Wu Meili asked, "what does Lin Wanyi mean there?"

Chen Jing said: "I have just come from Lin Wanyi. Lin Wanyi doesn't seem to care about these negative news very much. She has the attitude of letting the media write what they like."

Wu Meili glared at Xin Shanshan and said, "she is now a victim in everyone's mouth, and of course she will not pay attention to this matter."

Xiao Mo said quietly: "however, there are also media that injured is sister Shanshan, and on-line Mu Shao and sister Shanshan's CP powder also scold Lin Wanyi very badly."

"So what! These are not facts. " Wu Meili immediately roared at Xiao Mo, who stopped talking.

Xin Shanshan curled her mouth and said, "I have a good relationship with Lin Wanyi. Lin Wanyi sang to me that night. She sang very well..."

In the middle of the conversation, she automatically shut up.

Wu Meili thought for a moment and said, "forget it. If Lin Wanyi doesn't dig up, we don't want to be very clear about it. If the reporter asks, there will be nothing left."

What else can I do?

Entertainment industry since ancient times, because of the so-called "one sister dispute" scandal is still less? But because see blood make so much noise can really be so once!

Wu Meili has a headache when she thinks about it. But what else can she do? Anyway, there are so many news in the entertainment industry every day. Some people take the opportunity to hype the topic. No matter the positive or negative, it's a good thing to get some news out of it. Although Xin Shanshan doesn't need to rely on this kind of negative hype to improve her exposure rate, now that things have come out, in addition to letting it go, you really pay more attention to it The more you look, the more you want to cover it up.

In the afternoon, when xinshanshan went to the production team to film, all the people saw her with one sentence: "recognize the bad luck, and stop mourning and changing!"

It seems that this matter is not a riot, everyone is very clear.

Just entered the dressing room, before she had time to change her clothes, Mo Ke came in.

I didn't see her assistant today. I guess I'll go back to have a rest.

Mo Ke handed cinshanshan a cup of hot coffee: "I'm sorry, it's all because of me. It's all about you."

Xinshanshan took the coffee in her hand and said, "sister, can we rely on some music? You see you smashed your assistant yesterday! People are also human beings. In order to earn you a few money, they are fighting with their lives! "

Mo Ke also quite mean: "I drink big, when I drink big, what don't know."

"Then you know your assistant is injured." "I've really convinced you," she said

Mo Ke said quickly, "I've already given her a raise! I didn't mean to. Well, I didn't mean to hurt you this time. "

She was really speechless.

For the next period of time, she worked in the production team every day, because it was almost the new year's day. The crew hoped that they could finish filming the winter part in the new year, and the rest would be later after the new year.

"True love first" is set to be released at the gate of the Valentine's day on Chinese Valentine's day next year, with post production and audit, as well as chaotic publicity. The time is also very urgent.

So Zheng Wei is more strict when she comes to the back. However, Xiaoru may be satisfied after watching the film taken in front of her, so she has less and less time to come to the crew.

Xinshanshan plays here in peace and contentment, but the news about her and Lin Wanyi's discord is really getting worse. It is said that the two people have basically reached a situation of incompatibility.

In particular, when Lin Wanyi attended an activity, when the media asked what happened to Lin Wanyi and Xin Shanshan, she said very coldly: "everything is written by you. What you say is what is going on."

In a word, it is the fact that they are not in harmony.

At this point, no matter what the facts are, the outside world is absolutely certain to write about Lin Wanyi and Xin Shanshan.

However, after that, she never met Lin Wanyi, even when she was in the company. She was filming every day, and Lin was very busy there. She was also shooting a TV series.

Although Xin Shanshan doesn't know why Lin Wanyi doesn't make movies, she knows that Lin Wanyi can't earn less than her. Even, according to her professional attitude, she makes more money than she does!

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, major fashion magazines are throwing out invitation letters to stars and shooting annual cover movies.

In her spare time, she also took an afternoon out to take photos.

This time, Xin Shanshan shot the top fashion magazine in China. The fashion bazaar

included the cover and the inside page, and required to shoot four models, so it took a whole afternoon.

Fashion bazaar and cinshanshan have decided on the shooting time, and they have already started to prepare.

Xinshanshan arrived on time, and Miran had already made up for her. Xiaoxue was familiar with the editor in chief of fashion bazaar. This time, she also came to pick clothes for xinshanshan.Seriously, fashion magazines want to cooperate with Simpson very much. There's no other reason. It's so easy for them. Stylists don't have to prepare themselves. They just provide a photography and a venue. What's more, the photos are of international standards. There's no way. Who can let people bring their own plug-ins!

Of course, Wu Meili is also very aware of this, so looking for Xin Shanshan to shoot the cover, the price will be slightly higher than that of other female stars of the same position.

However, even if it is expensive, there is still a market.

