Standing at the door, she rang the doorbell for nearly five minutes. No one came to open the door.

But Xin Shanshan didn't leave. Intuitively, she thought Feng nuoyuan must be at home.

Anyway, Feng nuoyuan was the only one living on this floor. Xin Shanshan started to smash the door with her fist and said, "Feng nuoyuan, don't be bored inside. You think I don't know you're at home. Open the door for me."

"Feng nuoyuan, open the door for me."

"Feng nuoyuan."

Xinshanshan, as if Aunt Xue was attached to her, smashed the door and called her tireless. Ten minutes passed.

The sound of the door lock finally moved, and then, with a tick, the door opened.

Feng Nao far sloppy, sleepy, standing at the door, make complaints about Xin Shanshan, and begin to Tucao: "sister, you stand like my Aunt Xue standing at my door, knocking hard, knowing that you came to see me, and you didn't know that you thought you were coming."

Xin Shanshan pushed Feng nuoyuan aside and went straight in: "I caught your traitor. If I had this Kung Fu, I might as well knock on Mu Tianhao's door. How many meanings do you mean? The mobile phone doesn't turn on, and you can't be seen in the activities. Mu Tianhao says that you are tired and want to have a rest. Is there something wrong with you? "

a series of questions were asked directly.

Feng nuoyuan looked at Xin Shanshan, and was sober at the moment: "you said so much as soon as you entered the door. Which question should I answer first? Here, have a drink of water and sit down for a while. Is it just coming down from the set?"

Xin Shanshan's face is still wearing makeup. It's not surprising that Feng nuoyuan can guess.

She took the cup from Feng nuoyuan and sat at a random place: "what's the matter with you? Take a rest and turn off your cell phone."

Feng shrugged: "how clean is the mobile phone turned off? You can really find it. How do you know I'm at home?"

Xin Shanshan gives Feng nuoyuan a white eye: "where can you be if you're not at home?". Du Mei is in the company every day. If you go abroad, you can't take it alone. What's more, when you come back from Cannes, your passport has been left in the company all the time. Without your passport, you will go to a wool country. "

Feng nuoyuan laughed: "you have become a detective. You know that my passport is in the company. "

In fact, this is the last time Xin Shanshan went to Mu Tianhao's office. She saw it on Mu Tianhao's desk when she gave her the key to the villa.

"You're all right," she continued.

Feng nuoyuan shrugged and didn't look as if he had something to do: "of course, I can do it if I have something to do."

Xin Shanshan looked Feng nuoyuan from head to foot seriously.

Although Feng nuoyuan looks sloppy, it's just because he is at home, casually wearing a loose dark purple sweater and grey casual pants. His hair looks a bit messy, but he has no beard.

On the contrary, Feng nuoyuan's mental state is still very good. If it is good, it can be called red light.

Just follow It's the same as his mother's in love. It's the same with an advertisement saying that tender can pinch water.

When she saw Feng nuoyuan, she felt relieved. Xiao Mo was still waiting for her downstairs. She didn't mean to stay here. She stood up and said, "well, I just look at you. It's OK. I can still be so lively. I'm relieved."

Feng nuoyuan smile, he said: "let you worry, I'll turn on the mobile phone later, can let you find me ok."

"Come on, if you can find you anytime and anywhere, it's your boyfriend's job. I won't have to." With a snort, she got up and was about to leave.

Before we got to the gate, the door of Feng nuoyuan's house opened automatically.

Out of instinct, Xin Shanshan was startled. She thought that the reporter had broken in, but she didn't have the key to Feng nuoyuan's house.

So she stood still.

When the door was fully opened, a handsome man came in.

Besides, he is a handsome foreign guy with dark brown hair, deep facial features, pure eyes like car chrysanthemum, fair skin and bright red lips, which is the best in the world.

Xin Shanshan's eyes widened and widened. Finally, she took a look at the handsome boy and Feng nuoyuan.

Seeing Xin Shanshan, the handsome man seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then he said a series of English to Feng nuoyuan: "Ellen, this beautiful girl is,"

when Feng nuoyuan saw her smile, the whole person seemed to be gentle. He went to Xin Shanshan's side, hugged her shoulder affectionately, and said, "my good friend."

"Well..." The handsome man put down his shopping bag, walked up to Simpson and said, "Hello, I'm Brian."

She quickly shook Brian's hand and said, "Oh, my name is Susan."

She said the three words "Xin Shanshan" in Chinese.

At the same time, Xin Shanshan also looks at Feng nuoyuan.

Feng nuoyuan also did not mean to avoid, said to Xin Shanshan: "my boyfriend.""It was the one I met in Cannes."

she spoke English.

Brian heard this, and even said, "did you go to Cannes too? When Alan went to work in Cannes, I also worked in Cannes. At that time, I didn't hear Allen mention you."

