"Will you be happy to poison me? Besides, I haven't made enough money for you Xin Shanshan glared at Mu Tianhao: "are you going to do business at a loss! "

" well No Mu Tianhao looked down a little and looked at Xin Shanshan, but he laughed again. He explained, "this is lamb meat. Cheese is the most famous goat cheese in the local area."

"Ah..." Xin Shanshan did not know why suddenly thought of the seven step poem: Boil beans as soup, percolate Shu as juice. Osmunda burning in the kettle, beans in the kettle crying. It was born from the same root. Why was it too urgent to stir fry each other?

Mu Tianhao seemed to share the same feelings with her, showing shame, but his words were still calm: "it was used as a newborn lamb, and it was killed before it opened its eyes. The milk it should have drunk is now made into cheese and put it in this pot."

Xin Shanshan's face changed greatly, and her stomach heaved. She stopped Mu Tianhao's crocodile tears of compassion: "please I just finished. "

"I haven't finished yet." Mu Tianhao slowly picked up a piece of meat, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

Xinshanshan looked at the still calm Mu Tianhao. Her eyes were straight and murmured, "you are really cruel."

"I eat them, not cruelty." Mu Tianhao is really calm, he slowly said: "wolves also eat sheep, this is the food chain, is the rule of heaven."

Xin Shanshan made an explicit disdain expression.

After eating the staple food, there are side dishes. In fact, the serving rules are not the same. The main reason is that Mu Tianhao sees that Xin Shanshan is very hungry. If you follow the French accent, I'm afraid that when you go back, you will become a ghost, a hungry ghost.

When she had just finished her lamb, she began to look like a model, so she had to have enough food and clothing to talk about other things. If she had no food, she could eat French food like a beggar.

The fat cook was very amiable. When she came out to serve the dishes, she turned red with a cry of "ah". Mu Tianhao took her to speak. She was smiling, but her eyes kept glancing at her side. Later, even the cook kept looking up and down at her. She was taken aback by them, but she couldn't understand what they were saying What is it? It's depressing.

"What did you just say to him?" As soon as the cook turned around, she asked.

"I told her that my honey was overworked today, so I was so hungry..." Mu Tianhao was smiling, as bad as he wanted to be.

"You..." Xinshanshan took a breath of cold air and couldn't find words to scold for a while.

"There's no way. Who made you eat so hard? I feel sorry for her. I think it's because I've lost my weight. I always have to find a reason to comfort her. You know how enthusiastic the French are..." Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan and says, "if I help you, you don't have to thank me." finally, he feels embarrassed.

"You..." Xin Shanshan was once again angry by Mu Tianhao and couldn't even say anything. What's more, she was so angry that she made mistakes. She was so shameful that she choked her mouth and coughed to tears.

Mu Tianhao's face was tight. He got up and patted Xin Shanshan's back gently to help her get along. However, he said: "I haven't seen such a stupid person as you. You can't be choked by your own saliva. "

it's easy to get over her anger. Xin Shanshan collapsed on the back of her chair and said powerlessly," Mu Tianhao, even if you are my boss, I will fight with you! "

"Really? Are you sure you want to do it? Maybe the boss's wife will think we are having fun when she comes out again Mu Tian Hao bent down and bit Xin Shanshan's earlobe gently and said in a soft voice.

Xin Shanshan finally recovered her white and tender face and instantly turned red: "Mu Tian Hao!"

Straightening up, Mu Tianhao comforted him: "eat well. It's getting late. We'll eat well and go back."

Xin Shanshan glares at Mu Tianhao fiercely, knowing that she can't say he is better than enjoying the delicious food.

After dinner, Mu Tianhao goes to check out the bill and goes to the cellar with the boss to pick up the food for tomorrow.

When she looked around, the French spoke in a soft voice, different from the English she occasionally heard. In such a country full of romantic atmosphere, even their language sounded very good.

At this time, Mu Tianhao had already picked up the food. He was holding a small basket made of rattan in his hand. He was smiling and talking to the landlady in French.

Although he was dressed casually, there was no place where he was not elegant. He really looked like a prince coming out of a French castle.

When she left, the owner's wife also sent out the door. Finally, she gave a warm hug to Mu Tianhao and sent the kiss away.

After getting on the car, Xin Shanshan couldn't help asking Mu Tianhao, "what did you say to the boss's wife just now?"

"What's the matter?" Mu Tianhao asked.

Xinshanshan was a little depressed: "nothing. I just suddenly feel incompetent. I don't speak French any more. I can't even speak basic English. When I was at home, I didn't think that when I was abroad, I could only be a deaf mute. "

Mu Tianhao held the steering wheel in one hand and Xin Shanshan's hand in the other hand: "how did you suddenly think of it?"Instead of answering Mu Tianhao, Xin Shanshan said, "Mu Tianhao, I want to learn English after returning home, OK?"

Xin Shanshan didn't tell Mu Tianhao that the moment when Mu Tianhao talked to the boss's wife just now made her think of one thing. She remembered that in a very early time, when she and she had just finished the TV play together, the star road was very smooth, but she got worse and worse because of the restrictions.

Once she went to a cafe to see the director for an audition, and happened to have an appointment there to talk about things.

During the whole process, I was communicating with that person in English.

