After all, Feng nuoyuan is not a fool. After all, he looks at the two people lying in bed in the room, and then looks at Mu Tianhao's actions that are close to yellow Feng nuoyuan suddenly realized: Oh, my God Adultery! The legendary scene of adultery is like this!

Originally, Xin Shanshan was still in a daze. Feng nuoyuan suddenly howled in such a voice, and she suddenly woke up.

Feng nuoyuan was scolded by Mu Tianhao. He also knew that he had broken a good deed, so he wanted to get out of the way.

But he was not afraid to die. After closing the door, he called out again: "that, Shanshan, your agent is here, waiting for you downstairs. Aunt Wang ignored people and didn't dare to call you, so I came up."

"Feng nuoyuan!" Mu Tianhao's roar comes again.

Feng nuoyuan jumps away.

In the cup, she opened a pair of eyes, reacted for three seconds, and quickly turned over.

"What are you doing?" Mu Tianhao pinches Xin Shanshan's wrist to stop her from turning over and getting out of bed.

Xin Shanshan grabbed her hair and said, "Wu Meili is already downstairs. Today, I'm going to finish my part. I can't be late. There's a last play."

Mu Tianhao glared angrily at Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan did not have the energy to fall in love with Mu Tianhao in the same bed, so she turned around and kissed Mu Tianhao's forehead and said, "I can't help it. Wu Meili has been telling Zheng Wei that I'm busy and busy. Mu Qing's TV series has been prepared, so I'd like to join the group to start it. It took a long time for me to finish my play until I finished shooting it a year ago The Spring Festival is early, and there are still more than ten days to celebrate the new year. Time really can't wait for others. "

With that, he took out his hand and went to the bathroom.

Mu Tianhao lies in bed, listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom. He is very depressed.

Looking for a girlfriend who can put work above anything is really depressing!

Half an hour later, Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan go downstairs together.

Feng nuoyuan is like an old man. He sits in the dining room to eat breakfast. He doesn't have the consciousness of others.

On the other hand, Wu Meili and his wife sat solemnly on the sofa in the living room without moving a cup of hot tea in front of them. They were really nervous.

When Mu Tianhao passed by, Aunt Wang gave him his breakfast, while Xin Shanshan only had a cup of skimmed milk, a pile of vinegar mixed lettuce and a boiled chicken protein.

I can't help it. Last night, she ate plain noodles. Today, she must strictly control her diet. Even the most abundant breakfast can't be reduced any more!

When Mu Tianhao took up his coffee, he gave Feng nuoyuan a cold glance: "when did you come?"

Xin Shanshan was confused at this time. Yes, why is Feng nuoyuan here.

Feng nuoyuan also knew that he had just broken Mu Tianhao. He said pitifully: "yesterday Christmas Eve, I was alone in my apartment, listening to the noise outside, lonely, lonely, cold and hungry. These bad emotions swept over me like a tide. I didn't find a place where there were people. Would I suffer from depression Are you sick? "

Not to mention Mu Tianhao's disbelief, even Xin Shanshan felt that her goose bumps had fallen all over the floor.

"Christmas Eve in the past year didn't make you so lonely and cold!" Mu Tianhao pointed out mercilessly.

Feng nuoyuan heard this look more sad: "in the past year's safety night light is a notice I can't finish, where the lonely cold."

When she mentioned this, she was a little sad.

Indeed, like yesterday's fashion bazaar Basha night, if Feng nuoyuan was still before, how could he not have his share.

Thinking of this, Xin Shanshan said in a hurry: "in fact, there was nothing lively outside yesterday. You don't have to feel abandoned."

"Shanshan is the best for me." Feng nuoyuan immediately gave Xin Shanshan a smile.

Mu Tianhao snorted coldly: "you ya just want to come to eat! Have you managed your weight recently? Don't be accused of being too fat by fans when you come back, and let you give someone a God. "

Feng nuoyuan stares: "I did not retire, which comeback!"

Xin Shanshan has been looking at the time. She is afraid that it will be too late. She has no time to fight with Mu Tianhao and Feng nuoyuan. After a hasty breakfast, she gets up and is ready to go.

I didn't expect that Feng nuoyuan had breakfast three times, five times and two times. He followed Xin Shanshan's buttocks: "I'll go to the studio with you."

"What are you going to do?" she asked

"Visiting, of course." Feng nuoyuan took it for granted.

Xinshanshan is covered with black lines. She subconsciously goes to see Wu Meili and wants to ask her opinions.

Wu Meili didn't say anything. Xin Shanshan knew it and said, "OK."

Before leaving, Xin Shanshan forgot to say goodbye to Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao sits here and watches Feng nuoyuan go out to work with Xin Shanshan in a swagger. However, he just gets Wu Meili's "goodbye to Mu Shao", and there is no more. Suddenly, Mu Tianhao's heart suddenly rises an indescribable feeling, as if abandoned.On the way to the set.

Xinshanshan looked at Feng nuoyuan strangely: "how did you suddenly come to my house yesterday?"

"You have Aunt Wang in your family." Feng nuoyuan said that, xinshanshan better understand the feelings of this is greedy.

