Xin Shanshan didn't think there was any inconvenience for Tong Yan's appearance. She didn't ask Tongyan about Cannes or where he thought it was fun for him to lead the way. She just walked in the streets according to her own ideas, and from time to time she would buy some food in street shops.

Tong Yan is following Xin Shanshan all the way. Xin Shanshan said she asked him to do translation, but she seemed to prefer to communicate with each other in English. Only when some boss didn't understand English, would he have the chance to speak.

On the way, although there is more Tong Yan behind Xin Shanshan, she doesn't mean to talk to Tong Yan too much. Tong Yan doesn't talk much. She just stays with Xin Shanshan and occasionally helps her to communicate with vendors in French. He seems to have some effect.

Just like this, stop and stop following all the way.

Xinshanshan looked at the time. She had been out for almost two hours, and she had plans to go back.

"Tong Yan, go on shopping. I'm going back to the hotel." Xin Shanshan said so, meaning to say goodbye to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan's one hand has been placed in his jeans pocket, he looked at Xin Shanshan, some have no words look for words: "Shanshan, do you think Cannes is fun?"

In fact, from her own point of view, she prefers to come to France at the last fashion week.

At the same time, Mu Tianhao gave her a vacation in paradise.

This time she came out to find out the feeling she felt when she followed Mu Tianhao through the streets in Paris. Unfortunately, it turned out that a person's trip was so boring.

Xin Shanshan said, "it's OK, but I can't lift it because of too much work these two days. You didn't come to see the festival on purpose. You don't have to accompany me like this. "

Tong Yan's hand in his jeans pocket was tighter. He thought for a moment and said, "Shanshan, I want to ask you a question."

"Well." Simpson's answer was somewhat casual.

"Don't you think I'm a little annoyed." Tong Yan asked.

Xin Shanshan is a little annoyed. She must have been too indifferent to Tong Yan just now to make him think like this. She knows that Tong Yan is not malicious, but, although she is a friend, she can't treat Tong Yan like Feng nuoyuan.

Because, Xin Shanshan is very clear, Tong Yan and Feng nuoyuan are not the same.

Tong Yan will invest 100 million yuan to make films for himself.

Tong Yan can even lower his identity to accommodate her. He can also pretend to find an excuse to wander in the streets of Cannes with her

This is a man who likes a woman.

Xin Shanshan really doesn't want to give Tong Yan any wrong information.

Although Zhou Yifan didn't introduce what Tong Yan did on the night of her birthday, Xin Shanshan was not stupid. From Zhou Yifan's attitude towards Tong Yan, she also knew that Tong Yan's family background was prominent, and the degree of prominence must not be worse than Zhou Yifan.

Otherwise, how could a person like Zhou Yifan be so polite to Tong Yan.

From the friendship between Zhou Yifan and Mu Tianhao, we can see his family background.

After all, people are like people.

"No Xinshanshan thought for a while, smiling at Tong Yan, she said: "I won't think you are bored. We are friends. I said that day."

However, friends are also close to each other.

This sentence, Xin Shanshan did not say, but Tong Yan understood.

Tong Yan finally took out the hand that had been inserted in his jeans pocket. In his hand, he had a ceramic doll, half a slap in the size. The doll was made of the prototype of Xin Shanshan. The white shirt and the hair were scattered. The expression of the doll seemed to be sad and sobbing.

"I made it myself." Tong Yan said: "when it is your birthday gift, you should accept it."

He handed the doll to Simpson.

If Tong Yan gives precious things like jewelry and jewelry, she will refuse. Moreover, she has sufficient reasons to refuse such valuable things from others.

However, what Tong Yan sent is a doll.

In terms of value, this doll is not worth much money.

But Tong Yan said he made it himself.

She thought that she could not bear it.

She was hesitating whether to take it or not.

Seriously, Xin Shanshan really doesn't want to accept anything from Tong Yan.

Tong Yan still stubbornly handed the doll to Xin Shanshan. He slowly said: "in fact, it was not the first time that I saw you at the backstage of the film festival. The first time I saw you was on the mid mountain road of Xishan villa district. At that time, you were a person and seemed to be crying. I don't know what happened to you and I don't know who you are, but I can't forget from that time I saw you ??? Later, I happened to see the poster of your movie and went to see that movie. Shanshan, from your point of view, I must be like a psychopath. I am so enthusiastic about you, but you don't even know me... "Speaking of this, Tong Yan laughed at himself: "I would like to invest in making movies for you, and I also like to see you. On your birthday, at the door of the bathroom, you said we were friends. I was happy all night, really."

"Shan, I don't mean it." Tong Yan said: "I know you are worried about Mu Tianhao, you are afraid of what he misunderstood, I have no other ideas, just hope you take me as a friend."

Tong Yan said so, Xin Shanshan did not know how to refuse.

"Take it." Tong Yan said: "it should be just a common gift given to you by a friend. You don't need to have any psychological burden."

Xinshanshan helpless, she can only put the doll down: "thank you, Tong Yan, and, I'm sorry."

Tong Yan laughed: "you don't need to say sorry to me. Shanshan, I like you. I like you not because of how beautiful you are. In fact, I can't tell you what I like about you. Maybe it's the helpless you cry that night, or the beauty and domineering you are in the movie, or the seriousness and efforts you make in filming, and maybe the simplicity and simplicity in your life. I don't want you to respond to me by saying this to you. I just want you to know that I like you, that's all

Such a man, such a pure confession.

