So far, there are four films that Simpson has shown

She became popular and won the best rookie award of that year's Film Awards

His acting skills are just beginning to show up and win the film queen in one fell swoop

She has the courage to challenge herself and doesn't mind the image of the screen. She has broken the box office of three consecutive films she has participated in, becoming the box office guarantee among the new generation of actors

A Venetian Film Festival trophy nominated the Golden Lion for best actress. Although it did not win, it became one of the most recognized actresses in the performing arts.

This achievement is undoubtedly dazzling and proud for a female star who has been popular for only two years. If there were people who kept saying that Xin Shanshan relied on Mu Tianhao and hugged Mu Tianhao's thigh to survive in the entertainment industry, then they would be silent now.

Even now, some voices have begun to say that Mu Tianhao is so smart and discerning that he has found Xin Shanshan as a magic weapon to make money, which makes several films he has invested in earn a lot of money.

Of course, some media think that she has taken a shortcut, and her first film will be able to act in the film made by Zhang Musheng, the "film expert". She is destined to work less for two to three years or even longer than other actors. Some stars who have been acting for a lifetime may not necessarily be favored by directors of Zhang Musheng's level.

However, the discord between her and Xin Shanshan has been no longer difficult since the beginning. On the contrary, she will have a black face because of her mentioning. Such a change in the relationship between the two people is also dramatic.

However, everyone is also very clear, now in a blink of an eye, whether she is popular or well-known, she is no less than a famous woman.

What's more, everyone knows that Xin Shanshan's backer is mu Tianhao. Judging from Mu Tianhao's attitude towards Xin Shanshan, even if Xin Shanshan becomes famous one day, she doesn't want to act. It's very possible to marry Mu Tianhao and become Mu's little grandmother at one fell swoop.

If it comes to that day, let alone fame, even if it is to take out the identity of the famous woman, she is not worth the reputation of the little grandmother of the Mu family.

Is it fair.

It's not fair at all, but this is the status quo of the entertainment industry.

Even, it's the status quo of the whole society.

Although the box office of "outlet" can't compare with other films starred by Simpson, it has exceeded 20 million in half a month. This is definitely something to celebrate.

What's more, because of her "way out", she got more than that.

For a moment, all the stars on the microblog and all the MI Fen Si were talking about "the way out.".

They're all praising Simpson.

And it was at this time that a trumpet on the microblog, who claimed to have run for the role of Xiaoxiao at the beginning, kept saying: when Tian Yuan was selecting the role of Xiaoxiao, she was publicly selected, and she was not appointed to play it at all. When she auditioned, she didn't get the approval of Director Tian Yuan, but later I didn't know Tao used what method, Tian Yuan director just used Xin Shanshan.

What's more, during the shooting period, she always played big names. You can see that the current films are not her real acting skills. Films can be edited later. Only those who have been cut off or have seen her perform in the crew will know what her real level is.

This microblog was nothing, and it was just a text narration, with no pictures and no truth at all.

If you put it in the past, it may not be able to stir up a bit of spray.

But there is no way out. Now the "way out" is hot, and the other party directly takes the acting skills of Simpson as an example.

Immediately let many recognized entertainment media reprint, even on Tencent Entertainment headlines.

Xiao Mo is the one who knows how hard Xin Shanshan suffered when shooting "way out". The five catties of boiled white meat and the faltering kneeling show are all really eaten and kneeling out by Xin Shanshan.

As soon as this micro blog came out, Xin Shanshan didn't think about it, so Xiao Mo exploded first.

Since last time Xin Shanshan told Xiao Mo that she must scold and win, Xiao Mo has never been soft on all kinds of black xinshanshan's voice on the Internet.

Immediately began to scold under the microblog.

Wu Meili doesn't care about these things at all, which is also a matter.

I didn't expect that the trumpet of Xiao Mo's swearing was turned out by the other party, and he also released the ID of Xiao Mo Gong and Xiao Hao, which was the same ID.

The other side spoke on the microblog again: ha ha, a goddess was obviously dissatisfied with the truth, so she asked her assistant to scold me under my microblog. If what I said was not true, why should the other party be so guilty.

As soon as this remark was made and the evidence was published, it aroused the attention of many parties.

For a moment, the black and black people of xinshanshan jumped out again.

I used to think singing could be fake singing, but I didn't expect acting could be fake.

Ha ha, how much water is there in the so-called movie queen and the so-called acting school.

Depending on the hidden rules of women, or to rely on your fake face to eat, don't shy face to say what depends on strength.Who said that they had no acting skills. At least people can play the role of adoring others.

Maybe Mu Shao is also an actor.

Mujia young grandmother, I ha ha You can marry if you want.

Hehe, what assistant of xinshanshan said that we are heiheihei, so she is the biggest senior black around her.

Headlines like this fill the web all at once.

Even xinshanshan's mi Fen Si also came forward to blame Xiao Mo for adding trouble to xinshanshan.

