It's quiet in the car.

Xin Shanshan did not mean to speak, and Tong Yan did not speak.

With the flow of traffic, after the car entered the main road, Tong Yan asked softly, "where are you going?"

instead of taking sunglasses, Xin Shanshan just reported the name of her locked community.

"Oh." Tong Yan should a, one handed drive, take out the mobile phone in turn.

Xin Shanshan took a look and asked, "what are you looking for?"

Tong Yan was a little embarrassed: "I'm not familiar with city B. I don't usually drive. I'll check the navigation."

Xin Shanshan looked at Tong Yan's so careful look at herself that she felt guilty: "very close, you don't need to check, I'll tell you."

Tong Yan really put the mobile phone down, waiting for Xin Shanshan to direct the way.

She pointed to the direction of the road ahead, thought for a moment, and then said, "I'm sorry, I forgot the doll you sent me at the hotel in Cannes."

After all, it was Tong Yan's own work. Regardless of its value, she felt that she had done too much.

Tong Yan laughed after hearing this, he opened the storage box in front of the car: "I know, I'm waiting for you at the door of your company, but also to give you this."

Xin Shanshan looked at the doll in surprise: "how are you here?"

Tong Yan laughed and did not answer.

Xin Shanshan thought that she had just come back today, and Tong Yan had already been in China. She asked, "are you also the city B you just arrived in?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "in fact, I'm on the same flight with you."

But this doll, is Tong Yan receives the hotel telephone to take by oneself.

Because Tong Yan asked about Xin Shanshan in the hotel through the relationship before, so after checking out, the hotel found the doll in the room and called Tong Yan.

"Aren't you angry?" she asked, looking at Tong Yan.

Tong Yan smiles: "people always have poor memory, why should I be angry?"

some of Xin Shanshan can't say anything, and her apartment will arrive soon.

But Xin Shanshan also just let Tong Yan send herself to the gate of the apartment. Before getting off the bus, she thought about it seriously, and then said to Tong Yan, "Tong Yan, to you, I'm very sorry."

A few words are enough to let Tong Yan understand what Xin Shanshan wants to express to him. Tong Yan doesn't want to express any more urgently. He just shakes his head and says: "long distance travel is very tired. Go back to have a rest early, oh, and..."

Tong Yan turned around, picked up a box from the back seat and handed it to Xin Shanshan: "dinner, remember to go to bed after eating."

Xin Shanshan looks at the box in Tong Yan's hand. She shakes her head and gets off the car without saying a word.

Since she won't like this person, Xin Shanshan doesn't want to let the other party have a slightest misunderstanding. She doesn't want to accept any care that Tong Yan has paid for her. In this way, Tong Yan will feel that she has a chance.

Tong Yan looked at Xin Shanshan dragging the trunk into the back of the community. Finally, he put the lunch box in the co pilot's position until Xin Shanshan's back disappeared. He turned his head and saw that his doll was still in the storage box, and she didn't take it.

After returning home, she turned off her cell phone and pulled out the phone line at home. She didn't even eat any food. She took a bath and went to bed.

No matter how the outside world comments on her and Wang Yinger, and no matter how much the scandal between her and Tong Yan gets, she no longer pays attention to them and doesn't go to see them.

Originally, when Wu Meili was off work, she wanted to see what happened to Xin Shanshan and what kind of negotiation she had made with Mu Tianhao. She could turn off her cell phone and no one answered her home phone.

Wu Meili knew that Xin Shanshan was playing and avoiding again.

This time, Wu Meili did not come to find Xin Shanshan directly. Since she wants to rest, let her rest enough.

At home, she had a three-day rest at one breath. During these three days, she just went to bed when she was asleep. When she was awake, she just watched a movie. She didn't turn on her mobile phone or go to the Internet.

In the past three days, Wu Meili did not go to join Mu Tianhao, but helped Xin Shanshan deal with the scandal between her and Tong Yan through her own ability. As for Wang Yinger's suppression of Xin Shanshan on the red carpet in Cannes, it was not a big deal.

Different people have different opinions on such things as aesthetics.

Wang Ying'er is younger than Xin Shanshan. She takes the routine of red carpet, which is grand, luxurious and gorgeous.

However, from the perspective of dress and overall shape, she fully shows her own taste and the advantages that she should have at this age.

It was the next day that the chief editors of vogue and Elle, the two leading fashion magazines, wrote in person to have a deep look at the fashion, make-up and accessories on the red carpet of Cannes.

Although there is no positive comparison between them, their feelings from the lines of speech are: she has her own fashion ideas, and they appreciate her attitude of taking the red carpet this time without exerting too much force. She stands on the red carpet of Cannes and wants to show her own, not deliberately catering, No Affectation, believe that no matter how many years, we look back at this time of xinshanshan, you will be surprised, this is the goddess.This evaluation was wildly reprinted. Originally, the two groups of MI Fen silk that had been on the Internet were obviously out of fashion, but it was because of this paragraph that they suddenly came back to life.

