After leaving the backstage in a hurry, of course, xinshanshan will be blocked by media reporters.

"Xin Shanshan, did you confess to Mu Shao just now?"

"Xin Shanshan, did you feel too cruel to Tong Yan when you refused just now?"

"Xin Shanshan, what do you want to say at this moment after defending the crown film,"

Xin Shanshan also knows that this is a necessary interview, and the reporters who can stay here are very good She has a sense of propriety. She knows what can be written and what can't be written, and it's not easy to write. So she simply and naturally stands here to answer everyone's questions: "did I tell Mu Tianhao just now? I only remember that I said thank him. Then, Mu Tianhao is my boss. I got my first movie queen trophy. Thank my boss. It's not too much."

"What's more, a reporter asked me if my refusal just now would be cruel to Tong Yan, but I don't think so. The cruelest thing is not that you refuse a person you don't like, but you occupy the person's love in the name of a friend, but you can't give him real love, so I think I'm right

"At the end of the day, I'm happy to have the movie queen, which is very important to me personally. Thank you. Thank you

After that, they left Meili and Xiaomei.

Originally, Wu Meili was waiting for Xin Shanshan outside, but later, Xiao Mo called Wu Meili. The noise inside was just like the rise of Gao Dynasty. It was too big. Xiao Mo was afraid that she could not resist, so she called Wu Meili over.

Wu Meili communicated with the sponsor when she was still on the stage. She would go first. After all, it was not good for her to stay here on such an occasion.

As for Feng nuoyuan

Wu Meili has no mind to care about him now.

How to come, how to go back to me.

All the way to escort xinshanshan on the car, Xiao Mo drove slowly away from the scene, Wu Meili heaved a heavy breath, she glared at xinshanshan: "you just toss it. You're just going to mess with it. I want to see how I can write about you when the news comes out tomorrow. "

Xin Shanshan is also very innocent: "please, Tong Yan will appear, which is not something I can think of and control."

I really can't blame her for this.

Wu Meili really knew this. She thought about it carefully and then said, "but you did well in the end. At least you keep Mu Shao. By the way, Mu Shao is watching TV at home. He just called me and asked me to send you directly to his home. Xiao Mo, do you know where Mu Shao lives, just drive there. "

"Good." Xiao Mo promised to be very happy.

Xin Shanshan grabbed Wu Meili's arm: "you didn't send me to the execution ground so soon."

Wu Meili touched Xin Shanshan's head: "how can I say that I sent you to the execution ground? I obviously sent you to enjoy your happiness."

Xin Shanshan got rid of Wu Meili.

Wu Meili knows what Xin Shanshan is worried about, and she is too lazy to explain to this silly girl. Instead, she directly says, "in fact, it's good for Tong Yan to come out. The section that he finally confesses to you is bound to become the top priority of tomorrow's news. At that time, there will be nothing to write about when you and Feng Nuo have a distant kiss."

It turns out that Wu Meili is most worried about this kind of thing.

Now she just wants to keep her eyes closed and doesn't want to pay attention to her at all.

Let's go back to the scene.

Xin Shanshan has not appeared since she went to receive the prize. Feng nuoyuan wants to know with her toes that she must have been picked up by Wu Meili.

Feng nuoyuan didn't care. Mu Qing said at one side, "you and I will go together in a moment."

Feng nuoyuan nodded: "good, thank you mu."

After all, the award ceremony is not over, and the links that are not surplus after going through Xin Shanshan are basically boring.

Mu Qing simply sat down and whispered to Feng nuoyuan: "you're welcome. I have something to ask you to help me with."

Feng nuoyuan raised his eyebrows: "please me."

Mu Qing nodded: "well, next month, I'll invite you and Shanshan to my home, and then I'll show you something."

Feng nuoyuan didn't know what Mu Qing wanted to do.

Mu Qing immediately asked Feng Nuoyuan again, "yes, you should have been very busy recently. Is it not that many directors are not filming you?"

Feng Feng's black line is full of black lines. If he did not know more about Mu Qing's urine, he would think Mu Qing was making sarcastic remarks, but he also knew that Mu Qing simply wanted to know if he had been busy recently. So, Feng Nuoyuan really said with patience, "yes, I've been very busy lately."

Mu Qing sighed and patted Feng nuoyuan on the shoulder: "well, if you're free, I'll rest assured."

Feng nuoyuan an old blood stem in the throat, crying and laughing.

Finally, the long ceremony was over.

The stars all left in an orderly manner according to the previous requirements. In fact, after chatting with Mu Qing, Feng nuoyuan thought that it was better for him to walk alone, so he lied to Mu Qing about other things and ran away alone.To the parking lot, Feng nuoyuan did not expect that he did not meet a reporter, but met an acquaintance.

Tong Yan.

Tong Yan also saw Feng nuoyuan. He said to Feng nuoyuan in a friendly way: "Hey, you are alone. I'd better see you off."

