Five days in a row, she flies five hours a day. Such intensive publicity makes xinshanshan's body very unbearable. To tell the truth, since the last time she was hospitalized for filming, she has never had much rest and put into the heavy work, which makes her feel very tired. Her only advantage now is that she is young, no matter how tossed about, In addition, Miran's whole process of tracking helps her maintain, so that she can always stand in front of the public, always maintain the appearance of radiant spirit.

Many artists in the circle have their own ways to reduce blood pressure. Some of them are prone to commit some very harmful things, such as revelry all night, drinking and indulgence.

And most artists, more female artists, like smoking.

Like Moke.

Even Niu jiejie, who is sweet in appearance and simple in character, will smoke one or two when she is very sleepy, because she needs nicotine to refresh herself and relieve pressure. After all, in this field, heavy work and pressure are not understandable to ordinary people.

The identity of stars can indeed bring them high income and high popularity that ordinary people can't imagine. There are too many halos on them, but their words and deeds are bound to be exposed in the public's sight, without privacy.

In fact, it has improved a lot in recent years. Various public accounts and microblogs have enabled the public to spy on more private stars. Many things are no longer as mysterious as before, and the public do not fully believe in the things reported by the media. More people will think about many possibilities with reason.

After all the publicity, Xin Shanshan has asked for more than two days' vacation in the crew. During this period, Chen Yihe has called several times to ask her how many days she will be back to work. After all, most of the drama is now piled up in her and Lou Ye's rival plays. Lou ye seems to be dedicated and not picky, but his qualifications and seniority are there It's hard for Shanshan to let someone wait for such a film emperor.

Chen Yihe is also very difficult to do.

As a result, Xin Shanshan, who had planned to have a rest in the local area for one night, changed her ticket to go back to city B after attending the event, so as to catch up with the night drama that she needed to shoot tonight.

Xin Shanshan, who originally planned to travel in a low-key way, was recognized in the restroom of the airport before boarding, even though she was wearing black glasses and a big mask, but she was recognized by passers-by with sharp eyes. She was caught and asked for a group photo before she could spit out her urine.

What's more, at this time, she just took off her makeup on her way to the airport with a simple makeup remover. She didn't even wash her face.

But she still agreed to take a picture.

I didn't expect that the other party had just taken a photo and posted it to his micro blog. The blogger quickly broadcasted it. Even Xin Shanshan's position was revealed. She and her party were surrounded by a lot of passers-by Mi Fen and could not walk any step.

It was not until the airport sent out most of the staff to intervene, which was before the plane took off.

To tell you the truth, Xin Shanshan's mood is not very good today. She has been working hard for several days and has not been intercepted just now. Even if she is a good tempered person, she will always be a little impatient. What's more, she is not in a good state today. When she was asked to take a group photo by passers-by, Xiao Mo has already told them that they are going to catch a plane. Please don't make it public I didn't expect this kind of situation, together with the trouble brought to the airport

Xin Shanshan is also an ordinary person. She is usually in a good mood and can guarantee the most basic rest time. However, she doesn't wear a smiling face every day. Now, as long as she changes her face slightly and shows a little bad mood, she will appear in the entertainment headlines the next day and be crowned with some unnecessary exaggeration charges by various media organizations.

Sitting on the plane, Xin Shanshan can't help but think of her former self. In the past, it was almost impossible for her to make the front page headlines. Even if it was the first time she gambled with Mu Tianhao, she was only on the front page because of her involvement with Mu Tianhao. Moreover, she was also written by reporters as a typical example of unlimited Bo.

Now, as long as she appears in the public field of vision, her every move and even a state that is inadvertently updated on the microblog may become the headlines of the gossip page. Now she almost always occupies the page resources of entertainment news, and the biggest reason is that she constantly has works appearing in the scope of public vision. On the

plane, Xin Shanshan used a mask for a short rest.

After getting off the plane, he quickly got on the nanny car and rushed to the studio.

Chen Yihe took a little smile when he saw Xin Shanshan's uncomfortable face: "Shanshan is coming. Hurry to make up and change clothes to film. Lou Ye has almost prepared for it."

"Sorry." Simpson apologized.

Chen Yihe waved his hand.

She went to the dressing room.

Nearly half a month no see, Mo Ke and Niu jiejie still miss Xin Shanshan, but they all know that she is going to play now, so they simply greet each other without too much disturbance.

This scene tonight is the opposite of Xin Shanshan and Lou Ye.It is also an important part of the emotional progress of two people.

The most important thing about this play is not that two people want to quarrel. Basically, there are not too many lines in this play, but there is a lot of physical contact.

It's just that before I read the play, it's just that there's no degree of intimacy in this drama.

