The disease is coming and going quickly.

Mu Tianhao has something to do in the afternoon, so he is not here. Wu Meili comes to accompany Xin Shanshan.

The doctor comes to see Simpson every two hours.

Xin Shanshan asked the doctor when she would be discharged from the hospital. The doctor did not specify the time, but said that she would still be observing.

Wu Meili handed Xin Shanshan an apple, and when the doctor came out of the ward, she said, "you are really good enough. Ask the doctor how the doctor can tell you that you are not in any trouble. You can go back to take the medicine. You're brought in by Mu Shao GEI. When you leave the hospital, it doesn't matter when you leave the hospital. It doesn't matter if you say it. It can only be counted if you say it. "

Xin Shanshan bit the apple and glanced at Wu Meili: "you think I don't know. You think I don't want to lie down and have a good sleep for a few days. I'm not in a hurry. The day after tomorrow is the opening ceremony of Zhang Musheng's film. At that time, we promised Zhang Musheng that he would make a success of the opening ceremony. "

As soon as Wu Meili heard this, she hit her nose and said, "I can't remember if you don't mention it. Do you know who the heroine of Zhang Musheng's play this time is "

Xin Shanshan doesn't pay special attention to:" Zhang Musheng doesn't mean she's a new person. "

Wu Meili sneered: "it's a new man. New also Well, I told you, it's Jing Jing. "

Simpson almost missed a bite of the apple in her throat.

After swallowing the apple and calming her breath, she said, "Jingjing. Zhang Musheng is going to hold Jingjing. "

At this moment, Xin Shanshan finally understood why Wu Meili was so sneering.

Jing Jing is, strictly speaking, a wonderful flower in the entertainment industry.

In terms of beauty, Jing Jing's appearance is really out of the name in the entertainment industry. Let alone compare with xinshanshan, there are many things that Jing Jing can't match. No matter what happens to Wang Yinger, it's also more beautiful than Jing Jing.

However, Jing Jing had a very strong thigh in her arms.

Since Jing Jing's debut, she has made two films, and these two films are both big investment and big production. All kinds of grand scenes and star supporting plays all ended up with poor box office.

It's a newcomer. It's not a long time for them to make their debut. However, they won the Best Newcomer Award last year. At this time, they were promoted as new people. It's really

Wu Meili sighed: "no way, this film is the investment of China Film Group."

Everyone in the circle knows that Jing Jing is the big boss of China Film Group.

Xin Shanshan said: "although Zhang Musheng has always accepted investors, she is not so unscrupulous to make a movie just for money."

Xin Shanshan said this because she was pushed in by investors when she made the film, and Zhang Musheng recognized it.

But she was No. 3.

Moreover, she is qualified for the role.

But even so, Zhang Musheng did not give her any face at first.

Jing Jing

Xin Shanshan thinks that even if the other party gives more money, Zhang Musheng will not make fun of his future.

Wu Meili sighed and said, "Zhang Musheng can't help it. To put it bluntly, it's about money. The one in China film also took a fancy to Zhang Musheng, who had been sitting as a film queen for two consecutive times. In fact, if only he was greedy to make money, Zhang Musheng would not. But there's something wrong with his family. "

She didn't know that.

Wu Meili said in a low voice: "Zhang Musheng's eldest son has embezzled public funds to speculate in stocks and lost all his money, which can't be covered up. If you don't make up the money, you'll have to arrest people there. So, this is not... "

Xin Shanshan was surprised. She didn't expect that Zhang Musheng's reputation would be destroyed here.

Wu Meili said, "Oh, come on, the play will be accepted. To be frank, you people are all acting as actors for Jing Jing, and you still had a personal relationship with Zhang Musheng at that time. But I don't think Mu Shao is very happy about it. Zhang Musheng, this is to push you to the public opinion, you take it. If it wasn't for your consideration, Mu Shao would have hit Zhang Musheng in the face. "

Xin Shanshan didn't understand: "I didn't pay for my cameo. Mu Tianhao was not happy."

Wu Meili gave Xin Shanshan a look: "you are stupid. What kind of person does he admire? His woman can play a role in the small Mitsui Jing of China film. You see, what Zhang Musheng didn't do this time was that he made such a movie for Jing Jing, which made him bad reputation. Even if Jing Jing's acting explosion didn't make him look so ugly, Zhang Musheng would have nothing to do with it. What he planted was that he offended Mu Shao

Xin Shanshan hasn't reflected from Wu Meili's "his woman". Wu Meili's words have been finished, and she has not heard a word.

At this moment, there was a knock at the door.

Wu Meili said, "come in."

The little nurse who looked after Xin Shanshan came in: "someone came to see Miss Xin."Wu Meili asked, "who is it?"

the little nurse said, "he said his name is Tianyuan."

Xin Shanshan was surprised. How did Tian Dao come here.

Wu Meili also responded and went out to meet Tian Yuan with the nurse.

Tian Yuan was obviously the first time to see such a hospital. He was surprised when he came all the way. When he got into the room and looked at the interior furnishings, he didn't know what to do. Even the flowers in his hands were a little too hard to send out.

