When Feng nuoyuan saw the arrival of Mu Tianhao, he stopped talking.

Xin Shanshan looks back at Mu Tianhao. He seems to be a little thinner, even his skin is quite black. From the original honey skin, he has become the wheat skin color that most male star pictorials deliberately pursue.

He was wearing a white linen slim fitting shirt, and his woolen coat was on his arm. Maybe it was because of the hot weather on the plane. Even when he was out of the airport, he didn't put his coat on. Even when he got out of the airport, he even rolled the sleeves of his shirt on his elbow, revealing a strong arm with a Patek Philippe wrist watch on his wrist.

Simple and charming man.

Feng nuoyuan looked at Xin Shanshan almost with his eyes fixed on Mu Tianhao for a moment. He couldn't help but joked: "Oh, is this the rhythm that is not seen in a day like three autumn. You don't have to stare all the time without blinking. There's a panting man sitting next to you. "

Xinshanshan has no good temper white Feng nuoyuan a look, want to say what, but after all or to suppress down.

Instead, Mu Tianhao, sitting in the back, said, "go and help me put my luggage in the trunk."

Feng nuoyuan of course knows that Mu Tianhao is talking about himself, not himself. It's hard to say that Mu Tianhao is talking about Xin Shanshan.

"Why didn't you just let it go." Feng nuoyuan retorted, but still obediently get out of the car, quickly put Mu Tianhao's trunk into the trunk, and immediately got on the bus.

After all, it is the airport parking lot, and Feng nuoyuan is also afraid of causing unnecessary disturbance.

Starting the car, Feng nuoyuan asked, "where to go?"

"Villa Xishan." Mu Tianhao explained.

As a result, the Star Feng nuoyuan was taken for granted as a driver.

Feng nuoyuan seems to know where the villa is. He drives the car directly without Mu Tianhao's explanation.

Xin Shanshan has been sitting in the co pilot's seat. Mu Tianhao doesn't make any noise for a long time. She can't help but look back. Mu Tianhao is quietly leaning on the back seat and seems to be asleep.

Feng nuoyuan seems to have discovered this, and I don't know when he has turned off the car music.

Different from the two people who chattered and talked incessantly, on the way back to the villa, Feng nuoyuan and Xin Shanshan, who had tacit understanding, did not speak.

When Feng nuoyuan stopped the car steadily in the villa courtyard, just after the engine was turned off, Mu Tianhao opened his eyes: "remember to help me with my luggage."

Obviously, this sentence is for Feng nuoyuan.

Mu Tianhao got out of the car without forgetting to open the co pilot's door for Xin Shanshan.

After xinshanshan got off the bus, Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan's hand and went directly to the villa.

Leave Feng nuoyuan alone to drag Mu Tianhao's suitcase.

Aunt Wang opened the door and saw Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan coming back together. She was not surprised at all. She said respectfully, "Mu Shao, Miss Xin."

Xin Shanshan has never lived here since Mu Tianhao left. She is still a little strange to Aunt Wang, so she smiles back.

After the two people went in, Aunt Wang was about to close the door. Feng nuoyuan came over with his luggage and a sad face: "Aunt Wang, there is me."

When Aunt Wang saw Feng nuoyuan, she opened her mouth and said, "Feng Shao Come on, give me the things. Go in and sit down. "

Feng nuoyuan directly gave the luggage to Aunt Wang and said, "I want to eat your pineapple beef."

Aunt Wang said with a smile: "good."

After Feng nuoyuan went in, he looked around for a week and sighed: "the style of soft decoration has changed a lot. Now it's very warm."

Seeing that she was sitting on the sofa alone like a guest, he leaned over and said, "why do you look so polite. This is your home. "

"How do you know," she said

Feng Nuo compared with the surrounding: "look at the decoration. What about Mu Tianhao. "

"I'm going to take a bath," she pointed to the upstairs

Feng nuoyuan nodded and began to say to Xin Shanshan, "if I were you, I would come here every day, you know. You don't even eat the same food as Auntie Wang

"Ha ha..." "Even if I live here, I can't eat the rice cooked by Aunt Wang. Wu Meili has explained that, except for special circumstances, everything follows my usual diet structure."

She didn't forget that Aunt Wang didn't give her a perfect breakfast the next day after her first night sleeping here. She also cooked eggs with skimmed milk and water, just as Wu Meili asked. She could eat them everywhere.

Feng nuoyuan tut two: "your family Wu Meili is really omnipresent."

Aunt Wang put away the luggage for mu Tianhao and went to the kitchen to cook.

When Feng nuoyuan heard the sound, he had already thrown Xin Shanshan aside.

After running all morning, she sat down to find hot water on the table and poured herself a glass.Mu Tianhao took a bath and saw that Xin Shanshan was drinking water.

When she saw him, she asked, "do you drink water?"

