Mu Tianhao obviously didn't expect Wu Meili to be here. However, he didn't show any surprise. He took a subconscious look at the closed bedroom door, nodded slightly and turned to close the door.

Wu Meili stood there a little embarrassed. She didn't know where to put her hands.

"Is Simpson asleep?" Mu Tianhao went to the bar and poured himself a cup of hot water. His voice was very quiet. At night, everything around him was quiet.

Wu Meili nodded and explained in a soft voice, "today's play was a bit hard. I went to the crew. After work, Shanshan was a little tired. I stayed with her."

Mu Tianhao is drinking water. He doesn't make a sound. He puts down his glass and starts to take off his coat.

Seeing this, Wu Meili said, "you are here. I'll go back first."

"Wait a minute." Mu Tianhao casually put his coat on the back of the chair, raised his head and called out Wu Meili. He reached out, pointed out the position of the sofa, motioned for Wu Meili to sit down, and then said, "I have a few words to say to you."

Wu Meili nodded and sat down obediently.

Mu Tianhao doesn't get close to Wu Meili. He grabs a chair nearby and sits down. He tells Wu Meili that Xin Shanshan is going to Columbia University.

Wu Meili listened carefully and silently counted the time. Then she said, "Mu Shao means that after Shanshan comes back from her study, will she not be allowed in the entertainment circle?"

Mu Tianhao shook his head: "I don't have any special requirements for her. I just think it's good to learn more. If she wants to continue in this business, I won't stop her. "

Wu Meili answered and said, "it's good to arrange for a little."

Mu Tianhao pondered for a moment and said slowly, "have you ever seen Xin Shanshan's adoptive father?"

Wu Meili's heart is tight. She doesn't look at Mu Tianhao's eyes. She just shakes her head. #@$&

Mu Tianhao's eyes have been staring at Wu Meili all the time. Seeing Wu Meili shaking her head, he doesn't agree. He just says, "Wu Meili, you should be clear about Xin Shanshan's dependence and emotion on you. I don't care what you want from xinshanshan. Today I want to tell you that benefits can be given to you. But emotionally, I don't want to hurt Susan from you

When Wu Meili heard Mu Tianhao say this, she laughed. She was very calm: "if Mu Shao is worried about this, mu Shaoda can rest assured. In this case, I should have told you first. Interest, I and Shanshan work together can bring the biggest return to the investment of moshao. As for the relationship between you and Shanshan, I'm afraid none of us can come to a conclusion, but I don't want Shanshan to be hurt in any way. "

Mu Tianhao also laughed: "it seems that, to some extent, we have reached a consensus."

"I think so." Wu Meili echoed.

Mu Tianhao looked at Wu Meili and continued, "do you know why I let you stay with Xin Shanshan all the time?" %&(&

Wu Meili did not speak.

Of course, she knew that Mu Tianhao didn't keep her because of the additional conditions that Xin Shanshan said when she signed up for Liuguang international.

"First of all, you are a smart person. Although you have no experience of leading a famous artist, you have not spent a short time in this field. You also know the hidden rules of this industry. Experience and ability are not important. With your intelligence, you should be able to adapt quickly. The facts prove that I have not misread this point." Mu Tianhao stopped for a moment and continued: "the most important thing is that you are really good for Xin Shanshan. Although you seem to care about the interests of others, I know that you won't let her do anything that has an essential impact on Xin Shanshan. I think most of the reasons why she has been able to stay in this business for such a long time before is mostly because she has been able to do so for a long time It's up to you. "

Wu Meili lowered her head and whispered, "I'm flattered. Shanshan herself is a very independent person. She depends on me again, but she doesn't have a long brain."

Mu Tianhao laughed: "I know that. Wu Meili, I don't care who you think xinshanshan is in your heart. I just hope you can do one thing and never do anything to hurt xinshanshan. Otherwise, I will let you know what repentance is. "

Wu Meili took a deep breath: "don't worry, Mu Shao. I also hope that Shanshan meets a good man this time."

Mu Tianhao did not speak, but made a gesture of invitation to Wu Meili.

Wu Meili knew she could go.

She got up from the sofa, nodded goodbye to Mu Tianhao and left silently.

Mu Tianhao watched Wu Meili close the door. After a long time, he took back his eyes and went to the bedroom.

The light in the bedroom was dim, and she was sleeping steadily. There was a warm fragrance in the whole room.

Mu Tianhao lightens his steps and lies down beside Xin Shanshan.

In her sleep, xinshanshan seemed to have a feeling and naturally hugged the people next to her.

Mu Tianhao hugs Xin Shanshan more tightly.

When Wu Meili drove home, it was more than one o'clock in the middle of the night.She still lives in this old community. Although her current savings are enough for her to buy a large house in the best part of B city, she still lives here. The pattern of her home is still the same as before and has not been redecorated. On such a cold day, there is no floor heating, and she relies on the central heating radiator.

Although it was not comfortable there, it was still warm and sultry.

