From this point of view, we can see the night scene of the mid mountain, where luxury, erosion, delicacy, Athens, romance, warmth and warmth all blend together, which is like the epitome of the whole city B.

Mu Tianhao turned his head and saw that Xin Shanshan still had big round eyes. He didn't feel sleepy at all. He held her in his arms and asked softly, "I've been busy all day, but I'm not tired?"

Xin Shanshan laughed, her eyes completed a beautiful arc: "I just slept all the way in the car, now I'm smart after taking a bath, but I'm not sleepy."

"So..." Mu Tianhao thought for a moment: "I'm not sleepy. Let's drink something."

"Now?" Xin Shanshan slightly propped up her body and looked down at Mu Tianhao. The other party was looking at him. Her dark eyes seemed to contain the most beautiful stars. She could not help but nodded and said, "OK."

Mu Tianhao gets up and doesn't forget to help Xin Shanshan press the blanket on her body when she leaves.

When he came back, Mu Tianhao had a bottle of wine in his hand.

Courvoisier Napoleon cognac, and then made a cup of tea, tea is Longjing, suddenly, the room is filled with a faint aroma of tea, and wine, these two flavors mix together -

chic, warm, how to say For such a house, add a warmth.

Mu Tianhao put the two things in front of Xin Shanshan, and went over to replace the pillow to let Xin Shanshan lean on.

"Drink and make tea You're really in a good mood today Xin Shanshan's head is in Mu Tianhao's arms. She doesn't want to think too much now. She just wants to cherish the warmth of this moment.

The warmth created by Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao picked up his eyebrows and held a delicate white porcelain teacup in one hand. He said slowly, "wine is water made by fire, and tea is water made by soil. After the test, people scatter the night lamp to make up the remnant, Tuke fire, wine disease and wine injury can be treated with a cup of green tea; if you drink too much tea, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, so you can experience the warmth of villain's view in wine. "

Xinshanshan smile gently, turn head, glance at him, rippling eyes in a kind of moist light, also do not know whether the indoor light is too warm to set off, or by Courvoisier Napoleon cognac's intensity to infection, she jokingly said: "our moshao can say such words, it is really make people feel close to the people."

Mu Tianhao heard Xin Shanshan's ridicule. He laughed, and his voice was faint: "close to the people? I am not a political person with official color. I am a businessman. I also like this kind of market life. It is noisy and bustling, but it makes people yearn for it. Because only in the marketplace, there will be this kind of unsophisticated but solid and kind living method. "

"It's just a metaphor." Simpson grinned and showed her teeth like a child.

Mu Tianhao can't help but bow his head and kiss her lip. The light and light kiss method, which is light and light, passes in a flash.

After kissing Xin Shanshan, Mu Tianhao's hand is naturally placed on the top of her hair, and his fingertips shuttle back and forth between her hair threads.

He looked out of the window.

The word she used just now Close to the people!

He couldn't help laughing.

In fact, it is not too much to use the word "close to the people" in the context of Mojia.

However, Mojia is a mu family. Mu Tianhao is mu Tianhao. Xin Shanshan doesn't know the real Mujia, but it doesn't matter. He just needs to let her know a real Mu Tianhao.

But Xin Shanshan didn't speak any more. She just sat in Mu Tianhao's arms and listened to him.

She likes the way he talks now, green and slow, with a trace of ridicule and unruly, but it can give people a feeling of infinite tenderness.

She also likes Mu Tianhao, who can blend the essence of Chinese and Western culture together. He is very quiet, like a warm and shining sun. He is quite different from him in ordinary days.

How to describe it?

It's like his usual appearance in the company. You seldom see him smile. Even when there are only two of them, as long as he is doing something, Mu Tianhao can almost ignore all the people and things around him.

But at that time, Xin Shanshan appreciated Mu Tianhao. Why? Perhaps really should be such a saying, serious men are the most attractive.

However, if he is not in the working state, Mu Tianhao is very unruly, just like his wanton and provocative state in private. He really looks like a shameless rascal! But, you really can't take him, can't you? Because, you can't refuse such a man.

Sometimes, Xin Shanshan can't help but think that Mu Tianhao can take charge of such a huge business empire, and "Liuguang international" is just the most insignificant industry in his whole Mu family.

But even so, "Liuguang international" still seems to be at the top of the entertainment industry.

The leader of the Mu group What a proud identity.

And Mu Tianhao What a beautiful man!

