When the car drove to the downstairs of xinshanshan's house and stopped smoothly, she went to pick up the seat belt. When she wanted to push the door out of the car, she saw Mu Tianhao still sitting there motionless.

"You're not going up?" Without any coyness, she naturally asked.

Mu Tian Hao slants head, Mou son crystal bright looking at Xin Shan Shan: "do you want me to go up?"

Xinshanshan blinked: "you can't fall in love with it. I'm going to film early tomorrow morning."

"I know." Mu Tianhao touched Xin Shanshan's head: "it's too late today. I'm going to go up. You don't have a good sleep and have an early rest."

That's it?

Xin Shanshan shrugged her shoulders, put her hand in the door lock and was about to push it away

Mu Tianhao's arm suddenly caught her neck and pulled her back. Without waiting for Xin Shanshan to react, his lips were directly attached to her lips.

His unique male fragrance mixed with pure male breath rushed to xinshanshan, almost instantly drowning her breath. Her aggressive tongue ran in like a crafty snake and plundered her everywhere, making her almost unable to resist.

Xin Shanshan felt dizzy. The collision between her tongue and tongue seemed to have caused sparks, which slowly spread all over her body.

But it's just that, how can Mu Tianhao be satisfied? He reaches out and picks up Xin Shanshan. Almost effortlessly, he puts her from the co pilot's position to his leg.

It turned out that Mu Tianhao had already adjusted his seat to the last and placed it as a reclining figure. As a result, Xin Shanshan sat on his lap and didn't feel any crowding in the car.

"You've lost weight these two days, and you've lost a lot of weight." Mu Tianhao let Xin Shanshan lie in his arms.

Xin Shanshan's ears are placed in Mu Tianhao's heart. His heart beats steadily and forcefully. It seems that she wants to jump out of her chest. Leaning against Mu Tianhao, she feels uneasy: "no, maybe I've caught up with the filming recently. I didn't diet on purpose. Sometimes I can have lunch with the crew at noon. Naturally speaking, I'm thin."

However, even Wu Meili has said that she will obviously lose weight as long as she is a little busy recently, and her weight will drop a little faster than before. It seems that this situation has been going on since mi Jinger kidnapped her last time. If you go to do exercise and eat healthy, you will lose weight faster than before!

Mu Tianhao listened to Xin Shanshan's words and couldn't help laughing: "listen to the meaning as if he had been miserable."

"No way!" Xin Shanshan opened her eyes and raised her head slightly to Mu Tianhao: "my life now is not much better than before."

"Before..." Mu Tianhao heard Xin Shanshan tell him about her childhood: "your adoptive father still has no news?"

Listen to Mu Tianhao mention this, Xin Shanshan's eyes obviously dim down, she shook her head: "No."

"Worried?" Mu Tianhao asked again.

At this time, she laughed and said, "I'm not worried! You don't know him. He's a good man who can live his life anywhere

Mu Tianhao chuckled, as if with a little disdain in it: "throw all the debts to you alone, run without a trace, such a man, can even make himself live well outside."

Xin Shanshan fiercely sat up straight, looked at Mu Tianhao with righteous words and said, "my father is not such a person! At that time, he was forced to. What's more, those people would not do anything to me. They just wanted money. If my father didn't leave, they would kill him half his life! And I was lucky, met Wu Meili, and soon paid off the money. Wu Meili is my noble

Mu Tianhao doesn't agree with xinshanshan, but he also knows that it is Xin Shanshan's adoptive father in any case. In this matter, he is very clever and does not argue with Xin Shanshan.

"So, you are very willing to listen to Wu Meili." Mu Tianhao touched Xin Shanshan's head.

"Wu Xinshan is really good for Meili."

"Not really. You think I'll let her stay with you." Mu Tian Hao said with a smile.

Xin Shanshan gave Mu Tianhao a white eye, then sighed and said, "in fact, I came to you not only to have a meal, but to fight with each other. In fact, I also want to be popular. I want to be popular no matter where you go, on TV, in the cinema, on the posters of buses on the street and on the billboards of subway stations."

Mu Tianhao said, "you want your adoptive father to see you."

Xin Shanshan laughed: "yes, he left so quickly. When I was in the most difficult time, I didn't sell our rotten house when I was starving to death, because I was afraid that he would not be able to find his home when he came back. Later, I thought, no matter where he is, if I know I'm red and I don't lack money now, I can make him live a good life, then he will come back

Mu Tianhao looked at Xin Shanshan: "although I know you don't like to hear it, I still want to say that as a father, he throws his debt to his underage daughter. From any angle, he is not a qualified father."Xin Shanshan also knew Mu Tianhao's meaning. She nodded: "maybe, you see him like this. However, he loves me very much and treats me as his own daughter. He is a good father."

"You know that he is not your own father, why do you have to bear all the problems he left behind?" Mu Tianhao is puzzled. Although he knows that Xin Shanshan's heart is a very simple and direct person, he doesn't think xinshanshan is a fool. On the contrary, he knows that xinshanshan is actually very smart.