If she doesn't feel a little, she's just a wood without emotion.

However, she also knew that she could not say anything now and she would not say it.

She doesn't want to make any unnecessary misunderstanding for Tong Yan because of her soft heart.

After a pause, Xin Shanshan can only say: "Tong Yan, thank you for your love. If so, I will try to make more and better movies. "

She treats Tong Yan's love into a kind of MI Fen Si's love for idols.

Tong Yan smiles bitterly.

Xinshanshan looked at the time on the mobile phone, she wanted to find an excuse to leave, but it was the moment when she looked up that she saw a familiar figure.

It seems that Feng nuoyuan.

Xin Shanshan immediately forgot Tong Yan to one side. She rushed through the crowd to find out. If she had not read the wrong person just now, Feng nuoyuan seemed to be holding the hand of a big boy. The two people were very close together. Feng nuoyuan's hand was actually holding an ice cream cone.

When she saw Feng nuoyuan, he was feeding the sweet cone to the boy beside him.

Tong Yan saw Xin Shanshan lift her feet and left, and hurriedly pursued two steps.

Xin Shanshan head also does not return to say: "sorry Tong Yan, I have something to do, I go back first, goodbye."

From Xin Shanshan's heart, she doesn't want Tong Yan to see such a scene as Feng nuoyuan.

Although she knows that Tong Yan will not say anything, but after all, things are not clear, Tong Yan misunderstood how good.

However, Xin Shanshan said goodbye to Tong Yan. She has found Feng Nuo far away in the crowd.

She walked two blocks in the direction of Feng nuoyuan's disappearance. She couldn't find anyone. She had to take a taxi and go back to the hotel first.

As soon as Wu Meili had finished packing her luggage, she saw that Xin Shanshan was back. She asked, "why did she come back so soon. Not having fun

Xin Shanshan didn't say so much, but she just asked, "I went to Feng nuoyuan just now. He wasn't there. Did you see Du Mei. Did you ask where Feng nuoyuan has gone

Wu Meili hasn't talked to Du Mei since the end of the Cannes event. She shakes her head and says, "don't worry about these things. The domestic news has exploded. I think we will be busy when we go back tomorrow."

Xin Shanshan sends a message to Feng nuoyuan: where are you.

After a long time, Feng nuoyuan did not return to xinshanshan.

Xin Shanshan calls the phone directly and Feng nuoyuan turns off the phone.

At this time, she saw that Mu Tianhao sent the last message: wait for you to come back.

She's gone completely.

The rest of the time, she was in the hotel and didn't go anywhere.

Miran and her friends in France met. After finishing packing, Wu Meili was very busy. She saw that Xin Shanshan was not in the mood to listen to all kinds of things, nor to tell her about the domestic developments. She was just arranging for the pick-up.

One night, Feng nuoyuan did not come back.

She didn't meet him until she got on the plane.

On the plane, Xin Shanshan originally wanted to change the position between Miran and Feng nuoyuan, but Miran also played all night and went to sleep as soon as she got on the plane.

Feng nuoyuan is also seen dead by Du Mei. She seems to be saying something to Feng nuoyuan in a low voice. Feng nuoyuan doesn't pay attention to him, and he goes to sleep soon.

Mu Qing is indifferent from the beginning to the end, as if this trip to Cannes he is to spend a holiday, not affected at all.

It's just Simpson. She has a lot of things in her mind.

After the plane landed, she left the airport through a special channel.

Fortunately, on the way back to the company, she and Feng nuoyuan were in the same car.But in addition to Xin Shanshan, there are also people on the bus, Du Mei and Wu Meili are in the car.

A lot of words xinshanshan can't say clearly. After thinking about it, she sent a text message to Feng nuoyuan: I saw you in the street of Cannes. Who is that man.

Feng nuoyuan read the text message, pick eyebrow to see Xin Shanshan one eye, simply did not return.

Xinshanshan was a little worried, and sent a message in the past: what can I do for you.

Feng nuoyuan finally moved his finger: what do you see.

"You are very close. You are like lovers," she replied.

Feng nuoyuan: so what.

Xin Shanshan's eyes widened. Feng nuoyuan admitted it.

He It's out of the closet.

She took a breath: you're crazy. There are so many journalists in Cannes, how can you know that no one knows you. You're not afraid it's going to be blown out by the media.

Feng nuoyuan smiles and returns to Xin Shanshan: I've never been afraid.

Xin Shanshan really doesn't know what to say to Feng nuoyuan.

Feng nuoyuan goes back to Xin Shanshan again: I don't want to be friends with me.

Xin Shanshan stares at Feng nuoyuan one eye, then return way: roll. Du Mei didn't kill you.

Now she finally understood why Feng nuoyuan clearly could not go to Cannes but also wanted to go there, and after the past, he ran away from the plane. Why is Du Mei so angry with him. Why does Mu Tianhao never mind her making friends with Feng nuoyuan.

It turns out that everything is because Feng nuoyuan likes, is a man.

Feng nuoyuan's smile deepened as soon as he saw Xin Shanshan's reply, because he knew that Xin Shanshan would not deny his friend because of this.

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