qualified to have a guardian's image, he also knows it more or less. Some, the guardian is indeed afraid of even the immortals. This is not an exaggeration, and he has witnessed that after other monks in the alliance summoned the guardian, regardless of the other monk's geometry, they are instantly wiped out, and now how to confront Tang Qing, fight so many times. Why hasn't it been erased?

Is it because Ding Shan hasn't had a long time to worship the guardian? But it shouldn't be, even if the guardian that has just been bred has not been fostered, its strength is enough to kill any real person, even a real person? Why now even Tang Qing, a monk who is only in the beginning of the Tao ...


Bang Bang!

The figures of Donghua Swordmaster and Tang Qing appeared in the sky, making a loud noise, and powerful waves continued to spread and crush. Hou House, Yi Waner and others finally managed to resist the fluctuations. Immediately looking over, I suddenly found that Tang Qing and Donghua Swordmaster both stood in the void. Donghua Swordmaster seemed to have nothing to do, and still stood with a mighty sword holding a giant sword, and Tang Qing did the same. He was still him, in white, lonely, calm. The difference is that his eyes are full of dark red, like the blood of a riot in the abyss.

This is killing. Tang Qing's killing in his mind began to violently. He was going to kill this thing first to suppress the killing. He did not expect several rounds of consecutive fights. Did not shake him.

What kind of existence of this thing, how physically so powerful.

Of course, Tang Qing just shot using the power of the Dharma body. His Dharma body is the Taiji body and the body of Jiuzai Sanxian. Its strength is so strong that there is no problem in killing ordinary monks. But now it is impossible to shake this Donghua swordsman. Tang Qing now hesitates to use achievements. The reason for hesitation is that once achievements are used, the killing power of the mind will be even more crazy. If you want to suppress it then, it will be even more difficult.

"Slay, Sword of Disillusionment!"

On the opposite side, Donghua Swordmaster made a deep but silent roar, raised his arms, clenched the giant sword, the giant sword emitted a dazzling white light, and with a bang, the giant sword crossed the void, offering a crescent moonlight!

A sword was offered, and a crack was opened in the sky. It was a real crack. Through the crack, you could see the black void!

The sky is broken?

Hou's eyes were wide, his face was unbelievable, and Yi Wan'er was the same, whispering, "The natural law here was cut off by the sword of Donghua Sword Master! It's almost ..."

Such a sharp sword struck in the blink of an eye.

Tang Qing opened his eyes, the dark red flames burst out in his eyes, and the golden brilliance of the whole body erupted like a volcano. At the same time, a majestic Buddha's breath spread out. Jian Guang, yelling, "Extinction!"

The word, Supreme Buddha sound, contains all kinds of mystery!

Dorattle, such a sound, shattered the sharp sword light. With a bang, Tang Qing leapt to the sky, raised his arms, opened his five fingers, and dangled the Buddha's light between his fingers. Holy Skull!

嗷 ——

Donghua Sword Master's nine-meter-high body shuddered slightly and roared.

Suddenly, Tang Qing ’s golden brilliance skyrocketed again, turning to condensing. A giant who was also nine meters high appeared with a drooping shawl, frowning, three eyes red and round, and his right eye looked up, as if he could bind the Tianzi Devil, his left eye. Looking down is like burning dragons and non-skys; looking up at the forehead is like descending Yasha and Froza, with five skeletons and immovable Buddha as decorations, except for all evil obstacles, and eight dragon bones as the whole body. The right hand is holding the slaughter sword and destroying all spirits. The left hand is tied with a diamond rope. Two teeth are exposed on both sides of the corner of the mouth. The top is oblique. The shirt is slanting. The right side is holding a sword. The left hand is standing on the side of the flame. It looks extremely fierce.


What is this!

Is this the Yuanshen?

Hou's house and Yi Wan'er's eyes are about to fall down. They can see that this is Tang Qing's Yuanshen. In the legend, Tang Qing has a big Buddha Yuanshen. Is this this? But this Buddha's breath is too powerful? And should n’t the Buddha ’s breath always be meek and holy? Why is the Buddha's breath of his **** so so ... so violent?


