With the public's more and more attention and expectation, the exposure rate of Qin government is also more and more.

Moreover, we all know that Qin Zheng had this opportunity because he replaced Wen Jie. While Qin Zheng became popular, many media also focused on Wen Jie.

Wenjie almost disappeared from the public for a while because of the disturbance of the past few days. His economic company was also acquired by Liuguang international because of the internal strife among the top officials. After the acquisition, Wenjie was basically in a state of being hidden.

He had no notice, and reporters couldn't interview him, so his only social tool was his microblog.

Otherwise, this is the best time and the worst time.

I don't know what the reason is. At first, Wenjie remained silent. Later, because Qin Zheng received more and more attention, he also began to brush the frequency on his micro blog. The whole person was like taking a gun to catch who was who. First, he got rid of the female stars who had been harassed by filming before. Regardless of the consequences, he could do anything messy Say it.

And then there was an online scolding war with some online celebrities. In short, they tried their best to attract the public's attention.

Unfortunately, even so, Wenjie has not received too much attention, and even the hot spots of microblog have not been up.

Wu Meili has already communicated with the producer about the date of xinshanshan's participation in the publicity. After she has finished this, she has come to the production team to discuss with Chen Yihe whether the filming time can be adjusted.

Maybe because Xin Shanshan was suppressed by Chen Junlan before, Chen Yihe didn't feel too embarrassed after discussing with Lou Ye. Xin Shanshan communicated with Wu Meili about the schedule and agreed.

After a few days on the set, Wu Meili took a large number of snacks, desserts, coffee and the like for the whole crew. She said goodbye to Chen Yihe and took Xin Shanshan away.

In the car.

Wu Mei has some feelings: "before you always feel that you are very idle, do everything possible to give you notice, at least hope you can earn the rent, but now you suddenly become busy, little mo accompany you around more than me. Although I am busy all day because of your business, I always feel that our meeting time is less and less. "

Xin Shanshan looked at Wu Meili and said, "what's wrong with you today? You suddenly feel sad in spring and autumn."

Wu Meili also felt that she was very nervous. She shook her head with a smile, and then said, "nothing. You can just say it in advance of my menopause. By the way, have you contacted Mu Shao recently? He hasn't appeared in the company recently. "

Mu Tianhao

Xin Shanshan was stunned for a moment. She didn't feel it when she was on the set. But once she had a play, she found that she could not hear anyone else mention the name.

In the past, she always felt that she would not think about a person like that in the movie, as if she could not get rid of the shadow of this person wherever she went.

Her feeling of "missing" is general and unclear.

However, now she can really feel the original "missing" such a grinding.

Xin Shanshan doesn't know if she thinks about Mu Tianhao. However, when she comes home from work every day, when she sees the sofa at home, she always feels a moment of stupor. She will think of Mu Tianhao watching movies with her.

Go to the kitchen and she'll be stunned.

Because she thought of Mu Tian Hao's house eating instant noodles in this house.

However, she always feels uneasy in her mind.

Instinctively, Xin Shanshan doesn't want to rely on Mu Tianhao to some extent.

Seeing that Xin Shanshan heard her mention of Mu Tianhao, Wu Meili asked, "what's the matter?"

after a long time, she shook her head: "nothing."

"How can it be nothing," Wu Meili said with a black face. "I called you several times before you promised me. Don't tell me that you have advanced menopause and you are old and have hearing problems."

"You're old." Xin Shanshan glared at Wu Meili and said with righteous words: "you are eight years older than me in terms of age. I'm distracted because I've been very tired in the drama recently. I'm too tired to leave. It has nothing to do with age or anyone else. "

Wu Meili frowned and looked at Xin Shanshan: "I'm eight years older than you. What's the matter? Before, you didn't say that this was the best age difference. Aren't you willing to recognize me as my elder sister. What's the matter? I'm old now. "

"Who hates you?" Xinshanshan was a little speechless: "it's not what you said. I'm old. I'm not fighting back at you."

During the talk, the car has arrived at the company.

Xin Shanshan asked, "why did you come to the company first?"

Wu Meili said angrily, "I'm an old man with bad memory, so I've pulled the computer to the company. But it doesn't matter. I've asked Xiao Mo to help me go to the supermarket to buy vegetables. I'll go to your place to cook for you, so that you can recall the days when you took me as your sister. ""I can't tell you," she said

The two went upstairs together.

Wu Meili said, "you go and wait for a while, and I'll send an email."

