What men enjoy most is not the pure love girl, nor the beautiful / familiar girl, but the wind / feeling of the moment when the pure love jade girl transforms into the gorgeous / affectionate familiar girl in his own hands.

Mu Tianhao, the prodigal son in this love field, never let himself suffer a little injustice. No matter from what aspect, he makes himself comfortable and at the same time makes his partner comfortable. This is the same as his natural elegance from bone to face. This is why he can make every woman crazy.

This is a player, the most sophisticated player in the upper class.

Mu Tianhao holds Xin Shanshan's waist with moderate strength in one hand. The other hand begins to lift her sweater skillfully. Her lips move between the clavicle and neck, back and forth, back and forth, and finally stay near the auricle: "Shanshan, I miss you..."

This is really the most emotional words in the world!

Simpson's eyes moistened immediately

Mu Tianhao's eyes have been enchanting her, but her lips have been moving down. The movement of her hands has been completed. Xin Shanshan's coat was taken off when she got on the plane. Now, her black dress has been thrown away.

Now, she has only one underwear on her upper body.

And Mu Tianhao's lip is to bite the lace edge of this intimate underwear and pull it up a little bit Finally, one of the soft snow bounced out, and the other was still hiding in the half covered pipa.

But when he came out, Mu Tianhao was not in a hurry. His lips swam up to find Xin Shanshan's lips. His fingers of both hands had explored enough, especially the beautiful

As the Qing dynasty literati Zhu YIZUN wrote in a word: faint blue chest, Shu hair early uniform, fat coagulation dark fragrance. Like Luo Luo green leaves, new hanging Tung seeds, Ying Ying Ying purple medicine, Zha break lotus room. Dou xiaohanquan, huafanludi, Wufeng in two is the most heartbroken

"Mu Tianhao I... "

Xinshanshan's obsession with a little instinctive resistance is really enough to make any man crazy!


Mu Tianhao's voice was a little hoarse. He said softly, "did I tell you that you are really attractive. People are really suitable..."

Do it!

"I No.... "

Xin Shanshan's face was so red that she could bleed: "Mu Tianhao Now is really not the time to do something like this... "

Mu Tianhao held her earlobe and said with a low smile: "how can such a thing be made back to keep up with the battlefield? It is only by surprise that it has the most flavor! What's more, who knows, the next second, we can all live! "

His fingertip slightly turns, the damp heat feeling that spreads, lets him slightly hook up the lip Cape: "Shan Shan, you are really sensitive."

Xin Shanshan snorted softly.

"Shanshan, kiss me." Mu Tianhao's hand stretched out again and began to slowly withdraw Xin Shanshan's trousers.

Xin Shanshan half opened her misty eyes, and her ruddy lips opened slightly. She was a little confused. She couldn't even find the lips of Mu Tianhao.

Now the master of her body is mu Tianhao. This is the root of one's experience, which makes it impossible for people to try out a shallow man. She can only surrender her arms and let him control her body as the controller, as well as her confused will.

Mu Tianhao is indeed the controller. He pays attention to a taste of interest. He is comfortable and wants to let her taste the ultimate happiness So he didn't rush in, his tongue was wet and slippery across her most sensitive ear, and then he went down again

Slightly lowered his head, Mu Tianhao gently contained the softness of Xin Shanshan's chest. For a long time, he rubbed together in this moving and emotional place, kissing, light or heavy, sucking or allowing

Sometimes she would raise her head and keep saying soft words in her ears, with soft breath and soft voice

Such a man, who put in the side is a sell / soul of the Lord!

How long can foreplay last? Her eyes grew moist, as if to shed tears.

Mu Tianhao's heart shook for a moment. He asked, "Shanshan, what's the matter? What's wrong with you, tell me? "

Uncomfortable? What's wrong with you! She was so comfortable!

But mu Tianhao asked, Xin Shanshan's tears rolled down, Yingying only slipped down to her chest, and buried into the breast. Ditch

"Mu Tianhao, I miss you, and I'm afraid." Confused, she only said such a sentence.

After hearing this, Mu Tianhao's heart immediately became too soft to be able to do. He coaxed him with a gentle and soft voice: "then kiss me."

She gave him a good kiss on the cheek and then on the eye.

At this time, again kiss the lips on some wood, it is this intimate cheek and eyes that make people feel sweet at this time.

Mu Tianhao suddenly laughed. This smile brought some boy's sweetness and heroism. How beautiful!

"Darling, hold me tight"She did it obediently.

"Call my name."

"Mu Tianhao..."

Mu Tianhao shook his head: "it's not this..."

Xin Shanshan opened her eyes slightly and called out softly: "Tianhao..."

Mu Tianhao can't stand it any more. This lovely girl, this delicate girl, this soft girl

Finally, when he entered, she was fully prepared, but still nervous. This tension, together with Mu Tianhao, was caught by her He didn't move in a hurry, but hugged Simpson tightly, as if in aftertaste.

