Xin Shanshan is humiliated by Mu Tianhao, but she suddenly thinks that she has nothing to do and why she is guilty.

Soon, Xin Shanshan said plainly to the Mu Mu light of Mu Tianhao: "it's OK. "

Mu Tianhao grinned in a strange way. His mobile phone was also thrown aside, glancing at Xin Shanshan and saying," it's just OK. I don't think you're happy

Xin Shanshan looked at the mobile phone that was thrown aside by Mu Tianhao, thought for a moment, or explained: "Tong Yan and I just met in the street. At that time, I had to leave. He suddenly said that he would give a birthday present, and he also said

Xin Shanshan suddenly couldn't speak any more. Even if she was stupid, she knew what Tongyan said at that time. If she told Mu Tianhao at this time, she would not be far away from death.

"What else." Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan with his head tilted and his eyes blinking. He signals her to go on, which means he is very interested in.

Xin Shanshan can't say what Tong Yan said. In retrospect, she also found that At that time, Tong Yan said so much, but she even forgot about what she said. She only knew that it meant that he liked himself.

But that's bullshit.

Lianmu Tianhao knows that Tong Yan likes her, so he puts forward the posture of interrogation.

Think of here, xinshanshan more nothing to say, she is very calm back: "I forgot."

Mu Tianhao obviously didn't expect Xin Shanshan to give himself such an answer. He also doubted: "forget it."

Xin Shanshan nodded and said, "when Tong Yan talked to me, I happened to see feng nuoyuan and his..."

Because Xin Shanshan doesn't know whether Mu Tianhao knows about Feng nuoyuan's feelings, but this kind of thing should be Feng nuoyuan's privacy. She stops talking again.

However, Mu Tianhao naturally took over Xin Shanshan's words: "you saw Feng nuoyuan and his boyfriend."

In shock, she raised her voice: "you know."

Mu Tianhao refused to comment, but said, "keep talking about you."

Xin Shanshan is not such a gossip. She automatically jumps over Mu Tianhao's fact that Feng nuoyuan actually likes men. She then says, "I saw Feng nuoyuan and his boyfriend together. She was shocked at that time, so she forgot Tong Yan and went to find Feng nuoyuan. Later, I have been thinking about Feng nuoyuan. What did Tong Yan say to me at that time? Anyway, I forgot. It's just that doll I did take. "

Mu Tianhao stares at Xin Shanshan for a long time. He is about to say something when his office phone rings.

Get up, Mu Tianhao to answer the phone.

She's still standing there.

Mu Tianhao answered the phone and listened to two sentences, then looked up at Xin Shanshan, and then took out a file from a pile of documents on the desk, flipped it over a few times, and said, "don't pay attention to these, just implement it according to the original plan."

With that, he hung up the phone.

The document, also moved back to the original place.

"Tong Yan said the doll was your birthday present." Mu Tianhao knows why.

Xinshanshan stood still and resolutely met Mu Tianhao's eyes: "he said so."

"That's why you smile when you collect it. You like it

"How I laugh." "It's the most basic politeness to talk to people and keep smiling. And when do I say I like that doll?" she gritted her teeth

Mu Tianhao came from behind his desk carelessly: "where's the doll?"

Xin Shanshan was stunned for a moment. By the way, what about the doll. She remembers that after she went back to the hotel, Wu Meili had packed her bags. She was thinking about Feng nuoyuan again, as if

"I seem to have forgotten about the hotel in Cannes." Xin Shanshan suddenly felt sorry for Tong Yan.

The doll, she remembers Tong Yan said he made it by himself.

When Mu Tianhao heard this, he finally showed a normal smile. He stretched out his hand to pull Xin Shanshan, and took her to sit in the sofa. Even his voice became different from that just now: "it's good to forget. By the way, how did it feel to go to Cannes this time? "

When Xin Shanshan heard Mu Tianhao say this, she knew that Tong Yan was in the past. What the man cared about was that she received gifts from other men.

Sometimes, a man's mind is more than a woman's thinking.

Mu Tianhao is not angry, and Xin Shanshan herself is relaxed. She said: "there is no special feeling. There is no award. The red carpet is just like that. It's not angry."

Xin Shanshan doesn't believe that Mu Tianhao doesn't know that Wang yingeryan's news has been spread all over the world.

Mu Tianhao chuckled and suddenly asked, "you haven't answered the questions I asked you when you were in Cannes."

"What's the problem?" Xin Shanshan was stunned.

Mu Tian Hao suddenly approached Xin Shanshan a few minutes ago, and her thin lips stuck to her ear: "do you miss me?"Xin Shanshan's face turned red with a brush. She writhed uneasily, trying to open the distance between her and Mu Tianhao. She never thought about it. She didn't know when Mu Tianhao's arm had been put around her waist, so she couldn't move.