"It seems that you are busier than me," she said casually

Wu Meili said: "Wenjie's son of a bitch is like a mad dog. He catches who bites whom. I just brushed my microblog on the car, and he has started to bite you. Although he can't make waves now, it's better not to have a relationship with this kind of person. I'll send an email. You can wait for me for two minutes. "

Wu Meili then went to the office, but when she opened the door, she suddenly looked back at Xin Shanshan: "I suddenly remember, are you so abnormal because Mu Shao ah, why, your quarrel is not over yet,"

"you are not going to send an email." Xin Shanshan doesn't want to talk to Wu Meili about this topic.

Wu Meili simply leaned by the door and preached to Xin Shanshan: "Xin Shanshan, it's not that I love to talk about you. Why don't you think about your own mistakes? Sometimes you are very self willed. What do you think is really good to you..."

"If you say good words from Mu Tianhao in front of me, I'll give you a strike, or I'll make trouble for you on Weibo, and let you wipe excrement behind my butt every day to stop your gossipy heart." Xin Shanshan can't bear to say.

"Well, admiration is the unreasonable one." Wu Meili immediately turned the gun head.

"You are still my sister." "If you dare to say this to Mu Tianhao in person, I will work harder for you and promise never to make trouble again."

"Then you'd better stop me with shit." Wu Meili walked into the office.

Looking at Wu Meili's busy figure in the office, Xin Shanshan couldn't help laughing wildly. However, after laughing, she felt a little empty in her heart.

She knew very clearly that there was a small voice in her heart: "even if Mu Tianhao can cheat you, hide you and use you, you still like him You still can't forget all the good he has done to you. Even, you have begun to forget the bad he has done to you

She sighed helplessly. Without going to the lounge, she stood in the corridor and began to play with her mobile phone. She also wanted to see what Wenjie said.

I didn't expect that as soon as I opened the microblog, I was disgusted by the first article. It was Wenjie Aite.

"This is the goddess in your heart, the most beautiful lady Xiao, but I have held it. I feel that my chest is not small."

Xin Shanshan almost choked herself to death in one breath, and this Wenjie was really self defeating and did not intend to mix in this circle.

But on second thought, Wenjie not only offended many female stars in the circle, but also offended Mu Tianhao.

The most sad thing is that his current contract is still in the hands of Mu Tianhao.

It was just that Mu Tianhao made him unable to turn over. He would never want to turn it over in his whole life.

What's more, no matter what, Wenjie used to be covered with halos, and people chased him everywhere he went. Now the aura suddenly disappeared, and he was probably unbalanced in his mind. He had to find a sense of being.

Originally, Xin Shanshan wanted to reply on her microblog, but after reading the comments below, she felt that she was no longer necessary.

didn't expect her rice to be so awesome.

Shanshan is my Goddess: you are such a mean man. You don't keep virtue in your mouth. Be careful that God will let you stay. I sincerely hope that no matter what woman you meet in the future, you will be as soft as instant noodles in two minutes.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

It's just brilliant.

She was staring at the screen of her mobile phone, tears of laughter were coming out, and her forehead hit the glass in the corridor.

With a thump, she covered her forehead with pain, looked to the left, then to the right, and finally looked at the back. She was relieved and turned her head after making sure that there was no one in these places.

Then, Simpson petrified.

In the corridor directly in front of her, Mu Tianhao is standing with a team of senior executives of the company. The guys in suits are staring at Xin Shanshan one by one, while Xiaohua stands behind Mu Tianhao, staring at Xin Shanshan's embarrassment, and can't help but tear the corner of his lip.

Xin Shanshan's face changed from red to white and then from white to green. Finally, she tried to restore herself to the most normal state. She straightened her chest, closed her abdomen, raised her buttocks, took a deep breath, and walked over.

It may be because Mu Tianhao confessed in public before, and judging from the extent of Mu Tianhao's connivance with Xin Shanshan in the company, we all think that Xin Shanshan may be their real girlfriend.

Therefore, except for mu Tianhao, all the people bowed their heads respectfully to Xin Shanshan, giving the impression that she had become the hostess in people's eyes. When she was sent to go by, they all called out "Hello, madam.".

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan, but she has sharper eyes than anyone else.Xin Shanshan stood still and walked towards them. In the eyes of the people, she passed Mu Tianhao as if no one else was there.

All of them, except Mu Tianhao, were shocked by Xin Shanshan's shocking behavior. Their eyes changed from respect to doubt, and some even looked scornful.

At present, she is not angry at all. On the contrary, she is very proud. Finally, she adds a good topic to the company's staff after dinner.

She could smell the gossip in the air.

However, what Xin Shanshan didn't expect was that she was elated and ready to leave when her wrist was suddenly caught.

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