"Er..." Xin Shanshan's throat moved and squeezed out a single byte. Then she gave a formal smile and said, "thank you."

Zhang Shuangli is a very funny person. An old man who looks very gentlemanly has no difference with young people in terms of mentality and life.

He praised both xinshanshan and Moke for their dress today. In addition to knowing xinshanshan, he also knew about Moke. He also recommended a designer who was not well-known in China. He thought that Moco's style was very suitable for his clothes. He also gave Moco a business card, and Mo Ke took it down respectfully.

Zhang Shuangli and most of the people present were friends. They also had an amateur drama club, which played rehearsal plays in private, but it was not released. Zhang Shuangli invited Xin Shanshan to join in if he was interested. It was just a ticket.

Of course, she can't get it. How much can she learn if she can act on the same stage with these old actors!

Bazaar night officially begins. The first act of course is charity activities, and she will naturally participate in it.

When the charity activity is over, it's almost nine o'clock. I can't help it. The host invited today is really talkative.

She slipped out of the meeting on the excuse of going to the bathroom.

This is the meeting place of the Mu family. Mu Tianhao certainly knows where he is waiting for Xin Shanshan.

When Xin Shanshan trotted out in the wind on her high heels, she saw Mu Tianhao at the end of the flower sea.

Yuppie's suit, military boots, Oxford plaid shirt, outside is dark blue light down jacket, hair slightly disorderly blocked his forehead, only a pair of deep eyes, lips with a smile, looking at the woman running towards him from the sea of flowers, his woman.

The blue tassels were floating in the wind all over her body, as if to blend with the Delphinium behind her.

Even without paintings, his woman, in the sea of flowers, still looks like an elf.

Therefore, when Xin Shanshan ran to Mu Tianhao, he naturally hugged the woman.

"Cold?" Mu Tianhao lowers his head and kisses Xin Shanshan's cold forehead.

Xinshanshan some sentimentally put her arms around Mu Tianhao's waist and nestled in his arms. She shook her head.

"Get in the car." Mu Tianhao still let go of Xin Shanshan. He touched her hand, which was cold.

The wind is strong at night, and the leaves are falling. He is the only dancer in the world.

With the warm air in the car, she adjusted her cashmere shawl and wrapped herself up. Her body temperature gradually warmed up.

More probably, since getting on the bus, Mu Tianhao has not separated her hand, and his palm has always been warm.

"How about inside?" Mu Tianhao asked casually.

Xinshanshan shook her head: "it's OK, the venue is still quite beautiful."

"Do you like Delphinium?" Mu Tianhao asked with a smile.

Xin Shanshan looked back at Mu Tianhao: "are those blue flowers Delphinium? I thought it was lavender. "

Mu Tianhao smiles.

"Where are we going?" she asked

Mu Tianhao's head deviated for a moment and said softly, "go home."

"Good." Simpson also laughed. Indeed, there is no place more comfortable than home now.

The car is not driving fast. The city is very busy. After walking for a while, the traffic jam begins. There's no way. Who wants to celebrate the festival today!

Even through the window, she could hear the voice of Merry Christmas all over the street.

The car is moving slowly in the traffic. Xinshanshan doesn't ask Mu Tianhao what they want to do after they go back. For Xin Shanshan, it is the best happiness for two people to get rid of their own work on such a festival night, even if they stay in the room, watch a movie or a Book, then lie down side by side, turn off the lights and sleep.

Indeed, because she and Mu Tianhao are so busy recently that they hardly have time to meet.

Originally, Mu Tianhao planned to take Xin Shanshan out to have a good time tonight, but it was delayed because of a lot of things. Moreover, he still had something to show Xin Shanshan. He thought going home was the best choice.

Finally, the car climbed up the elevated, One-77 such a fast sports car is no longer like a turtle trapped in the traffic.

It was very quiet all the way. There was no CD music in the car today, but the radio.

A radio station is broadcasting the news of the fashion Basha Basha night. Now it's Carnival. It seems that she can feel the false excitement of the scene through the radio waves.

Mu Tianhao seems to be listening, and then he looks at Xin Shanshan: "do you feel bored sometimes?"

"Tired?" Xin Shanshan doesn't quite understand Mu Tianhao's meaning.

Mu Tianhao said: "listen to these people. Most of the people who can make a living in the entertainment industry have one thing in common. They like to gather under the spotlight. They like to be lively, boastful, fancy clothes, parties, and their vanity. Even if some people are not born to like it, but in order to get along well, They have connections, and they have to live like this. However, in this most should enjoy the pursuit of you, but ran out. I wonder if you sometimes find this life tiresome. "Xin Shanshan blinked and looked at Mu Tianhao: "are you afraid that I will give up my job? Mu Shao, we have a contract. Five years! I signed the deed of sale for five years

Mu Tianhao laughed: "I know, I don't mean that."

