"Love from London" is the theme of Burberry's festival advertising blockbuster series. The star of the film is Romeo Beckhams, who will lead the audience on a magical holiday journey.

It's also the second time he's made a big commercial for Burberry.

Directed by Christopher Bailey, burberry's chief creative director and chief executive officer, the film is set in London's exquisite theatre, inspired by the golden age of musicals, and has invited more than 50 dancers to perform.

The story is about a little boy giving a gift of love to a young couple. The couple took the boy to the streets of London and experienced a magical journey full of romance and festival charm. The special gift is the best symbol to express the good feelings between people.

The role played by Simpson in the middle is the heroine of the couple. Originally, the heroine was a new ballerina, but after Christopher Bailey met with her, she immediately decided to change roles.

At the same time, he invited another friend of Chinese descent to play the hero.

Xin Shanshan doesn't know who the other party is, but mu Tianhao will leave for a day after the hard photo shooting is finished during the day, and won't be back until about 10:00 p.m. tomorrow.

Although Mu Tianhao didn't say what he was going to do, Xin Shanshan could see that he was in a hurry.

Mu Tianhao left, and Xin Shanshan accompanied by Miran went down to the shooting scene.

The set was set up on the elucas stage set up by Elstree studio in London. The dance was choreographed by Lynne page and specially designed with the exclusive original music "the way that live" in the commercial.

When she arrived at the shooting site an hour in advance, she knew that she needed to dance in the commercial. Moreover, for this advertisement, the more than 50 ballet dancers had rehearsed for nearly a month, and she had nothing to prepare for!

What's more, she didn't study ballet before. She just had to work overtime to learn Waltz for nearly two hours when she was filming "true love is supreme".

So, she went to Christopher Bailey and told him about it.

This is really a problem.

After two minutes of meditation, Christopher Bailey asked Simpson, "don't you have any foundation?"

After thinking about it for a while, she said, "is it worth learning Waltz for two hours?"

Christopher Bailey immediately called for a ballerina to teach her how to dance for a month.

"Try it first." Christopher Bailey said, "I'd love to have an oriental face in this ad. besides, I've already called my friend. He's a great Waltz dancer and should be able to bring you around."

Since Christopher Bailey thinks that there is no problem, the only thing she can do is to study as soon as possible. However, she also says that if she can't, she will give up the advertisement. After all, she doesn't want to destroy the overall effect of the advertisement because she is not professional.

Christopher Bailey naturally thinks so.

Because I didn't think about it, the ad was delayed for an hour.

Of course, there are also reasons why the hero did not arrive.

During this period, Christopher Bailey stayed by Simpson's side and told her where the camera should be when he told her which action to take. Even if the jump was not good, it could be covered by the angle of the camera.

After all, she is an actress, and she is very sensitive to the sense of camera.

After working hard for an hour, maybe she is really gifted in this aspect, or maybe she has just finished shooting true love. Waltz didn't abandon that point. Maybe she was destined to shoot this advertisement. In short, her performance in the rehearsal was totally different from that of Christopher Bailey!

Just 15 minutes before the official shooting, the man designated by Christopher Bailey arrived.

First of all, Christopher Bailey naturally wanted to introduce people to Simpson.

When she saw Tong Yan in a luxurious background and people wearing Burberry's classic windbreaker, she couldn't describe the feeling of this moment.

Obviously, Tong Yan didn't expect that Xin Shanshan would be here. He strode to xinshanshan.

"You got Burberry's ad?" Tong Yan in such a place, such a time to see Xin Shanshan, the joy of nature is not to express.

She didn't expect that the friend Christopher Bailey said was Tong Yan: "are you invited to come here to shoot the advertisement?"

Tong Yan nodded with a smile. He said, "Bailey and I have known each other since he was a designer in I. in the afternoon, he called me to ask if I was in Europe. I said yes, he wanted me to help him. He said that they invited a Chinese American female star to shoot the advertisement this season, and we couldn't find the right Chinese American male model, So please come here, but I didn't expect that this female star is you... "Said, Tong Yan looked around, and she only saw Mi ran, then asked: "did you come here alone? Why didn't you bring your little assistant? "

Xin Shanshan told Tong Yan: "this time I came to Europe for a holiday. I came here with Mu Tianhao. It was only a temporary decision to receive Burberry's advertisement."

Tong Yan heard Xin Shanshan mention Mu Tianhao, his eyes dimmed for a moment, but soon recovered his smile: "however, it's very happy to see you today, and can tell you a happy new year ahead of time."

