The time of the activity was not long. It was the platform of the activity that Xin Shanshan received from the advertisement of Bi Ouquan. In fact, the amount of money paid for this activity was the second. However, at the beginning, the person in charge of the Asia Pacific region of bio spring called to talk about it. Moreover, the process of CO shooting advertising between Xin Shanshan and the other side was very happy, so she agreed very happily.

The designer of the brand knows that Xin Shanshan has just won the film, and she is very popular. She also knows that she will appear at the event as scheduled. The brand side does not want to use such things to promote the brand, so the original open invitation media has become restrictive.

Most of them are media editors like fashion magazines and mainstream entertainment media. Admission requirements are also limited. However, even in this case, the activity site is still overcrowded. The brand side seems to have some consideration and the security of the scene is very good.

When Wu Meili accompanied Xin Shanshan into the activity site, she said in a low voice: "if the media ask gossip and don't want to answer, then stand for ten minutes and go back. I communicated with each other yesterday in this activity, and there was no problem."

She nodded.

Sure enough, when she stood on the stage, the first question asked by the media was gossip: "xinshanshan, what's your opinion on the comments made after taking office?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't read gossip in the last two days," she said

The media didn't want to let go of Xin Shanshan. It seems that she intends to stir up the dispute between the two people who have always been at odds in the entertainment industry: "it is said that after she has been re elected for two terms, the organizing committee is under great pressure. In other words, she has given the trophy to you, which means that you are not really a movie queen."

Xin Shanshan raised her eyebrows: "yes. After the Organizing Committee awarded the film to me, I still have this reason. But I'm not so generous. My movie queen won't let me

The media saw that Xin Shanshan was really hooked, and the problem was even more sent out like a barrage: "it is said that you and a straight face and heart incompatibility, the shooting time by the film ruthless slap you in the face, leading to admission, now you successfully won the film, do not know if there is anything you want to say here."

The reason why Xin Shanshan answered the last question was that she would not admit that her movie queen was "let's", and this question, of course, would not be so low as to be open and clamorous. That is to say, she would just lead the MI Fen Si to scold herself in her microblog every day and look for the rhythm of black self.

What's more, just what she said just now is already calling abuse.

So, she just laughed and said nothing.

At this time, the organizer stood up and simply did a few small activities. Obviously, the media was still ready to ask gossip. However, Xin Shanshan had received Wu Meili's signal and could withdraw. The organizer also understood that this time, xinshanshan platform was obligatory. It was completely because she spoke for the product, so it was not forced. Anyway, the publicity effect was already When they have reached the goal, they let them go.

She didn't even know when she left the stage. The next day, the headline "Xin Shanshan appeared for ten minutes and made millions of dollars" swept the entertainment headlines.

All she thought about was where to eat with Wu Meili.

Wu Meili received Xin Shanshan backstage and got on the car safely under the escort of the sponsor's security. She said, "I've decided on a place for myself. It's a small private club. Maybe it's not as high-level as the one mu Shao took you to. However, there are home cooked dishes. I haven't made fried eggplant strips for you for a long time When I went there, I saw fried eggplant strips in my private dishes, so I went over and tasted them. It was almost the same as what I made. "

When Xin Shanshan heard that Wu Meili had let herself eat, she was not shocked.

Since her popularity, Wu Meili has been very strict with her figure and weight. She doesn't look at the scale at all. She only uses her eyes. Sometimes she thinks that Wu Meili's eyes are just X-rays of perspective.

What did she steal yesterday? She could have guessed it the next day.

Strictly speaking, she is a skinny woman at all, but she can't help it. She has to pay attention to her diet and exercise, because the camera is really too testing.

What's more, Wu Meili doesn't suggest that she should go on a diet to keep her figure, but she will strictly control her diet. Basically, everything she eats every day is well matched. She has never eaten a lot of things, especially her favorite rice and fried vegetables.

And hotpot.

Today, Wu Meili let her go.

You know, a few days ago, for the film awards ceremony, she was once again suffering from diet and exercise.

Wu Meili glanced at Xin Shanshan. Seeing that she was obviously surprised, Wu Meili laughed and said, "what's the matter. I don't believe I'll let you eat. "

She nodded wildly.

Wu Meili said with a smile: "congratulations on your award for the movie queen. It's just that you're going on holiday these days. I'm also at home to choose scripts for you. There are many movies coming to you these two days, but I haven't seen them yet. I'll have a good look when you're away. When you come back, we'll pick and choose. "

"Yes." Xinshanshan agreed in a good mood.Wu Meili's car took two turns and went downstairs to her home: "you wait in the car. I'll go up there and change your clothes."

Xinshanshan looked down at herself, but the one she wore on the activity was not suitable, so she nodded.

