When Xin Shanshan went back, Wu Meili was sitting at the front door waiting for her.

"I'm back," Wu Meili said angrily, "Feng nuoyuan is very well. He didn't die and he didn't die. That's why he earned less money in the future. However, they have made enough money before. Besides, there is Du Mei, the old goblin, and you have to worry about it. If you don't go home and rest after filming, what do you do when you come back to the company? You don't think it's a good idea

Xin Shanshan sat next to Wu Meili and hooked her shoulder: "I found that you have become more and more powerful recently. Feng nuoyuan has become like this. You should not forget to ridicule Du Mei. "

Wu Meili snorted twice: "don't forget that Du Mei didn't look up to you at the beginning. I tell you, you are in the red now. Feng nuoyuan fell so badly this time. Du Mei must try to straighten it up, but you don't pay attention to anything that goes with you. "

Xin Shanshan didn't go to her heart at all. She could help Feng nuoyuan. If she could, she would have gone.

However, seeing Wu Meili's serious face, she nodded her head in response.

When Wu Meili saw Xin Shanshan, she didn't miss her heart. However, she couldn't help Feng nuoyuan. This matter, let alone Du Mei, was a headache for everyone. The only way was to wait.

"By the way, Zhang Musheng's play should be reported to take your part." Wu Meili said to Xin Shanshan, "Zhang Musheng has made several phone calls. However, they all know that you went to Cannes in the middle of filming. They are also sorry, but now that your film is finished, there can't be any more delay."

Xin Shanshan almost forgot about it. She nodded: "OK, I'll go tomorrow."

Wu Meili originally wanted to let Xin Shanshan rest for two days, but just take a few broken scenes and take two days to shoot. Tomorrow is tomorrow: "OK, I'll call you tomorrow. Besides, Xiao Hua asked me to tell you that Mu Shao is waiting for you. "

"When," she asked.

Wu Meili looked at the time: "about 20 minutes ago."

She stood up and said, "you want me to die."

Unable to argue with Wu Meili, Xin Shanshan ran upstairs in a hurry.

When she went to Mu Tianhao's office, she walked across the corridor and saw Mu Tianhao sitting on the sofa, lightening her steps. Xin Shanshan slowly walked over and sat down.

"It's because of Feng nuoyuan's headache," Xin Shanshan asked.

Mu Tianhao raised his eyes and suddenly laughed: "why, you think I look like a headache."

Xin Shanshan is a little confused: "but when I came in..."

"Well, I didn't tell you about Feng nuoyuan when I asked you to come up, but I did have a headache because of one thing." Mu Tianhao took out a picture album from his side, put it on Xin Shanshan's leg, and pointed to a wall in his office, which was filled with trophies won by artists under the banner of "Liuguang international": "I'm just thinking, when there is another trophy for the movie queen here, where can I play with her to celebrate her."

Xin Shanshan doesn't understand. She doesn't have the heart to read the manual handed over by Mu Tianhao. Instead, she looks at Mu Tianhao strangely: "don't you worry? Feng nuoyuan has such a thing. His acting career, his everything. If this matter is not handled properly, he may be destroyed like this."

"You also said that what destroyed his acting career was not him. Why should I worry?" Mu Tianhao raised his hand and touched Xin Shanshan's hair. His tone was really not worried.

Xin Shanshan said: "however, from the perspective of the company, if Feng nuoyuan disappears into the performing arts circle, isn't it a loss?"

she thinks that Mu Tianhao will not let Feng nuoyuan go in this way, both emotionally and in terms of the company's interests.

Originally, when she came up, she would think that she saw Mu Tianhao struggling to deal with Feng nuoyuan. However, Mu Tianhao had the same attitude as Feng nuoyuan, and did not regard it as a matter at all.

Feng nuoyuan doesn't care. Xin Shanshan can understand that, because the matter has come to this point, even if Feng nuoyuan is not happy again, he can care about it again.

But mu Tianhao, as a boss, he just looked at Feng nuoyuan's distress and ignored it.

Mu Tianhao didn't see through Xin Shanshan's ideas. He had a helpless smile and then said, "why, I feel that I'm a boss who is too inhumane. Feng Nuo is in trouble, but I don't care."

She was a little angry, but she couldn't say anything.

Mu Tianhao put one hand around Xin Shanshan's waist: "do you also think that the relationship between me and Feng nuoyuan is not very general, at least, it is not a simple relationship between boss and subordinate."

Xin Shanshan nodded. Because of this, she didn't understand Mu Tianhao's letting Feng nuoyuan go.

Mu Tianhao said, "Feng nuoyuan and I have known each other since childhood. Our family and Feng nuoyuan's are close friends. Feng nuoyuan is not a simple artist. He has fallen out with his family because of his emotional affairs. He only comes to China to be a star after gambling"Emotional things," Xin Shanshan asked, "is it because he likes men and his family is not happy."

Mu Tianhao nodded: "yes, and he chose to be a star in order to be closer to his lover."

Xin Shanshan was a little surprised: "how many years have he known Brian?"

