"What happened to Tong Yan again?" Xinshanshan white eyes, Wu Meili, directly said: "never seen."

Wu Meili said, "it's better not to see. I tell you, in the future, stay away from Tong Yan. All the people who come back from abroad are psychopaths. "

It's nothing to do with foreign countries.

Xin Shanshan really wants to remind Wu Meili that the admirers you flatter every day also come back from abroad.

But she didn't say it.

Seeing that Wu Meili had decided on a new play, she said, "by the way, what's Mu Qing looking for you?"

Wu Meili shrugged: "I don't know. He is still so stumbling. When I asked him what he was doing, he said something you know. See if you have time to meet us these two days. I said you would go to Hong Kong to participate in the golden statue award. Mu Qing told me to call him back when you came back. "

She knows.

Xin Shanshan thinks about it carefully. It seems that there is such a thing. When she participated in the film awards, Mu Qing seemed to have said that she and Feng nuoyuan would go to his home to find him.

"Oh, I'll call Mu Qing back first." She went out with her mobile phone.

Wu Meili didn't care about her.

Back in the lounge, Xin Shanshan called Mu Qing: "Mu director, you called me."

"Well, that's what I said at the award ceremony last time. I want you and nuoyuan to come to my house. I'll discuss something with you two." Mu Qing said.

"Yes, when will it be convenient for you. I'll take Feng nuoyuan with me. "

Mu Qing also knows that Xin Shanshan is very busy now. He said, "I've been at home all the time. You can see when you two are free. By the way, don't worry too much about the golden statue award. It's no big deal. "

Finally, Mu Qing also comforted.

Xin Shanshan laughed: "don't worry, I really don't care. Well, I'll go to find Feng Nuo yuan, and the time will go by. "

Mu Qing answered the phone and hung up.

Xin Shanshan called Feng nuoyuan again, but he didn't answer the phone.

Holding the mobile phone, thinking about where to find Feng nuoyuan, the mobile phone rings again.

When Xin Shanshan looked, it turned out to be mu Tianhao.

She picked it up: "it's back."

"Not yet." Mu Tianhao's voice sounds a little tired.

Since the last time Mu Tianhao left a note saying that he was going to the Middle East to earn the money of those upstarts, Xin Shanshan has never seen him again.

However, the two people are not completely out of touch. Occasionally, Xin Shanshan will receive short messages from Mu Tianhao. Even on that day in Hong Kong, she did not win the prize. Mu Tianhao sent a message specially.

But on the phone, this is the first time.

Xinshanshan thought that Mu Tianhao was back, and then called him: "you are very tired."

At the other end of the phone, Mu Tianhao chuckled: "yes. You can hear that. "

Xin Shanshan curled her lips and said, "feel it, how, it's hard to earn money from the Middle East.". I'll come back when I'm really tired. I think I can make a lot of money now. Wu Meili has just received me a movie. It is estimated that the shooting time will be three months, and the film will be paid in seven figures. "

"Yes." Mu Tianhao's voice sounded more smiling: "this is a good thing."

"It's nothing, there's advertising," she added. Wu Meili received a lot of advertisements at one go. By the way, I haven't participated in any interview program since I got the film. They all want to interview me and they all start bidding. Ah, how much money do you want to pay for it

"No matter how much you want, the big head is in my pocket." Mu Tianhao couldn't help joking.

"I know, so I think if you're really tired, you'd better stay in that place and come back," she said

In fact, Xin Shanshan wants to tell Mu Tianhao that she missed him. She also wanted to say that she didn't have such a strong feeling.

Perhaps, before and now, less than that one thing, women's hearts will have earth shaking changes.

Although she has a job and she is very busy, sometimes missing someone is like a flood tide, you can't control it.

Xin Shanshan remembers her time with Mu Tianhao in Maldives more than once. It doesn't mean that you must be tired of doing something. Maybe it's just that the other party can be in the place where you can see. You are busy with your business. He is busy with his business. Occasionally, when two people look at each other, the warmth from the bottom of his eyes is enough People feel what happiness is.

After a pause, Mu Tianhao said, "I'm not tired. I just finished a meeting and wanted to hear your voice, so I called you."

Hearing Mu Tianhao say this, Xin Shanshan is a little embarrassed and can only say "Oh".

Mu Tianhao said again: "when you go out to do activities, you should keep people by your side. Besides, Wu Meili has been asked to follow all your activities recently. Don't worry about her. I have explained all of them. Whatever you do, don't leave yourself aloneXin Shanshan knows that she was suddenly missing and drugged last time. Otherwise, Wu Meili would not follow her all the time. You know, for a long time, Wu Meili has not followed her. However, since she returned to work from Maldives, it seems that Wu Meili will go with her every time.

Now I want to come, and most of them were specially explained by Mu Tianhao.

No wonder Wu Meili has been busy with a lot of things recently, and even Mu Qing's important thing to find her has come to mind today.