"Then why are you following me to the studio today?" she asked

Feng nuoyuan ticked his lips: "of course, it's baihexiao. You said in your message that he's so good and progress is so fast. I don't know if my future comeback is good or not."

Xin Shanshan swung her fist and hit Feng nuoyuan on the shoulder: "nonsense, you haven't retired. Where did you come back. What's more, Huo Yuhua's performance is not as good as you

"Which one"

mentioned this, Feng nuoyuan was more interested.

Xin Shanshan bared her teeth: "it's just that you don't want to face"

sitting in the back row, Mo couldn't help laughing.

Feng nuoyuan did not face, simply ignored Xin Shanshan.

When she got to the crew, she was not late at all. There were a lot of actors in the play, including Huo Yuhua, Zhong Yunfeng, Ou Dongyang, and Mo Ke.

The play is not the final line, but it is a big one.

The location is in the Golden Hall of city B hotel.

Usually, it is impossible for this hall to be set up outside. It is always opened only when visiting international dignitaries. I don't know where Zheng Wei came from. He can actually use it to make movies.

However, today's people are really quite complete, and the original author who has not appeared for a long time has also come.

Of course, when Xin Shanshan appeared, there was still a commotion. The reason for this was not that she was accompanied by a Feng nuoyuan.

There has been no news of Feng nuoyuan in this circle for a long time. Of course, it does not mean that there is no rumor. Many people say that Feng nuoyuan is no longer ready to mix in this field and wants to go abroad. Moreover, he is suspected to have met Feng nuoyuan abroad and has been with his foreign male friend.

Some people say that Feng nuoyuan has been dumped by his foreign boyfriend since his downfall. He wanders in the gay bar every day to drown his sorrows by drinking. In any case, it is more negative.

But today, when I saw him face-to-face, he was still a male god. A classic blue cattle trousers, a smoky gray shirt, and a black jacket on the outside. A pair of sunglasses were put on his handsome face. The hot sunglasses were just like this. He dressed up as usual and blinded the eyes of these ignorant people every minute!

As soon as Feng nuoyuan appeared, he lost some color to some actors who had been dressed up.

And the whole process, Feng nuoyuan is a cool face, closely followed by Xin Shanshan, silent.

When Feng Xinshan and others were ready to change their clothes, they went to the waiting room.

Leave a group of people to whisper.

In the lounge, Xin Shanshan asked Miran to make up while waiting for Xiaoxue to deliver her dress today. By the way, she was chatting with Feng nuoyuan: "what did you do with a straight face just now? Smile and say hello to everyone. You can die!"

Feng nuoyuan cocked his legs and, like a second master, hung his sunglasses in the middle of his nose, disdained to say, "I didn't look up to me at the beginning, but now I'm willing to make advances? I'm not that cheap

"What are you doing with me? Don't say it's to see Huo Yuhua's white crane Xiao. You're not so weak! " She sniffed.

Feng Nuo sat up and approached Xin Shanshan: "you're right. I'm so weak today!"

Xinshanshan white Feng nuoyuan one eye, quietly shut her mouth, let Miran make up for themselves, do not speak.

When Miran makes up for Xin Shanshan, Xiao Xue's clothes are also delivered.

Today's play is a ball play. There are many people coming. In fact, the real rivals are Xin Shanshan and Zhong Yunfeng.

Others are set boards, but they have their own parts.

I don't know who Zheng Wei learned from this kind of shooting. Anyway, he just doesn't like to cut everyone together. He has to start shooting as if it's really happening. In a word, every time he encounters such a drama in which all actors have to pile up, everyone is very nervous, for fear that they will delay the shooting progress.

Susan's dress today is Lanvin.

The milky white fabric and exquisite hollowed out embroidery, the whole design reflects the femininity and romantic simple line cutting, which is not sexy.

After she went to the suite to change her dress, she got a whistle from Feng nuoyuan as soon as she went out.

At this time, the director assistant announced that the shooting would begin.

Xin Shanshan looked at Feng nuoyuan and said, "I'm out."

Feng nuoyuan Old God is sitting here: "you go, I'll wait for you to start shooting in a moment, and then I'll save the onlookers."

Xin Shanshan doesn't care if Feng Nuo is far away. She just takes her skirt and leaves.Today's golden hall is absolutely magnificent.

The venue has been rearranged. Instead of the old style of golden pillars and chrysanthemum patterns, it has been replaced by a new style, which is absolutely imperialist!

Let's not mention the space that the white curtain has rearranged, nor the visual effect of overlapping with wallpaper and plasterboard. The "naked body" model standing on the platform with white geometric patterns in the corner is enough to attract people's attention.

Of course, it's not. These girls are all wearing a layer of plaster like close fitting clothes, and the key parts are covered with white lace.

This kind of scene is quite different. When she finishes shooting this scene, she will be able to hold a farewell banquet for her as soon as her part is finished.

It's really showy!

Carefully carrying the skirt, Xin Shanshan appears in front of Zheng Wei. Zheng Wei's eyes look back through Xin Shanshan, obviously searching for Feng nuoyuan. However, he can't find anyone, but in front of Xin Shanshan, it's really not easy to ask questions. He can only tell stories.

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