Anyone feels that this huge Buddha's breath is not meek, but is full of an angry fury!


Donghua Juggernaut made a weird cry, the figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared beside Ding Shan.

what happened? Yi Waner and others looked around and found that Donghua Sword Master's body was trembling, staring at Tang Qing sharply, as if a mouse saw a cat's look.


Is it actually scared?


What exactly is Tang Qing ’s Yuanshen that has caused it to fear? This is the guardian of the Donghua Alliance, even the immortals! How can you be afraid of a Yuan God?

As a party, Ding Shan can feel the fear, even despair, of Donghua Swordmaster?

How could this be!

Ding Shan was scared.

No one knows why!

Indeed, they did not know that the Yuan Shen achievements by Tang Qing were the immortal king and the immortal, and the wrath of the central sun, and the nine demon had to kneel when they saw it. Not afraid?

At this moment, Tang Qing stood in the void, and it was shrouded by the immortal King Budizun, like the eight-faced mad Buddha, and those with three eyes panicked, his mind was like being burned by flames.

Surrender to the Demons!

The immovable king can surrender to the demons, all demons are afraid, so are the demons, and those who have demons are afraid at this moment. Ding Shan is, Li Zhengxin is, Wu Dong is, Hou House is, Gu Pan Yes, Yi Wan'er is, so is Su Daxi. They both have their own demon, so they are all afraid, stunned! All bow down!

After Tang Qing sacrifice the immortal king and immortal king, although he is a Buddha, he is angry, not only does not suppress the killing, but the other killing is even more violent!

"Little bunny! All his mother died!"

Tang Qing was furious, his body moved, and his palm was smashed. Donghua Sword Master was completely decomposed into pieces and disappeared, and no one was able to survive together with Ding Shan and Wu Dong. All of them broke up.

This scene was so shocking that Yi Waner and others were trembling, their minds were frozen, all thoughts were still at this moment, and the whole person was as dead as a chicken.

Dead and gone ...

The protector of the Tung Wah Alliance met Tang Qing ’s Primordial God and retracted in fear, and then was smashed by Tang Qing with a slap. This is the Donghua sword sage that even the immortals fear. Vulnerable!

Is Donghua Juggernaut too weak? Or is Tang Qing too powerful?

This problem flashed in the minds of Yi Waner and others.

In the empty space, in the sand, and in the chaotic nature, Tang Qing took back his immobile King Wang Fudo, but the dark red in his eyes became more violent. Once the killings broke out completely, Tang Qing's consciousness would also enter In this state of killing, he came to Su Daxi, pinched his fingers, drew the rune with blood, and then passed over, saying, "Crush the rune when it is in danger."

Originally I wanted to talk to Su Daxi while walking, but he couldn't determine whether he could suppress his own killing power, so he could only leave for the time being.

After receiving the Scarlet Charm, Su Daxi grinned, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but did not dare to say that when he dared, Tang Qing had disappeared without a trace.

After a long time, Yi Waner and other talents reacted from a deep shock. This shock has penetrated the deepest part of their hearts. Several people looked at each other and no one spoke. ~ Yi Wanerwang Looking at the chaotic natural law within ten thousand meters around, and looking at the narrow crack in the void, thinking about the crazy scene just now, I couldn't help whispering, "It's terrible, is he still human?"

Hou House, Su Daxi, Gu Pan nodded at the same time, it seems that they and Yi Waner have the same sigh.

It was about a few hours before they left, and the rest of the place was still a boundless desert and mild and suitable nature. A few people along the way seemed silently remembering the fight just now.

"Well? Why are the beams of light disappearing here?" Yi Waner said in surprise, looking around the house, and found that the beams of light that had been seen before were gone.

"what is that!"

Yi Waner found that a dazzling brilliance bloomed in a round of sun in the center of the void. The brilliance descended, like a waterfall, forming a beam of light of nine colors. When they were surprised, a yak came from somewhere. Such a heavy noise.

"This is the sound of the trumpet of the demon." ______________________


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