Therefore, neither she nor Wu Meili felt that this was a problem.

But now looking at the script, xinshanshan even began to feel inexplicably nervous.

Miran is making up for Xin Shanshan. Chen Yihe has a high demand for her make-up in the play. Although she looks like she has no make-up in the camera, she can't have any flaws.

The close-up camera has a high requirement on the face. Even if the naked eye can't see the flaws on your face, they will be magnified by the lens.

Fortunately, Miran.

Chen Yihe has been in the European and American fashion circles for so long. Of course, he knows Mi ran. His attitude towards Xin Shanshan's words may be easygoing, without the airs of director. However, you can clearly feel his respect for MI ran.

Mi Ran is giving Xin Shanshan a blemish. "Recently, it's too busy, and my face is puffy. After finishing the night show, I need to apply a mask to edema after going back."

With the script in her hand, she nodded absently.

Miran glanced at xinshanshan's script: "why, you are nervous."

Xin Shanshan even said, "it's not, it's strange."

Mi ran can only comfort: "it's just work. Don't be too burdened. What's more, I think Lou Ye is also OK. Chen Yihe is very aesthetical in his pursuit of the camera. It's impossible to borrow a seat, but it's not enough."

Xinshanshan thought about it, took a deep breath and simply closed her eyes to facilitate the movement of Miran's hands.

When Xin Shanshan finishes her makeup, Lou Ye is already waiting.

The shooting environment is the home of Jiang Xiao played by Lou Ye.

Because of the misunderstanding caused by Roland and and Jiang Xiao in the magazine, the two people who have no relationship with each other have a personal relationship.

Jiang Xiao inexplicably always find Roland with various excuses, and even deliberately went to the magazine and left his personal belongings on Roland's desk. Roland could only call Jiang Xiao to get it because what he left was a valuable watch. However, Jiang Xiao said that he was very busy and had no time, so he gave Roland an address to send to her.

Roland did not expect Jiang Xiao to let her go to his home.

When he opened the door, Jiang Xiao was relaxed and looked at Roland with great interest.

Roland did not give Jiang Xiao any good face, directly handed out the watch in his hand, even the door did not enter: "Mr. Jiang, your watch, now return to its original owner."

Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows and didn't pick up his watch: "why do you have a straight face? It makes you very unhappy to see me."

Roland PI pulled down the corner of his lip with a smile: "take your watch, which is worth millions of dollars. If you don't have anything to do, I'll leave first."

Jiang Xiao's hand just stretched out, but when he held the watch, he grasped Roland's hand, and then pulled Roland in with his strength. At the same time, he closed the door with his backhand. All the actions were completed in one go.

Roland was surprised.

At the same time, Xin Shanshan's heart is also a surprise.

Because she really felt how much effort Lou Ye used just now.

I almost missed her on the door.

Although they are props, they are not as heavy as the real objects, but it is not easy for Xin Shanshan to be dragged. Lou Ye's strong impact makes her shoulder ache.

However, Chen Yihe didn't stop. Xin Shanshan also knew that she had to play. The expression of surprise on her face was fleeting, and then Roland's anger at Jiang Xiao's excessive actions.

"Jiang Xiao, what do you want to do?" Roland yelled.

Jiang Xiao is still ruffian and ruffian: "nothing, you said that my watch is worth millions of dollars, who knows if it will be because of your hands, the original for me to a goods."

Roland was furious: "you fart. You think that nobody wants you. Please take a good look at your valuable watch. I won't be responsible if I leave this door. "

Jiang Xiao looks at Roland with a smile, and even pulls her all the way in.

Roland was still angry face, walked to the restaurant when suddenly stunned.

Jiang Xiao's home is large and simple, but it also shows a sense of luxury everywhere. Although it is at home, Jiang Xiao seems to be wearing casual clothes, but it is not the dress of household clothes.

Simple slim fitting white shirt, smoky grey trousers.

Most importantly, the dining table is full of sumptuous dinners, delicacies and even flowers.

Jiang Xiaodao: "just joked with you."He threw his watch aside and looked at Roland. "I just want to have dinner with you. I don't know if it's sincere enough."

Roland looked up at Jiang Xiao with complicated eyes: "you are sick."

The script here, is Jiang Xiao suddenly attached to the body, forced to kiss Roland.

At this time, for some reason, her heart suddenly came to her throat.

And Lou ye, obviously, has begun to kiss.

Xin Shanshan looks at Lou Ye's face getting closer and closer, and the whole person is frozen. She doesn't even have a basic reaction. It's obvious that Xin Shanshan is already playing.

Sure enough, Chen Yihe's "card" voice arrived on schedule.

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