Feng nuoyuan shrugged: "no, since I've come to the parking lot, it's natural to have a car."

Tong Yan shrugs and does not care about the appearance.

Feng nuoyuan walked forward two steps, and suddenly looked back at Tong Yan: "brother, you are very interesting."

"What," Tong Yan did not understand the meaning of Feng nuoyuan.

Feng nuoyuan said, "can't you see that Xin Shanshan doesn't like you, she likes Mu Tianhao. Do you think it's meaningful for you to perform in this public performance today? "

after hearing Feng nuoyuan's words, Tong Yan shook his head faintly:" is it meaningful? I will measure myself, what I want to do, and I can't be judged by others. "

Feng nuoyuan didn't care. He turned around and left. When he left, he threw a sentence to Tong Yan: "whatever you want, you are happy."

Feng nuoyuan left, Tong Yan was about to get on his car when suddenly a car seemed to be out of control and directly hit him in the direction.

Tong Yan squinted his eyes to see clearly the coming car, but also did not avoid, so he stood beside his car.

The fiery red Ferrari Limited sports car quickly stepped on the brake when it was still 50 cm away from Feng Nuo yuan. It had perfect braking performance and stopped steadily when the front of the car was only 20 cm away from Tong Yan.

When the door opened, a girl came out of the car in a hurry: "Tong Yan. Why don't you hide. You can hide from me, from America to Europe, from Europe to China. Why don't you hide this time. "

Tong Yan frowned and ignored the girl. He opened the door and was ready to get on.

The girl ran to the side of Tong Yan's car in three steps and two parts, and then closed his door: "Tong Yan, you can't go unless you tell me clearly today."

"You should call me cousin." Tong Yan said lightly.

The girl stamped her foot: "I don't. What's the matter with my cousin? I'll call you Tongyan. I just like to call you Tongyan. Tong Yan. Tong Yan. Tong Yan. Tong Yan, "

" Mi jing'er, "Tong Yan called out to her helplessly:" when do you come to China with me, how do you know I am in China? "

mi Jinger looks at the luxury car behind Tong Yan with pride:" because I installed a tracker on your car, I know you will get this Bugatti to your side, so as long as I follow Bugatti, "I will follow you, I want to live where you live."

Tong Yan dialed a telegram to go out, and then said to MI Jinger, "did you find a hotel to stay in?"

"why do I want to stay in a hotel?" Mi Jinger refused: "I want to follow you, I want to live where you live."

Tong Yan dials a telegram to go out, and then says to MI Jinger: "Kevin will arrange for you to stay in the evening Place. Besides, I've asked Kevin to inform your brother that your brother will come and get you back. "

"Tong Yan, you should give up this time. I have told my brother before I come, and my brother agrees that I will follow you." Tong Yan is not in the mood to take care of MI jing'er at all now, and no matter what mi jing'er says, he drives his car to go.

Who knows mi jing'er is really like crazy to stop Tong Yan's car.

Mi jing'er is standing in front of Tong Yan's car. There is a sense of seeing that you have to press past me if you want to go.

Tong Yan lowered the window and asked, "what do you want to do?"

mi Jinger said: "why don't you like me, Tong Yan, I've been with you for two years, America and Europe for a year, and now I've come to China with you. Where's wrong with me, do you hate me so much? Or do you have people you like at all? Who do you like? Tell me, I must be mi Jinger Let her not die easily, "

Tong Yan rubbed his aching forehead:" Jinger, I say again, I am your brother, my mother and your mother are cousins, "

" so what, they are not cousins, we have no blood relationship, I just like you, "Mi Jinger cried.

Tong Yan doesn't have the strength to talk so much nonsense with the little girl mi jing'er now. He reverses the car fiercely, speeds up the speed and shakes off the tail. He throws mi jing'er in the parking lot and walks by himself.

Mi jing'er chases the tail of Tong Yan's car for a long time, and finally stomps his feet and can't catch up with him.

When mi jing'er is upset, a car stops in front of MI jing'er.

When the window rolled down, there was a man sitting in the co driver's seat: "little girl, do you want to know who Tong Yan likes?"

mi jing'er frowned at the man and said coldly: "Tong Yan is also a person like you. You can call him Mr. Tong."

"do you want to know who Mr. Tong likes?" the other side asked again.

Mi jing'er seems to be kind-hearted in general: "good, you say to listen to."

The other side said, "I don't need to say, you just need to go back and search the video of this domestic film award ceremony."With this sentence, the other party rolled up the window, the car moved slowly and left the parking lot.

Michelle is still thinking about what this man is saying, and Kevin has already arrived.

Kevin saw that MI jing'er's head was big: "miss jing'er, Mr. Tong asked me to pick you up and arrange the hotel for you."

Mi Jinger saw that Kevin did not feel strange at all. She even took Kevin's arm and cried like a little girl: "Kevin, Tong Yan, this big villain, ignores me..."

Kevin looked up to the sky and wanted to cry without tears.

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