Xiao Mo felt that he was too stupid. He didn't expect to give Xin Shanshan a breath. Instead, he became a senior black of xinshanshan.

Facing Xin Shanshan, Xiao Mo almost cried: "I'm sorry, sister Shanshan, all blame me, I didn't tell you, I scolded them, implicated you, but I just can't bear to see someone so black you, other movies are also OK, but you suffered so much when shooting" way out ", you were one by one. Even Director Tian said that it's very rare for you to be so old. They don't know anything. Why do you say that? "

With that, Xiao Mo really cried.

Xinshanshan quickly brought little Mora over: "why, as for it. Xiao Mo, don't blame yourself. If you want me to scold you, it's OK. Now I'll scold you back. See who's talking about you. "

Wu Meili couldn't help rolling her eyes. But when she saw that Xin Shanshan really took her mobile phone to send a micro blog, her eyes almost didn't stare out. She snatched Xin Shanshan's mobile phone.

"Neither of you has a brain, do you? What does such a boring person do with her?" Wu Meili said, "it's news. Let them make a noise. People outside the industry say that, no one in the industry knows that a good performance is a good performance, and the works speak. If it's not good, let them cut it for me. You can also win the golden lion by cutting out the film. The judges of the golden lion are all in their heads, aren't they. After this kind of sound you one two don't see, that is to jump beam clown. You can hop. "

Xinshanshan spat out her tongue and took Xiao Mo: "OK, don't cry. I didn't say you again. We didn't pay attention to her. By the way, where do you want to play recently. I have several jobs on hand now. I can pick up the work where you want to play. How about Hong Kong. Didn't you say you didn't have time to shop last time. Let's shoot pictorial this time. We'll stay two more days. You can buy whatever you like. Anyway, I make more money and you smoke more. "

Xiao Mo cried more fiercely after listening to Xin Shanshan's words.

How nice she is. She follows her side every day. It's not that she hasn't seen how other stars embarrass her assistant. She has been with her for so long, and she has never let her go all the way around to buy coffee. When she goes out, everyone takes their own things. Sometimes she goes shopping. She takes more than she does.

But I did such a stupid thing today.

Maybe it's because there's no sound at all, so the other side is more arrogant.

Even began to micro blog claims that they have more Xin Shanshan's small material, overnight even rose meter points innumerable.

Obviously, it's going to turn into a farce.

Even Chen Jing couldn't help mentioning when she was in the meeting the next day: "although this matter is not a big deal, we don't say anything all the time. In the end, it has a certain impact on Xin Shanshan."

This kind of development is also Wu Meili did not think of. Frankly speaking, she did not do a good job in public relations in this crisis.

Chen Jing said: "let's let Tian guide stand up and say something for Xin Shanshan."

Wu Meili shook her head: "it's too late at this time. It's ok if Tian Dao comes out to clarify for Xin Shanshan at the first time. Now, we have to use Mu Shao to suppress people."

Chen Jing frowned: "I checked this last night. This person was originally asked by Director Tian to play Xiaoxiao. At that time, she did not play herself. She found Xin Shanshan here. At this time, she looked at Xin Shanshan because the film was recognized. Besides, Ding Lei and Meng Lu both went up a new level because of the film. She was not angry, so she registered We've got a trumpet to Hei Simpson. Otherwise, expose her. "

Wu Meili said: "exposure does not necessarily admit that she can bite back. Moreover, she did not give Xin Shanshan to wash off the hat of acting."

These two people are saying, with a mobile phone small Mo suddenly called out: "sister Wu brush micro blog."

Wu Meili quickly picked up her mobile phone and began to watch.

On the microblog, a person named "I'm Bai Fumei" posted a micro blog, saying: those idiots who said that Xin Shanshan acted as a "way out" through the back door, please look at this video and talk again.

By the way, I also sent her to xinshanshan and her studio, and attached: Shanshan, I'm sorry, I promised you not to post online, but I broke my promise today.

The content of the video is exactly what she did during her audition.

The shooting angle of the other side is very good, and it is very complete, including what Tian Yuan said to Xin Shanshan later.As for those who have long brains, Tian Yuan said those words completely mean that she immediately used Xin Shanshan after watching her audition. It was only because she had become famous at that time, and Tian Yuan could not afford to pay her for her film, so she did not have enough confidence to use Xin Shanshan.

This time, as soon as the video came out, it was called a frying pan on the Internet.

I didn't expect the auditions were so good.

My Xiaoxiao, my poor Xiaoxiao.

Black out.

Shanshan is the best.

When Wu Meili looks at the video, she remembers the little girl she met when she was auditioning.

Chen Jing picked her eyebrows and said, "it seems that we don't have to do anything."

Wu Meili sighed: "sometimes, I really agree with what Xin Shanshan said a long time ago How kind you are to the world, then the world will be kind to you. "

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