Of course, this is just one of them.

Anish Kapoor's advertising idea is very long, like a small love story, but the protagonist is only Xin Shanshan and the Bvlgari.

according to AnishKapoor's thought, it was originally such a pity. Unfortunately, just now, when the curtain was burned by lipstick on Xin Shanshan's clavicle, his AnishKapoor appeared. Maybe there was a man's back in the film.

Unfortunately, he searched his head and didn't think that any man could insert Simpson and Bvlgari into the back.

Of course, there's another one.

Mu Tianhao.

Unfortunately, anish Kapoor didn't have the courage and enough price to discuss chips with Mu Tianhao.

However, this is beyond imagination perfect, anish Kapoor is enough.

Warmth, aestheticism, luxury and happiness.

This is the only feeling after seeing the short film.

However, this is only the initial effect, anish Kapoor has not done post production and editing, of course, the shooting is not finished, and it is still going on.

The complicated and gorgeous curly hair was put down by the stylist. Instead of blowing and pulling, she just needed to lie down and wash her hair, and then her straight hair was restored.

Mu Tianhao sits on one side of the wooden chair and looks at Mi ran standing on the side and orders a famous stylist to wash Xin Shanshan's hair. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Miran is a master figure in this line. Of course, she can afford it!

Here, Miran himself is making curling sticks.

When Simpson's hair was dried, a breeze blew through her hair, and her long hair around her waist was lifted in an elegant arc.

Anish Kapoor, who was standing on the side, saw it and stroked it. "Your hair is so good!"

Simpson bowed her head and laughed, but did not speak.

Anish Kapoor walked around xinshanshan and saw Mu Tianhao sitting there alone. Looking at xinshanshan, he could not help but walk past. His eyes fell on Xin Shanshan again and said, "how beautiful."

Mu Tianhao hooked his lips, but did not answer.

Anish Kapoor sat down next to Mu Tianhao and watched Miran roll up the heated curling stick and fiddle with it.

Miran's technique is very good, only slightly curled a few times, Xin Shanshan's original long and straight hair tail then rippled a fluffy hair roll, natural and soft, let people want to take her hair to wrap around their fingers.

"when my hair achieves waist length will you marry me young man?" Is it possible to spread red make-up for ten li when you are wearing green silk? But afraid of long hair and waist, young people fall in love with others. When you are green, smile and see her smile. "

Anish Kapoor stares at Xin Shanshan and suddenly murmurs in hard Chinese.

Mu Tianhao glanced at anish Kapoor and suddenly laughed: "ten li red makeup?"

It's not surprising that a foreigner can recite Chinese ancient words!

Anish Kapoor was embarrassed to smile: "in fact, I like Chinese culture very much. Those words can sometimes bring me infinite design inspiration."

Mu Tianhao just smiles and doesn't speak, because Miran has already made Xin Shanshan's hair ready. Taking advantage of the sunshine in the afternoon, the troops have no problem looking at the modeling, so they naturally go to the swimming pool.

Anish Kapoor took a photo of Mu Tianhao: "let's go. Don't Mr. Mu go and have a look."

Mu Tianhao looked at the time and said, "it's time to eat!"

Anish Kapoor was surprised and looked at the eye curtain Tianhao: "Mr. mu, are you kidding? All models are not allowed to eat during their work. Moreover, we have already explained this when we go out. In the morning, we also told her to drink milk to supplement her physical strength? If I'm not mistaken, she's had it in the morning

Mu Tianhao shrugged and did not talk to anish Kapoor much, but followed him.

Most of the staff at the scene ordered sandwiches, and they were eating sandwiches while laying the field.

There is always an unlimited supply of coffee. There is a little assistant who keeps watch of the coffee machine, and anish Kapoor is always picky.

Don't drink instant coffee. Be sure to drink freshly ground coffee.

That's why there are always people in his team who make coffee.

When everyone was eating, she could only stand and watch.

There was no makeup on her face, but her lips were bright with lipstick.

Miran is not easy to paint to their own satisfaction, do not allow xinshanshan to have the slightest damage.

So she couldn't eat anything.

In recent days, she has never been on a diet, and her appetite is very good. In the morning, that cup of skimmed milk has disappeared in her work, and she is very hungry now.However, everyone on the scene was walking around with sandwiches in their mouth. For the first time, she felt that the profession of modeling was really inhumane.

When Mu Tianhao came by, Xin Shanshan was swallowing her mouth.

"Hungry?" Mu Tianhao asked.

She nodded.

"Well, I'll try to get you something to eat." Mu Tianhao said.

When Xin Shanshan just came to say that she had painted her makeup and couldn't eat anything, Mu Tianhao had already brought a plate over, picked up the fruit in the fruit tray and began to peel.

Apples, pears, grapes and kiwi fruit.

He cut it and cut it into small cubes with a knife.

Mu Tianhao inserted it with a toothpick, handed it to Xin Shanshan, and said, "eat it, you won't make up."

Xin Shanshan took the fruit on the toothpick and ate it. Mu Tianhao asked again, "will you be tired if you wear high-heeled shoes for a long time?"