When Christopher Bailey came over, he saw that Tong Yan and Xin Shanshan were already chatting, so he joked with Tong Yan: "you don't want to post a beautiful woman. People have boyfriends, but they don't come over at night, right?"

Tong Yan returns to Christopher Bailey: "please, we both know each other."

Christopher Bailey looks at Simpson and confirms with his eyes.

"We do know each other," she nodded

Christopher Bailey clapped his hand. "That's great, Yan. Come and have a look. The dance is very simple. We'll start shooting in ten minutes."

Knowing the importance of work, Tong Yan followed him first.

At this time, Miran leaned over and said, "he is really able to catch up. When Mu Tianhao is not here, he comes over."

It was the first time that Xin Shanshan heard Miran say such a person. She always would not say such harsh words: "what's the matter with you today? It seems that Tong Yan has not offended you again. "

Miran said: "she did not offend me, but what's the name of her cousin who has a watch of 3000 Li? Do you remember that she kidnapped you?"

"That's a spoiled little girl, and she didn't do anything to me," she said

"Xin Shanshan, you really have a broken skull. Mu Shao is so kind to you. Don't empathize or fall in love with you!" Mi ran repeated: "what's more, why did that little girl film kidnap you? It's not Tong Yan who makes trouble. He likes what you do with nothing. You are all men with boyfriends."

Xinshanshan simply speechless: "please, I don't contact Tong Yan in private. How can I get to you like Hongxing out of the wall?"

Mi ran said: "no matter what, the hero of this advertisement is Tong Yan. I think you should tell Mu Tianhao about it."

"What if Mu Tianhao doesn't allow me to shoot?" She asked.

Miran said, "of course not! I think it's also very good to shoot the original ballet dancer. "

Xinshanshan really has nothing to say to Miran.

However, Xin Shanshan still agrees with MI Ran's words. She should call Mu Tianhao to talk about it. If Mu Tianhao doesn't let her shoot it, she is not going to do it.

Taking out her mobile phone, Xin Shanshan dials Mu Tianhao's phone, but the other party has already turned off the phone.

Xinshanshan let Miran listen and asked, "what should I do now?"

Miran thought for a moment and said, "then don't shoot at all!"

"Ah She was a little reluctant.

Miran said: "advertising and moo Shao, you choose."

"Mu Tianhao, of course!" She almost blurted it out.

Miran showed his hands.

Simpson sighed. What a pity.

But she went to Christopher Bailey and said she wanted to give up the ad.

Christopher Bailey blew up on the spot: "why!"

Xin Shanshan was also embarrassed to say that she was afraid of Mu Tianhao's anger, so she could only explain: "I'm just worried that I can't dance well."

Christopher Bailey reiterated: "I said no problem, no problem. Shooting is about to start. I have to make this advertisement in the new year's time. The time is tight enough. What's more, you signed the contract, and the contract of this advertisement has been added. If you don't shoot at this time, you will break the contract, do you know?"

Xinshanshan was surprised: "isn't this one added in? This Is it within the scope of the contract? "

After all, it was a temporary decision to shoot this advertisement, and she didn't add any money. Why should the other party sue her to terminate the contract!

Christopher Bailey said, "that's what Helen asked you to sign this afternoon. Now, do you want to take a fresh look at the contract, pay the sky high penalty, or continue to shoot? "

Simpson's face was black.

Christopher Bailey sighed and explained, "I hope our cooperation is happy, Shanshan, you should be a professional artist, no matter what, I don't want to see you flinch like this."

Tong Yan came to hear such a sentence, he asked Xin Shanshan: "you don't want to shoot it?"

Xin Shanshan is a little unhappy in her heart. She doesn't pay attention to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan looked a little aggrieved: "is it because of my relationship? You are afraid that Mu Tianhao is angry with you for this. "

Xin Shanshan said directly: "Mu Tianhao won't be angry. I just don't want to do anything that he misunderstood."Tong Yan was dumb.

When Christopher Bailey looked at Tong Yan and then at Xin Shanshan, he understood something more or less. He said, "you two don't have many shots. This is a group advertisement, but the protagonist is actually Romeo David. If it's for personal reasons, you don't have to. Shanshan, you are a professional artist. I hope you respect your profession. "

She bit her lip and finally said, "OK, I'll shoot."

With a sigh of relief, Christopher bellieton turned and yelled, "all departments are ready. Shoot now."

Xin Shanshan went back to let Miran mend her makeup.

Miran asked what was going on, and xinshanshan said the reason.

Mi ran frowned and just sighed: "you ah, you really left the screen day Hao, you can fall into the trap."

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