Xinshanshan don't face, she dare not to see Mu Tianhao. However, soon, her face is pulled by Mu Tianhao, and he makes her look at himself.

"Feel me well..."

Hoarse voice, uncontrollable desire.

"Well Well... " Xin Shanshan closed her eyes and whispered softly.

But it became the best note of Mu Tianhao.

"Shanshan Shanshan... "

Mu Tianhao clasped her to the blissful point, and called her name again and again.

It's an answer that she says.

Soft body because of his strong impact, soft without a trace of strength, he was held face to face, his turbulent angry dragon with her ambiguous voice again and again into, let her extra sensitive body suddenly reached the extreme.

"Well..." Xin Shanshan lies on the shoulder of Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao chuckled in her ear, stretched out his hand and pinched her. He jokingly said, "are you still afraid now?"

"I I... " She whispered in a coquettish voice, but she could not say a word.

Mu Tianhao is still the same, so I don't go in and out.

"Mu Tianhao! Ah... "

The more Xin Shanshan begged for mercy, the more fierce Mu Tian Hao hit her body.

"You little thing!"

Mu Tianhao mercilessly in her long neck heavy mouth: "call my name."

His strength is increased, every time he sent himself to her deepest, grinding her. Then draw out to the entrance, force into, hot with friction more and more swelling.

Xin Shanshan was torn to pieces by him: "Tianhao..."

She gradually couldn't stand it. She cried out and called his name, hoping that he would finish as soon as possible.

"I miss you too."

Mu Tianhao buried in her ear after the last few times and said in a low voice, "besides, we won't die. This is my gift for you."

However, she did not know that she had reached the peak again because of his heat.


The cabin was still dark, but it was not as dark as I had just been. It was just that the light was not strong. The soft light filled the whole cabin.

In front of the bed, half of the man's face was hidden in the light. There was a long and thin cigarette between his fingertips. The curling smoke was slowly flowing out of his lips.

His shirt was just three buttons and hung loosely on his body. His straight and slender legs were wrapped under his Black Slim trousers.

Messy hair slightly down, covering his eyelashes, as if in meditation, also like in aftertaste.

The original soft light sank on his body, like a layer of condensed light to him.

She was curled up on the bed, covered with a soft quilt.

Two people's distance, clearly very close, but she still felt his body that dignified.

"Mu Tianhao..." She whispered, almost silent.

And he still felt it.

A turn around, curtain Tianhao's face will flow out a little smile: "wake up?"

Simpson bowed her head and blushed.

Mu Tianhao slowly came over, bent down, picked up the man on the bed and put her in his arms.

She looked at her surroundings, blinked her eyes, and asked, "what's wrong just now? Is it all fixed now? "

The surrounding environment is too quiet, so that her voice sounds a little abrupt hoarse.

Mu Tianhao's head is on her shoulder.

The tip of xinshanshan's nose was haunted by the faint smell of tobacco on his body.

"Well, isn't it a little cold?" Mu Tianhao reached out and took out the quilt and wrapped it in Xin Shanshan's body.

"It's OK. It's just that what's going on now? When the lights are on, is there no problem with the plane?"

Mu Tianhao gave a low smile: "don't worry, Xiaohua, they will deal with it."

"However, I think it's better to be down-to-earth. Mu Tianhao, if we can be OK this time, we should try not to go far in the future..." Simpson's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

Mu Tianhao picked his eyebrows and looked at her: "your gift, I haven't asked for it.""I don't know who gave the gift to whom..." She said in a low voice.

Yo, the little girl is so brave that she dare to challenge him.

Mu Tianhao deliberately teased her: "what do you say?"

Xin Shanshan raised her head and quickly waved her hand: "nothing, the gift you said..."

Mu Tianhao touched under the pillow. Under the light, the things on his fingertips glittered with incomparable luxury, almost stabbing people's eyes.

She blinked and didn't speak.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Mu Tianhao casually touched her disordered hair on the temples, slightly drooped his eyes, looked at the things in his hand, and laughed: "I think my vision has always been good."

She shook her head. "No, it's beautiful."

The things of Bvlgari are bold, unique and classic.

"This necklace was created in 1930." Mu Tianhao said softly, the necklace in his hand had already bypassed Xin Shanshan's slender neck.

The cold touch made Xin Shanshan shiver instinctively.

The necklace is soft and flexible. The gemstone base is double decked with round cut diamonds. The size of rectangular diamonds is gradually reduced from the center. Both sides and buckles are decorated with hollowed out platinum flakes inlaid in a similar way. Two pendants are hung at the back to inlay large round cut and rectangular diamonds.

Xinshanshan took it with her. She didn't have any inch thread all over her body, but her shoulder was wrapped in a white wool quilt. Her long hair was scattered in two changes and hung down.

She looks up and looks at Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao also looks at her, staring for a moment, bows his head and kisses the necklace.

"It's beautiful." He said so.

Xin Shanshan smiles. The smile is a little flimsy. He She was given another necklace.

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