How can such a man refuse?Mu Tianhao could feel the quiet of the man in his arms. He took a sip of tea and then said:

"if you want to drink wine heavily, you can only drink it once or twice. You can't trust your life with wine and flesh friends. If you want to drink new tea, you should not be too sober. What happened in the past should be let go. You don't have to chew it repeatedly. High wine, can be rare indulgence, you can pick stars from the sky, you can go down to the sea to explore the moon. Deep tea, can have tears in the face of the flow of quiet, can wantonly enjoy a feeling It's called loneliness... "

At this time, Xin Shanshan turned her head to see Mu Tianhao, Courvoisier, Napoleon cognac and the smoke curling Longjing were not moved. The smell in the air was very unique. The man's eyes were very deep. What I said just now was

Xin Shanshan turned around and let herself lie on the sofa. Her upper body was lying in Mu Tianhao's arms. She said softly, "it's enemies. Tea and wine are enemies. It's not that enemies don't get together, so you say tea and wine don't separate, it's enemies. "

Mu Tianhao's eyes are bright.

Xin Shanshan suddenly turned to her side, took the delicate bottle of Courvoisier Napoleon cognac, slowly poured the liquid inside into the tea made by Mu Tianhao, and then took the white porcelain cup and handed it to her lips.

Mu Tianhao looks at her and wants to stop her, but he doesn't, or doesn't know how to go.

She drank the liquid from the glass She didn't know what it was like to mix these two very different liquids together, but now she's addicted to the taste.

It's not tea, it's not wine, it's a feeling that makes people shudder.

What's more, Xin Shanshan knows that maybe at a certain moment, Mu Tianhao will be sitting here. There will be a person or only him around him. Looking at the tea and wine in front of him, he says that if you listen to her life, she can do better.

The other is to let oneself indulge

However, these are not.

Now, it is she who lives here. There are her own bedrooms and Mu Tianhao's separate bedrooms. Here is the house that Mu Tianhao gave her. It can be said that this is the home that Mu Tianhao gave her.

At first, she was not without worry.

She made so many plays, it is not unknown that all the people who have cooperated with her will first evaluate her with two words: dedication.

Then there's hard work, aura, born actors.

In any industry, it can't be said that talent is unimportant, but talent may only occupy 30% at most, and the remaining 70% are hard won.

Everyone commented on her acting skills. How many people knew that when she got the script and confirmed that she would act in this play, she had already started to study the script and recite her lines.

What will be filmed tomorrow? One night, what she will fall asleep with will definitely be the lines of the play to be shot tomorrow.

Therefore, many people will be surprised that Xin Shanshan is young in the end and has a good memory. Basically, they don't need to read the inscription.

The reason why she tried to recite her lines was that she was afraid that she would often ng because she forgot her lines.

Is she good at acting? She didn't go to a professional performance major. She didn't know what the academic school called this or that kind of performance method. What she had was just the experience she had accumulated during her three-year career. Her teachers were all the good actors she had ever seen. When she was still a small role, they played it. They didn't know who she was, and she watched it Yes.

She moved dozens of times, every time, every place, she would take back one of her own discs. At that time, she had money to buy these things besides eating, drinking and sleeping. She had to buy authentic films. She could watch a good movie ten times and twenty times on the small TV in the rental house, from the beginning to the plot, then to the meaning, finally The body falls into every actor's action, expression, tone, expression

She tried, really hard, but she still failed.

Mu Tianhao's appearance makes her success seem so easy for outsiders.

Xin Shanshan has not heard the voice of doubt. Some people will say behind her back that since she has found such a big supporter, who is still trying so hard to show it to? Just to make a good reputation, say she's polite, do you know how to advance or retreat?

She really wanted to tell them, it's not like this, it's not like this.

Because, she is also afraid

The so-called patron is when people are willing to let you rely on them, but when they are not willing to do so?

Yes, Xin Shanshan is not too worried about Mu Tianhao's feelings for herself. She will be afraid that such an excellent man will leave her when she no longer loves herself or meets a woman more suitable for him than her.

Xin Shanshan knows that the emotional things are really uncertain.

What can she do?

Let who first say like, let who has been committed to the other side, guarantee that it is not useful to leave?


Xin Shanshan thinks that what she can do for this relationship is that she doesn't want her first true love for each other to become a stepping stone to her success. No matter what the public thinks, no matter what Mu Tianhao thinks, she should try her best to make every film. From the beginning she wanted to win the prize, and now she is more willing to invest in her business for mu Tianhao In exchange for higher profit returnWhat's more, what she has accumulated through her efforts is her own. She doesn't want to be the woman Mu Tianhao has been supporting. What she prefers is When one day, Mu Tianhao and her feelings have to separate for various reasons, she xinshanshan is still her xinshanshan, she has her own value, she has her own ability, she will not become nothing because of the departure of a man.

On the other hand, when she wants to give up this man under certain circumstances, she will not become timid and lose herself because of these external relations.

In the moment

This is the best time for her to have a good relationship with Mu Tianhao. She can also enjoy all the wonderful feelings that this relationship brings to her.

At the moment, xinshanshan nest in Mu Tianhao's arms, she smile, clever and serious.

At the same time, she depends on her man.

That's what she thought was the best part of the relationship.

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