Xin Shanshan laughed and said, "well, Feng and I Like Allen, they all went to work in Cannes, and then came across you in the street by chance, but you didn't see me

Brian showed up: "what a pity. By the way, did you have dinner? I just went to buy the ingredients to prepare vanilla lamb chops. Would you like to stay?

Xin Shanshan waved her hand: "no, no, I won't disturb you."

Brian looks at Feng nuoyuan.

Feng nuoyuan really didn't want to leave xinshanshan to stay for dinner. He said directly to Brian: "she lost weight. I'll see her off. "

Xin Shanshan glared at Feng nuoyuan fiercely and said goodbye to Brian with a smile.

Brian didn't seem to be surprised that she had such a thin figure and wanted to lose weight. After saying goodbye to her, he took the ingredients to the kitchen.

Feng nuoyuan sent Xin Shanshan to the door and said with a smile, "English is very authentic."

"That's a make-up lesson." Xin Shanshan was a little complacent, and then said, "I said, how can the whole face be treated with collagen? The feeling is small. It's no wonder that she can't even turn on her mobile phone. Did Du meI know that "

Feng nuoyuan held out:" otherwise, you think I can have time to be so free. "

Xinshanshan went out of the door and said to Feng nuoyuan, "OK, enjoy your vacation."

Feng nuoyuan sighed: "Brian will leave tomorrow, or I will let you know each other well."

"I understand." Xin Shanshan grinned and patted Feng nuoyuan on the shoulder: "as long as you are not too playful, I think we will have a chance to get to know each other well in the future. Goodbye

Feng nuoyuan reached out and hugged Xin Shanshan and said, "thank you."

After xinshanshan came out of Feng nuoyuan's home, she was relaxed. But when she opened the door and saw Wu Meili, she was not so relaxed.

Wu Meili looks at Xin Shanshan with a black face. Before she opens her mouth, she pulls her into the car.

Xiao Mo drives quickly.

Wu Meili poked her hand at Xin Shanshan's head: "you are a pig. Do you know why you came to Feng nuoyuan's home after work? Do you know that because Feng nuoyuan hasn't shown up recently, there are paparazzi around his house waiting to shoot his latest news. You'd better send it to the door and let it be photographed. "

"Did I get caught just now? I didn't see a flash."

"If you can see the flash, it's not called paparazzi." Wu Meili is really going to be angry: "you just wait for the gossip tomorrow."

Is that exaggeration.

Xin Shanshan secretly put out her tongue.

But as it turns out, paparazzi are everywhere.

The next day, Xin Shanshan meets Feng nuoyuan at night. After work, she takes the initiative to visit her. It is suspected that the two men have been colluding with Mu Tianhao on their backs. The news is overwhelming.

Xin Shanshan saw clearly that she had been photographed clearly when she entered the door of Feng nuoyuan's apartment and came out at what time. Moreover, she was worried before she went in. After she came out, she was simply relaxed and was completely satisfied after meeting her lover.

Ah, bah.

I was worried before I went in. I came out relaxed. It was going to the toilet. Not a lover.

After she saw the news, she would not get rid of the news.

However, Mo Ke and Niu jiejie, with a gossip face, came to inquire about the news while Xin Shanshan was resting.

At this moment, Feng Xinshan and I have no idea what the relationship is between you and me.

Xinshanshan decisively replied: "friendship."

Mo Ke said: "you say, Feng nuoyuan has never had an affair with any female star since his debut. Just with you, it has been spread more than one, two, three or four times. To be honest, do you two have any fishiness?"

"I swear to the lights, absolutely not."

"Then you come out from the God's home in the middle of the night, and you are not afraid of misunderstanding," Niu jiejie said.

"I'm not afraid of what you're worried about."

It happened that the recording came to let xinshanshan film, and this thing passed.

It's almost the end of filming. Now most of them are the opposite of Xin Shanshan and Lou Ye. Chen Junlan's part has been shot before.

This drama award is that Jiang Xiao and foreign countries have come back, and he has more aura. On Wall Street, his power is strong, and his value almost doubled than before he left.

However, he still gave up the American market and chose to return to the domestic development.This is a press conference attended by Roland on behalf of the magazine. Here, it is mainly about Jiang Xiao's proposal to Luo Lan in front of many reporters.

It's her first time to be asked to marry.

When Xin Shanshan comes out, Lou Ye has arrived, but the shooting is not ready.

After thinking about it, Xin Shanshan takes the initiative to walk towards Lou ye, and she says politely, "teacher Lou, let's go to the next play."

according to the law, two people have been kissing each other in a movie. Even if they were not familiar with each other before, now the relationship is almost the same.

But in private, Xin Shanshan really didn't say a few words to Lou ye, and they still felt the same as strangers.

What's more, what xinshanshan didn't expect was that Lou Ye ignored her and walked away.

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