Mu Tianhao nods with a smile and walks towards xinshanshan.

Xin Shanshan put down her cup and was about to pour it to Mu Tianhao

Mu Tianhao directly picked up the cup she had just used, and there was still half a cup of water left by her in the cup. His lips fell on the place where she had just dropped her lips and drank the half cup of water.

"Ah..." Simpson gave a cry and didn't say anything in the end.

After drinking water, Mu Tianhao sat down on the sofa beside Xin Shanshan. He didn't see feng nuoyuan, so he asked, "did Feng nuoyuan run to see Aunt Wang cook?"

Xinshanshan nodded. She asked Mu Tianhao, "if you are tired, go to sleep for a while. I'll call you when the meal is ready."

Mu Tianhao shook his head: "no, come here and show you something."

Xinshanshan thought of the gift that Feng nuoyuan said when she was in the car. She looked at Mu Tianhao suspiciously.

Mu Tianhao got up from the sofa, took Xin Shanshan's hand, and walked directly upstairs.

"You haven't lived here since I left."

Although it is an interrogative sentence, Mu Tianhao's tone is very affirmative.

Xin Shanshan nodded: "work is busy, not rest, run here too far."

Mu Tianhao didn't say anything.

The villa is very big. Mu Tianhao didn't explain it. Aunt Wang naturally prepared separate bedrooms for two people.

Mu Tianhao is also very aware of this, and directly takes Xin Shanshan to her bedroom.

The suitcase was left intact. Because Mu Tianhao didn't say it, Aunt Wang didn't move it.

Bending down, squatting down, Mu Tianhao opens the trunk and takes out a small black velvet bag.

"The Middle East doesn't have much fun either. If it looks ok, I'll leave it to Xiaohua." Mu Tianhao handed it to Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan took the bag in her hand. She didn't feel how heavy it was, and the weight was still very small. She shook the bag. There was a small sound inside. She raised her head and opened her eyes. She asked Mu Tianhao, "what is it?"

"Look for yourself." Mu Tianhao said with a smile: "pour it out and have a look."

"Pour it out."

After looking around, she naturally sat down on the bed and turned her bag upside down.

A handful of small stones were scattered on the sheets.

The particles are very small and the color is very single.

She thought it was some beautiful pebbles or crystal stones.

"What is this. It is said that the Middle East is full of gold. If there is no gold, you can't fool me with these broken stones. " Xin Shanshan looked at Mu Tianhao, discontented.

Mu Tianhao said, "look carefully."

Xin Shanshan took a moment at random. The edges and corners of the stone were very sharp. She could not see it. She pinched it on her fingertips and looked at it through the light. It seemed that she really felt different: "it's quite like a gem."

If you look at the light like this, the stone is very transparent.

Looking at them one by one, Xin Shanshan did find something different. All of a sudden, she found that these stones were more and more beautiful. She didn't know whether it was the refraction or how. The light was very different.

"I think these are good." Mu Tianhao helped xinshanshan pick out a few.

It was the first time that she saw these things. She couldn't help but look at them and compared the two scattered on the bed.

Then, Xin Shanshan heard Mu Tianhao say: "I was very busy when I was in the Middle East. When I bought these goods or went to inspect the raw material factory, I saw that this batch of goods was good on the whole. The person in charge picked the best among them, and I was too lazy to choose them. I brought them back to you."

For the first time, she heard that gemstones can be purchased in batches: "these raw stones are not as expensive as finished stones. How much is it? "

Don't say that she's vulgar. She needs to raise money now.

I can't help it. She's short of confidence now. She doesn't have a lot of money. She doesn't have a lot of money in her name. She doesn't have much money in her savings. She doesn't have much change in Wu Meili's account.

Originally, she was more confident. After all, she had five million private assets.

But now, the five million private possession has also been given to Mu Qing.

To put it bluntly, she's a pauper now.

Mu Tianhao gently told her: "our own factory."

Xin Shanshan is in a sweat. She has never thought that the arc of Mu Tianhao's industrial chain is so long.

"By the way, what do you call these stones? Are they sapphires that will be seen in China?" She asked, holding the stone in her hand."Palaiba, in China, is called palaiba tourmaline." Mu Tianhao reached out and picked out a good color. He took a light look under the lamp. His movements were very light, but his eyesight was excellent. The selected heads were very similar.

However, Xin Shanshan was startled. At the moment, she gave a cry. She picked up a stone and shone at the light. This guy is the prototype of tourmaline.

But it's different from those tourmalines she's seen.

She remembered that all the tourmaline on the counter was colorful, like glass beads. It could also be called a tourmaline.

But no matter what, as long as it's a tourmaline, it won't be too cheap, and there are big and small

Mu Tianhao gave it to her like a glass ball.

She couldn't help looking at his side face.

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