"Of course I know what you mean. Mu Tianhao, it seems that we have attended many public occasions together, such as tonight's banquet and so on. If you ask me whether I like such an occasion or not, it will compare with what. Compared with the past, I always want to come in, even if I wear a Shanzhai dress, even if it's just a red carpet, I'll try my best! But today, I prefer to go home with you and watch movies in the sofa. Because I know that all the things I have now are given to me by you. I like it or not, I'm tired and not tired. In this field, it's a luxury idea, but because of you, I can be so extravagant. "

After listening to Xin Shanshan's words, Mu Tianhao forgot to make any expression. After a moment, he said, "if I remember correctly, today is Christmas Eve, not Thanksgiving."

Xin Shanshan winked at Mu Tianhao. She said with a smile, "what expression was on your face just now? Moved? "

Mu Tianhao suddenly put down the steering wheel, and the car was on the viaduct and stopped at the side of the road.

"Mu Tianhao, you are crazy!" "You can't park on the viaduct," she cried

But mu Tianhao's hand has been put on Xin Shanshan's shoulder, and the other one, directly around her waist, makes her face to himself: "I know, but I really want to kiss you now."

It's the most beautiful voice she's ever heard.

The light in his eyes was so soft that he could drown people in it!

Who can refuse?!

After a moment, she also laughed. She looked into the man's eyes and asked, "do you want me to say 'ready, up'

Mu Tianhao smiles and lowers his head to approach me However, when she was about to get close to Simpson's lips, Ting was no longer.

"What's the matter?" Xin Shanshan's breath sweeps Mu Tianhao's lips.


Mu Tianhao's "Qi" has not been said, Xin Shanshan's lips smile ha ha pasted up.

Four lips, all soft without casting.

Four lips, all warm.

Mu Tianhao is really a man who will always surprise her. No matter what aspect, life, enjoyment And, of course, there was this intimacy.

I don't know why. Now, just sticking to his lips like this, she has a kind of expectation Gently rub, brush the feeling Her heart, cluttered for a moment It's wonderful.

Between them, of course, there is no lack of kissing.

But this is a new feeling, dependent on "Fit" is just the right fit.

Xin Shanshan rubbed Mu Tianhao's lips as if she were sentimentally attached to her, and let him quietly support her waist, allowing himself to pass on the beauty.

She seems to be addicted to the same, but suddenly Mu Tianhao retracts the tip of his tongue again. Hehe, like a naughty child, he deliberately hide, xinshanshan smile on hook his tongue, but also so lingering slide.

Mu Tianhao felt Xin Shanshan's attachment. He was really bad. He gave her such a slip and ran.

Cinshan's tongue is tight on her waist, and she's clinging to her

Mu Tianhao's hand is tight with Xin Shanshan. However, it is like appeasement, indulgence and indulgence. He doesn't retreat or shrink. He entangles with her, satisfies her, dotes on her, and devotes himself to her Indulge in

This kiss, not fierce, but surprisingly impressive!

For the first time, she felt what it was called glue like paint!

The tenderness crawls between the lips.

Like water.

Like fire.

Warm and warm depend on each other.

Lingering entanglement.

Wonderful, into the heart, into the soul.

In the past, people used to use "Poppy" to describe what was addicted to.

After a little distance, Xin Shanshan has been looking at Mu Tianhao's red lips. She thinks she can be tacky. She says it's a pair of lips with poppy smell She laughed.

Now, I'm afraid that both of them have forgotten that they are still on the viaduct, but in their ears, it is because these two greasy people suddenly want a kiss and are blocked by traffic.

Of course, some people want to come down and have a look at what can make such a luxury car stop on the side of the road unscrupulously. However, the car is so good that you can't see anything from the outside. You can only see two figures, overlapping and separating.

The guy outside the car watched for a long time before he realized what he was doing inside!


How capricious!

It's blocked on the viaduct because these two people want to have a fight!

When she came back to her senses, she heard the sound of trumpets almost like the sky shaking outside. She looked back and said, "traffic jam, Mu Tianhao!"Mu Tianhao didn't worry at all and started the car slowly.

Xin Shanshan looked back again: "Mu Tianhao, the police are coming!"

"Sit down!" As soon as Mu Tianhao's voice fell, the car flew out like the streamer in the sky.

The fierce acceleration made Xin Shanshan's heart suddenly mention her throat. After she got used to the speed, she calmed down and joked with Mu Tianhao: "you are afraid of the police! Are you afraid of giving you a ticket? "

Mu Tianhao holds the steering wheel with one hand and Xin Shanshan's hand in the other hand. He says, "there are tickets. I just don't want to waste such a good festival in the police station."

"Who let you park on the viaduct?" Simpson muttered

Mu Tianhao laughed: "because at that time I just wanted to kiss you well."

Sweet talk, all women like, really no exception!

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