Xinshanshan also did not know which tendons she was. She asked her questions after holding back for such a long time.

Maybe it's that the current environment is too romantic, or maybe Mu Tianhao is too gentle to her these two days. In a word, just as Mu Tianhao was just holding her and turning around in the bathtub, Xin Shanshan felt an impulse and asked her this question.

Mu Tianhao's action stops for a moment. At the moment, because his back is facing Xin Shanshan, he can't see her face.

However, from her trembling voice, Mu Tianhao could tell that she was afraid and shy now.

This is the first time that she asked her positively whether she liked her or not. Besides, she chose such a time.

Mu Tianhao couldn't help laughing. He really wanted to knock on Xin Shanshan's head to see what she was thinking!

Is this girl a fool?

Doesn't she understand one thing?

When a man is ready to have a woman, no matter if you ask him whether he "likes" or "loves" you, the man's answer will be yes.

This itself is an eternal truth!

However, he Mu Tian Hao is not the same, his last woman does not mean like, let alone love.

But now, the woman he's facing is Simpson

"Yes." Mu Tianhao leaned forward, close to Xin Shanshan's ears, and said in a soft voice.

Of course he likes her! #@Of course, Mu Tianhao can't define whether Xin Shanshan's love is the same as what he said!

For mu Tianhao, he would like to see xinshanshan. When he saw her, he would like to hug her, kiss her and tease her. He also liked to pamper her and take her with him. He didn't mind people outside saying that she was his girlfriend. Of course, he preferred to be like this

This feeling is unprecedented for mu Tianhao, who has never been like this to any woman before.

What's more, Mu Tianhao is not an amorous person, which is quite different from Xue shaoran. In terms of his private life, Mu Tianhao can be described as clean.

If Xin Shanshan asked this question before, Mu Tianhao thought it was nothing. %&(&

but now she asks Mu Tianhao really thinks that Xin Shanshan is stupid!

The girl doesn't think about it. If he doesn't like her, how can he treat her so well? How is it possible to set such a big game of chess to let her go further on the way she wants to go?

Although, she didn't know what he did for her But usually he makes her feel so rich and free? Follow her every day and wipe her ass!

Are all women like this? Do you have to ask a question and get a positive answer?

Mu Tianhao said so, and at the same time he held Xin Shanshan closer. This sense of contentment filled Mu Tianhao.

When Xin Shanshan heard Mu Tianhao's reply, he hardly hesitated for a moment. After she asked, his answer should be blurted out.

Originally, Xin Shanshan thought that she would feel happy when she heard these two words from him. But she didn't know why. Suddenly, she felt very blocked in her heart!

Xinshanshan suddenly felt that she was ridiculous. She really had a cramp in her head to ask him whether he liked it or not.

What can I do if I ask?

I'm afraid that any man who likes it or not will get a positive answer!

She really felt that she was really stupid!

"Mu Tianhao..."

"I'm tired," she said softly

She's really tired. After soaking in water for such a long time, her whole body is exhausted and she wants to get out of the bathtub and get a good sleep on the bed.

Mu Tianhao gave a low smile, and suddenly stood up from the bathtub with her in his arms and said, "tired? Let's change places. "

"Ah..." Simpson's body suddenly emptied, which made her scream.

She's too light.

Mu Tianhao can let the woman in his arms hang on him without any effort. At the same time, he can also spare a hand to hang a towel not far away.

Xin Shanshan stares at Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao didn't speak. He picked up a bath towel and wiped them. He held her in his arms and opened the bedroom door directly.

Two or three steps to the edge of the bed, just a light toss, the whole person rolled to the bed. She half narrowed her eyes and lay there like a baby with a soft, boneless body. All over her body, there were traces left by Mu Tianhao on her body.

The next second, Mu Tianhao's whole person pressed up.

With her eyes closed, she couldn't remember what her name was and how she called it.

The only memory is that Mu Tianhao has been kissing her and asking for her all night. After several times, she was confused.……

Xin Shanshan, who opened her eyes from her lethargy, felt that her whole body was aching and powerless. It was just like she had been given yesterday and had to be installed again this morning. It was so hard!

Outside the window is chirping birds, in addition to these, it is quiet and comfortable.

She lay on the bed, half squinting her eyes and reflecting for a long time before she remembered that she had come to attend the "Chinese Charity Association" meeting yesterday, as if everyone had stayed here all night.

The memory returns completely, Xin Shanshan pats her head ceaselessly, it is really hard to die.

Today's weather should be excellent, the sun can project in through the thick curtains, and there is a faint yellow light in the room.

Xinshanshan moved for a while, only to find that her waist is also painful. She almost really struggled to get up.

She was the only one in the bedroom, and xinshanshan didn't want to know where Mu Tianhao was.

Slowly move to the bathroom, endure the pain of the whole body, simply wash and gargle for a time, a look up to see yourself in the mirror, Xin Shanshan almost scared.

His whole body was blue and purple, and his face was not very good.