Mu Tianhao raised his eyebrows: "it seems that you and Feng nuoyuan have a very good relationship. No one has seen Brian except me and Du Mei."

After a pause for a moment, Mu Tianhao then said, "the Feng family was opposed to his affair with Brian at the very beginning. Feng nuoyuan and the only successor of the Feng family, although the Feng family emigrated very early and could accept any feelings, one of the direct reasons for Feng nuoyuan's doing so is that no one will inherit the Feng family after they arrive at Feng nuoyuan, which is also the Feng family's opposition to him The root cause of the relationship with Brian. However, in the past two years, the relationship between Feng nuoyuan and his family has eased. Originally, their family did not want him to stay here as a star and wanted him to go back and inherit his family business. "

Xin Shanshan was a little puzzled: "now the Feng family will accept that there is no heir."

Mu Tianhao patted Xin Shanshan's head: "now you can use sperm as a surrogate. Anyway, the Feng family doesn't care about the mother of the child. As long as it's the Feng family's seed, Brian can't give birth to the Feng family. If Brian can give birth to the Feng family, let him have it. "

"It's OK," she said. Feng nuoyuan's family is wonderful. "

Mu Tianhao slowly explained: "the Feng family has immigrated from his grandfather's life. Feng nuoyuan's grandfather and father grew up in foreign countries since childhood. They are pure Chinese people in addition to their bloodlines. In fact, their thoughts are no different from those of the West. The Feng family is able to look at any feelings, and at the beginning they objected only because the two men couldn't have children. Now the technology of sperm surrogacy is so mature that my family has long been less opposed to it. That is, Feng nuoyuan, who has been playing wild outside, doesn't want to go back to do business well. "

Xin Shanshan was covered with black lines: "so I'm still worried about eating radish. Feng nuoyuan now is not to retreat also have to retreat, in the future to walk on the road of successful businessmen, and then with a lot of cash identity to become investors to fight against the group of directors who abandoned him instead of him. "

Mu Tianhao shook his head: "how can it be. He's not going back now. "

Xin Shanshan doubts: "a few meanings,"

Mu Tianhao stroked her little finger: "what a good opportunity for Feng nuoyuan. He doesn't want to mix up in this business. He can only tell everyone at his peak that Mr. Feng won't play with you. I'll play with money. What's going on now? I'm forced to stay in the entertainment industry. I'm back home. Feng nuoyuan is not sure how happy he is. Now even if he wants to go back to the Feng family, he is not happy. "

"Oh, I'll go." Xinshanshan immediately got angry. She immediately stood up and prepared to kill Feng nuoyuan's office: "beat him up. The inner exultation is the same as the running pony, and I am still sad with the deep clothes in front of me. He did not take the shadow emperor. I was just wondering if he had been hacked and deliberately punished. Now I seriously suspect that it is he who hacked himself. He just didn't want to go home, so he deliberately kicked his love affair to pieces. "

Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan's hand and shook his head: "Feng nuoyuan won't make fun of anything that has something to do with Brian. This time, someone really wants to punish Feng nuoyuan. Maybe, more importantly, it's Liuguang international. I've already asked Xiao Hua to check it out. "

With Mu Tianhao saying this, Xin Shanshan can't help but think of the means used by Mu Tianhao to buy the company Wenjie worked for last time.

Feng nuoyuan is absolutely an important presence for Liuguang international.

Originally, there were not many contract artists under the name of "Liuguang international". Feng nuoyuan is still the only male artist. Moreover, the company has invested a lot of resources in him. It is because of this that everyone can see that Mu Tianhao attaches great importance to Feng nuoyuan.

This time, Feng nuoyuan fell such a big setback, Mu Tianhao certainly won't do nothing. If he really wants to take the lead for Feng nuoyuan, or use funds to praise Feng nuoyuan again, other shareholders will be dissatisfied, and the other side will have a chance to take advantage of it.

However, Mu Tianhao did not make any moves at all.

Xin Shanshan doesn't understand the business affairs. However, Mu Tianhao must be on guard when he says so. So, Xin Shanshan doesn't mention it any more.

She turned and said, "but dumey, they really don't look like they're in a hurry."

Mu Tianhao said: "in the whole company, no one except me knows the real background of Feng nuoyuan. The most important thing is that I didn't intervene in Feng nuoyuan's accident, and Du Mei really had a headache this time. Oh, forget it, and now you know. "

Xin Shanshan asked: "if you tell me the background of Feng nuoyuan so frankly, you are not afraid that he will not be happy."

Mu Tianhao sneers: "he even let you see Brian, who he cares about most. What else can't be said? I don't say that when he plays with you enough, you'll worry about it."

"Really," she said with a smile. Let's see who plays with whom.Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan's hand a little harder, and asked her to go back to her side: "well, now you are in the mood to see where you want to go to play."

Xin Shanshan then picked up the album and looked at it: "so many places, you don't mean to go to Greece."

"Yes, but I don't know where you want to go," Mu Tianhao's head naturally put on Xin Shanshan's shoulder: "look How about here, "

Xin Shanshan laughed:" do you know that I will definitely take the back of the film? "

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