Because, under the threat, she can stay in the entertainment industry for such a long time, and relying on her appearance, she never accepts the hidden rules, and even keeps herself. She never loses herself because of the temptation of this circle and the hardship of life. This is a kind of wisdom in itself.

Xin Shanshan said to Mu Tianhao with a smile, "because he gave me a home."

Mu Tianhao was a little stunned.

It was the first time that he saw such an expression on her face. It was gentle, quiet and yearning.

Like a little girl, her eyes twinkle with innocent eyes.

Slowly, Mu Tianhao hugged Xin Shanshan and pressed her in his chest, very tight.

Xin Shanshan was very quiet at this time, and allowed Mu Tianhao to hold her like this. Neither of them spoke.

Quiet and narrow car space, they can hear each other's heartbeat, it seems, gradually integrated together.


Early in the morning, she arrived at the shooting site.

Today's shooting is on location, in Jietai Temple.

When Xin Shanshan passed by, the director was already preparing. She quickly got on the bus to change clothes and make up.

Today's play is a big one. It's in Jietai Temple in the morning and a sanatorium in the suburbs in the afternoon.

When she changed her clothes, she was reading the script.

This scene is about MIMO going to Jietai Temple to offer incense. In the yard, he meets a Buddhist monk, Fu Fu and a little boy. The little boy is reciting a poem, and the master is telling her the meaning of the poem.

When MIMO stands by and listens, she feels like a father to MI Jian'an. Immediately she leaves Jietai Temple and wants to go to sanatorium to see her father. However, when MIMO finally realizes her dependence on MI Jianan's biological father and her unfilial behavior, MI Jianan has been arrested because of misappropriating military posture.

The play of Jietai Temple is not the most important one. The most important one is the sanatorium scene. Zheng Wei means that the emotion of these two plays is progressive. If they are filmed together, it plays an important role in the emotional control of the actors. Frankly speaking, this play is still very important for Xin Shanshan. Zheng Wei hopes that Xin Shanshan can make good use of her emotions and strive to make these two plays available today Finished.

Simpson nodded, but she said nothing.

Sometimes, things are so strange. Yesterday, she was still talking with Mu Tianhao about her adoptive father. Today, she is going to perform such a play.

All departments are ready. Zheng Yisheng starts shooting, and Xin Shanshan appears in the camera.

Today's weather is very good, even if the camera is bathed in such warm sunshine, it is still cold.

Without a line, every joint of her body seems to reveal her rejection of this familiar and strange city.

It's like a word by Lin Xi: closed doors and windows, cold walls, repressed dreams, no image. To the street, there is no fixed direction, looking back on both sides of the image, dark front. It's like the desert, the grey moonlight. To hide under the road, like dust.

She walked alone among the tourists in twos and threes. In the wind, it was a chant of Sanskrit. Looking up, is the jade glazed tiles, a piece of falling down, covering the winter of the sun.

Walking in the secluded ancient temple in the mountains, there are Wolong pines with different shapes lying outside the temple, a copper incense burner in the early Qing Dynasty, sprinkled with sandalwood of concentration and tranquility. The smoke is swirling and rising slowly.

This kind of artistic conception, let MIMO inexplicably calm, calm to make people can't help but tears.

On the thousand Buddha Pavilion of Jietai Temple, there is a thousand year old incense carving Maitreya Buddha. This is an open-air Giant Buddha, which often receives the light of the sun and the moon and absorbs the spirit of heaven and earth.

The place where MIMO stands is quite far from the Buddha, but the sun shines on her.

In front of him, the big monk was sitting, but he was very angry.

The child did not know where Zheng Wei was from. Although he was chubby, he was very beautiful and young, but he should be four years old. It's as if your lips are white and your skin is red!

Especially the child's eyes, a little age, but no matter how you look at it, the boy has a pair of very attractive eyes. Now one of the eyes of this child is eager to let people drown among them. When he grows up, he is still good!

When she didn't shoot the film just now, she saw it from a distance and wanted to say a few words. However, the child seemed to be well protected. She was accompanied by two adults, a middle-aged man, dressed in simple clothes, but with a strong body. She knew that she was not ordinary.The boy began to recite the poem: "in March, the flowers fall more open, and the swallow flies in every day. At midnight, he cries blood. If you don't believe the east wind, you can't come."

The pronunciation is clear and the voice is crisp and beautiful.

The old Zen Master explained to the child, "some time can be recycled, just like spring goes away and spring comes again. The sun can rise again after sunset. But some time, even if you know that it is always there, we should cherish the rules, cry blood in the middle of the night, do not believe that the east wind can not call. Do you understand? "

There's Simpson standing there. She seems to be playing MIMO, and she seems to be herself.

Sometimes, even if you know it is always there, you can cherish it Her father, where is he now? Did he know that he could come back and never have to run.

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