Wu Meili opens the door.

After all these years, Xin Shanshan is used to the fact that Wu Meili won't let her go to her home. She also thinks it's OK. After all, everyone may have their own space.

However, Wu Meili has never moved her home for so many years. In other words, the house where Wu Meili lives is not bad except for one location, which is quite dilapidated in all aspects. The neighborhood environment is also bad, noisy and the house is old.

Anyway, since she met Wu Meili, she has lived here.

Before Wu Meili didn't move, Xin Shanshan thought that maybe she didn't have much money, but now Xin Shanshan knows how much she has earned. Comparatively, Wu Meili's income is certainly not low, but she still hasn't moved.

Although Xin Shanshan felt a little strange, it was Wu Meili's private life, and she never asked.

She blinked her eyes, but she didn't come back. Someone knocked on the window.

Xinshanshan turns her head. She knows that the film on Wu Meili's car is specially made. There is no one inside. She looks at the person standing by the car. She is a young girl. She is very young and energetic. Because she is close to the window, she can see her face clearly.

The girl is very beautiful. It seems that she is a bit of a mixed race. Her facial features are very deep. She has long dark brown hair in the sun, and her eyes are also brown. I just don't know whether it is the contact lens or the pupil color.

Susan, I don't want to cause a stir here.

The little girl was very persistent. She patted the window again, and then cried desperately, "is there anyone in the car. My window was knocked and my mobile phone was lost. I want to use my mobile phone to call the police. "

Xinshanshan looked forward. Wu Meili's car just stopped in front of a fiery red Ferrari. There were broken glass on the ground at the front door of the car. After thinking about it, she dropped the window a little and only showed her eyes to look at the little girl.

"I'm sorry, I see your tail light is on and it's not off. I think someone should be in the car. Can I borrow your mobile phone. My mobile phone was in the car, the window was knocked and lost. I also lost my bag. There are very important things in it. I want to call the police to see if there is any monitoring in this area, and if I can get my bag back. " The little girl's Chinese is very standard, but it's too standard. It's a bit stiff, but it's true that she's worried.

She dropped the window a little more, revealing half of her face: "you live here."

The little girl didn't think there was any difference between xinshanshan and ordinary people. She didn't seem to recognize her. She said, "no, I'm in a hurry to go to the bathroom. When I see a community here, I'll drive in and have a look. When I go to the bathroom and come out, the window will be knocked. I'm from America. I've never been to China before, but my cousin is here. He has been busy these two days and has no time to care about me. I just drive out to stroll and rely on navigation. "

Xin Shanshan knows, yes, Wu Meili's downstairs next to the community toilet, clean up OK, at least not dirty.

The girl's Chinese is so stiff that it is her first time to come to China.

She didn't get out of the car. She pulled out her mobile phone and handed it to her.

The little girl moved forward again. Just as she was about to take over the hand of xinshanshan's mobile phone, a handkerchief suddenly covered her mouth. She didn't know what was going on, and she fainted.

Mi jing'er sneers and hooks her finger. A black business car comes.

The other party is very quick to open the door through the window, and then carry Xin Shanshan down from Wu Meili's car, throw into the business car, close the door, open the car and leave.

The whole process took only two minutes.

Mi Jinger threw Xin Shanshan's mobile phone in the car and walked to her Ferrari with a relaxed pace. Her foot also kicked the broken glass beside the car and laughed contemptuously: "beautiful people really have no brains. That's the level. It seems that my acting skills can go straight to the Oscars. "

After getting on the car, MI jing'er started the engine and soon caught up with the business car in front of her.

When Wu Meili went downstairs, she just saw the back of the Ferrari.

But she didn't notice at all and walked directly to her car.

But when she got to the car, Wu Meili found that the door was open, and xinshanshan was not in the car at all. She dialed Xin Shanshan's mobile phone, which rang in the car.

Wu Meili was shocked and had a bad premonition. She called Mu Tianhao and said, "Mu Shao, Shanshan is gone."

"Be clear. What is missing Mu Tianhao received a call from Wu Meili, and his heart thumped.

Wu Meili quickly told Mu Tianhao about the process from beginning to end: "when I went downstairs, she was not in the car. The door was open, the mobile phone was in my car, and I yelled everywhere. But Shanshan should not run around, and she couldn't have closed the door. Now I go to the small area property to have a look. I remember that our community is equipped with monitoring."Mu Tianhao said in a deep voice, "give me the address."

Wu Meili quickly sent her address to Mu Tianhao, but she ran to the property of the community. When she asked, she knew that the monitoring downstairs of her house had long been broken.

In other words, no one knows whether she got off the car or what happened.

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