When she arrived at the parking lot at six o'clock on time, a silver Aston Martin One-77 skidded over, its beautiful brakes almost silent.

The window fell down, and the man inside was Mu Tianhao who was as eye-catching as the car.

Mu Tianhao turns her head to xinshanshan, and she gets on the bus with great interest.

It's only in the blink of an eye that the top luxury car speeds up. "Liuguang international" is already in the golden position of CBD, but in a moment, Mu Tianhao stops the car.

When she got out of the car, she looked up and saw that it was the "prefectural palace.".

The location of junwangfu is very good. It is next to Chaoyang Park, adjacent to Guomao and Yansha business districts. It is a typical royal court building in Qing Dynasty.

As soon as Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan entered the gate, a manager like man came up and said, "Mu Shao, Xue Shao, they are already in the box. I'll take you there."

Mu Tianhao nodded slightly.

Xin Shanshan's head is slightly low, just follow Mu Tianhao's step, all the way silent.

As soon as Mu Tianhao stepped on the simple corridor outside the box, his hand stretched back and naturally grasped Xin Shanshan's wrist.

Xin Shanshan was stunned and her steps were slightly stopped.

Mu Tianhao looks back, and his eyes fall on Xin Shanshan. She is obedient and changes her clothes. She is wearing a gold striped tweed skirt with a solid coat on the outside. Her hair is loose, and the hair on both sides is no longer behind her ears, which makes her face more delicate.

Xin Shanshan was Mu Tianhao so direct eyes look at some hair, she very unnatural smile: "Mu Shao."

Mu Tianhao did not speak. In front of him, the manager opened the door of the box.

The box is very large, with antique decoration. There are only three people sitting on the round table that can accommodate nearly 20 people.

After Mu Tianhao led Xin Shanshan in, he directly sat down toward the throne.

"Oh, moshao's company has a new comer." Some people speak, their eyes are more stabbed at Xin Shanshan's body, careless tone.

Mu Tianhao didn't mean to introduce Xin Shanshan. A waiter came in and began to serve.

When the dishes were ready, another person said, "drink something white today."

"Mu Shao doesn't drink white food."

"Don't you have a shooter here?"

"Which one of the company can't drink? Who was that last time? It's the new comer who drinks all the horses on the table! "

"Tut, it's very dignified on TV. In private..."

"But they're all tools for making money."

The men talked to and frolicked, smiling frivolously, and looking at Xin Shanshan's eyes was quite wanton and contemptuous.

From the beginning to the end, Tian Hao did not speak, and Xin Shanshan had no room to speak.

While talking, the glass is full.

The cup in front of Mu Tianhao is filled with tea, while xinshanshan's is full of liquor.

"Mu Shao, you saved this game. How can you drink it?"

Mu Tianhao tilts his head and looks at Xin Shanshan with a smile.

Xinshanshan stood up and picked up the wine glass in front of her: "I'll give you a toast for mu Shaoxian."

Words fall, take the lead in a drink.

This wine is really strong. She has never drunk such a strong wine. When she goes down the glass, her throat is like being burned. The alcohol flushes into her face and she coughs hard.

But Rao is like this, the other three men on the table are just holding up the wine glass, as if the appearance of a slight puff.

She stood there in embarrassment.

The people on the table raised their eyes slightly and looked at Mu Tianhao's look and looked at each other. One of them said faintly, "what's the name of it? After watching, did you drink three cups last time?"

"It's Lin Wanyi. She's a beautiful woman at least. Write down her name, Xue Shao. After all, it's because of your words that people won the title of Shi Hou!"

"In terms of beauty alone, I think this one is obviously better." The person who was called Xue Shao gave Xin Shanshan a look: "Lin Wanyi can take a look like that. You have to be able to take a movie back."

Mu Tianhao looks like a light smile from the beginning to the end, as if Xin Shanshan didn't bring it in at all.

She had to drink two more cups. Too much alcohol made her reaction dull, but her feeling was strangely sharp.

She didn't even know how she sat down, so when Mu Tianhao suddenly leaned over, she was surprised.

"Can't drink?" Mu Tianhao's voice is very low, gentle and abnormal. If it's half a minute, he doesn't move his glass.

Xinshanshan Mu ran nodded, but said on the mouth: "OK."

Mu Tianhao chuckles. His hand is very natural on Xin Shanshan's shoulder, biting her ear and whispering: "the Xue Shao in front of you has just invested in a film, directed by Zhang Musheng, and now he still lacks a third girl."

Xin Shanshan's half body touched by Mu Tianhao suddenly tenses up. She slowly tilts her head and looks at the man's eyes. She doesn't know what Bai Mu Tian Hao really means?Mu Tian Hao suddenly released Xin Shanshan and said to her, "go and sit by Xue Shao."

Enough for everyone to hear.

The box was so quiet that everyone's eyes fell on Xin Shanshan.

Xue Shao even reached out and moved the chair next to him, and then patted him twice.

Xin Shanshan was stunned on the spot.

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