"Tired." Xin Shanshan ate the kiwi fruit and answered naturally.

Mu Tianhao suddenly squatted down, took off his suit coat and spread it on the grass beside him. Then he helped Xin Shanshan take off her shoes and let her step on her coat barefoot.

His movements are natural and gentle.

Xinshanshan lenglengleng, when she reacts to come over, her feet have already been stretched.

"So you won't be tired."

This scene, seen by others, can't help but sigh.

Who is this Oriental man?

Is he the girl star's boyfriend?

Some informed people immediately told the identity of Mu Tianhao to those around him. Many people looked at Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan with an unbelievable look. Men with such background actually gave this woman so much love. This is just a realistic copy of Cinderella's story!

However, this girl really has this capital. It's not easy for such a picky person as anish Kapoor to say nothing.

Some people said: just peeked at the sample film, very beautiful.

Some people sneer: I don't want to see who shot it

Anyway, wherever you go, there's gossip.

Xinshanshan carefully ate a few mouthfuls of fruit, which was to suppress the hunger.

Over here, anish Kapoor is ready.

Today, although the sun is shining, it's really hard to bear it.

Anish Kapoor means to fight for one.

She had never jumped into the water in such a heavy dress, so she was a little timid when she stood by the edge of the pool.

The photographer held up the camera and waited underwater for a while, his face growing impatient.

Even anish Kapoor, who was standing on the bank, was a little worried: "Sanshan, don't be afraid. There are lifeguards."

Simpson shook her head. She was not afraid of her own accident, she just felt that she was not ready.

Anish Kapoor tried to persuade him for a long time, but it didn't work.

Mu Tianhao and Miran stand on one side. No one helps. They all want to see what anish Kapoor can do with Xin Shanshan.

Half an hour passed.

Anish Kapoor sighed heavily and winked at her assistant.

The assistant nodded clearly. Anish Kapoor still looked at Xin Shanshan with patience and was still persuading her.

The assistant was standing behind Simpson for some time.

Mi ran blinked. Anish Kapoor is really

Mu Tianhao sees through the purpose of Huo Yuhua and is about to remind

The assistant gave Xin Shanshan a push, and she fell into the water with a thump.

At this time, the director yelled, shoot!

The photographer was also very quick to enter the working mode.

Because the whole shooting was carried out underwater, she didn't have time to scold after she fell into the water. The rapid sleep of her clothes made her instinctively struggle.

On the other hand, all the staff on the shore, except for the lifeguard, were not talking. They were all doing their own job. The photographer was sparing no effort to take pictures of Xin Shanshan's every move.

Fortunately, Xin Shanshan began to learn how to swim when she was a child. After she really entered the water, in addition to the weight of her skirt at the beginning, anish Kapoor told her that her movements had gradually returned to the water.

What's more, Mu Tianhao once took Xin Shanshan to do a real diving. She was very quick to adapt to external factors such as water pressure!

The shooting was very smooth, except that after a few minutes both of them had to take a breath of fresh air, nothing else was abnormal.

So, off and on for two hours.By the time they were fully up, Simpson and anish Kapoor were all relieved.

The assistant rushed forward to change their clothes for them.

Looking at the chaotic scene, Miran couldn't help sighing: "this anish Kapoor, it's really It can be done at the later stage. "

That is to say, but everyone knows how to get the best effect.

Mu Tianhao is now slightly drooping his eyes, but people can not see the joy and anger.

In comparison, she has to take off her wedding dress, take a bath and take off her make-up.

Anish Kapoor and others cleaned up in less than ten minutes and came out to arrange for work to be finished.

Finish two big plays in one day, and the rest of the shooting is just running around and shooting some filled images, which is much simpler.

Mu Tianhao is still standing there waiting for Xin Shanshan. Anish Kapoor also knows that he has gone too far. He takes the initiative to go to Mu Tianhao and apologizes and says, "the situation just now is really forced. Before this, the director has asked Shanshan whether she can swim. She said she will, and she also said that she can dive. Just now she did not dare to jump down It's just because of her fear, and it turns out that Shanshan did a good job

Mu Tianhao has been listening to anish Kapoor, without making a sound.

Anish Kapoor added: "of course, we can guarantee Shanshan's safety. Isn't the lifeguard there all the time?"

At this time, Mu Tianhao smiles.

Anish Kapoor thought Mu Tianhao had let go of his assistant pushing Xin Shanshan into the water. However, to express his apology, anish Kapoor still said: "I don't know when you will leave Milan? In the past two days, the studio is going to produce a batch of samples of my latest jewelry design. I think there is something very suitable for Xin Shanshan. I want to give it to her. I wish to congratulate us on such a happy cooperation. "

"Is it?" Mu Tianhao said with a smile: "I'd better ask Shanshan about this matter. By the way, anish Kapoor, you've been watching the shooting of Xin Shanshan by the pool just now. I seem to see something falling out of your pants pocket. It's just been shooting all the time. I don't have a chance to tell you."

Anish Kapoor didn't doubt it had it. Naturally, she went to the pool to look for it.

Mu Tianhao, on the other hand, follows anish Kapoor quietly.

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