In the end, there was no surprise that she was not liked by the director.

It's just her bad luck that she ran into it again.

Finally, when she left, she said a word of English to Xin Shanshan in a very disdainful tone, which she did not understand. The expression on his face was even more disdainful.

Until now, she didn't understand what that sentence was saying.

Besides, she forgot to pronounce.

Xin Shanshan doesn't want to compete with everything, but this time she went abroad, she was deeply aware of one thing. When she climbed up step by step and tried to improve herself, she should not only focus on what films she could play and what awards she could win. She should know that the higher she climbs, the more things she should learn. Only in this way can she stand steadily at a high place.

Mu Tianhao looked at Xin Shanshan. He didn't ask the reason, but said, "OK."

I drove slowly on the way back. When I got to the house, the moon was already in the middle of the sky. The sky was full of stars with big bowl mouth, which was countless.

When he got to his place, Mu Tianhao put the food in the refrigerator and turned out to lie in the flower field with Xin Shanshan to watch the stars.

This is the best season, not too cold or too hot, the sky is clear.

Xin Shanshan saw Mu Tianhao come over, and she became a little nervous at once.

But mu Tianhao just walked by her side and touched out his mobile phone. Instead of playing with his mobile phone, he just played a song.

It was quiet, except for the sound of birds and insects, there was only music.

Xin Shanshan can't understand what Mu Tianhao sings, but she thinks the melody is very good.

The song was ordered to a single loop.

Hearing this, she began to feel sleepy.

"Sleepy?" Mu Tianhao suddenly makes a noise.

She nodded.

"Let's go in and sleep." Mu Tianhao said: "it's very cold on the mountain at night. If I fall asleep outside, I will be frozen."

Of course she knew, but there was only one bed in the room. How would they sleep?

Unexpectedly, Mu Tianhao didn't make any deviant actions when he went to bed. He asked Xin Shanshan to sleep on the bed and turned out his sleeping bag from the cupboard.

Xin Shanshan looked at Mu Tianhao sleeping on the ground: "will you catch a cold like this?"

After all, it's not summer, and it's not completely warm now.

Mu Tianhao said, "it's OK. Sleep."

Xin Shanshan was silent for a moment and said a word softly: "Mu Tianhao, I'm very happy these two days. Thank you."

"Well." Mu Tian Hao is light, with a faint smile.

The next morning, when Xin Shanshan opened her eyes, Mu Tianhao had already got up and even put away her sleeping bag.

Or confused xinshanshan got out of bed, but saw Mu Tianhao actually making breakfast.

"Do you still have this hand?" In an instant, she was surprised as if she had found a new world, but she thought that last time at her home, she could cook food, not to mention a simple breakfast.

Mu Tianhao said, "go wash and wash, and you can eat it later."

Xinshanshan did not move. She stood on the edge and watched how mu Tianhao made breakfast.

Slice the loaf of toast, cut the edge, wrap the egg in a pan, fry it in a pan, and spread it with oil smoked meat, lettuce and cucumber. It's a gourmet country. Even the roughest sandwiches can be made in this way.

Seeing that Xin Shanshan didn't leave, Mu Tianhao just said, "when I lived in France, I liked the food here very much. I can see where the time of a country is spent. I think the economy of France will never surpass that of Britain to catch up with the United States."

"According to what you say, China is not even worse," she said

Mu Tianhao said with a smile, "OK, go wash and I'll wait for you to come back and have dinner together."

She came back in three or two minutes, even her hair was glued to her face. She sat down and began to eat breakfast.

The sandwich is soft and fragrant, with fresh milk just delivered by the herdsman

How can you go down the mountain to be a man after a few more days like this? When I want to face such a thing after returning to B city, this kind of leisurely and complacent time is more precious.

Although Xin Shanshan was frightened, her mouth did not stop. She was very happy with her milk and sandwich, left and right.

When Mu Tianhao is halfway through the meal, she suddenly laughs. It turns out that Xin Shanshan's mouth is stained with a grain of smoked meat. At first glance, she looks like a matchmaker.Xin Shanshan was stunned by his smile, puzzled and even more funny.

"You have something here!" Mu Tianhao is holding a sandwich and picking his chin at Xin Shanshan.

"Here?" Xin Shanshan also had no empty hand. She could only wipe it with the back of her hand. However, the meat was not wiped off, and even more ketchup was added.

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan and is more playful. He continues to point out. The more she touches her face, the more she is beautiful.

Seeing the smile on Mu Tianhao's face getting stronger and stronger, Xin Shanshan knew that she was not far away from the pit again. She was so clever that she said, "you lied to me?"

"Where is it?" Mu Tianhao is serious.

"You must be lying to me!" Xin Shanshan pretended to be angry.

But before he regained his consciousness, Mu Tianhao suddenly leaned over. In a trance, Xin Shanshan felt that the tip of his nose seemed to rub lightly on her cheek, and then a soft and greasy thing scratched at the corner of her lip, and her warm breath fluttered to her ears, but it was gone again.

Simpson's Sparta again!

At last, she came to know what Mu Tianhao had just done!

As if nothing had happened, Mu Tianhao continued to eat his sandwich slowly.

In her heart, she wanted to button her sandwich on his head!

This man repeatedly teases himself. How many meanings does this mean!

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