Zheng Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and even said, "don't worry. After the haircut, we've asked a master barber to help you get a new haircut!"

Xinshanshan smile: "it's OK, as long as it conforms to the role setting, then I'll go to prepare first."

Zheng Wei waved her hand and let Xin Shanshan pass.

When xinshanshan stood up and turned around, she heard Zheng Wei ask the little girl, "Xiao Ru, what do you think of the performance just now?"

"Good." The little girl said lightly.

Zheng Wei was obviously relieved.

Wait for Xin Shanshan to walk past, small Mo quickly handed hot water: "Shan Shan elder sister, what does the director look for you to say?"

"It's nothing. It's about drama," she said! Ah, Mo, what's the name of the author? "

Xiao Mo shook his head: "only know her pen name is Liuguang, others, don't say me, assistant director don't know!"

Xin Shanshan smiles. Xiao Mo says that she doesn't know. It is estimated that she really doesn't know. However, she can see that even Zheng Wei has to shoot for her. It can be seen that she is not only as simple as the original author of the film, but also asks her what she has done? It's hard not to succeed, because if their performance is not the same as what the little girl wrote at that time, they would all have changed people and started over again?

But these are not the things she cares about. Soon, she started shooting again.

Han Tongsheng and Ou Dongyang are in position, and Xin Shanshan is still here in the restaurant.

First of all, we shot Han Tongsheng and Ou Dongyang.

With the sound of

"Ah, MIMO Don't you... "

With a pair of scissors in his hand, MIMO cut off his waist length hair!

A few minutes before she began to play, she sat down in the dining room to read the script. This is her real haircut. She doesn't want to have her hair cut. This one hasn't been done yet. She has to do it again. Can it be beautiful?

Fortunately, the photographer is very professional, and Simpson's performance is also very good, there is no problem at all.

The play continues

"Blame me! It's DNA from her hair before I recognized her

Obviously, MIMO's action is to let them take their own hair to test it!

Her hands are also holding scissors, black hair scattered on the tiles, scattered shocking!


Finally, MI Jing'an gives a heartbreaking roar, which shakes MIMO and stops her.

Mi Jing'an's confidential secretary rushed to grab the scissors in her hand, which was originally quite long hair, she was cheap, one side long and one short, uneven.

"MIMO! Listen to me. Now whether you recognize it or not, half of your body is my blood. I can't deny that I'm your father

Mi Jing'an's temper came up and stared at her angrily: "go! Let your uncle Wang take you to clean up your hair. "

"No MIMO is still stubborn.

Mi Jingan is more angry and just about to speak

Do not know when also follow to Xu Wennan voice way: "Uncle MI, I take her to go."


Zheng weilue called out excitedly: "good! Very good

Simpson was relieved. She wanted to look behind the monitor to see what she had just shot.

While standing on one side, Xiao Mo thought that Xin Shanshan was playing from the beginning to the end, but she did not expect that she really cut her hair. When she came down, Xiao Mo almost screamed!

"Sister Shanshan How can you make me... " Xiao Mo stares at Xin Shanshan's hair, and she almost wants to cry without tears.

Even Miran looked sideways: "you're too hard for it!"

At this time, Mo Ke just put on her make-up. When she saw Xin Shanshan, she immediately began to tease: "Oh, what do you mean? So good hair cut for the filming? "

Moke's going alone for the next shot.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zheng Wei called Xin Shanshan to the past.

"Shanshan, did you read the script? I wonder, can you keep this hair for two days Zheng Wei also knows how important image is to female stars. Many female stars are willing to wear wigs or move their hair.

When Zheng Wei said this, Xin Shanshan already understood what it meant. She read the script, in which Xu Wennan took MIMO to cut her hair. It was at this time that she met Bai ran and heard the three words baihexiao!

Xin Shanshan knows Zheng Wei's meaning. He wants to find a hairdresser and cut her hair by the way when filming. In fact, sometimes things that don't show up in the film must be so real. However, the effect of real and fake photos will be better. In any case, it's all like this. Now she has her hair fixed and her hair has been cut by the way It doesn't make any difference.

"Yes She agreed very happily.

But now it was too uneven to look at. She took a rubber band from Miran and tied up her hair.Zheng Wei felt that his demands were too much. However, Xin Shanshan agreed very happily. When he chose the role of MIMO, he actually had several candidates in reserve, including them!

Even Xiao Ru thinks that she can better express the hidden noble spirit of MIMO. She has a complicated life experience. She was raised as a famous woman. However, compared with other ordinary celebrities, MIMO is more grounded. In other words, this is a more complicated role.

However, Zheng Wei is a filmmaker. He has indirectly cooperated with him. No matter how elegant a person she is in the face of the media, in private, her celebrity is too angry. Xiaoru's personality So, it was Zheng Wei who recommended Xin Shanshan!