"I know." "I don't think I need to worry about that last time. After all, if the girl wants to hurt me, she has a lot of opportunities. If she doesn't, she doesn't mean she doesn't want to hurt me. I think there's nothing wrong with that."

Mu Tianhao said, "well, but you'd better be careful."

Some things, Mu Tianhao and Wu Meili don't want to let Xin Shanshan know so clearly.

Last time Xin Shanshan was kidnapped, Mu Tianhao of course will go to check, who is the owner of the car, Mu Tianhao will check it out.

There is a copy of the information about mi Jinger from small to big.

The last time mi Jinger caught Xin Shanshan, she didn't do any dirty things except to prescribe medicine. It was not because she didn't want to, but because she had been educated since childhood. Many vicious ways were not that she couldn't do it, but she disdained them.

This is that MI Jinger has just arrived in China, and she does not know many things, but it does not mean that Xin Shanshan is safe.

In particular, the feelings of MI jing'er to Tong Yan, Xin Shanshan, can be said to be the most wanted to die by Mi jing'er at present, none of them.

How can Mu Tianhao not worry about such a situation.

How does mi jing'er know Xin Shanshan? Mu Tianhao thinks it has a lot to do with Tong Yan's public confession of the last film award.

However, Wu Meili found another interesting thing, that is, brother Jianting.

Obviously, brother Jianting knew that something was going to happen to Simpson that day, so he followed her from the beginning to the end, saying that there would be a scandal.

What brother Jianting didn't expect was that the so-called scandal was that Xin Shanshan was kidnapped. He had a bad conscience and informed Wu Meili.

After taking Mu Tianhao's 100000 yuan, Wu Meili talks about it. However, he doesn't know who the informer is. Jia Tao has done a good job.

He didn't get in touch with brother Jianting. Instead, he passed it on to other paparazzi through the grapevine. Everyone had his own goal. Brother Jianting's target was Xin Shanshan. The news naturally spread to brother Jianting.

There are many twists and turns in this scene. Tian Hao and Wu Meili seldom agree. They are not willing to tell Xin Shanshan that they know.

It's better for her to know so much than to think that some crazy fan did it.

Mu Tianhao was busy again, so he hung up the phone.

Xin Shanshan is holding her mobile phone for a while.

She thought about it and called Feng nuoyuan again, but Feng didn't answer.

At this time, Wu Meili came out. Seeing her on the phone, she said casually: "you have been calling Mu Qing for a long time."

Xin Shanshan said: "where, I'm calling Feng nuoyuan. Feng nuoyuan doesn't answer the phone."

"What do you want him for." Wu Meili immediately became alert.

Xin Shanshan gave Wu Meili a white look: "what kind of eyes do you have. I called Feng nuoyuan because Mu Qing asked me and him to go to his house these two days. It seems that there is something very important

"Mu Qing asked you to go to his house. When. " Wu Meili asked again.

Xin Shanshan shrugged: "find Feng nuoyuan, when we are both free."

"Emotion Mu Qing is still a homestead man, has not changed at all." Wu Meili chuckled: "by the way, I just communicated with the producer of" true love first "and said that you are willing to take over the role of this film, and the other party wants to publish the role list. Do you have any objection?"

Xin Shanshan was surprised: "so fast. No stills yet. What's the announcement? "

Wu Meili said: "you forget that true love is a best-selling novel. You haven't read the original novel yet. Here..."

Wu Meili said and threw a book over: "go back tonight and have a good look. What you saw just now is the script. The script is relatively flat. I have read the original book. The author's writing is still good. It has artistic conception. The script can't be expressed. It depends on you to act it. But the foil in the novel is in place, including the inner feelings of the female owner."

She put the books away.

Wu Meili sighed: "I also asked the other party why she wanted to publish the list of leading actors. One of the most important reasons is that since" true love is supreme "is going to be adapted into a movie, many fans are not quite able to accept it. We have listed many actresses who can play the heroine, including you, but..."

Xin Shanshan eyebrow a horizontal: "but what."

"The number of votes is not too high." Wu Meili said directly: "many fans think you look like It's too magical to fit the image of a woman. What's more, you have few modern dramas. Just a Roland is a super fashionable one. It's like a girl with a story. By the way, the photos you've been commented on online are still the stills of "I'm love.". I have read the novelWu Meili shook her head: "it's really too far away. You are good at acting. Don't ruin the most perfect role in my heart. "

Xin Shanshan glared at Wu Meili, lowered her head and began to send messages to Feng nuoyuan: there. Don't play dead for me. Don't answer the phone. Come back.

After a while, Feng nuoyuan's message was sent: elder sister, what's the matter with you.

Who is the eldest sister? You are the eldest sister. Your whole family is elder sister.

When will you be free. Mu Qing asked us to go to his house. You forgot. You promised at the film awards last time.

Feng nuoyuan then remembered: Oh. Yes, it is. OK, you are busier than me now. You can say when you want.

The day after tomorrow, the afternoon after tomorrow. What are you busy with? Do not answer the phone.

Feng nuoyuan only returned two words and there was no sound: drag racing.

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