"I I... "

Originally, when she was in Cannes, she didn't know how to answer Mu Tianhao through her mobile phone. Now she is at a loss in front of her face.

Did you miss him.

Say no.

That's just looking for death.

Say you want to

Nima, it's like you're going to tell him.

Who said in front of the media that he was pursuing her unilaterally.

How can I ask her to answer this question now.

Xin Shanshan looked at Mu Tianhao angrily. When other people asked if they wanted to think about themselves, they would add "I miss you" in front of them.

Does this man have to save half a sentence than others.

Mu Tianhao saw that Xin Shanshan looked at herself with such eyes. How to say it? It was like being coquettish and complaining.

Can't help but smile, Mu Tianhao stretched out his hand and pinched xinshanshan's nose: "is it because you're hungry in Cannes and haven't eaten any good food."

When she mentioned this, she felt sad.

Because she had to take the red carpet before, Wu Meili banned her from eating and drinking.

It's not easy to boil to the end of the activity. Originally, she wanted to eat something delicious when she went shopping that day. Unexpectedly, she met Tong Yan, and it was not that she was embarrassed to eat in front of Tong Yan. But she always had to worry about Tong Yan's feelings. In addition, she forgot to eat when she went shopping with strangers.

Later I saw Feng nuoyuan, but I can't remember it.

Today I got off the plane and arrived at the company. I came here before I had a drink.

Xin Shanshan bitter ha ha's nodded, the face of grievance is almost wrinkled into bitter gourd.

The smile on Mu Tianhao's face was deeper. He asked softly, "think about what you want to eat for dinner."

"Hot pot," she said without hesitation

Mu Tianhao frowned. Obviously, he didn't like to eat this kind of food. He nodded and said, "OK. But you still didn't answer my question. Did you miss me

Why did you get around here again.

Xin Shanshan looks at Mu Tianhao in a daze.

Mu Tianhao couldn't help but smile. He pressed his hand on the back of the sofa beside my head. Relying on his height advantage, he looked down at Xin Shanshan from a high position, with slight eyebrows and provocative eyes.

Her whole back was pasted on the back of the sofa. A cool feeling rose from the sole of her feet and went straight to her forehead.

Mu Tianhao doesn't speak, just like he looks at her like this all the time, waiting for her to answer.

Xinshanshan can't help but feel depressed. Why do men love to do this? They have to force people out of their way to show their strength. She does not think that even the dog will jump the wall when she is in a hurry, let alone a new woman of the 21st century.

Xinshanshan suddenly didn't feel so scared. She straightened up, met his eyes and said, "why don't you always ask me? Why don't you tell me that you haven't seen me for so long, do you miss me?"

Mu Tianhao's eyes narrowed slightly, so he looked at Xin Shanshan for a long time.

After a long time, he suddenly said, "don't you think the person who asked first should have the absolute advantage. It's only now that you want to ask if it's too late. "

As soon as Mu Tianhao's words were said, Xin Shanshan was stunned.

This kind of thing should be divided into advantages and disadvantages.

Mu Tianhao is talking about business cooperation. It's crazy.

Unable to wait for Xin Shanshan's reply, Mu Tianhao actually oppresses her all over the body. He doesn't touch her body. It seems that he wants to use this sense of oppression to make xinshanshan open her mouth and give him the answer he wants.

In the past, she would have thought it was his trick, but today things are different.

Xin Shanshan knows exactly what Mu Tianhao did for her birthday before she left for Cannes.

Moreover, as soon as he came back, what he first asked was not about her work in Cannes, but Tong Yan.

Now, it's a little bit of deep, she really want to miss her.

What kind of person is mu Tianhao? Xin Shanshan doesn't dare to say that she is very clear about it, but she has a good temper. She will not entangle in a matter for so long, and will not be so persistent on such a simple problem.

Unless He came for real.

Xin Shanshan was so frightened by her crazy idea that she ignored Mu Tianhao's face towards me until his lips stuck to her

She just came to her senses and pushed him away.

Due to lack of defense, Mu Tianhao is pushed back by Xin Shanshan and reels for a while. After stabilizing his body, he stares at Xin Shanshan with deep intention.

Xin Shanshan's heart was pounding. She wiped her lips with her hands and said, "Mu Tianhao, I don't like you to make such a joke with me."Mu Tianhao was stung by the action of Xin Shanshan's hand. His face quickly became overcast and narrowed his eyes. His voice became low: "you think I'm joking with you."

"Isn't it?" Xin Shanshan glared at Mu Tianhao: "if you want to sneak into me, you'd better sneak into me. Why do you do so many things? Or do you want to tell me that you do it because you like me."

As soon as Xin Shanshan's words were spoken, Mu Tianhao and she were silent.

That's stupid.

How could she say such mindless words because of impulse.

At this moment, xinshanshan finally knew what it was to die.

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