When she saw Tian Yuan, she immediately sat up straight. A pair of students saw the teacher like, "Tian Dao, how did you come here in person?"

Wu Meili took the flowers in Tian Yuan's hands with a quick eye and a smile like a flower: "guide Tian, sit down, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Tian Yuan seemed to relax a little when he took the perianth in his hand. He saw Wu Meili throw the orderly and beautiful tulips in the vase on the table and put the flowers he had brought in. For a moment, he felt a little sad.

The tulips that were thrown out were airlifted from Holland, and the level of flower arrangement was also professional.

Today, when I came here, I thought it was not good to be empty handed. I found a flower shop and bought a bunch of lilies. When I bought them, I felt that they were not good. Now, compared with the tulips, I immediately felt that I didn't have enough to see.

But she didn't seem to find the details at all. She was sitting there, no makeup face, the sun was shining on her body, and she was wearing a white cotton medical suit. From his point of view, she was smiling like a child.

Such a girl No wonder people like Mu Tianhao are so interested.

What's more, an actress like Xin Shanshan can eat by her face, but she has to rely on her strength.

Tian Yuan adjusted the next psychological, as usual said: "I come to see you, now how, do not burn it."

Xin Shanshan is really a little embarrassed. She can't blame Tian Yuan for her illness. The plot needs to be done. She herself is not comfortable. She didn't say to Tian Yuan, "much better. The doctors say I can leave the hospital."

Tian Yuan nodded.

They did not have any personal relationship, so they said a few polite words and left.

Wu Meili sent Tian Yuan away to the door of the hospital. The whole process was polite and respectful.

Out of the gate of the hospital, Tian Yuan sat in his car, a time full of emotion, he sat in the car for a while before driving away from the hospital.

Xin Shanshan stayed in the hospital for no more than two days. Moreover, Mu Tianhao offered to discharge her from the hospital. This is just what Xin Shanshan wants. She is worried that she will not catch up with the opening ceremony of Zhang Musheng's new play.

When Mu Tianhao sent Xin Shanshan home, it was already after noon. They had lunch in the hospital. Wu Meili's home dishes were mainly light.

One of the problems with xinshanshan's shooting this time is that she can't eat meat in a short time. Let alone eat, she feels disgusted.

It's not disgusting.

The whole five Jin meat, so a gas to eat in.

After returning home, Mu Tianhao did not mean to leave. Xin Shanshan changed her slippers and picked up her mobile phone to call Wu Meili.

Mu Tianhao sat in the sofa and looked at Xin Shanshan. He asked casually, "who should I call?"

"Wu Meili." Xinshanshan looked through the phone book and said, "it's strange when Wu Meili goes to the hospital to deliver meals to me at noon. She always thinks that she has something to say to me, but she doesn't say it. Is something wrong?"

Mu Tianhao smiles and walks over to Xin Shanshan's mobile phone and rubs her hair: "it's OK. Don't call."

"Ah..." "I've already dialed out," she said

Mu Tianhao put Xin Shanshan in his arms with a smile on his face. He put one hand around her waist. The other hand didn't care about the mobile phone. He threw it on the sofa: "it doesn't matter if it's connected. I'll take you out for dinner at night and think about what to eat."

At this time, Xin Shanshan realized that she was hugged by Mu Tianhao. Her height was just as high as Mu Tianhao's jaw. His chin was so lazy on her head. Her voice was also lazy, with a faint smile, which could not be heard.

"Well," Mu Tianhao snorted and looked down at Xin Shanshan: "why don't you talk?"

Xin Shanshan recovered and struggled twice to stay away from Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao's arm was tighter. He laughed and began not to speak. He took the smiling eyes to see Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan was somewhat embarrassed by Mu Tianhao's gaze, and said in a low voice: "nothing to eat. I can't eat meat now."

"It's your turn." Mu Tianhao raised his hand and twisted Xin Shanshan's nose.

Xin Shanshan subconsciously frowned on the tip of her nose. Suddenly, a question came to her mind. She raised her head and asked Mu Tianhao, "well, those with long noses and those with hyaluronic acid in the roots of the mountain can't let you wring your nose like this. This twist should not be distorted."Mu Tianhao laughs. He takes Xin Shanshan and plunges them into the sofa. He gently says, "let's find a movie and have a good rest. I'll take you out to dinner in the evening."

Xinshanshan murmured: "then watch the comedy. After shooting for such a long time, if I watch the film with realistic theme again, I will have depression."

She bent over to the movie wall to look for a disc, and finally pulled out one. She turned and asked Mu Tianhao, "seven psychopaths,"

Mu Tianhao laughed and said in English, "OK, this is it."

The disc is jammed into the machine by Simpson. The sound of the opening song rings, and she goes back to the sofa.

Mu Tianhao naturally took her by the shoulder.

In the corner of the sofa, the screen of the mobile phone lights up, and gradually, it goes dark.

Wu Meili is holding her mobile phone. She hears all the conversations between mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan. She lowers her head and smiles on her lips. Then she whispers, "happy birthday, Shanshan."

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