The eyes are puffy and there are some signs of slight swelling in the lip.

We can see how cruel Mu Tianhao asked her to do yesterday.

She closed her eyes. She couldn't look straight into her eyes!

The most important thing is that she has to film this afternoon!

How can she get out of this room to meet people!

A new set of clothes has been prepared on the hanger in the bathroom, from the inside to the outside, and the expensive dress she wore last night was probably cleaned up like a rag by the staff!

When she put on her clothes, Xin Shanshan tidied up her sweater. It can be seen that Mu Tianhao knew that she had tossed her hair yesterday. All the clothes she sent today were high-collar ones.

When she got dressed, she took a towel and dipped it in cold water. She put it on her eyes for a long time. Then she looked at herself in the mirror. She was more or less energetic.

She opened the door of her bedroom and she heard voices outside.

Listen carefully, of course, it's Xue shaoran and them.

When she went out, she saw some of them sitting at the table. There was nothing on the table. She didn't know whether she had eaten or not.

However, she did not see Lin Wanyi.

"Where's sister Lin?" she asked

"She left first." Xue shaoran replied, "I have work in the morning."

She went to check the time. It was eleven o'clock! She's been sleeping so long!

Mu Tianhao asks Xin Shanshan to come and sit down: "the kitchen is ready. I'll be able to have dinner in a moment. I'll inform Wu Meili to come here to meet you. Your play will start at 3:00 p.m. and have a good meal. It's time."

Zhou Yifan held his mobile phone in his hand and seemed to be looking at something interesting. He looked at the mobile phone, then looked up at Xin Shanshan, and then said, "Shanshan, do you have anything you like or don't like to eat?"

Xue shaoran was happy and immediately recommended: "I tell you, the sauerkraut fish here is good, and the wild black fish is called thin. You can't even eat a thorn! Sauerkraut is from the old jar. Sichuan airlift, millet and pepper taste delicious, sour and spicy

Xin Shanshan looks at Xue shaoran suspiciously. How can he recommend dishes so warmly? Enthusiastic just like a psychopath!

Zhou Yi Fanlian said: "don't, the pickled vegetables of the sauerkraut fish are fermented. It's not good to eat fermented food! There is also a dish of west lake vinegar fish, which is sour and slightly sweet. The grass carp used for fish and vinegar are 50 years old vinegar from Shanxi. You know what fragrance is when you make it with vinegar

"The black plum soup here is good," Xue shaoran said

"Hawthorn cake is delicious, too." Zhou Yifan answers.

Xin Shanshan looked at these two people, and the more she listened to them, she was more and more upset: "why do you two recommend so many dishes to me? I'm not picky. "

Xue shaoran said: "you can't choose before!"

Zhou Yifan said: "now we can't help but choose!"


Now let alone Xin Shanshan, Jiang qianrui thinks that Xue shaoran and Zhou Yifan are a little abnormal.

But look at Mu Tianhao. He just sits there laughing and doesn't say a word.

Zhou Yifan pinched his mobile phone and suddenly approached Xin Shanshan's eyes: "because you are pregnant!"

"What!" She yelled.

Xue shaoran said, "don't you want sour food? Don't you want spicy food? Eat more fish, eat fish to fill the brain, in the end is the child of the night, don't born with you grow a pig brain

Zhou Yifan held back a smile: "what walnut, Bigan fruit, black sesame, celery fried shrimp, this protein and so on also eat more"

Jiang qianrui glanced at Zhou Yifan's mobile phone: "you can believe this kind of thing."

Xinshanshan originally wanted to seize zhouyifan's mobile phone, but she didn't, so she immediately went to find her own mobile phone with her handbag.Xue shaoran returned to Jiang qianrui: "we don't believe it. We just want to tease her."

Jiang qianrui said to Mu Tianhao, "at night, this kind of news is not very good. Don't let the family see it and believe it."

Mu Tianhao raised eyebrows: "there's nothing wrong with it. If they want to think it's true, they should simply make it come true."

As soon as this sentence came out, the three men present looked at each other.

Xue shaoran wanted to say something. Before she opened her mouth, she heard Xin Shanshan Scream: "ah..."

Zhou Yifan said, "what's wrong with her?"

"It is estimated that it was stimulated by the news," Xue said

Jiang qianrui was concerned about the meaning of Mu Tianhao's words just now. He said to Mu Tianhao, "there are rumors that even if you don't mind, I'm afraid your family will think more about it. If you hurt Xin Shanshan, it will be a little bad."

Mu Tianhao lowered his eyes and seemed to have listened to Jiang qianrui's words.

At this time, xinshanshan came out holding her hand and saying, "I'm not pregnant! I'm not pregnant

She turned around and looked at Mu Tianhao with righteous words: "Mu Tianhao, I'm not really pregnant!"

Mu Tianhao nodded: "I know."

She looked at the three of them again.

This time, the three men nodded in unison and said in the same voice: "we all know it!"

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