Wu Meili took off her cotton padded clothes and fell into the sofa. On the TV cabinet, there was a picture frame.

In the frame is Wu Meili when she was a child. She was held high above her head by a man, riding on his neck like a horse.

Wu Meili lies on the sofa and stares at the people in the picture. Her tears slowly blur her eyes.


The next morning, when she opened her eyes, she smelled the smell of fried eggs and toast in the kitchen.

Wu Meili is making breakfast for her?

Fried eggs for breakfast!

Xinshanshan turned over excited and got out of bed barefoot. When she saw Mu Tianhao in the kitchen, she was stunned.

When Mu Tianhao heard the voice, he turned back to see Xin Shanshan and said, "what are you doing? Go wash your face, brush your teeth, and get ready for breakfast. Just now Xiao Mo called you and said that he would pick you up in 40 minutes and go to the studio. "

Xin Shanshan nodded and asked, "what about Wu Meili? She was here when I fell asleep yesterday

Mu Tianhao didn't say so much to Xin Shanshan, but said, "Wu Meili saw me coming and she went back."

After thinking for a while, she didn't feel anything. She turned around and was ready to wash.

Just when Mu Tianhao came out with a plate, he looked down and said, "wait a minute."

"Ah?" Cinshan looks back.

Mu Tianhao put the plate on the table, went to Xin Shanshan's side, dragged down the slippers on her feet and squatted down. Her warm palm held Xin Shanshan's ankle and asked her to put on her slippers: "it's cold. Don't run around without shoes."

Xin Shanshan's face turned red. Tian Hao spat out her tongue and ran to the bathroom with her warm slippers on her feet.

After washing up, the two sat together for breakfast.

It's sunny and warm today, and she hasn't enjoyed such a morning for a long time, fried eggs, toast, coffee, and vegetable salad.

"Was it tiring to film yesterday?" Mu Tianhao is drinking coffee and looks at Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan's hand was stiff when she was holding toast. However, she recovered quickly. She shook her head with a feigned ease: "no, it's just that I'm in a hurry. It's two or three places."

Mu Tianhao naturally saw it, but he didn't break it. He just laughed and said, "eat more that morning and have strength."

Xin Shanshan also laughed: "I shoot, not physical work, you said as if I was ready to go to the construction site to move bricks."

"I came back last night to see you asleep. I was tired." Mu Tianhao said so.

Xinshanshan wrinkled her nose: "filming is like this, but you gave me a big cake, tired also don't feel tired."

"Pancake?" Mu Tianhao doubts.

Xin Shanshan's eyes widened: "yes, didn't you say that I have to study for three months after finishing my contract? You think, in a foreign country, no one knows me, and I'm not a big star. I go to class on time every day, after class, eat and sleep. What's a good life like this? Therefore, I am very energetic every day, just want to finish my work quickly and go on holiday. "

"I want you to study." Mu Tianhao reluctantly reiterated.

"I know, study is vacation, vacation is study," she said

Mu Tianhao is too lazy to correct Xin Shanshan. She can do whatever she wants.

When they finished their breakfast, they arrived.

She got up and left.

When Mo saw the dishes on the table, he immediately started to clean them up. Mu Tianhao stopped him: "you and Shanshan go to the studio, and I'll clean them up here."

Xin Shanshan has long been used to it. When she cooked instant noodles for mu Tianhao, Mu Tianhao washed the dishes, but he didn't feel anything. She waved to Mu Tianhao and left.

Small Mo saw this scene, the whole person is not good, all the way dizzy with Xin Shanshan on the car, did not return to God.

Xin Shanshan waved in front of Xiao Mo: "Hey, what do you think? It's just like being in a bad mood

Xiao Mo immediately said to Xin Shanshan, "am I evil? I think Mu Shao is in your evil! Mu Shao! That's Mu Shao! Sister Shanshan, you come out to work, you let Mu Shao wash dishes for you at home?! I'm also drunk with this painting style, OK? "

Xin Shanshan is covered with black lines: "can't Mu Tianhao wash dishes?"

Xiao Mo firmly said: "no! Who is mu Shao? When you go out to enter the company, you should be a young master who will bring coffee when you raise your hand, drive your car when you lift your feet, and hand over toilet paper when you take off your pants! You actually let your gold master, our big boss, the admirable Mu Shao of ten thousand people stay in your kitchen to wash dishes?! Simpson, you're so happy that you're disgusting! "Xin Shanshan looked at Xiao Mo and said weakly, "how do I feel that the Mu Shao you mentioned is not like Mu Tianhao..."

Xiao Mo glared at Xin Shanshan: "who can you be like like like mooshao? Like you

Xin Shanshan quickly waved her hand: "it's definitely not like me. I think the kind of person you mentioned looks like a disabled person!"

Second Olympics! If you take off your pants, someone will hand over toilet paper! It's not disabled. Who's so retarded? You've got to be served!

Don't vomit blood!

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