Look, no matter how much the magazine praises your family Wang Yinger, the two most authoritative magazines in the fashion industry are praising our family Shanshan.

Shanshan is the best.

The goddess Shanshan is the most beautiful.

Sandra, please take my knee.

After all, the status of Xin Shanshan is different from that before. Wu Meili's main direction is not to pacify rumors and rumors. As long as it is not a destructive scandal, Wu Meili's current proposition is to let them pass on.

We, Susan, are people who speak by works.

After allowing Xin Shanshan to evaporate for three days, Wu Meili finally arrived.

For nothing else, the fashion show that she will shoot is about to start, and she has to pull her out to work.

Wu Meili has the key to xinshanshan.

When she opened the door and came in, she thought she would see the house in a mess. Unexpectedly, the living room was clean and tidy. Instead of finding all kinds of junk food and packaging garbage on the tea table, she put a cup of hot tea. The temperature in

is constant. Xin Shanshan wears comfortable home clothes and has a mask on his face. Everything in good order and well arranged,

saw Wu Meili enter the door, Xin Shanshan looked at the time, took the mask and began to do the massage in a systematic way.

Wu Meili raised her eyebrows in surprise: "this situation is really unexpected to me."

Xin Shanshan smiles: "what do you think of? The house is full of garbage, I sleep on a swollen face, and my weight has soared by more than five kilograms. After entering the door, she gives you a reason to scold me."

Wu Meili puts down her bag and naturally sits beside Xin Shanshan, staring at her With the face of Simpson.

Youth, beautiful, full of collagen, is the beautiful state that all women dream of.

"You're growing." Wu Meili sighed.

She turned her head and said nothing.

Wu Meili then said: "Shanshan, do you know what growth is? The process of growth is to break the cocoon and become a butterfly, struggling to get rid of all the acerbity and ugliness, shaking the wings of light and beautiful in the sun, shining, slightly, happy and shaking."

Xin Shanshan smiles at Wu Meili: "now, where has my growth faded?"

"it's green and astringent." Wu Meili patted Xin Shanshan on the shoulder and stood up and said, "because the word ugliness has never been associated with you. OK, now that I'm growing up, my nest is enough. Get up and start. "

Xin Shanshan long vomit a breath: "I found you this agent when, more and more can urge work."

Wu Meili subconsciously is about to add a sentence: Mu Shao's education is good.

But when I think about it, Xin Shanshan is not quarreling with Mu Tianhao. I'd better not sprinkle salt on her wound.


Chen Yihe is the director of the first real fashion drama she has taken so far. Strictly speaking, he is not the mainstream director in the domestic market. At least, compared with Zhang Musheng, he has won many awards and won several famous directors after the film. He is really not good-looking.

Of course, he was not born in a special specialty. Compared with Mu Qing's high qualification, his degree is really nothing to mention.

Moreover, it seems that before this, he has not made any good word-of-mouth movies, let alone the ticket room.

However, Wu Meili and Xin Shanshan chose this film for almost the same reason.

First of all, the theme of the film.

Fashion plays.

Yes, from the beginning to now, she has made four films, but none of them is a fashion show. Although the types of these four films are different, it is the first time that the real sense of fashion drama is.

As a matter of fact, Chen Yihe is a Chinese American director. Before he returned to China for formal contact with films, he lived in many international fashion metropolises, such as New York, Paris, Tokyo and so on.

Moreover, he had made many short films and creative public service advertisements when he was living in New York.

His short films and advertisements are very famous in the industry.

To be more precise, it is the first film directed by Chen Yihe.

However, it is this film that invites Lou ye, who has won the title of film emperor, as the leading actor. A supporting role also has a lot to gain.

The most noteworthy is the famous Chinese American actress Chen Junlan.

She's an Academy Award judge and a member of the Hollywood writers association. She is an actress and a director. Her works have won the best director award of Hong Kong's highest film award.

At the same time, she is also a screenwriter and producer!

she has also been a judge of Venice, Berlin, Hawaii and other film awards.

These are still the main actors, and the list of guest actresses is blinding.International model, popular actress, editor of fashion magazine Wait, wait, wait.

And the sponsor of this movie Tut, Hermes, Cartier, Tiffany Even the car sponsor is Mercedes Benz.

With such a lineup, it can be imagined that even if the plot is so small, the scenes, props and actors can already see that this fashion show is absolutely second to none of the other fashion drama films in the same period and has become a product of high pressure.

With such a lineup, not to mention the actors, just from the sponsors, with Hermes, Cartier, Tiffany, Lang fan, plus the support of famous models and fashion editors, this film is obviously a love film surrounded by fashion.

It's also the first time that she's in love with someone else in a movie.

The name of the film is.

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