Xin Shanshan is famous for her cooperation in taking photos. When she got to the place, she was not ambiguous at all. She started shooting directly after she had finished her modeling. The feeling of this shooting was very good. Originally, she decided four models. Because it was still early after the shooting was completed, the editor in chief talked with Xin Shanshan to see if she could take two more groups of photos. If it was used, she would pay for it.

Anyway, it won't take long to take two more groups of photos. Xin Shanshan agreed happily.

Xu is because the chief editor hasn't seen Xiaoxue for a long time, and the two people talk too attentively. Until Xin Shanshan finishes shooting, the editor in chief still has a feeling that she still has something to do. She wants to invite Xin Shanshan to have dinner with them in the evening. By the way, she wants to ask Xin Shanshan if she can't borrow Miran for two days. She won't be short of money.

To put it bluntly, I also want to go Xiaoxue.

Just after the words of inviting a meal were said, Xin Shanshan had not said that she would not go. The assistant of the chief editor ran over in a panic and said a few words to the editor in chief's ear.

The chief editor's face immediately changed. She waved away her assistant, piled up a smiling face, and said in embarrassment, "Shanshan, I'm sorry, I just said I wanted to invite you to dinner in the evening, but now..."

Xinshanshan began to wonder how she changed her attitude 180 degrees as soon as she turned around, but soon she understood.

A man came in at the entrance of the studio. He was a slender man with a pair of sexy legs wrapped in tights. He was wearing a neutral white cotton shirt with two loose necklines, which made people daydream.

The man wore extremely exaggerated sunglasses and called her a small face particularly delicate. Xu is sensing the sight of Shen Qingqing. The man turns his head and looks at Xin Shanshan, and a faint smile rises from the corner of his mouth.

The editor in chief was sweating over her head and looked at Xin Shanshan's face at a loss. What should I do? I was so excited that she forgot about Lin Wanyi's visit to take an interview. Now she has no energy to scold her secretary for her stupidity. She is racking her brains to find a way out. She will not offend Xin Shanshan or offend Lin Wanyi, let alone let them meet in a narrow way and cause a big explosion To send Xin Shanshan away safely, and to arrange Lin Wanyi properly.

But before she had time to come up with a solution, Xin Shanshan bypassed the editor in chief and walked gracefully to Lin Wanyi, who also put her hands on her chest, and she had the posture of fighting.

"What to do?" The chief editor was so anxious that the top of her head was about to smoke. She asked Xiaoxue for help.

The last time the two did not agree with each other in KTV, and Lin Wanyi admitted their current hostile relationship in public. Moreover, since the last time the two people broke the news of the start-up, they have never met again. Unexpectedly, the first time the two people met was actually in their own place.

Xiao Xue originally wanted to tell the editor in chief that "it's OK at all." but when she saw the chief editor's anxious appearance, she didn't say a word. What's more, she looked at Xin Shanshan and Lin Wanyi. How could she really be a little wrong!

"Sister Lin..." She just said two words

Lin Wanyi said, "it turns out that our first sister in charge of Liuguang international is here?"

Xin Shanshan was stunned for a moment, but she soon saw that Lin Wanyi took off her sunglasses and blinked at her at the same time.

In an instant, Xin Shanshan knew that she immediately put on a mean and sour look: "sister Lin, this is to admit that I am the first elder sister of the family? As long as I admit it, I'm a company. Even if I'm outside, I have to pretend to be intimate. Let's see what we're both looking like in front of outsiders. "

Lin Wanyi slowly put away her sunglasses: "I'm not good at pretending to be such a thing, don't you say, movie queen?"

"You're not good at it. How did you get it?" Xin Shanshan immediately scoffed back: "right? After that, they will be re elected for two terms! "

Lin Wanyi stepped forward. She was not as tall as xinshanshan, but she could still be a queen when she stood in front of her. Their faces were close to each other. Lin lowered her voice, and her voice did not show her usual gentleness: "what? Have you been busy filming recently? It's not moistened by Mu Shao. Look at how old you are. The corners of your eyes have dry lines. The powder is not so unconventional. I have to trouble the magazine to make the photos look like in the later stage. "

Xin Shanshan winked at Lin Wanyi: "at my age, at most, it's just dry lines. If you don't find a man to moisten them at your age, you will become wrinkled. I call you sister Lin not because of the company you are more advanced than me, but because You are old! Respect the old and love the young, I still know it! "

Two people, you a knife, I a sword, on the spot sarcasm.

Mi ran and Xiao mo were stunned at the beginning, and then they almost couldn't help laughing.Xiaoxue naturally saw the code of the scene after the movie. She patted the editor in chief on the shoulder and said, "what? Today, this is on your head. No one can help you."

The editor's face is like Shi.

The two women's aura is too strong, no one around dare to step forward.

Xin Shanshan slightly lowered her head and said to Lin Wanyi in a very low voice, "have a meal together in a moment?"

Lin Wanyi nodded her head slightly.

After she got the answer, she shook her head with pride and passed by Lin Wanyi and left directly!

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