Xiaoru herself is not dissatisfied with xinshanshan, so she makes do with it and agrees.

Zheng Wei knows that Xin Shanshan is dedicated to her work, but she didn't expect her cooperation degree to be so high. It seems that Tian Yuan is right.

Today, there is no part of cinshanshan. After she said goodbye to everyone, she left.

On the way, Xiao Mo received a call from Wu Meili, let xinshanshan go back to the company to discuss something.

Xiao Mo's hands are soft, and he has been reading fragmentary on the road: "it's over, sister Wu will kill me! After that, sister Wu will kill me... "

Read xinshanshan is really can't stand, a slap on the shoulder of small Mo: "don't worry, I hold it up!"

Little mo wants to cry without tears.

When she arrived at the company, because her hair was all tied in the back of her head, she was in a mess when she didn't tidy herself up. So Wu Meili didn't see it. She called Xin Shanshan in and said, "I've signed a new contract for you. It's a Korean brand of zero silicon shampoo. This brand is very good. It's very famous in South Korea, but the advertisement didn't do it Here, they have come up with a series of new products for domestic consumption. They want to find an influential star to speak for them. If they like you, I'll connect you. "


Before xinshanshan said anything, Xiao Mo called out directly.

Wu Meili glanced at Xiao Mo: "what strength do you call ghosts?"

She looked up at Xin Shanshan again: "what are you doing in a daze? I've read the contract, but you signed it! Eight million endorsements! The advertisements are all paid for. The product is really good. In fact, it has been discussed for a month. I asked for the product first. I thought it was very good. After the contract was negotiated, they sent another box. No, it's all piled up there! In a moment, you all take some back and feel it. "

Miran knocked on the corner of Wu Meili's finger, and there were two boxes. She knew that this brand was originally a niche brand used by the model. It was not expensive, but it was not cheap compared with daily chemical products. However, it was easy to use. After washing her head, she felt that her scalp was very loose and her hair was smooth. It was very good.

Xinshanshan seemed to know that she couldn't hide. She took down her hair band and said, "do they have any requirements for hair style in advertising?"

Wu Meili was stunned and looked at xinshanshan's bird's nest. She was stunned for a long time and then called out: "xinshanshan! You two goods! You pay me eight million! "

Xin Shanshan was frightened by Wu Meili's Hedong roar and shrank her neck.

Wu Meili couldn't help taking xinshanshan and immediately turned the gun head to Xiao Mo: "what are you doing to eat! I'll let you keep an eye on xinshanshan, who let you allow her to mess around! Where did she get her hair cut! It's all cut. You'd better cut it! What do you mean by biting with a dog? I'll pay him eight million for your hair cut

Xin Shanshan shrunk her neck and nervously pointed to herself: "my hair was cut by myself..."

"What!" Wu Meili stares at Xiao Mo immediately.

Xiao Mo may have been influenced by Xin Shanshan, but also afraid of Wu Meili. She quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

Wu Meili understood: "Xin Shanshan, are you stupid! Are you silly! You can cut your hair if the bullshit director asks you to do it! He wants you to die

"He didn't let me die." She replied very honestly.

Wu Meili is angry, she turns to ask Mi ran: "can you find a hairdresser to fix it, let's shoot the advertisement first?"

Miran is silent. She is not deaf. She doesn't miss what the director of the studio said to Xin Shanshan.

"I can't cut it. I have to shoot this hair," she continued

"Shoot you big head! How much do you make for a play? How much money does this advertisement make? " Wu Meili almost scolded: "Xin Shanshan, I found that I am really used to you now. Do you think that everything I do depends on you these days, you can be lawless! I tell you, you You wait

With that, Wu Meili went into her office, closed the door and called.

Xiao Mo approached Xin Shanshan and said, "well, did you say that the eight million yuan is in vain?"

Miran broke her finger: "most likely, Xin Shanshan's hair was cut. Even if she had her hair trimmed, it would not be long hair and waist. It's estimated that she would droop her shoulders! South Korea's aesthetic is dark and thick. I'm afraid it can't meet their requirementsSmall Mo blinked: "black thick, this how to listen to what hair loss shampoo advertising language ah!"

Just then, Wu Meili came out.

Three people immediately silent, the blind can see from Wu Meili's face that the eight million fly!

Wu Meili gnashed her teeth at Xin Shanshan: "Xin Shanshan, which nail clipper do you want to shoot for me and the advertisement of the recruitment website! I'll go tomorrow. If you don't make up for the eight million, I'll cut you

She nodded again and again.

So, for the next year, Simpson's fans were yelling in front of all kinds of videos with a big loudspeaker: "looking for a job!"

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